frames- Avery paid $ 750 million *U* , including various legal and financing fees , *-1 to acquire Uniroyal Chemical , Middlebury , Conn. , in 1986 -- [ARG0 a move] that *T*-161 [rel burdened] [ARG1 Avery] with [ARG2-with debt] .
- But some other analysts have a stormier forecast for the pound , particularly because Britain 's inflation is hovering at a relatively lofty annual rate of about 7.6 % and [ARG1 the nation] is [rel burdened] *-1 with [ARG2-with a struggling government and large current account *RNR*-2 and trade *RNR*-2 deficits] .
- THE IRS WILL PAY if [ARG0 its error] [rel burdens] [ARG1 you] with [ARG2-with bank charges] .
- *-2 A member in the House leadership and skilled legislator , Mr. Fazio nonetheless found [ARG1 himself] [rel burdened] *-3 [ARGM-DIS not only] by [ARG2-by California 's needs] but by Hurricane Hugo amendments 0 he accepted *T*-1 in a vain effort * to build support in the panel .
- *-2 A member in the House leadership and skilled legislator , Mr. Fazio nonetheless found [ARG1 himself] [rel burdened] *-3 not only by California 's needs [ARGM-DIS but] by [ARG2-by Hurricane Hugo amendments 0 he accepted *T*-1 in a vain effort * to build support in the panel] .
- If Sen. Bradley would permit a vote on capital gains , though , it would pass , [ARG1 Christmas retail sales] [ARGM-MOD would] be strong [ARGM-DIS instead of] [rel burdened] by [ARG2-by a falling stock market] , the 1990 economy would be robust , and the revenue gains at every level of government , including New Jersey 's , would be surprisingly high .
- Ashton-Tate Corp. reported a net loss of $ 19.4 million *U* , or 74 cents a share , for [ARG1 the third quarter] , which *T*-2 was [rel burdened] *-1 by [ARG2-by severance costs and the expense of * upgrading its database software inventories] .