frames- Mr. Beale commented that [ARG1 the mark] remains [ARGM-MNR well] [rel bid] against other currencies as well .
- Despite the dollar 's lackluster performance , some foreign-exchange traders maintain that [ARG1 the U.S. unit] remains [ARG3 relatively well] [rel bid] .
- *-1 Trading on little specific information , [ARG0 market players] overnight in Tokyo began *-1 [rel bidding] [ARG3 up] [ARG1 oil prices] .
- [ARG1 West Texas Intermediate] was [rel bid] [ARG3 up] more than 20 cents a barrel [ARGM-LOC in many overseas markets] .
- [ARGM-TMP In early trading] , [ARG0 investors] were [rel bidding] [ARG1 bond prices] [ARG3 higher] [ARGM-TMP as stocks tumbled and fears *ICH*-1 mounted that Friday 's stock market debacle would be repeated *-2] .
- Some analysts remain bullish and point out that [ARG1 the dollar] continues *-1 to be [ARG3 well] [rel bid] despite key rate increases in Europe and Japan , several weeks of aggressive dollar sales by the world central banks -- some traders estimate that the barrage of sales topped $ 12 billion *U* -- and a 190-point plunge on the New York Stock Exchange .
- Mr. Neff says 0 the stock market has lost some powerful driving forces , namely earnings growth and the `` LBO sweepstakes '' -- buy-out fever that *T*-1 induced [ARG0 investors] to [rel bid] [ARG3 up] [ARG1 whole groups of stocks , such as media and airlines] .