frames- [ARG0 Factories] [rel booked] [ARG1 $ 236.74 billion *U* in orders [ARGM-ADV *ICH*-1] ] [ARGM-TMP in September] , nearly the same as the $ 236.79 billion *U* in August , the Commerce Department said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Investors] took advantage of Tuesday 's stock rally *-1 to [rel book] [ARG1 some profits] yesterday , *-1 leaving stocks up fractionally .
- The MiniScribe report outlines a host of allegedly fraudulent practices , including the shipment of [ARG1 bricks and defective disk drives] that *T*-180 were [rel booked] *-1 as [ARG2-as sales] , and inventory forgeries in accounting records .
- A one-time write-off for [ARG0 *] [rel booking] [ARG1 nonexistent revenue] was partly *-1 to blame , but so were *T*-2 lower profits from a stingier contract with the Army and delays in * getting paid .
- [ARG1 Detroit-to-Tokyo flights] were [rel booked] *-1 [ARG2 solid] [ARGM-TMP this week] [ARGM-ADV as Motor City executives , including Ford Motor Co. Chairman Donald E. Petersen and Chrysler Corp. Vice Chairman Gerald Greenwald , flocked *-2 to see the future] .
- [ARG0 The executives] were accused *-1 of *-1 improperly deferring expenses and *-1 [rel booking] [ARG1 revenue] [ARGM-TMP early] , [ARGM-PNC in an effort * to dress up results -- and perhaps bolster performance-related bonuses] .
- [ARG0 The oil refiner] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel booked] [ARG1 a $ 15 million *U* charge] for [ARG2-for *-1 selling Ashland Technology Corp. , one of its subsidiaries , at a loss] .
- `` Other cities are calling -LCB- [ARG1 groups] [rel booked] [ARGM-LOC here] for [ARG2-for tours and conferences] -RCB- and -- not * to be crass -- stealing our booking list , '' said *T*-1 Scott Shafer , a spokesman for Mayor Art Agnos .
- [ARG1 His On-Broadway Photography studio in Portland , Ore. ,] doubled its business last year and , he says 0 *T*-1 , is [rel booked] *-2 [ARG2 solid] [ARGM-TMP for the next five] .
- Peter Otradovec , vice president for planning at the Phoenix , Ariz. , carrier , said in an interview that the work stoppage at Boeing , now entering its 13th day , `` has caused some turmoil in our scheduling '' and that [ARG1 more than 500 passengers] who *T*-2 were [rel booked] *-3 [ARG2 to fly out of Houston on America West] would now be put *-1 on other airlines .
- Some analysts hedge their estimates for Quantum , because it *EXP*-3 is n't known *-1 when [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel book] [ARG1 certain one-time charges] *T*-2 .