frames- `` [ARG0 You] either [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Seymour can do it again] or you do n't *?* . ''
- The new company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 there are fewer than 100 potential customers for supercomputers priced * between $ 15 million and $ 30 million *U* -- presumably the Cray-3 price range] .
- [ARG1 The declaration by Economy Minister Nestor Rapanelli] is [rel believed] *-1 to be the first time 0 such an action has been called for *-3 by an Argentine official of such stature *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Cathryn Rice] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-ADV hardly] [rel believe] [ARG1 her eyes] .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] in [ARG1-in the system] .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 you have *-1 to use the system *-2 to change it] .
- Mary Elizabeth Ariail , another social-studies teacher , says 0 [ARG0 she] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Mrs. Yeargin wanted *-1 to keep her standing high so she could get a new job that *T*-92 would n't demand good hearing] .
- [ARG0 Medical researchers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the transplantation of small amounts of fetal tissue into humans could help * treat juvenile diabetes and such degenerative diseases as Alzheimer 's , Parkinson 's and Huntington 's] .
- One station manager says 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 Viacom 's move is a `` pre-emptive strike ''] [ARGM-CAU because the company is worried that `` Cosby '' ratings will continue *-1 to drop in syndication over the next few years] .
- Mr. Leming was n't surprised *-1 by the lower price cited * by NL , *-1 saying 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 that $ 55 *U* a share is `` the most 0 you can pay *T*-2 for Georgia Gulf before it becomes a bad acquisition] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV Although Georgia Gulf has n't been eager *-1 to negotiate with Mr. Simmons and NL , a specialty chemicals concern ,] [ARG0 the group] [ARGM-DIS apparently] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the company 's management is interested *-114 in some kind of transaction] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 that it *EXP*-3 is vitally important for those Japanese business interests -LCB- in the U.S. . -RCB- to be more aware of the emotions and concerns of the American people] , '' said *T*-1 the spokesman , Taizo Watanabe .
- [ARG0 Many people] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the growth in dividends will slow next year] , [ARGM-ADV although a minority see double-digit gains continuing] .
- The paper accused him of *-3 being a leading proponent of `` peaceful evolution , '' a catch phrase 0 [ARG1 *] to describe what [ARG0 China] [rel believes] 0 *T*-1 is the policy *ICH*-4 of Western countries * to seduce socialist nations into the capitalist sphere *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 Many in the United States , including many friends of China ,] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the crackdown was excessive and unjustified] , '' Mr. Nixon told Mr. Yang , who *T*-242 was directly involved *-2 in * ordering the attack *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Takuma Yamamoto , president of Fujitsu Ltd. ,] [rel believes] `` [ARG1 0 the ` money worship ' among young people ... caused the problem] . ''
- I get the impression that [ARG0 some Japanese managers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 * working harder for less money is beautiful] .
- In 1975 , Mr. Pamplin enticed Mr. Hahn into * joining the company as executive vice president in charge of chemicals ; the move befuddled [ARG0 many] in Georgia-Pacific who *T*-5 did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 a university administrator could make the transition to the corporate world] .
- [ARG0 Publishing officials] [rel believe] [ARG1 that while Random House has enjoyed spectacular growth and has smoothly integrated many acquisitions in recent years , some of the bigger ones have n't been absorbed *-44 so easily] .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 the framers] [rel believed] [ARG1 that the nation needed a unitary executive with the independence and resources 0 * to perform the executive functions that the Confederation Congress had performed *T*-2 poorly under the Articles of Confederation *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the Big Board , under Mr. Phelan , has abandoned their interest] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 she] [rel believes] [ARG1 that `` program trading creates deviant swings] .
- Jim Enzor of Atlanta defends program trading because [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 that it can bring the market back up after a plunge] .
- [ARG0 She] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the only answer for individuals is * to `` buy stocks that *T*-1 'll weather any storm] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 19.6 % of consumers contacted *] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 business conditions will improve in the coming six months] , [ARGM-ADV compared with 18.3 % in September] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG1 it] is [rel believed] *-1 to offer a cost-sharing mechanism that *T*-2 would help *-3 subsidize the clean-up costs for the dirtiest coal-fired utilities in the country , *-3 sparing their customers from exorbitant jumps in their electric bills .
- [ARGM-DIS As a result] , Ms. Ganes said 0 *T*-2 , it is [rel believed] [ARG1 that little or no sugar from the 1989-90 crop has been shipped *-1 yet , even though the crop year is six months old] .
- [ARG1 The Soviets] are [ARGM-ADV widely] [rel believed] *-1 to need additional supplies , [ARGM-ADV despite * running up record one-month purchases of 310 million bushels of corn in October] .
- Prudential-Bache Securities boosted the stock 's short-term investment rating in response to the departure ; analyst John McMillin said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the company will turn to new management `` that *T*-1 's more financially oriented] . ''
- While [ARG0 researchers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 such transplants could help *-1 treat diseases like Alzheimer 's] , anti-abortionists oppose the research .
- The ABA gives a `` qualified '' rating to [ARG1 nominees] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] 0 *T*-1 would perform `` satisfactorily '' on the bench .
- Any question as to [ARGM-CAU why] [ARG0 an author] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 this plaintive , high-minded note of assurance is necessary] *T*-2 is answered *-1 by * reading this book about sticky fingers and sweaty scammers .
