frames- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mr. Barnum] [rel called] [ARG1 that] [ARG2 `` a worst-case '' scenario] .
- In Robert Whiting 's `` You Gotta Have Wa '' -LRB- Macmillan , 339 pages , $ 17.95 *U* -RRB- , the Beatles give way to baseball , in [ARG1 the Nipponese version] 0 [ARG0 we] would be hard put *-2 to [rel call] *T*-1 [ARG2 a `` game] . ''
- At night he returns to [ARG1 the condemned building] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 home] .
- As * presented *-1 by Mr. Chabrol , and played *-1 with thin-lipped intensity by Isabelle Huppert , [ARG1 Marie-Louise] -LRB- [rel called] * [ARG2 Marie Latour] [ARGM-LOC in the film] -RRB- was not a nice person .
- Now , 13 years later , Mr. Lane has revived his Artist in [ARG1 a full-length movie] [rel called] * [ARG2 `` Sidewalk Stories , '' a poignant piece of work about a modern-day tramp] .
- [ARGM-DIS Of course] , [ARGM-ADV if the film contained dialogue] , [ARG1 Mr. Lane 's Artist] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel called] *-71 [ARG2 a homeless person] .
- In her wake she left the bitterness and anger of [ARG0 a principal] who *T*-81 was her friend and [ARGM-TMP now] [rel calls] [ARG1 her] [ARG2 a betrayer] ; of colleagues who *T*-82 say 0 she brought them shame ; of students and parents who *T*-83 defended her and insist 0 she was treated *-1 harshly ; and of school-district officials stunned that despite the bald-faced nature of her actions , she became something of a local martyr .
- Mrs. Ward says 0 she often defended her to [ARG0 colleagues] who *T*-91 [rel called] [ARG1 her] [ARG2 a grandstander] .
- Worksheets in [ARG1 a test-practice kit] [rel called] * [ARG2 Learning Materials] , sold * to schools across the country by Macmillan\/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Co. , contain the same questions .
- `` I think that [ARG1 this magazine] is [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 Garbage] , but it is practicing journalistic garbage , '' fumes *T*-2 a spokesman for Campbell Soup .
- *-1 Totally absorbed , the ringers stare straight ahead , *-1 using peripheral vision -LRB- [ARG0 they] [rel call] [ARG1 it] `` [ARG2 rope-sight] '' -RRB- *-2 to watch the other ropes and thus time their pulls .
- [ARG0 They] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 `` photographic ''] .
- [ARG0 A spokesman for the state] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [rel calls] [ARG1 the idea] [ARG2 ``] not effective or cost efficient .
- [ARG0 Garret Boone , who *T*-11 teaches art at Earlham College ,] [rel calls] [ARG1 the new structure] [ARG2 `` just an ugly bridge '' and one that *T*-1 blocks the view of a new park below] .
- [ARG1 The provision] , [rel called] * [ARG2 the `` two-time-losers '' amendment] by [ARG0-by its supporters] , apparently was aimed *-29 at * preventing Texas Air Corp. Chairman Frank Lorenzo from *-1 attempting * to take over another airline .
- [ARG0 The plan] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for * closing at least nine plants and eliminating about 3,600 jobs] .
- [ARG1 Muzzling provisions] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD might] be [rel called] [ARG2 *-56 `` blindfold laws ''] [ARGM-DIS as well] , prevent the executive branch from even *-2 looking at certain policy options , let alone from *-2 recommending them to Congress .
- Due to continuingly high gold prices tied * to uncertainty about the U.S. currency , investor interest was directed *-1 toward oil and mining shares , [ARG1 which] [ARG0 traders] [rel called] *T*-2 [ARG2 a `` defensive '' action frequently taken * when the dollar is expected *-4 to fall *T*-3 or during times of inflation] .
- [ARG1 The newest breed] , [ARGM-DIS also] [rel called] [ARG2 * `` rocket scientists ''] [ARGM-CAU because of their backgrounds in physics and mathematics] , devise the complex hedging and trading strategies that *T*-1 are popularly known *-2 as program trading .
- [ARG0 East German leader Krenz] [rel called] [ARG1 the protests in his country] [ARG2 a `` good sign] , '' [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying that many of those marching for democratic freedoms were showing support for `` the renovation for socialism] . ''
- [ARG0 Chairman Theodore Cooper] [rel called] [ARG1 the program] [ARG2 part of the company 's two-year strategy 0 * to implement budget constraints and `` an effective headcount-control program *T*-1] . ''
- [ARG1 This gene] , [rel called] [ARG2 * `` gametocide] , '' is carried *-23 into the plant by a virus that *T*-41 remains active for a few days .
- [ARG0 Robert Erwin , president of Biosource ,] [rel called] [ARG1 Plant Genetic 's approach] [ARG2 `` interesting '' and `` novel , '' and `` complementary rather than competitive] . ''
- Jaguar officials in the U.S. noted that [ARG0 Ford] , as Jaguar 's largest shareholder , now has the power * to [rel call] for [ARG1-for such a meeting] .
- [ARG0 Ford officials in the U.S.] declined *-2 to comment on the British government 's action or on any plans * to [rel call] [ARG1 a special Jaguar shareholders meeting] .
- The increase follows the company 's report of strong earnings for the third quarter , and reflects [ARG1 what] [ARG0 American Brands] [rel called] *T*-113 [ARG2 its `` tradition of * sharing earnings growth '' with shareholders] .
- The computer spy had discovered that [ARG1 a popular editing\/electronic mail program] [rel called] * [ARG2 Gnu-Emacs] could do tricks with the widely used Unix operating system created * by AT&T .
- The computer can process [ARG1 13.3 million calculations] [rel called] * [ARG2 floating-point operations] every second .
- [ARG1 The new Mips machine] , [rel called] * [ARG2 the RC6280] , will cost $ 150,000 *U* for a basic system .
- [ARG0 The judge] , *-2 suspended *-3 from his bench pending his trial , which *T*-158 began this week , vehemently denies all the allegations against him , *-2 [rel calling] [ARG1 them] [ARG2 `` ludicrous '' and `` imaginative , political demagoguery] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Last year] , [ARG0 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice John P. Flaherty] [rel called] [ARG1 Mr. O'Kicki] [ARG2 one of the finest judges `` not only in Pennsylvania but in the United States] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Ross , who *T*-204 will be chairman and co-chief executive officer of Time Warner after the merger is complete ,] denied that in his own affidavit , and [rel called] [ARG1 Mr. Yetnikoff 's remarks] `` [ARG2 vicious] '' and his claims `` reckless , irresponsible and baseless , '' *-1 saying 0 Warner under his leadership has started a number of businesses in Japan .
- [ARG0 Mr. Ross , who *T*-204 will be chairman and co-chief executive officer of Time Warner after the merger is complete ,] denied that in his own affidavit , and [rel called] Mr. Yetnikoff 's remarks `` vicious '' and [ARG1 his claims] `` [ARG2 reckless , irresponsible and baseless] , '' *-1 saying 0 Warner under his leadership has started a number of businesses in Japan .
- The Secaucus , N.J. , company has formed a joint venture with [ARG1 a distributor] [rel called] * [ARG2 La Lecheria] *-1 to market a higher-fat milk targeted * at Hispanic consumers .
- [ARG1 *-2] [rel Called] *-1 [ARG2 Otto 's Original Oat Bran Beer] , the brew costs about $ 12.75 *U* a case .
- [ARG0 Richard Avena , executive director of the Texas Civil Liberties Union ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the proposal] `` [ARG2 political gimmickry] , '' and said 0 it fails *-1 to recognize the drug problem as a health issue .
- [ARG0 The White House] is [ARGM-ADV purposely] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel calling] [ARG1 the meeting] [ARG2 a summit] [ARGM-PNC so that there wo n't be any expectation of detailed negotiations or agreements] .
- [ARG0 Leonard Matthews , then-president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies ,] [rel called] [ARG1 Mr. Achenbaum] [ARG2 a `` quisling ''] [ARGM-LOC in an incendiary 1987 speech] .
- [ARG0 Cotton Inc. 's new $ 9 million *U* campaign] [rel calls] [ARG1 cotton] [ARG2 the `` Fabric of Our Lives] . ''
- [ARG0 Terms] [rel call] [ARG1-for for First Security to issue about 0.55 share of its stock for each Deseret share held * , or a total of about 550,000 First Security shares] .
- [ARG1 The drug] , [rel called] * [ARG2 adenocard] , returns the heart to a normal rhythm within seconds , according to Lyphomed .
- [ARG0 He] [rel called] [ARG1 the sour loans] `` [ARG2 appalling] '' and added , `` You opened the file up and it just jumped at you . ''
- Genentech 's first product , [ARG1 a brain protein] [rel called] * [ARG2 somatostatin] , proved its technology .
