frames- It invests heavily in dollar-denominated securities overseas and is currently waiving management fees , [ARG0 which] *T*-9 [rel boosts] [ARG1 its yield] .
- [ARG0 Such devices] have [rel boosted] [ARG1 Japanese investment in mortgage-backed securities] to [ARG4-to more than 1 % of the $ 900 billion *U* in such instruments outstanding] , and their purchases are growing at a rapid rate .
- David Berson , economist for the Mortgage Bankers Association , predicted 0 [ARG0 the drop in interest rates] [ARGM-TMP eventually] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel boost] [ARG1 spending on single-family homes] , [ARGM-TMP but probably not until early next year] .
- [ARG0 Rekindled hope that two New England states will allow broader interstate banking] [rel boosted] [ARG1 Nasdaq 's bank stocks] , but the over-the-counter market was up only slightly in lackluster trading .
- Some dealers said 0 the dollar was pressured *-1 slightly because [ARG0 a number of market participants] had [rel boosted] [ARG1 their expectations] [ARGM-TMP in the past day] and were looking for an index above 50 , which *T*-148 indicates an expanding manufacturing economy .
- [ARG0 Continuing demand for dollars from Japanese investors] [rel boosted] [ARG1 the U.S. currency] .
- [ARG0 Every $ 15,000 *U* 0 you send *T*-1] will go a long way * to [rel boost] [ARG1 sagging net worth and employee morale] -- and keep your Foster Savings Institution off the federal budget deficit !
- [ARG0 The House] voted *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the federal minimum wage] for the first time since early 1981 , *-1 casting a solid 382-37 vote for a compromise measure backed * by President Bush .
- [ARG0 Mr. McGovern , 63 ,] had been under intense pressure *ICH*-1 from the board * to [rel boost] [ARG1 Campbell 's mediocre performance] to [ARG4-to the level of other food companies] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 an increase of land under cultivation after the drought] has [rel boosted] [ARG1 production of corn , soybeans and other commodities] , [ARGM-ADV * causing a fall in prices that *T*-2 has been only partly cushioned *-3 by heavy grain buying by the Soviets] .
- American Express Co. and General Motors Corp. 's beleaguered Buick division are joining forces in [ARG0 a promotion] aimed * at * [rel boosting] [ARG1 Buick 's sales] [ARGM-ADV while * encouraging broader use of the American Express card] .
- [ARG1 Stocks] [rel boosted] * by [ARG0-by market-makers shopping * to cover book requirements in FT-SE 100 shares] included Carlton Communications , which *T*-1 climbed 32 to 778 .
- Market sources said 0 Reliance has already sold its entire UAL stake , and thus would n't have any reason * to file the application [ARGM-ADV simply] [ARG0 *] to [rel boost] [ARG1 the value of its stock] .
- Some takeover experts were skeptical , *-1 saying 0 it *EXP*-2 was possible that [ARG0 Mr. Steinberg] made the filing only *-3 to help *-4 [rel boost] [ARG1 the value of any remaining Reliance stake in UAL] .
- But [ARG0 some investors] have used such filings *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the value of their stock holdings , which -- without *-2 buying more stock -- they then sold *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 The move] [rel boosts] [ARG1 Intelogic Chairman Asher Edelman 's stake] to [ARG4-to 20 %] from [ARG3-from 16.2 %] and may help *-2 prevent Martin Ackerman from *-1 making a run at the computer-services concern .
- [ARG1 Prices] [ARGM-DIS also] were [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by another rumor that Mexico , usually a large producer and exporter , might have *-2 to buy a large quantity of sugar] .
- [ARG0 Prudential-Bache Securities] [rel boosted] [ARG1 the stock 's short-term investment rating] [ARGM-ADV in response to the departure] ; analyst John McMillin said 0 he believes 0 the company will turn to new management `` that *T*-1 's more financially oriented . ''
- While [ARG0 renewed optimism about the outlook for takeover activity] [rel boosted] [ARG1 several so-called deal stocks] , traders said 0 profit-taking weighed on the market , with blue-chips bearing the brunt of the selling .
- [ARG0 The compromise plan] , which *T*-1 [rel boosts] [ARG1 the minimum wage] [ARGM-TMP for the first time since 1981] , is expected *-2 to clear the Senate soon .
