frames- It eventually secured Ministry of Health import approval for two Candela laser products -- [ARG0 one] that *T*-189 [rel breaks] up [ARG1 kidney stones] and another that *T*-190 treats skin lesions .
- One trial balloon 0 Mr. Spiegel is said *-4 to have floated *T*-3 to investors : [ARG1 Columbia] [ARGM-MOD might] be [rel broken] up *-1 , [ARGM-MNR as Mellon Bank was split *-2 into a good bank and a bad bank] .
- Mr. Icahn has said 0 he believes 0 [ARG1 USX] would be worth more if *-1 [rel broken] up *-2 into [ARG2-into steel and energy segments] .
- Opponents say 0 [ARG0 Mr. Thornburgh 's plan] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-MNR needlessly] [rel break] up [ARG1 longtime , tightly knit crime-fighting units that *T*-1 have successfully prosecuted major organized-crime figures] .
- Some former strike-force personnel say 0 [ARG1 the units] have already begun *-1 to [rel break] up .
- Mr. Leon of Bear Stearns speculated that McCaw , in an attempt * to buy time , might consider *-3 filing an antitrust suit against BellSouth with the Justice Department and U.S. District Judge Harold Greene , who *T*-1 oversees enforcement of [ARG0 the consent decree] that *T*-2 [rel broke] up [ARG1 the Bell system] [ARGM-TMP in 1984] .
- The document proposes [ARG0 *-1] [rel breaking] up [ARG1 the monolithic system of state-owned enterprises and farms] and allowing a big private sector to flourish , *-2 helped *-3 by tough anti-monopoly legislation .
- They lay out a clear timetable and methodology for * liberalizing the system of [ARG0 *] setting prices , [rel breaking] up [ARG1 huge industrial monopolies] and putting unprofitable state-owned companies out of business .
- As [ARG1 the session] [rel broke] up , I was approached *-1 by a man who *T*-2 identified himself as the alumni director of a Big Ten university .
- Mr. Icahn has long believed , associates say 0 *T*-2 , that [ARG1 the company , whose 1988 sales *T*-1 totaled $ 16.88 billion *U* ,] is worth $ 70 *U* a share if *-3 [rel broken] up .
- The executives say 0 [ARG0 Time] may seek *-3 to [rel break] up [ARG1 the transaction] [ARGM-TMP after it is consummated *-1] , or may seek constraints that *T*-2 would prevent Tele-Communications from *-4 dropping HBO in any of its cable systems in favor of Showtime .
- But [ARG0 it] could also accelerate `` marketization '' by *-1 reinforcing industrial accountability , [rel breaking] up [ARG1 state monopolies] , giving managers a stake in solutions , and ensuring that modernization is not reversible for failure * to address environmental effects .
- Executives say 0 [ARG0 Mr. Gorbachev 's] moves * to [rel break] up [ARG1 the government 's foreign trade monopoly] have created uncertainties as well as opportunities .
- Some analysts say 0 [ARG0 Noranda] would prefer *-1 to [rel break] up [ARG1 Falconbridge] , and that the Swedes -- relatively inexperienced in international mining operations -- could have problems *-2 holding their own with a much bigger partner like Noranda operating on its home turf .
- When an electric current is applied *-1 to the palladium and platinum electrodes *T*-2 , [ARG1 the heavy water] did begin *-3 to [rel break] up , or dissociate .
- Red tractors gingerly picked at the rubble while [ARG0 jackhammers] tried *-1 to [rel break] up [ARG1 some of the massive slabs of concrete] .