- Mr. Icahn has said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 USX would be worth more if *-1 broken up *-2 into steel and energy segments] .
- `` [ARGM-DIS Apparently] [ARG0 the commission] did [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-DIS really] [rel believe] in [ARG1-in this ideal] . ''
- [ARG1 It] was all too mellow 0 *T*-2 to be [rel believed] *-11 , but they probably would have gotten away with it , had they not felt compelled *-1 to add Ms. Collins 's signature tune , `` Amazing Grace , '' and ask for audience participation .
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] in [ARG1-in what he plays *T*-16] , and he plays superbly .
- [ARG0 Many investors] [ARGM-DIS certainly] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 a bidding war is imminent] .
- Jaguar was shocked *-44 by Mr. Ridley 's decision , because [ARG0 management] had [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the government would n't lift the golden share without *-1 consulting the company first] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they -LRB- GM -RRB- will let Ford have a free run] , '' said *T*-1 Stephen Reitman , a European auto industry analyst at UBS-Phillips & Drew .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 some American defense officials] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should take more time *-1 to examine the long-term implications of the options being considered *] .
- The judge says 0 he ca n't discuss in detail how he will defend himself at his trial *T*-1 , although he contends that if he were as corrupt as [ARG0 state prosecutors] [rel believe] [ARG1 *?*] , he would be far wealthier than he is *?* .
- I await his sequel : the economic and social resiliency of the San Francisco Bay area and the outstanding work of the local governments and the private charitable organizations there as metaphors for the supremacy of [ARG1-in whatever failed system] [ARG0 Mr. Cockburn] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel believes] in *T*-1 .
- And although Warner has said 0 it wanted the producers to fulfill the terms of their contract , the producers said in sworn court declarations that [ARG0 they] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the relationship could be repaired *-184 after the acrimony of the legal battle] .
- In a statement , Southern Co. President Edward L. Addison said , `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 our decision * to plead -LRB- guilty -RRB- to these charges is responsible and proper] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Goya Foods Inc.] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 it can milk some sales by *-1 bucking the trend] .
- [ARG0 Marketers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 most Americans wo n't make the convenience trade-off] ... .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 industry executives] [ARGM-ADV also] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 * hiring Mr. Achenbaum is a shrewd move for Backer Spielvogel , a unit of Saatchi & Saatchi] .
- [ARGM-DIS Regardless] , he said *T*-1 , [ARG0 he] [ARGM-DIS still] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the Soviet Union , while *-2 falling far short of the efficiency of a Western economy , may well manage *-2 to improve considerably] .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the U.S. is becoming more patient and circumspect] , '' he said *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 many analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 that , given the attractiveness of paper companies ' cash flows , as well as the frantic consolidation of the paper industry in Europe , there will be at least a few more big hostile bids for U.S. companies within the next several months] .
- `` The implied current net asset value of 22.70 -LCB- per share -RCB- is well below [ARG1 the 30 level] that [ARG0 the Street] [rel believed] *T*-83 , '' PaineWebber says *T*-1 .
- Salomon Brothers says , `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the real estate properties would trade at a discount ... after the realty unit is spun off] ... .
- `` [ARG0 They -LCB- LTV -RCB-] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 this can impact contract negotiations and is their signal *ICH*-3 to the world that now is the time 0 * to get tough on prices *T*-2] , '' said *T*-1 Peter Marcus , an analyst with PaineWebber Inc .
- [ARG0 Mr. Marcus] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 spot steel prices will continue *-1 to fall through early 1990 and then reverse themselves] .
- [ARG0 Some analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the company has the ability * to pinpoint the trough in interest-rate cycles] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the bank loan , 0 *T*-1 to be arranged *-2 by February , will supply about half of the financing] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 technology is one of their best bets] , and some Soviet officials say 0 Moscow will even consider *-1 declassifying military know-how if the price is right .
- In a public opinion poll published * in the October issue of Parents Magazine , a third of those queried * said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 that ghosts or spirits make themselves known to people] .
- The spirits , of course , could hardly care less whether [ARG0 people] do *RNR*-1 or do [ARGM-NEG n't] *RNR*-1 [rel believe] in [ARG1-in them] .
- The spirits , of course , could hardly care less whether [ARG0 people] do *RNR*-1 or do n't *RNR*-1 [rel believe] in [ARG1-in them] .
- Mrs. Stinnett says 0 [ARG0 she] [ARGM-TMP never] [rel believed] in [ARG1-in ghosts] [ARGM-TMP before] , but lately her vacuum cleaner turned itself on , a telephone flew off its stand , doors slammed inexplicably , and she heard footsteps in her empty kitchen .
- `` If [ARG0 the person] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 there 's an evil spirit] , you ask it *-3 to be gone *-1 , '' he says *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MNR firmly] [rel believe] in [ARG1-in angels , devils and ghosts] , '' says *T*-2 Mr. Warren , whose business card *T*-1 identifies him as a `` demonologist . ''
- [ARG0 Executives] [ARGM-LOC universally] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 workers should know their employer-sponsored benefits] .
- [ARG1 About 80 % of Brazil 's voters] are [rel believed] *-1 to live near the poverty level .