- [ARG0 Higher crude oil prices] helped *-1 [rel boost] [ARG1 operating profit for the Marathon Oil Co. unit] to [ARG4-to $ 198 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 180 million *U*] .
- The changes were proposed *-3 in an effort [ARG0 *] to streamline federal bureaucracy and [rel boost] [ARG1 compliance by the executives `` who *T*-1 are really calling the shots] , '' said 0 *T*-4 Brian Lane , special counsel at the SEC 's office of disclosure policy , which *T*-2 proposed the changes .
- [ARG0 Coca-Cola Co.] , *-1 aiming *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 soft-drink volume in Singapore] , said 0 it is discussing a joint venture with Fraser & Neave Ltd. , its bottling franchisee in that country .
- Mr. Bush had been holding out for [ARG0 a bill] [rel boosting] [ARG1 the wage floor] to [ARG4-to $ 4.25 *U* an hour] [ARGM-TMP by the end of 1991] , coupled * with a six-month training wage for workers newly hired * by any employer .
- Shaw , based * in Dalton , Ga. , has annual sales of about $ 1.18 billion *U* , and has economies of scale and [ARG0 lower raw-material costs] that *T*-130 are expected *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the profitability of Armstrong 's brands , sold * under the Armstrong and Evans-Black names] .
- [ARG0 The Wilmington , Mass. , garment service company] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its quarterly dividend] [ARG2-EXT 20 %] to [ARG4-to three cents a share adjusted * for the split] .
- The sales-tax plan was preferred *-239 over [ARG0 an alternative] that *T*-277 [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel boosted] [ARG1 the state gasoline tax] .
- Congress still is struggling *-1 to dismantle [ARG0 the unpopular Catastrophic Care Act] of 1988 , which *T*-39 [rel boosted] [ARG1 benefits for the elderly] and *-2 taxed them *-3 to pay for the new coverage .
- [ARG0 LTV Steel Co.] is [rel boosting] [ARG1 the prices of flat rolled steel products] by [ARG2-by an average of 3 %] [ARGM-TMP following a recent erosion in the prices of such crucial steel products] .
- In fact , LTV was [ARG0 the first steelmaker] 0 *T*-1 to [ARGM-MNR publicly] [rel boost] [ARG1 discounts for buyers of cold rolled sheet steel and hot-dipped galvanized sheet steel] .
- But traders also said 0 arbitrage-related trading contributed to the market 's surge , as [ARG0 buy programs] [rel boosted] [ARG1 prices] [ARGM-TMP shortly after the opening and sporadically through the remainder of the session] .
- BankAmerica climbed 1 3\/4 to 30 after [ARG0 PaineWebber] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its investment opinion on the stock] to [ARG4-to its highest rating] .
- Net income was down from a year ago , when [ARG0 a gain from the restructuring of a retirement plan] [rel boosted] [ARG1 earnigs] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The compromise proposal , ending a long impasse between Democrats and the president ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel boost] [ARG1 the minimum wage] to [ARG4-to $ 4.25 *U* an hour] [ARGM-TMP by April 1991] from [ARG3-from $ 3.35 *U* now] .
- [ARG0 LTV Steel] is [rel boosting] [ARG1 prices of flat rolled steel products] [ARG2-EXT an average 3 %] , but it *EXP*-1 's unclear whether the increases , set * for Jan. 1 , 1990 , will stick .
- [ARGM-DIS But] , [ARGM-MNR by *-1 allowing BT Securities Inc. to handle private placements] , [ARG0 the Fed] [rel boosted] [ARG1 the volume of new types of underwriting that the unit can do *T*-186] .
- A few blue-chip stocks posted [ARG1 strong gains] , *-1 [rel boosted] *-2 by [ARG0-by special factors] , while the majority of shares ended little changed .
- [ARG0 Courtaulds PLC] announced plans * to spin off its textiles operations to existing shareholders in a restructuring * to [rel boost] [ARG1 shareholder value] .
- Courtaulds ' spinoff reflects pressure *ICH*-1 on [ARG0 British industry] * to [rel boost] [ARG1 share prices] beyond [ARG4-beyond the reach of corporate raiders] .
- Some analysts have said 0 [ARG0 Courtaulds ' moves] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel boost] [ARG1 the company 's value] by [ARG2-by 5 % to 10 %] , [ARGM-ADV because the two entities separately will carry a higher price earnings multiple than they did *?* combined] .