- Ocean Drilling & Research dropped 1 1\/4 to 21 1\/2 following news of [ARG0 a restructuring plan] that *T*-120 [rel calls] [ARG1-for for the company to reorganize its drilling business into a separate company and offer a 15 % to 20 % stake to the public] .
- [ARG0 Nixon] , on the fourth day of a private visit to China , said that damage to Sino-U.S. relations was `` very great , '' *-1 [rel calling] [ARG1 the situation] [ARG2 `` the most serious '' since 1972] .
- But in [ARGM-LOC an interview] in which [ARG0 he] [rel called] [ARG1 the stock market 's volatility] [ARG2 a `` national problem] *T*-3 , '' Big Board Chairman John J. Phelan Jr. said , `` We are going *-1 to try *-2 to do some things 0 *ICH*-4 in the short intermediate term '' *T*-5 to help the situation .
- In late May , Newmark & Lewis announced a plan * to cut prices 5 % to 20 % and eliminate [ARG1 what] [ARG0 it] [rel called] *T*-166 [ARG2 a `` standard discount-retailing practice '' of * negotiating individual deals with customers] .
- One especially coveted Specialized market 0 the new players are targeting *T*-1 is [ARG1 mountain-bike accessories] , which [ARG0 Mr. Eidsmo] [rel calls] *T*-2 `` [ARG2 the future of our business] . ''
- The establishment of [ARG1 the separate company] , 0 *T*-1 to be [rel called] *-2 [ARG2 Courtaulds Textiles] , could be effective as early as next year 's first quarter .
- [ARG1 The warrants] expire on Oct. 15 , 1992 , and [ARGM-NEG may] be [rel called] *-1 by [ARG0-by the company] [ARGM-MNR at a price of $ 5.25 *U*] .
- Recently , Gen-Probe received a broad U.S. patent for a technology that *T*-2 helps detect , identify and quantify non-viral organisms through the targeting of a form of [ARG1 genetic material] [rel called] * [ARG2 ribosomal RNA] .
- Father Trabold often uses [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 a therapeutic exorcism] '' : a few prayers and an admonition *ICH*-2 to the spirit * to leave .
- [ARG0 NRM Energy Co.] said 0 it filed materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission * [rel calling] [ARG1-for for it to restructure into a corporation from a limited partnership] .
- [ARG0 Michael J.C. Roth , USAA executive vice president ,] [rel called] [ARG1 program trading] `` [ARG2 mindless] . ''
- [ARG1 The brew] , [rel called] * [ARG2 Miller Sharp 's] , will be supported *-1 by ads developed * by Frankenberry , Laughlin & Constable , Milwaukee .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 disaster marketing] .
- Just when American liberalism had pulled the arms plug on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan *T*-3 , along comes *T*-2 Mr. Ortega in Costa Rica this weekend *-5 to `` blunder '' into the hands of [ARG1 what] *T*-1 are [ARGM-TMP often] [rel called] *-4 [ARG2 conservatives] .
- Then last spring , researchers reported *-2 finding [ARG1 a gene] [rel called] * [ARG2 p53] which *T*-1 , if *-3 impaired *-4 , turns healthy colon cells cancerous .
- His doubts stemmed from the fact that several years earlier a Princeton University researcher , Arnold Levine , had found in experiments with mice that [ARG1 a gene] [rel called] * [ARG2 p53] could transform normal cells into cancerous ones .
- [ARG0 Scientists] [rel call] [ARG1 the new class of genes] [ARG2 tumor-suppressors , or simply anti-cancer genes] .
- [ARG0 Analyst Robin Young of John Kinnard & Co. , Minneapolis ,] [rel calls] [ARG1 himself] `` [ARG2 the last remaining bull on the stock] . ''
- Last week a closely held New Jersey concern , Papetti High-Grade Egg Products Co. , rolled out [ARG1 an aseptically packaged liquefied item] [rel called] * [ARG2 Table Ready] .
- [ARG0 The union] , [ARGM-DIS though] , has [rel called] [ARG1 the offer] `` [ARG2 insulting] . ''
- [ARGM-LOC In a statement] , [ARG0 Young & Rubicam] [rel called] [ARG1 the award] `` [ARG2 unfortunate but bearable] . ''
- Cray 's directors set Nov. 15 as the record date for distribution of shares in [ARG1 the new company] , 0 *T*-2 to be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 Cray Computer Corp] .
- General Mills Inc. , the food giant , launched [ARG1 a breakfast cereal] [rel called] * [ARG2 Benefit] , containing psyllium , oat , wheat and beet bran ; the words , `` * reduce cholesterol '' were prominently displayed *-1 on its package .
- In September , Kellogg Co. launched [ARG1 a competing psyllium-fortified cereal] [rel called] * [ARG2 Heartwise] .
- Still , Mr. Carew thinks 0 he can reach a good chunk of the three million-plus black homes 0 he needs *T*-3 by *-4 mailing to the almost 10,000 blacks who *T*-1 form [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-2 `` [ARG2 the grapevine] . ''
- Conseco Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] is [rel calling] for [ARG1-for the redemption on Dec. 7 of all the 800,000 remaining shares outstanding of its $ 1.875 *U* Series A convertible preferred stock at $ 26.805 *U* a share] .
- Concord New Horizons Corp. , creators of [ARG1 a 1988 movie] [rel called] * [ARG2 Nam Angels] , used the gang 's name and trademarks without authorization , the not-for-profit corporation says 0 *T*-1 in a complaint filed * in federal court .
- [ARG0 A Concord spokeswoman] [rel called] [ARG1 the suit] `` [ARG2 unfounded] '' but declined *-1 to comment further .
- The way 0 Mr. Strieber tells it *T*-3 in his earnest prose , [ARG0 the intelligence officer who *T*-2 found the craft 's strange debris] was forced by the government *-1 to [rel call] [ARG1 the flower-inscribed scraps] [ARG2 parts of a weather balloon] .
- As Mr. Dougherty says *?* , `` The last thing 0 they need *T*-1 is enormous disruption at the top ... and Graham is obviously a long-term member of [ARG2 the Ogilvy Mafia] , 0 as [ARG0 we] [rel call] [ARG1 it] *T*-2 . ''
- [ARG0 Louis Gerstner Jr. , chairman *RNR*-1 and chief executive officer *RNR*-1 of New York-based RJR ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the sale] [ARG2 a `` significant step '' in the company 's divestiture program , as well as a `` a strategic divestiture] . ''
- [ARG0 They both] [rel called] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a `` welcome home '' gathering] .
- Moreover , the company , whose go-it-alone approach *T*-1 nearly proved fatal , now sees alliances with others as the way back to prosperity in [ARG1 what] [ARG0 it] [rel calls] *T*-2 [ARG2 `` the data solutions '' business] .
- [ARG0 The company 's strategy for * keeping its computer products business profitable -- it recently achieved profitability after several quarters of losses --] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a narrow focus and a lid on expenses] .
- Over the weekend , [ARG0 McCaw] continued *-1 to [rel call] for [ARG1-for an auction of LIN] .
- [ARG0 The plan] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for LIN to combine its cellular telephone properties with BellSouth 's and to spin off its broadcasting operations] .
- Afghan guerrillas bombarded Kabul in [ARG1 a weekend assault] that [ARG0 Western diplomats] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 one of the biggest offensives since the Soviet Union completed a troop withdrawal in February] .
- Next year , Noxell plans *-1 to roll out [ARG1 a perfume] [rel called] * [ARG2 Navy] , says *T*-2 George L. Bunting Jr. , chairman of Noxell .
- This fall , for example , L'Oreal Group , ordinarily a high-end line , rolled out [ARG1 a drug-store line] of skin-care products [rel called] * [ARG2 Plenitude] , which *T*-1 retail for $ 5 to $ 15 *U* .
- `` [ARG0 They] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel call] -LCB- [ARG1 the exchange] -RCB- [ARG2 Trump East] , '' charged *T*-2 Mr. Wohlstetter , the 79-year-old founder of Contel who *T*-1 's also a former investment banker and stock trader .
- The same evening that he was summoned *-1 for a warning from the Party *T*-4 , he was cheered *-2 by thousands of his supporters at a rally of [ARG1 what] *T*-5 [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-ADV only] be [rel called] *-3 [ARG2 the Korotich party] .
- Still , proponents contend that the veto would have [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Mr. Glazier] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 an important `` chilling effect '' on all manner of appropriations bills] .
- Kellogg is based *-1 in Battle Creek , Mich. , [ARG0 a city] that *T*-2 [rel calls] [ARG1-REC itself] [ARG2 the breakfast capital of the world] .
- Although [ARG0 he] [rel called] [ARG1 current market conditions] `` [ARG2 highly competitive] , '' Mr. LaMothe , Kellogg 's chairman and chief executive officer , forecast an earnings increase for the full year .