- `` [ARG0 Moody 's] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the uncertain environment for merchant banking could put pressure on CS First Boston 's performance] , '' the rating concern said *T*-1 , *-2 citing `` continued problems '' from the firm 's exposures to `` various Campeau-related firms '' and to Ohio Mattress .
- [ARG0 Both groups] [rel believed] [ARG1 that tens of billions of dollars of service exports -- such as inbound tourism ; legal , accounting and other professional services furnished * to foreigners ; financial , engineering and construction services ; and the like -- were not being counted *-1 as exports] .
- Merrill said 0 [ARG0 it] continues *-1 to [rel believe] [ARG1 that `` the causes of excess market volatility are far more complex than any particular computer trading strategy] .
- In Dallas , LTV said that it was disappointed *-1 that the court agreed *-2 to hear the case because [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the move will further delay its Chapter 11 proceedings] .
- [ARG0 Officials] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 this has left a gaping loophole that illegal drug businesses are exploiting *T*-1] .
- In recent months , [ARG0 researchers] have come *-2 to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the two types of cancer genes work in concert : An oncogene may turn proliferating cells malignant only after the tumor-suppressor gene has been damaged *-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-LOC in Baltimore] , [ARG0 Dr. Vogelstein , a young molecular biologist at Johns Hopkins Medical School ,] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Dr. Knudson was right] , and set out *-1 to repeat the Cavenee experiment in cells from other cancers .
- [ARG0 He] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 colon cancer might also arise from multiple `` hits '' on cancer suppressor genes , because it often seems *-1 to develop in stages] .
- [ARG0 Dr. Minna] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 people who *T*-1 inherit a defective gene somewhere on one of their two copies of chromosome 3 are especially prone to lung cancer] .
- So there is [ARGM-CAU reason] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel believe] [ARG1 that Michael 's hopes for a bacteria-free , long-shelf-life egg were n't all hype] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Carver] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the company 's egg product wo n't help the bottom line in the short run , even though it `` makes sense -- it 's more convenient '' and justifies its price , which *T*-1 is higher than shell eggs , because of health and sanitation concerns] .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , [ARG0 analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 that profit margins in the potato business will be down again this year] .
- [ARG0 The investment community] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARGM-MNR strongly] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the strike will be settled *-1 before there is any lasting effect on either Boeing or its work force] .
- Kent Jesperson , president of Foothills , said 0 [ARG0 the company] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the project would be viable if gas prices reach US$ 3.25 *U* a thousand cubic feet by 1995 , in current dollars , up from a current spot price of about US$ 1.50 *U*] .
- The bank added that [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the review will `` demonstrate that First Union is in compliance with the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV In *-3 deferring action on the merger] , the Fed said 0 *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 The Board] does [ARGM-NEG not] [rel believe] [ARG1 that there is sufficient information in the record at this time * to allow -LCB- it -RCB- to reach a final conclusion on First Union 's record of * helping *-4 to meet the credit needs of the communities 0 it serves *T*-2 in Florida and North Carolina , including low to moderate-income neighborhoods in those communities] . ''
- Paris market sources said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Allianz was buying yesterday morning] , and Navigation Mixte moved up 108 francs -LRB- $ 17.19 *U* -RRB- *-1 to close at 1,908 francs in heavy trading .
- Peter Laird , a Los Angeles lawyer for Ms. Midler , said , `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the verdict reaffirms her position *RNR*-1 and our position *RNR*-1 that advertisers and advertising agencies can not with impunity imitate the voices of well-known performers] .
- One poll , conducted * for the British Broadcasting Corp. , found that [ARG0 52 % of voters] [rel believed] [ARG1 that she should quit] .
- [ARG0 Maureen Fraser , an economist with W.I. Carr , a subsidiary of France 's Banque Indosuez ,] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the territory may not be able *-1 to regain its momentum until some time after 1997] .
- Dow Jones has said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the $ 18-a-share price is fair to Telerate 's minority shareholders] .
- There are [ARG0 the strict monetarists] , who *T*-1 [rel believe] [ARG1 that floating exchange rates free an economy to stabilize its price level by *-2 stabilizing the monetary aggregates] .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite shutdowns of the company 's Lester and East Pittsburgh plants] , [ARG0 the company] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 it has sufficient capacity 0 * to meet near-term demand with its much smaller and more efficient manufacturing facilities in North Carolina *T*-1] .
- Most are from independent producers instead of regulated utilities , and [ARG0 Westinghouse] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 it will ride a wave of demand stretching over the next six years] .
- `` [ARG0 Most of us] grew up *-2 [rel believing] in [ARG1-in the axioms ` Haste makes waste ' and ` * Do n't cut corners , ' ideas that *T*-1 seem *-4 to run counter to the concept of * managing speed] , '' says *T*-3 Dean Cassell , vice president for product integrity at Grumman Corp .
- [ARG0 Werner K. Rey] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 fortunes are made *-1 by * being friendly] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Looking into Bally] , [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-ADV hardly] [rel believe] [ARG1 what he saw *T*-1 : a company with enormous real-estate holdings in major European cities and a market capitalization of 28 million Swiss francs] ; it had 7,000 employees .
- [ARG0 Two well-known colleagues] who *T*-1 [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Mr. Straszheim was right the first time] are David Bostian Jr. and A. Gary Shilling , both of whom *T*-2 run their own New York research firms .