- `` The movies , the books , the tabloids -- [ARG0 even Nancy Reagan] is [rel boosting] [ARG1 this stuff] , '' says *T*-2 Paul Kurtz , a philosophy professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo , who *T*-1 heads the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal .
- In addition , Revco 's 1,900 stores in 27 states represent a lot of real estate , he said 0 *T*-1 , and demographics are helping pharmacies : [ARG0 The nation 's aging population] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel boost] [ARG1 demand for prescription drugs] .
- This is not only because it kills the unborn , a job at which it actually is not outstandingly efficient *T*-2 , *-3 zapping only 50 % to 85 % *U* of them depending on which study you read *T*-1 -LRB- [ARG0 prostaglandin] , [ARGM-ADV *-4 taken * in conjunction with the pill] , [rel boosts] [ARG1 the rate] to [ARG4-to 95 %] -RRB- .
- Sometimes , the ads attempt *-1 to raise money ; always , [ARG0 they] try *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 good will] .
- It said simply that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel boost] [ARG1 its Navigation Mixte stake] [ARGM-ADV as it sees fit] [ARGM-TMP over the coming days] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to protect itself] , [ARGM-TMP as long as it has French regulatory officials ' approval] .
- In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing , Mr. Green said 0 [ARG0 he] had [rel boosted] [ARG1 his holdings in Bancroft common] to [ARG4-to 10.4 %] from [ARG3-from 8.5 %] , and renewed an offer *ICH*-2 0 he made *T*-1 in March * to acquire the fund .
- [ARG1 The dollar] finished mostly stronger yesterday , *-1 [rel boosted] *-2 by [ARG0-by a modest recovery in share prices] .
- Japanese companies have long been accused *-1 of [ARG0 *] sacrificing profit *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 sales] .
- Alan Smith , president of Marks & Spencer North America and Far East , says that [ARG0 Brooks Brothers ' focus] is * to [rel boost] [ARG1 sales] [ARGM-MNR by * broadening its merchandise assortment while *-1 keeping its `` traditional emphasis] . ''
- Analysts agree , *-1 predicting that [ARG0 the revived market] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-MNR significantly] [rel boost] [ARG1 Westinghouse 's bottom line] [ARGM-TMP in coming years] .
- [ARG0 The revised LIN-BellSouth agreement] [rel boosts] [ARG1 the dollar amount of the special dividend 0 LIN promises *-2 to pay shareholders *T*-1] .
- General Mills , meanwhile , finds [ARG0 itself] constrained *-1 from *-2 [rel boosting] [ARG1 sales] [ARG2-EXT further] because its plants are operating at capacity .
- General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. are now going head to head in the markets for shares of Jaguar PLC , as [ARG0 GM] got early clearance *ICH*-1 from the Federal Trade Commission * to [rel boost] [ARG1 its stake in the British luxury car maker] .
- [ARG0 MEDICINE SHOPPE INTERNATIONAL Inc.] declared a 3-for-2 stock split , and [ARGM-MNR substantially] [rel boosted] [ARG1 the dividend payout] .
- He says that even if [ARG0 the natural gas contract] [rel boosts] [ARG1 volume at the exchange] [ARGM-MNR strongly] , the 1990 business plan calls for * having adequate compliance people 0 *T*-2 to ensure that exchange rules are being followed *-1 .
- During the next decade , Mr. Kume said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 Nissan] plans *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 overseas vehicle production] [ARGM-MNR sufficiently * to account for a majority of sales outside Japan] .
- [ARG0 The accord] helps RJR pay off debt and [rel boosts] [ARG1 Nestle 's 7 % share of the U.S. candy market] to [ARG4-to 12 %] .
- GM confirmed 0 [ARG0 it] received U.S. antitrust clearance * to [rel boost] [ARG1 its holding] .
- [ARGM-TMP Earlier this month] , [ARG0 Mr. Icahn] [rel boosted] [ARG1 his USX stake] to [ARG4-to 13.4 %] .
- [ARG0 The project] costs $ 46.8 million *U* , and is intended *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the company 's production capacity] by [ARG2-by 25 %] to [ARG4-to 34,500 metric tons of copper cathode a year] .
- Stockholders , as a group , can win , because they own a share of [ARG0 corporate earnings] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] grow and [rel boost] [ARG1 stock prices] .