- The federation said Friday that it regrets the resignation , but issued [ARG0 a stinging response] that *T*-1 [rel called] [ARG1 Exxon] [ARG2 a `` corporate pariah '' that *T*-2 should keep an open dialogue with environmentalists] .
- [ARG0 Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady] [rel called] [ARG1 the agreement] `` [ARG2 an important step forward in the strengthened debt strategy] , '' [ARGM-ADV *-1 noting that it will `` when *-3 implemented *-2 , provide significant reduction in the level of debt and debt service owed * by Costa Rica] . ''
- Analysts continued *-1 to speculate late last week that [ARG0 Ford] may try *-2 to force the issue by *-3 [rel calling] for [ARG1-for a special shareholder 's meeting] and urging that the government and Jaguar holders remove the barriers to a full bidding contest before December 1990 .
- He was Mr. Hoffman in a 1979 Los Angeles production of [ARG1 a play] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 The Chicago Conspiracy Trial] . ''
- [ARG0 *] [rel Call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a fad] .
- Or [ARG0 *] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 the wave of the future] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Sugarman] [rel called] [ARG1 the lawsuit] `` [ARG2 not nice] '' and said 0 his group will continue *-1 to push for control of the company and the removal of certain directors .
- In January , the New York Merc signed a letter of intent with the Chicago Merc as a preliminary step to * joining [ARG1 their electronic system] 0 *T*-1 [rel called] *-2 [ARG2 Globex] .
- It recently began a pilot program 0 *T*-1 to test [ARG1 an electronic trading system] [rel called] * [ARG2 ATS\/2] , the automated trading system created * by the International Commodities Clearing House .
- [ARG0 A spokesman for Campeau] [rel called] [ARG1 the rumors] `` [ARG2 ridiculous] . ''
- [ARG0 That accord] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel called] [ARG1-for for Hewlett-Packard to buy 730,070 Octel shares in the open market within 18 months] .
- He forecasts that the emphasis in mergers and acquisitions may soon return to [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 `` strategic deals , in which somebody is taking over a company not *-2 to milk the cash flow , but because it 's a good fit *T*-3] . ''
- The only difference is , 0 in those cities the poor are housed *-1 in high-rise-project apartments each consisting of one room , with [ARG1 rusty pipes] [rel called] * [ARG2 plumbing] , rodents and cockroaches everywhere and nonworking elevators -- and with the building patrolled * by gangs and drug dealers .
- Ordinarily in genetic engineering each of these genes , minus the one that *T*-1 caused the virulence , would have been transferred *-3 to [ARG1 another bacterium] , [rel called] * [ARG2 E. coli] , which *T*-2 would then produce a nonvirulent version of the toxin .
- Then , *-1 using [ARG1 a new technique] -LRB- [rel called] * [ARG2 homologous recombination] -RRB- for * introducing genes into cells , they transferred all five genes to bacteria closely related to the pertussis organism .
- But the genes were accompanied *-1 by [ARG1 a piece of DNA] , [rel called] * [ARG2 a promoter] , that *T*-2 turns the genes on .
- In 1987 , the Presidents Commission of the NCAA , which *T*-1 oversees most U.S. intercollegiate sports , contracted with the Washington-based American Institutes for Research *-3 to do a survey on the college experiences of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the body] chooses *-2 to [rel call] *T*-4 [ARG2 student-athletes] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [ARGM-MOD could] have [rel called] [ARG1 ourselves] [ARG2 the Academic Intellectual Society] , but then everyone would have said , ` Oh , you mean the nerd-and-geek club , ' '' Leonid Fridman , SONG 's graduate-student adviser , told 19 attendees at the club 's inaugural meeting *T*-1 earlier this month .
- Franco Reviglio , ENI chairman , looks for sweeping structural change in the oil industry -- [ARG0 he] [rel calls] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a `` revolution '' requiring huge investments] -- as a result of environmental issues .
- *-3 Seeking a middle path between opponents of change and radicals who *T*-1 demand overnight solutions , the article advocates [ARG1 what] [ARG0 it] [rel calls] *T*-2 [ARG2 a `` radical-moderate approach] . ''
- His morning paper , the Washington Post , even carries [ARG1 a sports column] [rel called] * [ARG2 `` Jurisprudence ''] that *T*-1 recounts the latest arrests and convictions of players and team managers .
- [ARG0 His hero] signed photographs of the homer and [ARGM-MNR diplomatically] [rel called] [ARG1 Ralph Branca] `` [ARG2 a very fine pitcher] . ''
- My mind was miles north at [ARG1 a place] [rel called] * [ARG2 Coogan 's Bluff] , where a real sports hero had captured the imagination of a kid who *T*-1 never fully grew up and is all the richer for it *T*-2 .
- But his is a story about a hero in an era of sports anti-heroes , and about [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Babe Ruth] , Mr. Engelken reminds us 0 *T*-2 , [ARGM-TMP once] [rel called] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 the only real game in the world] . ''
- While he is widely described as a man with deep convictions , he has [ARG1 few major political programs] that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel call] *T*-1 [ARG2 his own] .
- By a 4-0 vote , it allowed AT&T to continue *-2 offering [ARG1 special discount packages *ICH*-1] to big customers , [rel called] * [ARG2 Tariff 12] , *-3 rejecting appeals by AT&T competitors that the discounts were illegal .
- Then by a separate 4-0 vote , it chose the narrowest possible grounds 0 * to strike down [ARG1 a different discount plan] , [rel called] * [ARG2 Tariff 15] , that AT&T offered *T*-1 to Holiday Corp *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS Indeed] , [ARGM-TMP only hours earlier] , [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher] had [rel called] [ARG1 Mr. Lawson 's economic policies] [ARG2 `` sound ''] and said 0 she has `` always supported '' him .
- [ARGM-DIS Of course] , [ARG1 this kind of blatant congressional pork-barreling] is [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 `` constituent service ''] by [ARG0-by Members] , [ARGM-ADV while the same kind of noncompetitive favoritism at HUD is labeled *-2 `` influence peddling] . ''
- [ARG0 Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady] [rel called] [ARG1 the 2.5 % pace] [ARG2 `` good , solid growth] , '' [ARGM-ADV although he said 0 he expects the expansion to slow in the fourth quarter] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Darby] [rel called] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a `` disappointment ''] but predicted 0 exports will pick up again .
- Devastation from Hurricane Hugo , which *T*-1 slammed into the Southeast coast in late September , diminished personal income by about $ 4 billion *U* , the department said 0 *T*-2 , but [ARG0 it] [rel called] [ARG1 the effect on the roughly $ 5 trillion *U* economy] [ARG2 `` negligible] . ''
- [ARG0 Mrs. Brown] [rel calls] [ARG1 the modern-day cultural ambivalence to Filipino] [ARG2 a `` language schizophrenia] . ''
- Further , I think 0 Mr. Knight made a poor choice in *-1 picking `` [ARG1 A Fish] [rel Called] * [ARG2 Wanda] '' as an example of the deplorable state of modern comedy movies .
- And profit from polymers dropped to $ 107 million *U* from $ 122 million *U* amid [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Du Pont] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 lower demand and selling prices in certain packaging and industrial markets] .
- But [ARG0 Mr. Schwarz] welcomes the competition in U.S. Trust 's flagship businesses , *-1 [rel calling] [ARG1 it] `` [ARG2 flattery] . ''
- [ARG1 One] of those new computers , [rel called] * [ARG2 Sparcstation 1] , accounted for nearly half of the 28,000 systems 0 Sun shipped *T*-1 in the quarter , he said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 This team] [ARGM-TMP initially] [rel called] [ARG1 its new model] [ARG2 Personal Retirement Account , or `` PRA] . ''
- [ARG1 TAX SHELTERS] [rel CALLED] * [ARG2 Individual Retirement Accounts , or `` IRAs , ''] were created without fanfare on Sept. 2 , 1974 , but grew beyond expectations as an inducement to personal saving .
- This has been a week of stunning events behind [ARG1 what] *T*-1 was [ARGM-TMP once] [rel called] *-2 [ARG2 the Iron Curtain] and interesting shifts in official American policy toward Moscow .
- The company said 0 [ARG1 the water] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel called] * [ARG2 Coors Rocky Mountain Sparkling Water] and will come from the same mountain spring as water used * in Coors beer .
- [ARG0 He] said 0 he was surprised *-1 by the EC 's reaction , *-2 [rel calling] [ARG1 it] `` [ARG2 vehement , even frenetic] . ''
- [ARGM-LOC In Geneva , where world trade talks are being held *-1 under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade , or GATT *T*-2] , [ARG0 the European Community] [rel called] [ARG1 the U.S. proposal] `` [ARG2 a step backward] . ''
- But it is not [ARG0 Janet Malcolm] who *T*-1 [rel calls] [ARG1 him] [ARG2 such] : his own words reveal this psychological profile . ''
- District Court Judge Pierre Leval denied the injunction on the ground that New Era had failed *-1 to make its claim within a reasonable time -- [ARG1 the doctrine] 0 [ARG0 lawyers] [rel call] *T*-2 `` [ARG2 laches] . ''
- [ARG1 It] is what [ARG0 lawyers] [rel call] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 fact intensive] . ''
- [ARG0 PS of New Hampshire] amended its plan *-1 to [rel call] for [ARG1-for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed * by five years of 4.5 % increases] .
