frames- [ARGM-TMP On Tuesday] , [ARG0 the judge] [rel called] [ARG1 a news conference] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to say 0 he was quitting * effective Dec. 31 *-2 to join a San Francisco law firm] .
- They also said that [ARG0 more than a dozen presidents *PPA*-1] have [rel called] for [ARG1-for line-item veto authority] [ARGM-TMP since the Civil War] , and `` all have shared the view that such lawmaking power is beyond the reach '' of the president .
- [ARG0 Mr. Bush] has [rel called] for [ARG1-for an agreement by next September at the latest] .
- Although [ARG0 manufacturers] often are quick *-1 to [rel call] for [ARG1-for lower interest rates] , 60 % of the executives said 0 they would prefer that the Fed keep inflation-fighting as its top priority even if that means higher rates .
- Healthcare International Inc. said 0 it reached [ARG0 a 120-day standstill agreement *ICH*-1] with its HealthVest affiliate [rel calling] [ARG1-for for Healthcare to pay HealthVest $ 5 million *U* right away and additional amounts in the future] .
- [ARG0 The pilots ' contract with Eastern] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for a mutually acceptable private arbitrator to resolve such grievances] .
- [ARG0 Both the AFL-CIO and the National Association of Manufacturers] are [rel calling] for [ARG1-for measures 0 *T*-1 to control rising costs , improve quality and provide care to the 31 million Americans who currently *T*-35 lack health insurance] .
- [ARG0 The agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for MCI to provide data service , 800 and Vnet service , a virtual private network service] .
- [ARGM-ADV Perhaps] [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD 'd] have [rel called] for [ARG1-for `` a decentralized political and economic system '' without a dominant communist party] .
- A Genentech spokeswoman said 0 [ARG0 the agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for Hoechst to promote TPA for heart patients and streptokinase for other clot-reducing purposes] .
- [ARGM-DIS Among other things] , [ARG0 the bill] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a reorganization of the Justice Department] .
- Eastern and its creditors agreed in July on [ARG0 a reorganization plan] that *T*-1 [rel called] [ARG1 for the carrier to sell off $ 1.8 billion *U* in assets and to emerge from Chapter 11 status in late 1989 at two-thirds its former size] .
- [ARG0 The pact] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for the Times to pay dealers $ 3.6 million *U* over six years , as well as other payments in the form of subsidies over three years , based * on the number of `` new customers started * by the dealers and on pricing structures] , '' the Times said 0 *T*-1 .
- Mrs. Thatcher 's remarks were seen *-1 as a rebuff to [ARG0 several leading members] of her own Conservative Party who *T*-2 have [rel called] for [ARG1-for a more clear-cut British commitment to the EMS] .
- As the country 's new leader , Egon Krenz , prepared *-1 to travel to Moscow today for talks with Soviet leader Gorbachev , [ARG0 hundreds of thousands of East Germans] massed in the streets of Leipzig , Halle and Schwerin *-2 to [rel call] for [ARG1-for internal freedoms and the legalization of the New Forum opposition group] .
- While the Kremlin has urged a ban on output of the poison gases , the White House wants *-2 to continue *-3 producing the weapons even after [ARG0 an international treaty] [rel calling] for [ARG1-for their destruction] is signed *-1 .
- [ARG0 The plan] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for Cray Research holders to receive one share in the new company for every two shares held *] .
- [ARG0 The plan] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for the company to buy back 2,250,000 shares] , [ARGM-ADV which *T*-3 reflects a 3-for-2 stock split this year] .
- About 1,000 strikers signed [ARG0 petitions] last week *-1 [rel calling] [ARG1-for for Boeing and Machinists representatives to schedule new meetings] .
- *-1 Swiveling in his chair , Mr. Straszheim replies that the new outlook , though *-2 still weak , does n't justify [ARG0 *] [rel calling] [ARG1-for a recession] [ARGM-TMP right now] . ``
- [ARG0 More than 10,000 demonstrators] had [rel called] for [ARG1-for free elections and the resignation of Communist Party leader Milos Jakes] .
- Though [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher] does n't need *-1 to [rel call] [ARG1 an election] [ARGM-TMP until June 1992] , she would prefer *-2 doing so in late 1991 .
- It sounds like the work of a decade , but the deadline is [ARGM-TMP late 1991] , when [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher] is expected *-2 to [rel call] [ARG1 another national election] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 President Bush] badly wants a line-item veto and has [ARGM-TMP long] [rel called] for [ARG1-for a law giving it to the president] .
- The banking company said 0 it reached an agreement in principle with International Business Machines Corp. on [ARG0 a systems operations contract] [rel calling] [ARG1-for for IBM to operate First Tennessee 's computer and telecommunications functions] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Gandhi] has [rel called] [ARG1 general elections] [ARGM-TMP for November] , and many businessmen fear that he and his Congress -LRB- I -RRB- Party will lose .