- The split was aimed *-1 at [ARG0 *] [rel boosting] [ARG1 the stock 's liquidity] , said 0 *T*-2 Brendan Barba , chairman of the Moonachie , N.J. , maker of plastic film products .
- The result is that [ARG0 those rich enough * to own any real estate at all] have [rel boosted] [ARG1 their holdings] [ARGM-MNR substantially] .
- The administration says 0 [ARG0 the measures] [ARGM-MOD would] stem rampant property speculation , free more land for the government 's ambitious housing-construction program , designed * to build two million apartments by 1992 -- and , [ARGM-ADV perhaps] , [rel boost] [ARG1 the popular standing of President Roh] .
- But his chance * to become deputy mayor under Mayor Abraham Beame , [ARG1 a plan] [rel boosted] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Sutton] , was squandered *-1 because of Mr. Dinkins 's failure -- still largely unexplained -- * to file income tax returns for four years running .
- It also was considering a restructuring 0 [ARG0 *T*-1] to help [rel boost] [ARG1 the stock price] .
- [ARG0 The acquisition] [rel boosted] [ARG1 Black & Decker 's ratio of debt to total capital] to [ARG4-to more than 80 %] .
- Once he realized that Paribas 's intentions were n't friendly , he said 0 *T*-2 , but before the bid was launched *-1 , [ARG0 he] sought approval * to [rel boost] [ARG1 his Paribas stake] above [ARG4-above 10 %] .
- Paribas said Monday that [ARG0 it] intends *-1 to bid *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 its stake in Navigation Mixte] to [ARG4-to 66.7 %] , from [ARG3-from the 18.7 % 0 it already owns *T*-3] .
- But sources said 0 he will be urging [ARG0 his allies] *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 their stakes in Navigation Mixte , which *T*-2 is being traded *-3 in London and is *-3 to resume *-4 trading in Paris Tuesday] .
- Two West German chemical companies announced [ARG0 steps] that apparently *T*-1 are designed *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the chemical industry 's standing among environmental groups and the general public] .
- GMAC said 0 its automotive financing and leasing business rose 35 % in the U.S. , largely because of [ARG0 dealer and customer incentives] used * * to [rel boost] [ARG1 sales] .
- [ARGM-DIS By contrast] , [ARG0 Electronic Data Systems Corp. , GM 's data processing subsidiary ,] [rel boosted] [ARG1 net] [ARG2-EXT 16 %] .
- The company has said 0 [ARG0 it] wants *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 non-GM revenue] to [ARG4-to at least 50 % of its total business] [ARGM-TMP by the end of 1990] .
- Not long ago , [ARG0 scientists holding stock in Spectra Pharmaceutical Services Inc.] were accused *-1 of *-2 falsifying research *-3 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the stock] .
- One way that [ARG0 money fund managers] [rel boost] [ARG1 yields] [ARGM-LOC in a declining rate environment] *T*-1 is by * extending the maturities of their investments , so they can earn the current higher rates for a longer period .
- [ARG0 The strategy] [rel boosts] [ARG1 current yield] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 putting more bonds into the portfolio] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG1 production costs] , [ARGM-ADV compared with a year ago] , were [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by higher raw material and employment costs , which *T*-2 resulted from the company 's new labor pact effective June 1] .
- [ARG0 Anheuser , the world 's largest brewer and U.S. market leader ,] has historically been reluctant *-1 to engage in price-cutting as a means of * [rel boosting] [ARG1 sales volume] .
- [ARG1 Jaguar] was [rel boosted] *-1 [ARG2-EXT 21] to [ARG4-to 715] [ARGM-LOC on follow-through buying] [ARGM-TMP after Ford Motor 's announcement *ICH*-2 Tuesday that it might be prepared *-3 to mount a full bid for the U.K. luxury auto maker] .
- [ARG0 The cash injection] [rel boosted] [ARG1 Zeta 's capital] [ARG2-EXT more than four-fold] , to [ARG4-to 8.47 billion pesetas] from [ARG3-from 1.82 billion pesetas] , [ARGM-ADV * greatly enhancing the group 's ability * to make investments] , Zeta officials said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Northeast Utilities] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its offer * to acquire the company] by [ARG2-by $ 400 million *U*] , to [ARG4-to $ 2.25 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 Newell] , which *T*-2 declared a 2-for-1 stock split and [rel boosted] [ARG1 its quarterly dividend] by [ARG2-by 14 %] , added 7\/8 to 49 3\/8 .