- A good half-hour into breakfast at the Palmer House , Mr. O'Brien looks up from his plate after Mr. Straszheim says something about [ARG0 people] who *T*-1 [rel believe] [ARG1 0 interest rates are about *-2 to nosedive] .
- But [ARGM-TMP this September] -- just when [ARG0 many market economists] , including some at Merrill Lynch , [rel believed] [ARG1 that Mr. Straszheim was about *-2 to be proved *-1 right] *T*-3 -- he took a detour if not a U-turn .
- Chief Executive Officer Michael Carpenter said that [ARGM-ADV despite the outcry even by some of Kidder 's own brokers] , [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 index arbitrage does n't have a `` negative impact on the market as a whole] .
- At the end of the very week in which Mr. Korotich was called *-1 to the Central Committee *T*-3 , Ogonyok was again demonstrating its independence by *-4 printing a poll that *T*-2 showed that [ARG0 35 % of the Soviet population , a plurality ,] [rel believed] [ARG1 that Mr. Gorbachev 's economic reforms , perestroika , would result in only insignificant change] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 that any good lawyer should be able *-4 to figure out *RNR*-5 and understand *RNR*-5 patent law] , '' Judge Mayer says *T*-6 , [ARGM-ADV *-2 adding that `` it *EXP*-3 's the responsibility of highly paid lawyers -LRB- who *T*-1 argue before the court -RRB- * to make us understand -LRB- complex patent litigation -RRB-] . ''
- A new specialty court was sought *-1 by [ARG0 patent experts] , who *T*-2 [rel believed] [ARG1 that the generalists had botched too many important , multimillion-dollar cases] .
- Kellogg 's current share is [rel believed] [ARG1 *-1 to be slightly under 40 %] [ARGM-ADV while General Mills ' share is about 27 %] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 our suggested plan is more likely *-2 to improve the availability of quality legal service to the poor than is the proposed mandatory pro bono plan *?* and will achieve that objective without the divisiveness , distraction , administrative burdens and possible failure that we fear 0 *T*-3 would accompany an attempt * to impose a mandatory plan] , '' said *T*-4 Justin L. Vigdor of Rochester , who *T*-1 headed the bar 's pro bono study committee .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 that there have continued *-3 to be indications of exchange-rate ` manipulation ' '' during the past six months] , it said 0 *T*-2 , *-1 citing the lack of market forces in South Korea 's exchange-rate system and the use *ICH*-4 of capital and interest-rate controls * to manipulate exchange rates .
- [ARG1 Construction spending] is [rel believed] *-1 to have slipped about 0.5 % from August levels , [ARGM-ADV although economists noted 0 the rate probably will pick up in the months ahead in response to hurricane and earthquake damage] .
- [ARGM-DIS What *T*-1 's more] , [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 seasonal swings in the auto industry this year are n't occurring at the same time as in the past , because of production and pricing differences that *T*-2 are curbing the accuracy of seasonal adjustments built * into the employment data] .
- [ARG0 Individuals close to the situation] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Ford officials will seek a meeting *ICH*-1 *ICH*-2 this week with Sir John 0 * to outline their proposal for a full bid *T*-3] .
- That introduction comes only two weeks after [ARG0 Compaq Computer Corp.] , *-1 [rel believing] [ARG1 0 it had a lead of three to six months on competitors] , introduced the first U.S. notebook computer with such features .
- [ARG0 She] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the impact of losses from these catastrophes is n't likely *-1 to halt the growth of the industry 's surplus capital next year] .
- [ARG1 Property reinsurance rates are likely *-1 to climb first] , [ARG0 analysts and brokers] [rel believe] 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Thompson] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the case for * working together is stronger *ICH*-1 now than ever] .
- [ARG1 Mr. Thompson] is [rel believed] *-2 to have a mandate *ICH*-3 from the board of directors * to help *-4 improve the Merc 's tarnished reputation as an exchange whose floor traders *T*-1 do n't follow the rules very well .
- [ARG0 The companies in question] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the analysts are too pessimistic] .
- [ARG0 Ms. Avedisian] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the mutual funds are selling muni bonds that *T*-1 have a negative convexity -- those that *T*-2 have appreciated in price slowly relative to the decline in interest rates] .
- Both companies declined *-1 to comment on the rumors , but several industry analysts told the Professional Investor Report 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 it *EXP*-2 was plausible that Pennzoil may be buying Chevron shares as a prelude to * pushing for a restructuring of the company] .
- `` [ARGM-NEG But] [ARG0 we] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 there is enough of a difference * to be clinically significant] , '' Dr. Sobel said *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV Although the Bank of England 's tight monetary policy has fueled worries that Britain 's slowing economy is headed *-1 for a recession] , it is [ARGM-MNR widely] [rel believed] [ARG1 that Mr. Lawson 's willingness * to prop up the pound with interest-rate increases helped *-2 stem pound selling in recent weeks] .
- [ARG0 Many] [rel believe] [ARG1 that without a healthy futures exchange , Hong Kong 's aspirations * to be recognized *-1 as an international financial center will suffer] .
- But it is high enough * to prod the search for future supplies , low enough * to promote consumption and , most important , steady enough for [ARG0 both producers and users] to [rel believe] in [ARG1-in *?*] .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the risk for each individual stock selected * by your pros is very large] .
