frames- `` There 's nothing preventing [ARG0 BellSouth] from *-1 [rel buying] up [ARG1 shares] [ARGM-TMP in the meanwhile] . ''
- Analysts expect that [ARG0 the two U.S. auto giants] will move quickly *-1 to [rel buy] up [ARG1 15 % stakes in Jaguar] , *-1 setting up a potential bidding war for the prestigious Jaguar brand .
- [ARG0 GM and Ford] are expected *-1 to go head to head in the markets *-2 to [rel buy] up [ARG1 rival 15 % stakes in Jaguar] .
- The move , subject to a definitive agreement , is part of a trend by [ARG0 big-city banks] that *T*-1 have been [rel buying] up [ARG1 credit-card portfolios] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to expand their business] .