- In contrast to previous economic booms , [ARG0 Japanese auto companies] are n't just trying *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 production] .
- Mr. Corry expected the Texas Oil & Gas sale to delight Mr. Icahn by *-1 addressing his concern about [ARG0 *] [rel boosting] [ARG1 shareholder value] .
- Last year 's drought in the Midwest prompted [ARG0 retailers to stock up on oils ahead of anticipated price increases] , * [rel boosting] [ARG1 sales for Crisco and Puritan oils] , analysts said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Earnings at the consumer-products giant] were [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by a gain of $ 125 million *U* , or about 25 cents a share , stemming from last month 's settlement of litigation with three of P&G 's competitors over patents on P&G 's Duncan Hines cookies] .
- `` [ARG1 Teddy Z] '' was [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by favorable reviews and a network-wide promotional tie-in contest with K mart Corp] .
- But it 's understood that Mr. Kravis is disappointed *-2 that [ARG0 Mr. Gillett] did n't manage *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 SCI TV 's operating profit] [ARGM-TMP after the buy-out] .
- [ARG0 Rubbermaid Inc. , reflecting strong earnings growth ,] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its quarterly dividend] [ARG2-EXT 18 %] , to [ARG4-to 13 cents a share] from [ARG3-from 11 cents] .
- Chevron said 0 [ARG0 higher crude oil prices] [rel boosted] [ARG1 profits from production operations] , but margins in refining and marketing declined .
- But in Washington state , small business generally opposes [ARG0 an initiative] 0 *T*-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 spending on children 's programs] by [ARG2-by $ 360 million *U*] , *-3 fearing 0 the state 's 7.8 % sales tax will be raised *-1 * to finance the outlays .
- Five states -- Oregon , Rhode Island , New Hampshire , Iowa and Wisconsin -- passed [ARG0 bills] 0 *T*-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the minimum wage] , but measures in 19 other states were defeated *-1 .
- [ARG1 Third-quarter sales in Europe] were exceptionally strong , *-1 [rel boosted] *-2 by [ARG0-by promotional programs and new products] -- [ARGM-ADV although weaker foreign currencies reduced the company 's earnings] .
- Many at Lloyd 's expect 0 the San Francisco earthquake will cause [ARG0 the industry] to [rel boost] [ARG1 rates] [ARG2-EXT even further] .
- Paribas said that once it receives the go-ahead from French stock market authorities , [ARG0 it] will offer *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 its Navigation Mixte stake] to [ARG4-to 66.7 %] from [ARG3-from the current 18.7 %] .
- [ARG0 The move] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARG2-EXT greatly] [rel boost] [ARG1 Paribas 's stake in the insurance , transport and food businesses , where Navigation Mixte is strong *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 The debt-laden parent] has been under pressure *ICH*-1 from large shareholders * to [rel boost] [ARG1 the company 's share price] .
- The start of a weeklong conference by the IG Metall metal worker union in Berlin is drawing attention to [ARG0 the impending wage negotiations] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel boost] [ARG1 companies ' personnel costs] [ARGM-TMP next year] , they said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , he says 0 *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 longer maturities on automobile and other forms of installment credit] [rel boost] [ARG1 the stock of debt] [ARGM-MNR faster than the flow of repayments and the accompanying payment burden] . ''
- In the late 1960s she designed [ARG0 a lightweight stretch bra] that *T*-1 [rel boosted] [ARG1 sales] .
- So despite the GM-Jaguar romance , analysts say 0 [ARG0 Ford] [ARGM-TMP by last Friday] had [rel boosted] [ARG1 its Jaguar holding] to [ARG4-to about 11 % of the luxury auto maker 's shares outstanding] from [ARG3-from 10.4 %] early last week .
- [ARG0 The owners] are trying *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 profit] [ARGM-MNR in other ways] , [ARGM-DIS too] .
- [ARG0 Investors] bailed out of New York City bonds in droves last week , * driving prices lower and [rel boosting] [ARG1 yields] .
- Through a separate agreement between Peter Dauchy , president , and a group of selling shareholders , the company said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 Mr. Dauchy] will on Oct. 30 buy 231,405 shares from the group , * [rel boosting] [ARG1 his stake] to [ARG4-to about 717,000 shares , or 50.7 % of the total after the buy-back] .