- [ARGM-TMP Previously] [ARG0 United Illuminating] had [ARGM-DIS also] [rel called] for [ARG1-for seven years of 5.5 % increases] .
- Honda has [ARG1 a tiny motorcycle] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Monkey] , and a slightly larger cousin , the Gorilla .
- Mitsubishi has [ARG1 a futuristic delivery truck] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Guppy] .
- Mazda has the Bongo truck and , under its Autozam nameplate , [ARG1 a `` microvan ''] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Scrum] .
- Regie Nationale des Usines Renault , the French auto maker , has [ARG1 a concept car] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Megane] .
- `` I 'm ecstatic about the change , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Vila , [ARG1 whose new syndicated program] *-3 is [rel called] *-1 `` [ARG2 Home Again with Bob Vila] . ''
- Unfortunately , he gets low grades as an investigative reporter , *-2 relying heavily on [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Chicago 's late mayor , Richard J. Daley ,] [rel called] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 insinuendo] . ''
- For the second time , in [ARG1 a movie] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 The Bear] , '' French director Jean-Jacques Annaud demonstrates just how powerful pictures can be *T*-1 .
- Says *ICH*-1 Mr. Daly , the venture capitalist : `` It *EXP*-2 does n't matter whether [ARG0 they] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 guidelines or policy] .
- A one-acter by the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Marsha Norman is the first presentation in [ARG1 a new series] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 American Playwrights Theater] , '' sponsored * by General Motors .
- Almost all have involved at least half and often the firm 's entire portfolio , as the computer searches for the most undervalued investment category , *-1 following [ARG1 a money-management style] [rel called] * [ARG2 tactical asset allocation] .
- [ARG0 The BPCA] [rel called] [ARG1 its team] [ARG2 a `` stunning '' collaboration] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a letter to the BPCA] , [ARG0 kelly\/varnell] [rel called] [ARG1 this] `` [ARG2 arbitrary and amateurish] . ''
- [ARG2 South Gardens] , 0 as [ARG1 the Bartlett scheme] is [rel called] *-1 *T*-2 , will occupy the last 3.5 acres of open space at the southwest tip of Manhattan .
- In [ARG1 another compartment] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Linden Bosque] , 62 linden trees were *-2 to be crowded *-1 together at killing intervals of 10 or 16 feet .
- [ARG0 He] [rel called] [ARG1 the battle] `` [ARG2 uphill] . ''
- [ARG0 *] [rel Call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 anecdotal] [ARGM-ADV if you will *?*] .
- Its parking lot is inconvenient , the MGM lion's-head logo still appears in places , and [ARG0 customers] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 the Grand , rather than the Bally Grand] .
- Article I , Section 7 , Clause 3 says that whether [ARG1 it] 's [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 an `` order , resolution or vote '' or anything else] , Presidents must have the chance * to veto .
- Caspi Development Corp of Armonk , N.Y. , has developed [ARG1 two apartment buildings] [rel called] * [ARG2 Classic] and plans a third .
- `` I think 0 there 's [ARG1 a disease] [rel called] * [ARG2 buyer 's regret] , and I 'm sure 0 it 's running *-2 rampant at this moment , but it gets cured *-3 in a short period of time , '' says *T*-1 Kenneth Leventhal , co-managing partner of Kenneth Leventhal & Co. , a Los Angeles accounting firm specializing in real estate .
- The project involving Motorola concerns [ARG1 a technique] , [rel called] * [ARG2 X-ray lithography] , that *T*-1 figures *-2 to be crucial to future generations of memory chips .
- [ARG0 Prudential-Bache Securities Inc. analyst George E. Thompson] downplayed the importance of the announcement , and [rel called] [ARG1 any comparison between the coming beer-industry tiff and the seemingly unending `` cola wars] , '' [ARG2 unwarranted] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Thompson] [rel calls] [ARG1 discounting] `` [ARG2 a loser 's game for anyone without a dominant market share] , '' and projected that Anheuser 's statement of intent could simply be a means of * warning competitors to ease up on price-cutting or face a costly and fruitless battle .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Smith Barney 's Mr. Doyle , who *T*-1 yesterday trimmed his 1990 Anheuser earnings projection to $ 2.95 *U* a share from $ 3.10 *U* ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the market 's reaction] `` [ARG2 justified] . ''
- [ARG0 The consensus of economists polled * by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report] [rel calls] for [ARG1-for a 2.5 % annual growth rate for GNP during the quarter] .
- [ARG0 Farmington , N.M.-based Mesa] has consistently rejected StatesWest 's offers , and early this week said 0 its board would n't give the proposal further consideration , *-2 [rel calling] [ARG1 it] `` [ARG2 vague and ill-defined] '' [ARGM-CAU because it did n't describe the source of funds or the specific terms of StatesWest securities which *T*-1 were part of the offer] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Pilson] [rel calls] [ARG1 that loss estimate] `` [ARG2 wildly inaccurate] , '' [ARGM-ADV *-1 conceding only that CBS will lose money on baseball in the first year] .
- Two products in [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the telecommunications giant] [rel called] *T*-2 [ARG2 a new generation of such equipment] are available now , AT&T said 0 *T*-3 , and three others will be introduced *-1 in 1990 and 1991 .
- Maxicare Health Plans Inc. , *-2 operating under Chapter 11 bankrupty-law protection , outlined terms of [ARG0 its reorganization plan] that *T*-1 [rel calls] [ARG1-for for creditors and shareholders to receive at least $ 78.8 million *U* in cash and $ 67 million *U* face amount of 10-year , 13.5 % notes] .
- [ARG0 The plan] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 outlined * in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission] , [ARGM-DIS also] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for creditors and shareholders to receive common stock and warrants in the new company] .
- The computers use [ARG1 the company 's own microprocessor] [rel called] * [ARG2 Sparc] , Sun said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Douglas Gould , vice president of communications for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America ,] [rel calls] [ARG1 Mr. Bush 's position on the abortion-funding issue] `` [ARG2 extremely cruel] , '' [ARGM-ADV *-1 adding : `` The guy has n't done one thing about prevention] .
- Mr. Corry learned presence under fire when , as vice president of corporate planning , he handled [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Mr. Johnston] [rel calls] *T*-2 [ARG2 `` don't-con-me '' negotiations that *T*-1 led to USX 's shedding of a wide array of assets ranging from chemicals to construction] *T*-3 .
- The papers , which Israel says 0 *T*-3 were discovered *-1 in Israeli-occupied Gaza , refer to terrorist acts 0 *T*-4 to be carried *-2 out in the name of [ARG1 a group] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 the Revolutionary Eagles] . ''
- Sears has been counting on growth coming from the large displays of brand-name merchandise 0 it is adding *T*-1 to its stores over the next two years in [ARG1 what] [ARG0 it] [rel calls] *T*-2 `` [ARG2 power formats] . ''
- [ARG1 A couple] 0 [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel call] *T*-1 [ARG2 the Blandings] spent nearly $ 800,000 *U* on a 15-acre plot and main home and have an old $ 175,000 *U* mortgage exempt from the new limit on mortgage-interest deductions .
- [ARG1 A retired electrical engineer] 0 [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel call] *T*-1 [ARG2 Ben] works part-time as a consultant , but he does n't want *-2 to earn so much that Social Security reduces his benefits .
- Leonard Lauder , president and chief executive officer of Estee Lauder , said 0 consumer magazines are suffering from [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel called] *T*-3 [ARG2 `` niche-itis , '' the increasing number of magazines that *T*-1 target the idosyncratic interests of readers] .
- [ARG1 The second hotel] , 0 *T*-3 to be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 the Budapest Hotel] , is *-4 to be constructed *-2 at a site even closer to Red Square .
- [ARG0 Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher , who *T*-1 attended the ceremony ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the undertaking] [ARG2 a `` historic step '' in the evolution of U.S.-Soviet ties] .
- [ARG1 A Japanese apple] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Fuji] is cropping up in orchards the way 0 Hondas did *?* on U.S. roads *T*-1 .
- Harvard 's Matthew Meselson -- who we read 0 *T*-1 has sold [ARG1 something] [rel called] * [ARG2 the `` scientific community ''] on the notion that `` yellow rain '' attacks on the Laotian Hmong were in fact the result of fecal showers by giant bees -- found the Soviet anthrax scenario `` completely plausible . ''
- `` Shortageflation , '' as [ARG0 economists] have come *-1 to [rel call] [ARG1 it] , had gone hyper .
