frames- [ARG1 Another fight] is [rel brewing] [ARGM-LOC between Congress and the Bush administration] [ARGM-ADV over how * to pay for the savings-and-loan bailout without *-2 adding to the federal budget deficit *T*-1] .
- Braumeisters Ltd. tests [ARG1 a beer] [rel brewed] * with [ARG2-with oat bran , rather than rice or corn] .
- Beneath the tepid news-release jargon lies *T*-1 a powerful threat from the [rel brewing] [ARG0 giant] , which *T*-2 last year accounted for about 41 % of all U.S. beer sales and *T*-2 is expected *-3 to see that grow to 42.5 % in the current year .
- Although imports account for less than 1 % of beer sales in Japan , [ARG0 Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which *T*-1 has been gaining share with its popular dry beer ,] plans *-2 to fend off Japanese competitors by *-3 pouring $ 1.06 billion *U* into facilities 0 * to [rel brew] [ARG1 50 % more beer] *T*-4 .
- [ARG0 Whitbread] also owns the license * to [rel brew] and distribute [ARG1 Heineken and Stella Artois beers] [ARGM-LOC in Britain] .