- Since its unsuccessful bid for BankAmerica Corp. in 1986 , [ARG0 the bank] has undertaken a major restructuring in an effort * to cut costs and [rel boost] [ARG1 performance] , but many industry officials believe 0 it may be ripe for a takeover bid , especially with interstate banking set *-1 to begin in California in 1991 .
- [ARG0 The availability of these drives] , [ARGM-DIS in turn] , [rel boosted] [ARG1 demand for laptop computers , whose usefulness *T*-1 had been limited because of lack of storage] .
- Strong investor demand prompted [ARG0 the utility] to [rel boost] [ARG1 the size of the issue] from [ARG3-from $ 3 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 East Germany] pledged *-1 to reduce alcohol consumption by *-2 [rel boosting] [ARG1 production of soft drinks and fruit juices] .
- Growth stocks may underperform cyclical stocks next year if [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] begins *-1 to let interest rates drift sufficiently lower *-2 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the economy] .
- East Rock also said in the filing that [ARG0 it] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its stake in A.P. Green] to [ARG4-to 8.7 %] .
- And Japan Air Lines said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 its rates] [ARG2-EXT a further 25 %] [ARGM-TMP over the next two years] .
- [ARG0 Carriers] [rel boosted] [ARG1 rates *ICH*-1] [ARG2-EXT more than 10 %] [ARGM-LOC in the North Atlantic between the U.S. and Europe] [ARGM-TMP last September] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 hoping *-3 to partly restore rates to earlier levels] .
- In other active shares , Trusthouse Forte shed 10 to 294 on volume of 6.4 million shares after a Barclays De Zoete Wedd downgrading , while [ARG1 Hillsdown Holdings , a food products concern ,] was [rel boosted] *-1 [ARG2-EXT 2] to [ARG4-to 271] [ARGM-TMP after it disclosed 0 it would seek shareholder approval 0 * to begin share repurchases *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 I.E.P. Securities Ltd. , a unit of Mr. Brierley 's Hong Kong-based Industrial Equity -LRB- Pacific -RRB- Ltd. ,] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its holdings in Vickers] to [ARG4-to 38.8 million shares] .
- Television last week carried a new report on East Berlin 's main wallpaper factory and the need [ARG0 *] to [rel boost] [ARG1 production] .
- [ARG1 Silver prices] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-DIS also] be [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by strikes in leading producing nations Peru and Mexico] , Mr. Demler says 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel boost] by [ARG2-by 50 %] [ARG1 USX 's current hot-dipped capacity of 1,275,000 tons] .
- He does add , however , that [ARG0 transplanted Japanese car makers] are [rel boosting] [ARG1 the levels of U.S.-made steel in their autos] , [ARGM-ADV instead of *-1 relying heavily on imported steel] .
- [ARGM-CAU Since the `` yield '' from this top slice of applicants is relatively low] , [ARG0 *] [rel boosting] [ARG1 admits] from [ARG3-from 40 %] to [ARG4-to 50 %] will boost registrants from about 31 % to 38 % of the class .
- [ARGM-CAU Since the `` yield '' from this top slice of applicants is relatively low] , [ARG0 * boosting admits from 40 % to 50 %] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel boost] [ARG1 registrants] from [ARG3-from about 31 %] to [ARG4-to 38 % of the class] .
- [ARG0 The new market] helped [rel boost] [ARG1 U.S. fur sales] to [ARG4-to about $ 1.8 billion *U* a year now , triple the level in the late 1970s] .
- Two weeks after [ARG0 *-1] [rel boosting] [ARG1 base rates] to [ARG4-to 15 %] , he pledged that `` rates will have *-2 to remain high for some time 0 *T*-3 to come . ''
- Social Security benefits will rise 4.7 % next year *-1 to keep pace with inflation , [ARG0 *-1] [rel boosting] [ARG1 the average monthly benefit] to [ARG4-to $ 566 *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 541 *U*] , the Department of Health and Human Services announced 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Humana 's revenues] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , are being [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by large increases in enrollments in the company 's health maintenance organizations] .
- Mr. Carder also goes through periods when he buys stocks in conjunction with options [ARG0 *-2] to [rel boost] [ARG1 returns] and protect against declines *T*-1 .
- The travel , investment services , insurance and banking concern added $ 110 million *U* to reserves for credit losses at its American Express Bank unit , [ARG0 *] [rel boosting] [ARG1 the reserve] to [ARG4-to $ 507 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP as of Sept. 30] .