- [ARG0 The pact] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for coordination between Finnair and Switzerland 's national carrier , Swissair , with which SAS entered a similar alliance last month *T*-1] .
- But [ARG0 the proposed transaction] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for an exchange of the debt for new debentures of lower face value and reduced cash interest] .
- `` The administration should now state that [ARGM-ADV if the -LCB- February -RCB- election is voided *-1 by the Sandinistas] ... [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel call] for [ARG1-for military aid] , '' said *T*-2 former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams .
- He says that [ARGM-ADV even if the natural gas contract boosts volume at the exchange strongly] , [ARG0 the 1990 business plan] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for * having adequate compliance people 0 *T*-2 to ensure that exchange rules are being followed *-1] .
- But opposition legislators and [ARG0 others] [rel calling] for [ARG1-for help for South Korea 's renters] say 0 the proposed changes do n't go far enough *-2 to make it *EXP*-1 possible for ordinary people to buy a home .
- The New York futures exchanges have been working together *-1 to develop a trade recording system much like [ARG1-for the one] [rel called] for * [ARGM-LOC in the bill] .
- The Labor Department said 0 [ARG0 wage settlements in the third quarter] [rel called] for [ARG1-for average annual wage increases of 3.6 % in the first year and 3.0 % over the life of the contracts] .
- [ARG0 Settlements reached * in the first nine months of 1989] [rel called] for [ARG1-for wage increases averaging 3.7 % in the first contract year and 3.1 % annually over the life of the contracts] , the department said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP In the second quarter] , [ARG0 contracts] [rel called] for [ARG1-for increases of 3.9 % in the first year and 3.4 % over the life of the contracts] .
- [ARGM-DIS Instead] , [ARG0 the bill] [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for twice-a-year meetings between the committee and top administration officials] .
- [ARG0 Environmental groups] have been [rel calling] for [ARG1-for faster action on dangerous pesticides] and may welcome part of the proposal .
- [ARG0 The transaction] [rel called] [ARG1 for Mr. Murdoch 's News International PLC , a unit of Australia-based News Corp. , to subscribe to a rights issue by Zeta valued * at 6.65 billion pesetas -LRB- $ 57 million *U* -RRB-] .
- [ARGM-ADV Instead of *-1 proposing a complete elimination of farm subsidies , as the earlier U.S. proposal did *?* ,] [ARG0 the new package] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for the elimination of only the most tradedistorting ones] .
- Mr. Yeutter , *-4 seeking *-5 to allay European objections to [ARG0 an earlier U.S. plan] that *T*-1 [rel called] for [ARG1-for * eliminating all farm-trade barriers by the year 2000] , said 0 the new U.S. proposal would n't `` put farmers out of business '' but would only encourage them to `` grow what the markets desire *T*-2 instead of what the government wants *T*-3 . ''
- The state had sought as much as $ 4.1 billion *U* in relief , but yesterday the House approved [ARG0 a more general scaled-back measure] [rel calling] for [ARG1-for $ 2.85 billion *U* in aid , the bulk of which *T*-1 would go to California , with an unspecified amount going to regions affected * by Hurricane Hugo] .
- [ARG0 Revised terms] [rel call] [ARG1-for for each Ramada common share to be exchanged *-1 for $ 1 *U* in cash , subject to possible reduction , and one share of Aztar common stock] .
- And [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1-for a defensive move] was [rel called] for *-1 *T*-2 , D.T. passed up an obvious pawn move and instead exposed its queen to immediate tactical threats .
- Ramada gained 7\/8 to 11 1\/4 after *-2 revamping the terms of [ARG0 its restructuring plan] , which *T*-1 [rel calls] [ARG1-for for the company to sell its hotel operations for $ 540 million *U* and spin off its casino business to shareholders] .
- [ARG0 Price talk] [rel calls] [ARG1 for the reset notes to be priced *-1 at a yield of between 13 1\/4 % and 13 1\/2 % *U*] .
- [ARG0 The consensus view on real GNP , the total value of the U.S. output of goods and services adjusted * for inflation ,] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a 2.3 % gain on an annual basis , slowing somewhat from the second quarter 's 2.5 % , but still fairly strong] .
- [ARG0 NATO defense ministers] are expected *-1 to [rel call] for [ARG1-for a reduction in nuclear forces in Europe] [ARGM-TMP when the alliance 's nuclear planning group convenes a two-day session today in Portugal *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Secretary of State Baker] , [ARGM-LOC in his first major arms-control speech] , [rel called] for [ARG1-for a new military relationship with Moscow] [ARGM-PNC * to reduce `` first strike '' nuclear arms] .
- Mr. Skase also said 0 [ARG0 the restructuring plan] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for the merger of Qintex Australia with Qintex Ltd. , which *T*-1 owns 55 % of Qintex Australia] .