- The Justice Department is in the process of * trying *-2 to gain control over [ARG1 a law] that [ARG0 federal Judge David Sentelle] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 a `` monster] . ''
- Are n't we , after all , the inevitable culmination of [ARG1 that stately pageant] [rel called] * [ARG2 evolution] ?
- ESB said 0 it was given *-1 only a three-hour advance warning on a `` * take it or leave it '' basis from [ARG2 Inco] , as [ARG1 the Toronto company] is [rel called] *-2 *?* .
- But [ARG0 we] like *-1 to [rel call] [ARG1 it] ` [ARG2 controlled chaos] , ' '' said 0 *T*-2 47-year-old Robert J. Jacobson Jr. , grandson of the firm 's founder .
- The banks said 0 an application for a concession * to merge into [ARG1 one entity] 0 *T*-3 to be [rel called] *-2 [ARG2 Den Norske Bank AS] was sent *-1 Monday to the Finance Ministry .
- But he said that any effort *ICH*-1 by Time * to characterize the Tele-Communications investment in Showtime as anti-competitive would be `` [ARG0 the pot] [rel calling] [ARG1 the kettle] [ARG2 black] . ''
- [ARG0 One airline executive , who *T*-2 declined *-3 to be identified *-1 ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the loss] `` [ARG2 amazing] . ''
- [ARG0 The agreement] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel calls] [ARG1-for for General Electric Pension , a unit of General Electric Co. , to receive as much as 10 % of Color Systems ' fully diluted common stock , depending on the proceeds from the sale of the AEI Film Library and its receivables] .
- He had been vice president of [ARG1 the department] , which *T*-1 was [ARGM-TMP formerly] [rel called] *-2 [ARG2 the real estate department] .
- Shin Yonehara , a research scientist at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science , said 0 the antibody 0 he discovered *T*-2 works by * recognizing [ARG1 an antigen] [rel called] * [ARG2 a Fas-antigen] , which *T*-1 is characteristic of an infected cell .
- [ARG1 Microlog Corp.] , [ARGM-TMP formerly] [rel called] * [ARG2 Old Dominion Systems Inc.] , offering of 1.2 million common shares , of which one million *T*-2 will be sold *-1 by the company , and the balance *T*-2 by holders , via Hambrecht & Quist and Johnston , Lemon & Co .
- Italy 's Foreign Ministry said 0 it is investigating exports to the Soviet Union by [ARG1 an Ing . C. Olivetti & Co. subsidiary] [rel called] * [ARG2 OCN-PPL] that *T*-1 makes numerically controlled machine tools .
- More important are *T*-2 [ARG1 what] [ARG0 LSI] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 `` psychological anchors '' -- a few focal points calculated * *-3 to appeal to the jury on a gut level] .
- These and other expensive changes in products ranging from auto air conditioners to foam cushioning to commercial solvents are in prospect because of [ARG1 something] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Montreal Protocol , signed * by 24 nations in 1987] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Calling] [ARG1 sales] `` [ARG2 still relatively soft] , '' Ms. Steppel believes that in real terms , U.S. sales slipped 3 1\/2 % to 4 % at company-operated stores in the quarter .
- `` [ARG2 Progressive education] '' -LRB- 0 as [ARG1 it] was [ARGM-TMP once] [rel called] *-1 *T*-2 -RRB- is far more interesting and agreeable to teachers than is *?* disciplined instruction .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Some exchange wags] [rel call] [ARG1 the building] `` [ARG2 the oil rig] . '' -RRB-
- Inland a few miles from the refuge there is [ARG1 a place] [rel called] * [ARG2 Tivoli] , with a white church , a gas station and a grocery , the houses relatively close together for such a settlement in these parts .
- The text by Patrick O'Connor is a tough read , but the pictures make her magnetism clear and help *-1 explain why [ARG0 Ernest Hemingway] [rel called] [ARG1 Baker] `` [ARG2 The most sensational woman 0 anybody ever saw *T*-2] .
- In an East Berlin suburb , meanwhile , employees at an electronics plant formed [ARG1 an independent trade union] [rel called] * [ARG2 Reform] , a worker spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- Commonwealth leaders turned to issues ranging from drugs to the world economy after [ARG0 Zimbabwe 's President Mugabe] [rel called] [ARG1 Thatcher 's views on South Africa] `` [ARG2 despicable] . ''
- [ARG0 United Education & Software , a Los Angeles education services company ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the commission 's action] `` [ARG2 precipitous and unwarranted] . ''
- Certainly life for her has changed considerably since the days in Kiev , when she lived with her parents , her husband and her two sons in a 2 1\/2-room apartment in [ARG1 what] [ARG0 she] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 silent internal immigration] , '' *-2 dreaming of escape *T*-3 .
- They were [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel called] *T*-2 [ARG2 an `` unlawful termination '' by MGM\/UA of the acquisition agreement with Qintex] , high Australian interest rates , a pilots ' strike at Australian domestic airlines that *T*-1 cut revenue at the company 's Australian resorts and delays in * completing a sale of two regional TV stations in Queensland state .
- Some people must drop names -- [ARG0 *] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 an irresistible impulse] .
- [ARG0 Some people] [rel call] [ARG1 it] `` [ARG2 The Mistake on the Lake] '' -- Lake Erie , that is *T*-1 .
- Mr. Thal says that [ARG1 Elizabeth Taylor , a client ,] `` hates *-2 being [rel called] *-1 ` [ARG2 Liz] . ' ...
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 her husband] [ARGM-TMP sometimes] [rel calls] [ARG1 her] `` [ARG2 Ducky] . ''
- `` [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 *] [rel call] [ARG1 her] ` [ARG2 Patty] , ' and it 's a sure giveaway 0 you 're not in her circle , because she does n't use that name , '' says *T*-1 Joan Kron , editor-in-chief of Avenue magazine , a monthly publication sent * to all the right names .
- [ARG0 Malcolm MacDougall , vice chairman of the Jordan , McGrath , Case & Taylor advertising agency in New York ,] [rel calls] [ARG1 the proliferation] `` [ARG2 nameplate mania] . ''
- Edward Carlson awoke one morning last month *-1 to find eight holes in his front yard where [ARG1 his prized miniature palms] , [rel called] * [ARG2 cycads] , once stood *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Mr. Smith 's managers] have , [ARGM-TMP at times] , been [rel called] *-1 `` [ARG2 Ho Chi Minh 's Guerrillas] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Jones] [rel calls] [ARG1 the ranch] `` [ARG2 the Pentagon of Sportdom] . ''
- [ARG0 He] [rel calls] [ARG1 the contracts] `` [ARG2 critical to * winning in the NFL] '' and has played his part in the bidding wars .
- The molecule is the mouse version of [ARG1 a protein] [rel called] * [ARG2 the interleukin-4 receptor] .
- A Newport Beach law firm started [ARG1 the pay-as-you-go legal service] , [rel called] * [ARG2 Telelawyer] , *-1 using MCI Communication Corp. 's toll-tele-phone service .
- These findings illustrate [ARG1 the vicious cycle] that [ARG0 National Institute of Justice Director James K. Stewart] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 crime causing poverty] . ''
- The fund 's cash position is now [ARG1 about 22 %] , which [ARG0 Mr. Bacarella] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 still bearish] . ''
- He has put some of his aesthetic ideas into practice with his design of the four-star Quilted Giraffe restaurant -- `` [ARG2 architecturally impeccable] , '' [ARG0 Progressive Architecture magazine] [rel called] [ARG1 it] *T*-1 -- and his remodeling of Paul Stuart , the Madison Avenue clothing store .
- The investigation , which *T*-2 will be coordinated *-1 with one already under way in the U.S. , follows the discovery of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Ferranti] has [rel called] *T*-3 [ARG2 a `` serious '' fraud involving its U.S. subsidiary] .
- `` Rascal Money '' -LRB- Contemporary Books , 412 pages , $ 17.95 *U* -RRB- , a novel by consultant and business analyst Joseph R. Garber , tells the story of [ARG1 an innovative , well-run , widely respected computer manufacturing company] [rel called] * [ARG2 PegaSys] as it faces a hostile takeover attempt by AIW , a much smaller corporation that *T*-2 is so incompetently *ICH*-3 managed *-1 as * to constitute a standing joke in the business world .
- [ARG0 The New York company] [rel called] [ARG1 the lawsuit] without [ARG2-without merit] .
- Convex also recently agreed *-1 to use Posix , a standard for [ARG1 the computer language] [rel called] * [ARG2 UNIX] .
- [ARG1 The court] is [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 the Management Appeals Committee , or just `` MAC] , '' and it is likely *-2 to hear a couple of dozen cases a year .
- These firms are pioneers in a significant new trend in the corporate world : the rise of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 I] [rel call] *T*-1 [ARG2 corporate due process] .