- Does [ARG0 the Journal] [ARGM-ADV really] [rel believe] [ARG1 that people ignore the prospect of * having a substantial part of their capital confiscated *-1 when they decide whether *-2 to save or how *-2 to invest *T*-3 *T*-4] ?
- You lead [ARG0 readers] to [rel believe] [ARG1 that the House reduced the capital-gains tax for two years only] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 it will do more damage than good because it will legitimize people like Daniel Ortega] , '' says *T*-2 Curtin Windsor , who *T*-1 served as U.S. ambassador to Costa Rica during the Reagan administration .
- In the U.S. , the search for oil had been headed *-1 toward [ARG1 environmentally sensitive areas] [rel believed] * to have vast reserves .
- He favors [ARG1 a form] of commercial rent control , which [ARG0 the financial community] [rel believes] 0 *T*-1 would make it *EXP*-2 more difficult * to attract investment in the city .
- [ARG0 Some business leaders and others] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel believe] [ARG1 that Mr. Dinkins would place significant responsibility in the hands of a deputy mayor with a strong administrative background] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] , [ARG0 many Californians] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they can get by without it] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the court will find it unlawful] , '' said *T*-1 a US Sprint spokesman .
- In that case , international banks and investors incurred big losses because [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MNR incorrectly] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the company 's debt carried implicit state guarantees] .
- Prosecutors have told Mr. Antar 's attorneys that [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Mr. Antar 's allegedly ill-gotten gains are so great that any money 0 he has used *T*-1 *-2 to pay attorneys derives from illegal activities] .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 we have *-1 to take a shot at * getting as much *ICH*-4 done *-2 as we can *?* through the court , through Justice and through state and federal regulatory agencies] .
- But he said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the second quarter 's 5 % rate `` will prove *-1 to have been this year 's peak quarterly inflation rate] . ''
- `` [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 it will continue] , '' he added *T*-1 , *-2 noting that the economies of the country 's major trading partners are strong and prices of U.S. products are still competitive .
- [ARG0 They] [rel believe] [ARG1 the media , including `` Batibot , '' have played a crucial role] .
- Mr. Boyd is of [ARG0 the directorial school] that *T*-1 [rel believes] [ARG1 0 one must find modern parallels or metaphors *-2 to make Shakespeare accessible to today 's audiences] .
- But most U.S. insurers have n't rushed *-2 to change the way 0 they do business in Europe *T*-3 because [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the European market will still be dominated *-1 by a handful of domestic companies] .
- However , these faults are not the exclusive property of modern comedies , and [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Mr. Knight errs when he attempts *-2 to link this modern phenomenon too closely to a single category of movie making *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 I] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they have the culture '' 0 * to adequately service high-net-worth individuals *T*-2] , he adds 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS And] , [ARGM-DIS last but not least] , [ARG0 President George Bush] [ARGM-TMP now] views the changes in Eastern Europe as `` absolutely extraordinary '' and [rel believes] [ARG1 that Mr. Krenz `` ca n't turn the clock back '' in East Germany because the change is too inexorable] , '' [ARGM-ADV as he told the New York Times 's R.W. Apple Jr] .
- -LRB- In other words , after some highly visible dithering and public airing of differences , the administration has come down on the side of [ARG0 those] who *T*-2 [rel believe] [ARG1 that what we are witnessing *T*-3 from Berlin to Siberia is a good thing 0 *T*-4 to be welcomed *-1 , rather than a new thing 0 *T*-5 to be feared *-6 or viewed *-6 with suspicion] . -RRB-
- [ARG1 Verbatim quotation] , [ARG0 the judge] [rel believed] 0 *T*-3 , was justified *-1 in order * to prove points 0 the author had asserted *T*-4 about Mr. Hubbard -- mendacity , bigotry , paranoia and other unlovely traits that *T*-2 could not be persuasively demonstrated without use of Mr. Hubbard 's own words .
- [ARGM-ADV As members of the Black Caucus in Congress asked during the debate on the legislation that *T*-1 freed Dr. Morgan] , does [ARG0 anyone] [ARGM-MNR seriously] [rel believe] [ARG1 that if she were an uneducated , black , working-class woman , Congress would have rushed *-2 to pass a private relief bill freeing her] ?
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the tax code encourages the use of debt instead of stock and may fuel leveraged buy-outs , an area 0 the SEC does n't regulate *T*-1 directly but one where it wields influence both on Wall Street and in Congress *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 NIH staff members] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the guidelines are essential *-2 to prevent the escalation of problems that *T*-1 have already begun *-3 to surface in scientific ventures] .
- Wall Street executives said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believed] [ARG1 that Renaissance 's $ 900 million *U* buy program was carried *-1 out by PaineWebber Inc] .
- But early on Oct. 19 , the second of two hectic days of board meetings , Mr. Evans said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Qintex Australia would n't be forthcoming] .
- Ms. Bartlett told her audience that [ARG0 she] [ARGM-ADV absolutely] did [ARGM-NEG not] [rel believe] in [ARG1-in compromise] or in * giving in to the client `` [ARGM-CAU because I do n't think 0 you can do watered-down versions of things] . ''
- A major reason is that [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the Packwood-Roth plan would lose buckets of revenue over the long run] .