- [ARGM-TMP When a large group of pilots once signed petitions opposing work-rule and compensation changes *T*-1] , [ARG0 he] [rel called] [ARG1 a meeting in a company hangar] and dressed them down for *-2 challenging his authority .
- [ARG0 McCaw] has [rel called] for [ARG1-for a `` fair auction '' of LIN , which *T*-1 earlier entered a stock-swap merger pact with BellSouth] .
- [ARG0 The plan , proposed * by U.S. Secretary of State Nicholas Brady ,] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for banks either to make new loans or to reduce the principle on existing loans or to cut the interest rate on those existing loans] .
- [ARG0 Beijing lawmakers] have [rel called] [ARG1 for jails to be built *-3 *-1 to house prostitutes and for severe punishment , including the death sentence , for anyone who *T*-2 induces or coerces women into prostitution] .
- [ARG0 Designs] [rel call] for [ARG1-for an L-shaped structure with a playground in the center] .
- Although [ARG0 some HDTV advocates] are [rel calling] for [ARG1-for other forms of aid , such as antitrust relief for research consortia ,] the small firms simply would prefer more DARPA funds .
- The Milwaukee toy retailer said 0 [ARG0 the agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1 for Everything 's a Dollar holders to receive for their holdings a total of 354,600 newly issued Wisconsin Toy shares] .
- [ARG0 The consensus view on real GNP , the total value of the nation 's output of goods and services adjusted * for inflation ,] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a 2.3 % gain , down from the second quarter 's 2.5 %] , according to MMS International , a unit of McGraw-Hill Inc. , New York .
- [ARG0 The consensus] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a 0.5 % increase in September personal income and a 0.3 % gain in consumption] .
- [ARG0 The 49-nation organization] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 meeting in Malaysia] , [rel called] for [ARG1-for tighter financial pressure immediately] .
- [ARG0 BNL] [rel called] [ARG1 a shareholders ' assembly meeting] [ARGM-TMP in December] [ARGM-PNC * to vote on the proposals] .
- [ARGM-PNC In an effort * to derail the buy-out] , [ARG0 the union] has [ARGM-ADV already] [rel called] for [ARG1-for investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission , Transportation Department and Labor Department] .
- [ARG0 The meeting] is expected *-1 to [rel call] for [ARG1-for heightened austerity for two years] .
- But [ARGM-ADV with industrial growth stagnant and inflation showing signs of easing] , [ARG0 some voices] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel call] for [ARG1-for measures 0 *T*-1 to pump new life into the economy] .
- [ARG0 The agreement] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel called] [ARG1-for for Reebok to receive warrants * to purchase 400,000 shares of CML common at $ 31.25 *U* a share , exercisable at any time before July 1] ,
- [ARG0 Gov. George Deukmejian , who *T*-2 said 0 he had been assured *-1 by state transportation officials that the structure could withstand an even larger quake ,] [rel called] for [ARG1-for an immediate investigation] .
- [ARG0 The restructuring] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a 24 % reduction in its work force over the next two months] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 affecting about 525 jobs] , Cipher Data said 0 *T*-1 .
- HealthVest , an Austin , Texas , real estate investment trust , said that Chemical Bank , the lead bank under its domestic bank agreement , told it that [ARGM-ADV if $ 3.3 million *U* owed * to the bank group is n't paid *-2 by today] , [ARG0 the group] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel call] [ARG1 the $ 120 million *U* that HealthVest has *T*-1 outstanding under the credit line] .
- [ARG0 Critics on the left and right] have been [rel calling] for [ARG1-for all sorts of revisions to the measure] [ARGM-TMP for years] .
- [ARG0 The tentative agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1 for 3M to use the 115,000-square-foot plant and 19 acres of land for research laboratories] .
- [ARG0 The Arizona regulatory ruling] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for $ 42 million *U* in added revenue yearly , compared with a $ 57 million *U* boost proposed * by the commission hearing officer] .
- [ARG0 The agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1 for South African debtors to make repayments in eight installments , starting in December of next year] .
- [ARGM-TMP After *-1 touring the area] , [ARG0 California Gov. George Deukmejian] [ARGM-TMP late yesterday] [rel called] for [ARG1-for an inquiry into the freeway 's collapse] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 blaming the disaster on substandard construction] , the Associated Press reported 0 *T*-2 .
- Machinists already have rejected [ARG0 a proposal] that *T*-1 [rel called] for [ARG1-for a 4 % pay increase and 8 % bonus in the first year] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 the agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for Gilbert H. Lamphere , chairman of Prospect Group 's executive committee , to be named *-1 chairman of a restructured board that *T*-2 will include four new independent directors] .
- Rockwell said 0 [ARG0 the agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1 for it to supply 200 additional so-called shipsets for the planes] .
