frames- [ARG1 Garbage magazine] , [rel billed] * as `` [ARG2 The Practical Journal for the Environment] , '' is about *-1 to find out 0 *?* .
- [ARG0 Real estate professionals] [ARGM-TMP now] [ARGM-TMP often] [rel bill] [ARG1-REC themselves] as [ARG2-as `` turnaround experts '' and `` workout specialists] . ''
- [ARG1 That complex bid] was [rel billed] *-1 as [ARG2-as France 's largest takeover ever] -LRB- this one is slightly smaller -RRB- .
- Even if one buys into the whole greenhouse theory , it *EXP*-1 is inconceivable that reductions in a single state could have any impact on [ARG1 what] *T*-3 is [rel billed] *-2 as [ARG2-as a global problem] .