- [ARG0 The people with a stake in Nevada 's gambling industry] [rel believe] [ARG1 that they have barely tapped the potentially huge family trade] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the vast majority of imported material is safe] .
- [ARG0 Continentals] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the strongest growth area will be southern Europe] .
- [ARG0 The commission] [rel believes] [ARG1 that * improving AM service would broaden listening selections and increase options for advertisers] .
- `` [ARG0 We] continue *-2 to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the position 0 we 've taken *T*-1 is reasonable] , '' a Morgan Stanley official said *T*-3 .
- Separately , two more of the nation 's top steelmakers -- Armco Inc. and National Intergroup Inc. -- reported lower operating earnings in their steel businesses , * marking what *T*-1 is [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel believed] [ARG1 *-2 to be the end of a two-year boom in the industry] .
- [ARG0 Some people familiar with the situation] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the collapse of the previous $ 6.79 billion *U* buy-out , if anything , may have strengthened the hands of these two labor groups] .
- Ms. Browning says 0 [ARG0 she] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 a recapitalization involving employee ownership would succeed only if the pilots relent on their demand for control] .
- But Richard Ketchum , the SEC 's market regulation chief , said 0 [ARG0 he] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 `` this will spawn dramatic new program-trading strategies that *T*-1 will be destabilizing] . ''
- The product is n't widely used *-2 yet , but [ARG0 Toshiba , which *T*-1 has already beaten everyone else in * producing the current-generation one-megabit DRAMs ,] [rel believes] [ARG1 that its early investment will heighten its chances of * beating its competitors again] .
- The drug will be given *-1 treatment investigational new drug status , a label accorded * to [ARG1 drugs] [rel believed] * effective but lacking formal approval .
- So far , AIDS has stricken 1,859 children under age 13 , with [ARG1 many times that number] [rel believed] * to carry the infection without symptoms .
- A Coors spokesman said 0 [ARG0 the company] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the move will further increase William Coors 's influence or reduce the influence of Jeffrey Coors , Peter Coors or Joseph Coors Jr. , who *T*-1 run the company 's three operating units] .
- It *EXP*-2 is refreshing * to see at least one world figure who [ARG1-in *T*-3] knows what [ARG0 she] [rel believes] in *T*-1 and is not inclined *-4 to reflexively compromise those beliefs .
- In Cupertino , Calif. , Apple said that [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the case has no merit , and that HyperCard does not infringe `` any valid claims '' of the Quickview patents] .
- [ARGM-ADV Though I agree with many of Mr. Kageyama 's comments] , [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 he points the gun in the wrong direction] : It is n't the Americans who *T*-2 must be criticized *-1 for *-4 not understanding the Japanese culture , but the Japanese who *T*-3 insist on *-7 forcing their culture on Americans .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Mr. Kageyama left out one major aspect of Japanese culture that *T*-1 permeated his piece : the belief in the superiority of Japanese culture and behavior vs. others] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARG1 what] does [ARG0 George Bush] [ARGM-ADV really] [rel believe] *T*-1 ?
- Although [ARG0 the board] [rel believed] [ARG1 that Mr. Icahn is more interested in *-2 talking the stock price higher than *-2 acquiring USX] , it adopted a poison-pill defense , 0 *T*-3 to be swallowed *-1 if anyone amasses a 15 % stake .
- [ARG0 Mr. Icahn] has [ARGM-TMP long] [rel believed] [ARGM-DIS , associates say 0 *T*-2 ,] [ARG1 that the company , whose 1988 sales *T*-1 totaled $ 16.88 billion *U* , is worth $ 70 *U* a share if *-3 broken up] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 everyday pricing in the current environment does n't work] , '' says *T*-2 Walter Loeb of Morgan Stanley & Co. , *-1 pointing to soft durable-goods sales .
- But analysts noted that excluding transportation - where [ARG1 what] [ARG0 they] [rel believe] *T*-1 was a temporary surge in auto demand pushed up the figures *T*-2 - order backlogs have declined for three months in a row .
- A spokesman says 0 [ARG0 the governor] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 he can avoid increases by *-1 relying on federal aid and shifting funds in state programs] .
- Bernard Leser , president of Conde Nast , added : `` Our research shows 0 we sell more of our heavier issues ... because [ARG0 readers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they are getting more for what they pay for *T*-1] .
- As long as [ARG0 we] [rel believe] [ARG1 that all Americans , of every race and ethnic background , have common interests and can live together cooperatively] , our political map should reflect our belief .
- He said that [ARGM-TMP when sell programs kick in *T*-1] , [ARG0 many traders] [rel believe] [ARG1 that `` there 's no sense in * sticking your nose out because you 're an instant loser] . ''
- So after 70 years , [ARG1 it] is confessing the obvious , *-2 hoping *-3 to be [rel believed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR about other things] .
- If [ARG1 the Soviets] want *-2 to be [rel believed] *-1 , they need *-3 to start *-4 telling the truth about more than the totally obvious .
- And just as [ARG0 we] did [ARGM-NEG not] [rel believe] [ARG1 the tendentious claims of the Congressmen and arms-control advocates who *T*-1 visited Krasnoyarsk] , we are in no way persuaded *-3 by the assent to the tainted-meat theory by a U.S. team of scientists who *T*-2 met with Soviet counterparts in Washington last year .
