frames- [ARG1 Mr. Azoff] reportedly was [rel bored] and frequently clashed with top MCA management over a number of issues such as compensation and business plans .
- *-2 A San Francisco lawyer , Mr. Panelli rowed religiously when he first got the machine *T*-1 , but , he complains , 0 it left grease marks on his carpet , `` and [ARG0 it] was [rel boring] .
- Already last week , Mr. Krenz started *-1 overhauling East Germany 's heavily censored and [ARGM-ADV notoriously] [rel boring] [ARG0 news] media .
- [ARGM-TMP Eventually] [ARG1 viewers] may grow [rel bored] with [ARG0-with the technology] and resent the cost .
- Mr. Kaye had sold Capetronic Inc. , a Taiwan electronics maker , and retired , only * to find 0 [ARG1 he] was [rel bored] .