- [ARG0 One senior administration official] [rel called] [ARG1 the guideline] `` [ARG2 outrageous] '' and said 0 it could make U.S. operatives reluctant *-1 to even listen to coup plans for fear 0 they may get into legal trouble .
- [ARG0 The West German chemical concern] [rel called] [ARG1 the moves] [ARG2 a further step in the internationalization of its business activities] .
- In addition , the government is scheduled *-2 to unveil plans for * privatizing Philippine Airlines , the national carrier , [ARG1 an effort] that [ARG0 lawyer and business columnist Rodolfo Romero] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 the bellwether of privatization] . ''
- Ramon Garcia , the Asset Trust 's executive trustee , admits to [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 temporary setbacks] . ''
- The U.S. and Israel have been holding [ARG1 what] [ARG0 an aide to Prime Minister Shamir] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 intense telephone negotiations] in an effort * to bridge differences over Mideast peace moves .
- The molecule is the mouse version of [ARG1 a protein] [rel called] [ARG2 the interleukin-4 receptor] , which *T*-5 directs the growth and function of white blood cells .
- [ARG1 *-2] [rel Called] *-1 [ARG2 Task Broker] , the program acts something like an auctioneer among a group of computers wired * together .
- [ARG1 A previously available program] [rel called] * [ARG2 Network Computing System] , developed * by Hewlett-Packard 's Apollo division , for instance , takes a task and splits it up into parts , *-1 divvying up those parts to several computers in a network for simultaneous processing .
- [ARG1 Stop orders] are [ARGM-TMP sometimes] [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 `` stop-loss '' orders] [ARGM-CAU because they are frequently used *-2 * to protect profits or limit losses] .
- His group , like others , wants minimum standards applied *-2 to [ARG0 all] who *T*-1 [rel call] [ARG1 themselves] [ARG2 financial planners] .
- Though it *ICH*-2 's probably safe * to assume that the majority of financial planners are honest and even reasonably competent , the fact remains that , [ARGM-ADV as one wag puts it] , `` [ARG0 anybody who *T*-1 can fog a mirror] '' [ARGM-MOD can] [rel call] [ARG1 himself] [ARG2 a financial planner] .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel calls] [ARG1 himself] [ARG2 an `` investment banker] . ''
- The median price of homes is $ 547,000 *U* ; more than 9,000 vessels fill [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the chamber of commerce] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 the nation 's largest pleasure-boat harbor] .
- [ARG0 Richard Luehrs , president of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce ,] [rel calls] [ARG1 boiler rooms] [ARG2 a `` negative 0 we wish 0 we could get rid *-2 of *T*-1] . ''
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel call] [ARG1 them] [ARG2 fraud farms] . ''
- [ARG0 *] [rel Call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 the uninformed trudging after the incomprehensible] .
- One newer wrinkle , [ARGM-MNR so] [rel called] [ARG1 single-premium] life -LRB- you pay for the whole policy at once -RRB- , has been immensely popular in recent years for tax reasons ; the insured could extract cash value in the form of policy `` loans , '' and none of the proceeds were taxable even though they included gains on investment .
- I 'm not prepared in any case *-1 to put that much money into a policy immediately , so I look into [ARG1 the broad category] [rel called] * [ARG2 universal life] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Purnick and other old-line furriers] [rel call] [ARG1 many of the the imports] [ARG2 unstylish and poorly made] .
- Next he will be testing [ARG1 pictured embroidery] -LRB- [rel called] * [ARG2 kalega] -RRB- made * in the Far East .
- `` [ARG0 Some people] [rel call] [ARG1 me] [ARG2 the communist billionaire] , '' she has told visitors *T*-1 .
- Minpeco attorney Thomas Gorman decribed the plan as one step toward an overall settlement of the W. Herbert Hunt case but [ARG0 Hugh Ray , attorney for Manufacturers Hanover ,] [rel called] [ARG1 it] `` [ARG2 silly] '' and said 0 he would fight it in court .
- Excluding the volatile categories of energy and food -- * leaving [ARG1 what] [ARG0 some economists] [rel call] [ARG2 the core inflation rate] -- consumer prices still rose only 0.2 % in September .
- Investors and professionals alike would compete on [ARG1 the level playing field] 0 [ARG0 Congress] sought *T*-1 and [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 a `` national market system '' -LRB- not yet achieved * -RRB-] almost 15 years ago when it passed the Securities Reform Act of 1975 .
- The author of the futuristic novel `` 1984 '' invented [ARG1 a language] [rel called] * [ARG2 Newspeak] that *T*-1 made it *EXP*-2 impossible * to fully develop a heretical thought -- that is , anything negative about the policies and practices of the state .
- [ARG1 These people] used *-2 to be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 brokers] , but apparently this word either is not grandiose enough or carries too many negative connotations from the aforementioned technical correction , when terrified customers could n't raise brokers on the phone *T*-3 .
- Of the major New York-based securities firms , [ARG0 only Morgan Stanley & Co. *T*-1] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel calls] [ARG1 its salespeople] [ARG2 brokers] .
- Its language -- [ARG0 *] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 Streetspeak] -- is increasingly mellifluous , reassuring , and designed *-1 to make financial products and maneuvers appear better , safer or cheaper than they really are *?* .
- [ARGM-MOD Should] [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARG1 they] [ARGM-ADV properly] be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 exit-load funds] ?
- Finally , [ARG1 even the time-honored strategy] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 value investing] '' no longer means what it once did *?* *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Warner] , [ARGM-LOC in its court filings] , [rel calls] [ARG1 it] `` [ARG2 a piece of fiction created for this litigation] . ''
- In 1976 , he teamed up with record producer Neil Bogart in [ARG1 Casablanca Records and Filmworks] -- [ARGM-TMP later] [rel called] * [ARG2 Polygram Pictures] -- where they produced such hits as as `` The Deep , '' and `` Midnight Express *T*-1 . ''
- And it reminds Raymond F. DeVoe Jr. , a market strategist at Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc. , of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 DeVoe 's Unprovable but Highly Probable Theory No. 1] :
- As part of the same bill , the finance panel also voted in favor of billions of dollars in narrow tax breaks for individuals and corporations , in [ARG1 what] [ARG0 committee member Sen. David Pryor -LRB- D. , Ark . -RRB-] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 a `` feeding frenzy '' of special-interest legislating] .
- [ARG1 The holding company] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 BanPonce Corp] .
- George Goodwin , an account manager at Royal Bank of Canada , adapted [ARG1 a Lotus Development Corp. program] [rel called] * [ARG2 Agenda] *-1 to sort through international news wires .
- [ARG1 A program] [rel called] * [ARG2 Notes] , which *T*-1 is under development by Lotus , also is designed *-2 *-3 to sort E-mail sent * within work groups .
- Mr. Goodfellow has started [ARG1 a Menlo Park , Calif. , company] [rel called] * [ARG2 Anterior Technology] that *T*-1 provides human editors for public electronic networks .
- Interest in the abortion issue is so great that the Hotline , a daily , computer-distributed political newsletter , comes up with [ARG1 a spinoff product] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Abortion Report] dealing solely with its political implications .
- If these assumptions hold , voters in races for Congress face [ARG1 what] *T*-2 [ARGM-LOC in economic theory] is [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 a prisoner 's dilemma] and have an incentive *ICH*-3 , at the margin , * to lean Democratic .
- [ARG1 The new institution] is [ARGM-DIS also] [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 Century Bank] , and the failed bank 's five offices will reopen today .
- Bush met in Washington with Spain 's Prime Minister Gonzalez and discussed [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the president] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 `` the unique role '' that Madrid can play *T*-2 in * furthering democracy in Eastern Europe and Latin America] .
- [ARG0 Robert White , manager of corporate trading at First Interstate of California ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the market] `` [ARG2 psychologically pro-mark] , '' [ARGM-ADV *-2 noting that the U.S. remains a `` veritable grab bag '' for Japanese investors which *T*-1 accounts for the unabated demand for U.S. dollars] .
- Zacks Investment Research counts five brokerage houses that *T*-1 consider the stock a buy , and [ARG0 four] that *T*-2 [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a hold] .
- [ARG1 EMPIRE PENCIL] , [ARGM-TMP later] [rel called] * [ARG2 Empire-Berol] , developed the plastic pencil in 1973 .
- [ARG1 A young man] [rel called] * [ARG2 July -LRB- that 's when he was born *-1 *T*-4 -RRB-] , who *T*-2 works at the railroad station just up the street from the Orange Workers office , points at the whitewalled building and says matter-of-factly , `` We 're not allowed *-5 in there , that 's all 0 I know *T*-3 . ''
- [ARG1 Eagle] , [ARGM-TMP now] [rel called] * [ARG2 Eagle-Berol] , remains a leading company among the 10 in the U.S. that *T*-1 produced about 2.3 billion pencils last year , according to the Pencil Makers Association .