- [ARG0 We] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 it] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 we] [ARGM-ADV certainly] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel believe] [ARG1 that Mr. Gorbachev or any of his emissaries yet deserve *-1 to have the West take their word for it] .
- Wilbur Ross , financial adviser to the equity holders said , `` [ARGM-ADV Given the state 's strong bargaining position] ... [ARG0 we] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the NU plan provides the best recovery available '' to PS of New Hampshire 's equity holders] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Brown] , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] , [rel believes] [ARG1 0 `` only one tax will be feasible , and it will be a one-penny sales tax increase] , '' said *T*-1 Chuck Dalldorf , an aide .
- `` [ARG0 You] have *-1 to go into it *-2 [ARGM-MNR firmly] [rel believing] [ARG1 that it 's the kind of investment where you can lose everything *T*-3] . ''
- But John LaWare , a Fed governor , told the subcommittee 0 the evidence is mixed and that [ARG0 the Fed 's] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the vast majority of banks are n't discriminating] .
- The FTC said 0 [ARG0 it] `` had reason * to [rel believe] [ARG1 that the proposed acquisition could substantially reduce competition '' in the production of certain image intensifier tubes , which *T*-1 are important components of night-vision devices sold * primarily to the defense industry] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 that as soon as the selling abates somewhat we could see a rally back to the $ 1.20 *U* region] , '' she added *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 that number reflects a slowing economy] . ''
- But he noted that [ARG0 speculators] [ARGM-ADV apparently] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 there is much more of a decline in store for cocoa] .
- Rubbermaid officials said 0 [ARG0 they] are n't aware of any effort * to take over the company , [ARGM-DIS but] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the shareholder plan needed *-2 to be strengthened *-1] .
- [ARG1 But there are plenty of other promising prospects *ICH*-3 at Lake View] , [ARG0 promoters] [rel believe] 0 *T*-2 : Ernest Ball , for instance , who *T*-1 wrote `` When Irish Eyes are Smiling *T*-4 , '' and Garrett Morgan , the inventor of the gas mask and the tri-colored traffic light .
- Sir John Egan , Jaguar 's chairman , so far has refused *-1 to meet with Ford officials , but [ARG1 he] is [rel believed] *-2 to be willing *-3 to consider a specific bid proposal .
- [ARG1 A pitched battle could mean 0 Jaguar would fetch # 10 *U* -LRB- $ 16.02 *U* -RRB- a share , or about # 1.8 billion *U* -LRB- $ 2.88 billion *U* -RRB- ,] [ARG0 several analysts] [rel believe] 0 *T*-1 .
- `` There 's no reason 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel believe] [ARG1 that juries rule inappropriately] *T*-1 , '' he says *T*-2 .
- For personal-injury cases , Litigation Sciences seeks [ARG0 defense jurors] who *T*-1 [rel believe] [ARG1 that most people , including victims , get what they deserve *T*-2] .
- In San Francisco , small businesses are urging passage of a local initiative 0 *T*-1 to build a new $ 95 million *U* downtown baseball stadium ; [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 it will spur retail sales and hotel-restaurant business] .
- With economic growth slowing , they say 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the Fed should ease credit even further] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Calling sales `` still relatively soft] , '' [ARG0 Ms. Steppel] [rel believes] [ARG1 that in real terms , U.S. sales slipped 3 1\/2 % to 4 % at company-operated stores in the quarter] .
- [ARG0 No one in his right mind] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel believes] [ARG1 that we all have an equal academic potential] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 IBM 's decision * to invest this sort of effort into a single industry showed that it was getting serious about * understanding customers ' problems and was n't just selling technology] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 that there are numerous other candidates more qualified for this important position] and we encourage you to give them your thorough consideration before * making this key RTC appointment , '' the letter said *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Savaiko] [rel believes] [ARG1 that if copper falls below the bottom of this range the next significant support level will be about $ 1.04 *U*] .
- [ARG1 Platinum] is [rel believed] *-1 to have good support around $ 480 *U* and palladium at around $ 130 *U* .
- [ARG0 Many analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the Soviets ' thirst for dollars *ICH*-2 this year 0 *T*-1 to buy grain and other Western commodities and goods will bring them to the market whenever prices rally very much *T*-3] .
- Attorneys for Messrs. Burke and Evans and Ms. Clarke said that [ARGM-ADV although their clients admitted to *-3 making some misrepresentations in the sales] , [ARG0 they] had [rel believed] [ARG1 that the works were authorized *-1 by Mr. Dali , who *T*-2 died in January] .
- Mr. Gonzalez is also [ARG0 a stickler] for ethical standards who *T*-1 refuses *-3 to accept honorariums and who *T*-2 [rel believes] in [ARG1-in * conducting official business in the open] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP When I first got a glimpse at the witness list *T*-2] , [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 that they were going *-3 to go ahead and do this] , '' says *T*-1 Michael Waldman , director of Congress Watch , a consumer group .
- `` [ARG0 Anne] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] in [ARG1-in blandness] , '' said *T*-1 Ms. Smith .
- [ARG0 Some auto executives] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the benefits of more choice outweigh the drawbacks] .