- [ARG0 Westmoreland Coal Co.] , *-1 realizing benefits of a sustained effort * to cut costs and [rel boost] [ARG1 productivity] , reported sharply improved third-quarter results .
- [ARG0 Amoco] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARG2-MNR sharply] [rel boosted] [ARG1 natural-gas output , part of it from properties acquired * from Tenneco Inc. last year] .
- James F. Gero , former chairman and chief executive officer of Varo Inc. , and Richard J. Hatchett III , a Dallas investment banker , were elected *-1 directors of this medical-products concern , [ARG0 *] [rel boosting] [ARG1 the board] to [ARG4-to seven members] .
- [ARG0 The announcement] [rel boosted] [ARG1 the charter-shipping company 's shares , which *T*-1 closed at $ 15.125 *U* , up $ 1.25 *U* a share , in composite trading on the American Stock Exchange] .
- [ARG1 Housing issues] were [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by a report that Daiwa House expects *-2 to post 43 % higher earnings for its latest fiscal year] , traders said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 The incentives] [rel boosted] [ARG1 sales] [ARGM-TMP for a while] , but the pace had cooled by last month .
- First Fidelity said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its loan-loss provision] to [ARG4-to $ 50.9 million *U*] from [ARG3-from $ 20.4 million *U*] a year ago , [ARGM-ADV primarily because of a weaker real-estate sector in the region] .
- Moreover , [ARG0 BankAmerica] continued *-1 to build its reserve against troubled foreign loans by *-1 [rel boosting] [ARG1 its loan-loss provision] to [ARG4-to $ 170 million *U* , about the same as the previous quarter but well above the $ 100 million *U* in the year-earlier quarter] .
- For example , he noted 0 *T*-1 , operating profit was weaker than he had anticipated *?* , but [ARG0 nonoperating earnings of $ 14.6 million *U* and a lower tax rate] helped *-2 [rel boost] [ARG1 net income] .
- HERE 'S *T*-3 ONE more explanation for why Japan is a tough industrial competitor *T*-1 : Two of three Japanese employees submit [ARG0 suggestions] 0 *T*-2 to save money , increase efficiency and [rel boost] [ARG1 morale] , while only 8 % of American workers do *?* .
- The company also said 0 [ARG0 the transaction] [ARGM-MOD would] bolster after-tax earnings by $ 3.25 *U* a share when * completed *-2 *T*-1 and [rel boost] [ARG1 its primary capital ratio] to [ARG4-to 7 %] from [ARG3-from 6.63 %] .
- Republic New York Corp. joined the list of [ARG0 banks] [rel boosting] [ARG1 reserves for losses on loans to less-developed countries] , *-1 setting out a $ 200 million *U* provision and posting a $ 155.4 million *U* third-quarter net loss as a result .
- [ARG0 The new 3090s due next week] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel boost] [ARG1 performance] by [ARG2-by only about 8 % to 10 % *U*] .
- Barry F. Willman , an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. , estimates 0 [ARG0 the 9000] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel boost] [ARG1 sales] by [ARG2-by more than $ 1 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP in the fiscal year beginning in July] .
- Speculation that the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates in coming weeks helped push the dollar down while [ARG0 *-1] [rel boosting] [ARG1 stocks] , traders said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The space shuttle Atlantis] [rel boosted] [ARG1 the Galileo spacecraft] [ARGM-LOC on its way to Jupiter] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 giving a big lift as well to an ambitious U.S. program of space exploration] .
- [ARG0 An executive model] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARG2-MNR significantly] [rel boost] [ARG1 Jaguar 's yearly output of 50,000 cars] .
- [ARGM-TMP After then] , [ARG0 the House measure] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel boost] [ARG1 the tax rate] to [ARG4-to 28 %] and exclude from tax the gain attributable to inflation .
- [ARG0 The company] is exploring , with a major financial institution , the development of a plan * to [rel boost] [ARG1 the value of the company for its holders] , Mr. Ruskin said 0 *T*-1 .
- Last month , Morgan Grenfell announced 0 [ARG1 its pretax profit] rose 49.6 % to # 32.8 million *U* in the first half , *-1 [rel boosted] *-2 by [ARG0-by a healthy growth in its domestic and international corporate finance business] .
- `` [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-ADV definitely] [rel boost] [ARG1 Next 's sales] . ''
- One key for [ARG0 salespeople] is * to [rel boost] [ARG1 their own morale] .