- But [ARG0 Mr. Skinner] disagreed , *-1 [rel calling] [ARG1 the legislation] `` [ARG2 a retreat from the policy of deregulaton of the airline industry] . ''
- At the same time , abortion foes have developed a national legislative strategy , *-3 deciding *-4 to move on [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Jacki Ragan , the National Right to Life Committee 's director of state organizational development ,] [rel calls] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 reasonable measures that an overwhelming mainstream majority of Americans support *T*-2] . ''
- `` Those who *T*-1 are on the other side can hardly oppose alternative funding if [ARG0 they] continue *-2 to insist on *-4 [rel calling] [ARG1 themselves] [ARG2 ` pro-choice ' rather than ` pro-abortion] , ' '' says *T*-3 Mary Spaulding , the group 's associate state legislative coordinator .
- [ARG0 An ebullient Mr. Johnson] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 wearing a NASA baseball cap and carrying a camera and binoculars] , [rel called] [ARG1 the launch] `` [ARG2 fantastic] . ''
- * Investigating Jupiter in detail may provide clues to [ARG1 what] [ARG0 astronomer Tobias Owen] [rel calls] *T*-2 [ARG2 the `` cosmic paradox '' of life] : Jupiter and other bodies in the outer solar system are rich in elements such as hydrogen that *T*-1 are essential for life on Earth , but these planets are lifeless ; Earth , on the other hand , has a diminished store of such material but is rich in life .
- It also generates pieces of [ARG1 the missile shield] [rel called] * [ARG2 the Strategic Defense Initiative] .
- Even then , opponents managed *-2 to get a congressional hearing to examine [ARG1 what] [ARG0 one congressman] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 an `` unscrupulous '' method for * breaking eggs] .
- `` [ARG2 Three of our favorite names] , '' [ARG0 Mr. Della Femina] [rel calls] [ARG1 that roster] *-1 , [ARGM-ADV *-2 adding hopefully , `` We 're a much more attractive agency *ICH*-3 to large multinationals today than we were *?* yesterday] . ''
- [ARG1 The agency 's three California offices , previously called * AC&R\/CCL Advertising ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP now] be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 AC&R Advertising] [ARGM-PNC * to match the name of its New York office] .
- [ARG1 The agency 's three California offices] , [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel called] * [ARG2 AC&R\/CCL Advertising] , will now be called *-1 AC&R Advertising * to match the name of its New York office .
- [ARG1 *-3] [rel Called] *-1 [ARG2 Patients in the Know] , the program features fact sheets designed *-2 to be easy 0 * to understand *T*-4 .
- Industry observers have congratulated Mr. Lang on [ARG1 what] [ARG0 some] [rel call] *T*-1 [ARG2 his `` courageous '' handling of Ms.] , but his track record in magazine publishing in general has gotten mixed reviews .
- [ARG0 Diana D. Brooks , president of Sotheby 's North America division ,] vehemently denies 0 it offered the Dorrance heirs a money-back guarantee , *-1 [rel calling] [ARG1 such reports] `` [ARG2 inaccurate] . ''
- But it *EXP*-1 's likely that Sotheby 's will take [ARG1 a higher than usual commission] , [rel called] * [ARG2 an override] , on the amount exceeding the guarantee .
- But researchers say 0 [ARG1 the drug] , [rel called] * [ARG2 FK-506] , could revolutionize the transplantation field by * reducing harmful side effects and by * lowering rejection rates .
- For instance , the most popular index option is [ARG1 the S&P 100 option] , [ARGM-ADV commonly] [rel called] * [ARG2 the OEX] .
- [ARG1 *-2] [rel Called] *-1 [ARG2 a `` married put] , '' the technique is carried *-2 out by * purchasing a stock and simultaneously buying a put option on that stock .
- [ARG1 One unit] , [rel called] * [ARG2 the Escort] , uses a new digital signal-processing technology *-1 to detect radar signals much sooner than * was previously possible , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 The other] , [rel called] * [ARG2 the Solo] , is battery operated and is the first high-performance radar detector that *T*-1 does n't need a power cord , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher] [rel called] [ARG1 the worsening trade figures] `` [ARG2 disappointing] [ARGM-TMP after two very good months] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 university computer specialists , who *T*-1 welcomed the move ,] [rel called] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a necessary retreat from the cutting edge of technology and one that *T*-2 's likely *-3 to increase Next 's sales on campuses] .
- Soon the studio is producing [ARG1 a $ 40 million *U* picture] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 Tet , the Motion Picture] , '' [ARGM-PNC * to distinguish it from `` Tet , the Offensive , '' as well as `` Tet , the Book '' and `` Tet , the Album] . ''
- He flew to Fort Bragg , N.C. , in September of that year for a course in psychological operations , * returning to the School of the Americas in Panama for [ARG1 a two-month course] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 military intelligence for officers] . ''
- `` Early on in the State Department , [ARG0 we] took to * [rel calling] [ARG1 him] [ARG2 the rent-a-colonel] , in tribute to his ability * to simultaneously milk the antagonistic intelligence services of Cuba and the United States , '' recalls *T*-1 Francis J. McNeil , who , as deputy assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs , *T*-2 first ran across reports about Mr. Noriega in 1977 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Ronald I. Mandle , analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. ,] [rel called] [ARG1 Citicorp 's venture-capital gains of $ 93 million *U* before taxes] `` [ARG2 strong] . ''
- Citicorp yesterday reported [ARG1 a 9 % third-quarter earnings drop] , which [ARG0 analysts] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 a bit disappointing] , while Manufacturers Hanover Corp. posted a $ 789 million *U* loss for the quarter after * adding $ 950 million *U* to its reserve for loans to less-developed countries .
- [ARG0 Economic analysts] [rel call] [ARG1 his trail-blazing liberalization of the Indian economy] [ARG2 incomplete] , and many are hoping for major new liberalizations if he is returned *-1 firmly to power .
- Five countries announced 0 they would not honor [ARG1 what] [ARG0 one Zimbabwean delegate] [ARGM-MNR wryly] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 the `` made in Switzerland '' solution] .
- This includes [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Deputy Foreign Minister Yuli Vorontsov] [ARGM-MNR fetchingly] [rel called] *T*-1 `` [ARG2 new peaceful long-range weapons] , '' including more than 800 SCUD missiles .
- [ARG0 Mr. Allen 's commissioners] voted *-1 to [rel call] [ARG1 his unread speech] `` [ARG2 thoughtless , disgusting and unnecessarily inflammatory] . ''
- [ARG0 Thomas Stoddard , head of the Lambda Legal Defense Fund ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the prospect of the speech] `` [ARG2 frankly shocking] . ''
- [ARG0 Britain 's U.N. representative and delegation head Crispin Tickell] [rel called] [ARG1 the first meeting] `` [ARG2 good , interesting and businesslike] .
- [ARG1 One new investment style] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 asset allocation] '' shifts portfolio weightings between stocks , bonds and cash when computer models say 0 one is more attractive *T*-1 .
- It leads investors * to focus on short-term price movements -- `` [ARG2 a game of musical chairs] , '' [ARG0 he] [rel called] [ARG1 it] *T*-1 -- rather than on long-term fundamental valuation .
- Charles Redmond , a NASA spokesman , said 0 the agency discovered the virus on Monday on the collection of [ARG1 computer networks] [ARGM-MNR collectively] [rel called] * [ARG2 Internet] and expected 100 university centers to be infected *-1 by today .
- [ARG0 Linear Technology , Milpitas , Calif. ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the settlement] `` [ARG2 positive] , '' [ARGM-CAU since products covered * by the disputed patents account for about 20 % of its annual sales] .
- Control Data also said 0 it is developing [ARG1 what] [ARG0 it] [rel called] *T*-1 [ARG2 a `` supermainframe '' computer , the Cyber 2000 , intended * for scientists , engineers and other users of generalpurpose high-performance computers] .
- [ARG0 An analyst] [rel called] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 one of the worst trade reports since the dollar bottomed out in]
- -LRB- [ARG0 People in the phone business] [rel call] [ARG1 this technology] `` [ARG2 900 click] . '' -RRB-
- Experts are predicting a big influx of new shows in 1990 , when [ARG1 a service] [rel called] * [ARG2 `` automatic number information ''] will become widely available *T*-1 .
- Late in the day , Mr. Wolf issued [ARG0 a onepage statement] [rel calling] [ARG1 Mr. Peterpaul 's blast] [ARG2 `` divisive and uncalled for] . ''
- Observers said 0 it appeared that British Air was angered *-1 at the way 0 the bid has degenerated into confusion *T*-3 , as well as by the banks ' effort 0 *T*-4 to round up financing for [ARG1 what] [ARG0 one] [rel called] *T*-5 [ARG2 `` a deal that *T*-2 is n't a deal] . ''
- [ARG0 You] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a leitmotif or a virtuoso accomplishment] .
