frames- The survey reported 0 the number of people who *T*-1 said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel bowl] [ARGM-TMP regularly] has fallen to just 8 % from 17 % in 1981 .
- The American Bowling Congress claims 0 [ARG0 a higher percentage of the public] [rel bowls] [ARGM-TMP regularly] , but concedes 0 its membership has declined this decade .
- Three reasons *ICH*-4 were pinpointed *-5 : a preference for [ARG0 *] watching bowling and other sports on television rather than [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel bowling] , dowdy bowling centers , and dissatisfaction with bowling itself .
- But not Richard Cottrell , [ARG0 a San Francisco cab driver] who *T*-1 [rel bowls] [ARGM-LOC in two weekly leagues] .
- He says 0 bowling helps him shed pounds , though that effort is sometimes thwarted *-2 by the fact that `` [ARGM-TMP when I 'm drinking *T*-1] , [ARG0 I] [rel bowl] [ARGM-MNR better] . ''