- `` Non-smoking should be established *-1 as the norm of social behavior '' around the world , the editorial says 0 *T*-3 , through the enactment of [ARG0 laws] that *T*-2 limit advertising , [rel boost] [ARG1 tobacco prices] and promote anti-smoking education .
- Coca-Cola Enterprises said 0 [ARG0 it] had *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 spending for trade and dealer incentives] [ARGM-PNC * to try *-2 to keep volumes from *-3 slipping] .
- Strong investor demand prompted [ARG0 it] *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the size of the issue] from [ARG3-from $ 3 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 The move] was meant *-1 to keep a lid on interest rates and to [rel boost] [ARG1 investor confidence] .
- Still , proponents may be shying away from more drumbeating because they sense 0 [ARG0 political tides] have turned against * arming the Nicaraguan rebels or [rel boosting] [ARG1 spending on SDI] -- particularly when the public perceives 0 the Soviet threat is declining under Mikhail Gorbachev *T*-1 .
- For instance , First Quadrant Corp. , an asset allocator based * in Morristown , N.J. , said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MNR quickly] [rel boosted] [ARG1 stock positions in its `` aggressive '' accounts] to [ARG4-to 75 %] from [ARG3-from 55 %] [ARGM-PNC * to take advantage of plunging prices Friday] .
- [ARG0 Some banks] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel boosted] [ARG1 yields on the shortest term CDs] [ARGM-TMP in the latest week] .
- Mr. Mehl noted that actual rates are almost identical on small and large-denomination CDs , but [ARG1 yields on CDs aimed at the individual investor] are [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by more frequent compounding] .
- [ARG0 Additional cable partners] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel boost] [ARG1 subscribers] [ARG2-EXT even further] .
- [ARG0 * Linking up Showtime with the largest cable operator in the U.S.] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-MNR sharply] [rel boost] [ARG1 its subscribers] .
- Analysts said 0 [ARG1 Hachette 's earnings in the second half] [ARGM-MOD might] be [rel boosted] *-1 by [ARG0-by a capital gain from the sale of the Paris headquarters of a newspaper-delivery company that *T*-3 is 49 % owned *-2 by Hachette] .
- [ARG0 Many fund managers] have [rel boosted] [ARG1 their cash levels] [ARGM-TMP in recent weeks] .
- And as [ARG0 Aeroflot] struggles *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 its service standards] , upgrade its fleet and pursue commercial opportunities , the Irish aviation industry seems poised *-2 to benefit .
- In fact , [ARG0 they] 've spent billions of dollars *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 the percentage of continously cast steel] to [ARG4-to 60.9 %] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] , from [ARG3-from 39.6 %] [ARGM-TMP five years before] .
- Moreover , Mr. Douglas sees [ARG0 a revival] of institutional interest in smaller growth stocks that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel boost] [ARG1 the performance of these stocks] [ARGM-TMP in the medium term] .
- Officials familiar with the bank talks said 0 [ARG0 the UAL buy-out group -- UAL pilots , management , and British Airways PLC --] is now willing *-1 to pay higher bank fees and interest , but is n't likely *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 its $ 965 million *U* equity contribution] .
- The association is pushing [ARG0 an extensive and expensive wish-list] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-MNR substantially] [rel boost] [ARG1 spending] above [ARG4-above the current level of more than $ 15 billion *U* annually] .
- A group including Jon M. Huntsman of Salt Lake City , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel boosted] [ARG1 its stake in Aristech Chemical Corp.] to [ARG4-to 8.36 % of the the common shares outstanding] .
- Contributing to the selling pressure were *T*-2 dispatches by several investment firms advising [ARG0 clients] *-1 to [rel boost] [ARG1 their stock holdings] and reduce the size of their cash or bond portfolios .
- The government estimates that [ARG0 the new plan] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel boost] [ARG1 production next year] by [ARG2-by about 66 million bushels] .
- Maxtor said 0 [ARG1 its results] were [rel boosted] *-2 by [ARG0-by $ 2 million *U* in payments received * from a supplier , for a certain line of products that Maxtor is n't going *-1 to sell *T*-3 anymore] .
- To the detriment of many low-income people , [ARG0 efforts] * to [rel boost] [ARG1 Medicaid funding , especially in rural areas ,] also were stricken *-1 .