- `` [ARG1 It] 's [rel called] [ARG2 bad money driving out good money] , '' said *T*-1 one retailing observer .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel call] [ARG1 this land of ours] [ARG2 Great Britain] , and there may be those who *T*-1 believe this a somewhat immodest practice .
- In his office overlooking the runway of Shannon Airport , Mr. Ovcharenko enthusiastically throws out [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 `` just ideas ''] :
- [ARG0 Some masseurs] have tried *-1 to get around this by * [rel calling] [ARG1 themselves] `` [ARG2 bodyworkers] '' and describing their office visits as `` reinvigoration breaks . ''
- For instance , K mart is opening [ARG1 big food and general merchandise stores] , [rel called] * [ARG2 hypermarkets] , and warehouse-type stores specializing in office products and sporting goods .
- One might think that the home fans in this Series of [ARG1 the Subway] [rel Called] * [ARG2 BART] -LRB- that 's a better name for a public conveyance than `` Desire , '' do n't you think ? -RRB- would have been ecstatic over the proceedings , but they observe them in relative calm .
- `` It could be a long meeting or it could be a short one , '' said *T*-2 Doug Hammond , [ARG0 the mediator] , who *T*-1 [rel called] [ARG1 the agreement * to meet] [ARG2 a first step toward a resumption of negotiations] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel called] [ARG1 today 's announcement] `` [ARG2 opportunistic and disruptive] '' and said 0 the company intends *-1 to proceed with its restructuring .
- [ARG0 George M. Salem , analyst at Prudential-Bache Securities Inc. ,] [rel called] [ARG1 the results] `` [ARG2 mildly disappointing] . ''
- [ARG0 *] [rel CALL] [ARG1 IT] [ARG2 un-advertising] .
- [ARG0 Nobuto Yasuda , a director at Yamaichi Investment Trust & Management Co. ,] [rel called] [ARG1 yesterday 's session] [ARG2 `` a good scenario '' for Japan] .
- This initiative is being labeled *-1 The Big Green , but [ARGM-DIS maybe] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel called] *-2 [ARG2 The Big Greenback] .
- [ARG0 Senator Pete Domenici] [rel calls] [ARG1 this effort] [ARG2 `` the first gift of democracy . '']
- * Based *-1 largely on the recent strength in [ARG1 their index] , [rel called] * [ARG2 the long leading indicator] , the Columbia analysts foresee uninterrupted economic growth through the rest of this year and next year as well .
- Maxus , an independent oil and gas concern , is the operator and owns a 56 % interest in [ARG1 the new field] , [rel called] * [ARG2 Northeast Intan] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mr. Baker] [rel called] [ARG1 the letter -- and the company 's offer of a 10 % wage increase over the life of the pact , plus bonuses --] `` [ARG2 very weak] . ''
- The Cincinnati consumer-products giant got clobbered *-1 two years ago in Japan when Kao introduced [ARG1 a powerful detergent] , [rel called] * [ARG2 Attack] , which *T*-2 quickly won a 30 % stake in the Japanese markets .
- Retailers in Phoenix , Ariz. , say 0 [ARG1 P&G 's new powdered detergent] -- 0 *T*-2 to be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 Cheer with Color Guard] -- will be on shelves in that market by early November .
- [ARG0 Many] [rel called] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-ADV simply] [ARG2 a contrast in styles] .
- [ARG2 Bozell Cheil Corp.] , as [ARG1 the new agency] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel called] *-1 *?* , will be based *-2 in Seoul and is 70 % owned *-2 by Samsung and 30 % owned *-2 by Bozell .
- [ARG2 Little Lily] , as [ARG0 Ms. Cunningham] [rel calls] [ARG1 herself] *?* [ARGM-LOC in the book] , really was n't ordinary .
- Hardest hit *-2 are *T*-1 [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel calls] *T*-3 [ARG2 `` secondary '' sites that *T*-4 primarily serve neighborhood residents] .
- So CNN , a unit of Atlanta-based Turner Broadcasting System Inc. , is trying *-2 to reposition itself as a primary channel , or [ARG1 what] [ARG0 people in the television industry] [rel call] *T*-1 [ARG2 a `` top of mind '' network] .
- It filled its daily schedule with [ARG1 newscasts] [rel called] * [ARG2 `` Daybreak , '' `` Daywatch , '' `` Newsday , '' and `` Newsnight] , '' but the shows varied little in content , personality or look .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 the `` we 're too broke *-1 to fight '' defense] .
- China 's Communist leadership voted *-1 to purge the party of `` hostile and anti-party elements '' and [ARG1 wealthy private businessmen] , whom [ARG0 they] [rel called] *T*-2 [ARG2 exploiters] .
- At the time , [ARG1 a group] [rel called] * [ARG2 R.B. Partners Ltd.] , consisting of eight of Arby 's largest franchisees , offered more than $ 200 million *U* *-2 to buy Arby 's Inc. , which *T*-1 is part of DWG Corp .
- Friday , 42 franchisees announced the formation of [ARG1 an association] -- [rel called] * [ARG2 A.P. Association Inc.] -- 0 *T*-1 to `` preserve the integrity of the Arby 's system . ''
- Italy 's most popular series is [ARG1 a drama] [rel called] * [ARG2 `` La Piovra , '' or `` The Octopus] , '' which *T*-1 chronicles the fight of an idealistic young investigator in Palermo against the Mafia .
- He said 0 Jews were `` sick with complexes '' ; and [ARG0 he] [rel called] [ARG1 David Dinkins , Mr. Giuliani 's black opponent ,] `` [ARG2 a fancy shvartze with a mustache] . ''
- And it has remained there , as * evidenced *-2 by its reappearance in [ARG1 a 1972 CBS sitcom] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 Bridget Loves Bernie] , '' whose sole distinction *T*-1 was that it led to the real-life marriage of Meredith Baxter and David Birney .
- Also missing from the Senate bill is *T*-2 the House 's repeal of [ARG1 a law] , [rel called] * [ARG2 Section 89] , that *T*-1 compels companies to give rank-and-file workers comparable health benefits to top paid executives .
- Ah , yes , [ARG1 something] [rel called] * [ARG2 a Star Chamber] .
- `` This is n't quite a notebook -- [ARG0 I] [rel call] [ARG1 it] [ARG2 a phonebook] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- At stake is *T*-1 [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Mike Swavely , Compaq 's president of North America operations ,] [rel calls] *T*-2 `` [ARG2 the Holy Grail of the computer industry] '' -- the search for `` a real computer in a package so small 0 you can take it everywhere . ''
- One manufacturer already has produced [ARG1 a clipboard-sized computer] [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 a notepad] , and two others have introduced even smaller `` palmtops . ''
- In recent months , Compaq 's competition , including Zenith , Toshiba Corp. , Tandy Corp. and NEC Corp. all have introduced [ARG1 portables] that *T*-3 weigh approximately the same and that *T*-4 are [rel called] *-2 [ARG2 notebooks] -- [ARGM-MNR perhaps misleadingly] .
- [ARG1 Tandem 's new high-end computer] is [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 Cyclone] .
- The agency 's first strips issue , collateralized * by Freddie Mac 8 % securities pooled * into [ARG1 a single security] [rel called] * [ARG2 a Giant] , will be divided *-2 into interest-only and principal-only securities .
- In fact , some of the network 's Hungarian listeners say 0 they owe Radio Free Europe loyalty because it was responsible in many ways for * keeping hope alive through [ARG1 what] [ARG0 one writer here] [rel calls] *T*-1 [ARG2 the `` Dark Ages of the 20th Century] . ''
- The Hungarian service has [ARG1 a daily 40-minute news show] [rel called] * [ARG2 Newsreel] , [ARGM-ADV with international and domestic news , plus a daily news review of opinions from around the world] .
- [ARG1 A daily 35-minute program] [rel called] * `` [ARG2 The March of Time ''] tries *-1 to find interesting tidbits of lighthearted news and gossip from around the world .
- If we want *-1 to support students , we might adopt the idea used * in other countries of * offering more scholarships based * on [ARG1 something] [rel called] * [ARG2 `` scholarship] , '' rather than on the government 's idea of `` service . ''
- The allegation had been raised *-1 in Parliament by the governing Liberal Democratic Party following magazine reports suggesting that money from [ARG1 Japanese-style pinball] , [rel called] * [ARG2 pachinko] , had infiltrated politics .
- [ARG1 The new company] is *-2 to be [rel called] *-1 [ARG2 Siemens Matsushita Components G.m.b . H .]
- The notes show that [ARG0 Sen. DeConcini] [rel called] [ARG1 the Federal Home Loan Bank Board 's regulations] [ARG2 `` grossly unfair] , '' and that Sen. Glenn insisted that Mr. Keating 's thrift was `` viable and profitable . ''