- In a statement , US Facilities said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Percival 's employment contract] [rel calls] [ARG1 for him to act as a consultant to the company for two years] .
- In July , Eastern and its creditors agreed on [ARG0 a reorganization plan] that *T*-1 [rel called] [ARG1 for Eastern to sell $ 1.8 billion *U* in assets and to emerge from bankruptcy-law protection at two-thirds its former size] .
- [ARGM-TMP Yesterday , four days after an unusual parliamentary defeat for the ruling party ,] [ARG0 Mr. Gandhi] [rel called] [ARG1 elections for the lower house of Parliament] [ARGM-TMP on Nov. 22 and 24] .
- Rep. Hamilton said 0 [ARG0 the bill] will be modified *-1 substantially *-2 to [rel call] for [ARG1-for two meetings each year between the Fed 's open market committee and the Treasury Secretary , the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and the director of the Office of Management and Budget] .
- [ARG0 The accord with MIPS] [rel calls] [ARG1 for Control Data to share its expertise in data storage] , the companies said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 India 's Gandhi] [rel called] for [ARG1-for parliamentary elections] [ARGM-TMP next month] .
- Honeywell previously said 0 it intended *-1 to reduce its holding in the Japanese concern as part of [ARG0 a restructuring plan] which [ARGM-DIS also] *T*-2 [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a reduction of dependence on weapons sales] .
- Perhaps Mr. Greve was confused *-1 by Congress 's meaningless statement of `` the national goal '' in [ARG0 section 101] , which indeed *T*-2 [rel calls] for [ARG1-for the elimination of discharges] -- by 1985 , no less .
- [ARGM-TMP Last spring] , [ARG0 the comptroller 's office] [rel called] [ARG1 a halt to Mr. Paul 's fling] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 giving him six months 0 * to sell the paintings *T*-2] .
- Editor Hasse Olsson said 0 [ARG0 plans] had [rel called] [ARG1 for 7,000 copies of the monthly Are Paev -LRB- Business Paper -RRB- to be sold *-1 at newsstands and an additional 3,000 promotion issues to be sent *-2 by direct mail] .
- *-1 Worried that Friday 's 190-point stock market plunge might be a harbinger of things 0 *T*-2 to come for the economy , [ARG0 petroleum futures traders] [rel called] [ARG1 a halt to the recent string of increases in crude oil futures prices] .
- Memotec said 0 [ARG0 the agreement] [rel calls] [ARG1 for it to make a $ 20-a-share *U* cash tender offer for all shares outstanding of ISI] .
- [ARG0 Secretary of State Baker] , [ARGM-LOC in a foreign policy speech] , [rel called] for [ARG1-for the reunification of Germany] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying 0 it was the `` legitimate right '' of the German people] .
- [ARG0 Speculators] are [rel calling] for [ARG1-for a degree of liquidity that *T*-1 is not there in the market] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Mosbacher] [rel called] for [ARG1-for concrete results by next spring] [ARGM-LOC in negotiations over fundamental Japanese business practices that *T*-1 supposedly inhibit free trade] .
- Ideal Basic Industries Inc. said 0 its directors reached [ARG0 an agreement] [ARGM-ADV in principle] [rel calling] [ARG1 for HOFI North America Inc. to combine its North American cement holdings with Ideal in a transaction that *T*-1 will leave Ideal 's minority shareholders with 12.8 % of the combined company] .
- But perhaps to the consternation of [ARG0 those] [rel calling] for [ARG1-for quotas] , most of this void is likely *-2 to be filled *-1 with the cheapest and most plentiful programming now available -- reruns -- usually of shows made * in the U.S. .
- [ARGM-DIS In this case] , [ARG0 the new recipe for national service] [rel called] for [ARG1-for * throwing many assorted legislative leftovers into one kettle : a demonstration project for educational aid -LRB- particularly satisfying to the DLC and Sen. Sam Nunn -RRB- , a similar demonstration program for youth conservation -LRB- a la Sen. Chris Dodd -RRB- , a competitive grants program to states 0 *T*-1 to spark youth and senior citizen volunteer projects -LRB- a Kennedy specialty -RRB- , a community service work-study program for students -LRB- pleasing to the palate of Sen. Dale Bumpers , among others -RRB- , plus engorgement of the VISTA volunteer program and the Retired Senior Volunteer , Foster Grandparent , and Senior Companion programs] .
- [ARGM-ADV * Arguing that the separate financial marketplaces acted as one , and concluding that the crash had `` raised the possibility of a full-scale financial system breakdown] , '' [ARG0 the presidential task force] [rel called] for [ARG1-for * establishing a super-regulator *-1 to oversee the markets , *-1 to make margins consistent across markets , *-1 to unify clearing systems and *-1 to install circuit breakers] .