frames- With [ARG0 Mr. Icahn] [rel breathing] down [ARG2-down his neck] , however , Mr. Corry may have little choice but * to sell at a weak price , even if it means * losing some steel-related tax-loss carryforwards .
- [ARG0 The three of us] stopped *-1 [rel breathing] for a moment , and then when it kept on *-3 coming *T*-2 we lunged for the doorway .
- That may be difficult , the Jaguar chairman acknowledged 0 *T*-2 , `` [ARGM-TMP when] you have [ARG0 somebody else] [rel breathing] down [ARG2-down your neck] *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 People] are [rel breathing] [ARG1 a major sigh *ICH*-1 of relief that the world did n't end Monday morning '' or yesterday] .