- Such preferences persist even though [ARG0 many Americans] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 differences between imported and domestic cars are diminishing] .
- [ARG0 Only 58 % of Americans] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel believe] [ARG1 that foreign cars get better gas mileage than domestic models] [ARGM-ADV , the Journal survey found] , [ARGM-ADV down from 68 % in 1987] .
- [ARG1 For now , the union issue is the most nettlesome of Federal 's Tiger problems] , [ARG0 management] [rel believes] 0 *T*-1 .
- But though [ARG1 most of the 1,087 Federal pilots] are [rel believed] *-1 opposed , it *EXP*-3 is unclear just how much their loyalty to Mr. Smith has been eroded *-2 *T*-4 .
- `` [ARGM-DIS Maybe] [ARG0 people] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 I want *-1 to give this money away] . ''
- However , he recently told the Senate Banking Committee that [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the agency should have explicit authority *-2 to monitor debt levels at holding companies and affiliates of broker-dealers , which *T*-1 are frequently used *-3 *-4 to issue bridge loans] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the company] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Qintex Entertainment 's financial problems could have been resolved *-1 by other means] .
- Still , Mr. Utsumi may have a hard time convincing [ARG0 market analysts] who *T*-1 have [ARGM-MNR rightly or wrongly] [rel believed] [ARG1 that the ministry played a role in * orchestrating recent moves by Japanese banks] .
- Although some of the Japanese banks involved in the first proposed bid for UAL bowed out because they found the terms unattractive , observers here say 0 [ARG0 they] have a hard time *-1 [rel believing] [ARG1 that commercial considerations were the only reason] .
- [ARG0 Securities analysts , many of whom *T*-1 scrapped their buy recommendations after *-2 seeing Cathay 's interim figures ,] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 more jolts lie ahead] .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Cathay is approached *-1 for such swaps by other carriers on a regular basis , particularly as the popularity of share exchanges has grown among European carriers] .
- [ARG0 Barney Hallingby , managing director of research at Hambrecht & Quist ,] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 earnings growth is beginning *-1 to play a greater part in investors ' buying decisions] .
- It also had $ 479.7 million *U* of past-due loans ; its level of reserves against those was n't immediately available , though [ARG1 it] is [rel believed] *-1 to be small .
- Since its unsuccessful bid for BankAmerica Corp. in 1986 , the bank has undertaken a major restructuring in an effort * to cut costs and boost performance , [ARGM-DIS but] [ARG0 many industry officials] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 it may be ripe for a takeover bid , especially with interstate banking set *-1 to begin in California in 1991] .
- [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 interest rates will continue *-1 to trend lower , and the economy will slow around the world] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. McDonough] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the well-being of the planet depends on such stratagems as * opening windows * to cut indoor air pollution , tacking down carpets instead of * using toxic glues , and avoiding mahogany , which *T*-1 comes from endangered rain forests] .
- [ARG0 Some economists] [rel believe] [ARG1 that yields on all Treasury securities may rise this week as the market struggles *-1 to absorb the new supply] .
- One analyst , who *T*-1 asked not *-2 to be identified *-3 , said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the UAL pilots and management can put together a bid `` in the $ 225 *U* area , '' but that it could take three to four months * to close] .
- [ARGM-MNR At that level , and given the uncertainty] , [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 UAL stock should trade closer to]
- [ARGM-ADV Despite Saatchi 's firm stand against * selling its ad units] , [ARG0 U.S. analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the company may ultimately sell some of the smaller units] .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 he may ultimately dispose of some of the non-advertising businesses] .
- Scientists need *-1 to understand that while [ARG0 they] tend *-2 to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 their work is primarly about * establishing new knowledge or doing good] , today it is also about power .
- However , Mr. Dillow said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 that a reduction in raw material stockbuilding by industry could lead to a sharp drop in imports] .
- [ARG0 Not everyone] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the good times are over for shippers] .
- Mr. Stone thought 0 the discipline was unfair ; [ARG0 he] [rel believed] [ARG1 that his manager wanted *-1 to get rid of him for personal reasons] .
- With investors relieved at the overnight gain in New York stocks , small-lot buying orders streamed into the market from early morning , * making [ARG0 traders] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the market was back to normal] .
- His estimate of 3.3 % for third-quarter GNP is higher than the consensus largely because [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 current inventories are n't as low as official figures indicate 0 *?*] .
- [ARG1 Demand] , [ARG0 he] [rel believes] 0 *T*-2 , is being met *-1 from overhang rather than new production .
- [ARGM-ADV By and large] , [ARG0 economists] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the two natural catastrophes will limit economic damage to their regions] .
- Gary Ciminero , economist at Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group , Providence , R.I. , expects the deflator to rise 3.7 % , well below the second quarter 's 4.6 % , partly because of [ARG1 what] [ARG0 he] [rel believes] 0 *T*-1 will be temporarily better price behavior .
- [ARGM-ADV In addition to softer production data , weaker housing starts and lower corporate profits currently in evidence] , [ARG0 some analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the two recent natural disasters -- Hurricane Hugo and the San Francisco earthquake -- will carry economic ramifications in the fourth quarter] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although the bidding group has n't had time 0 * to develop its latest idea fully or to discuss it with banks *T*-2] , [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 bank financing could be obtained *-1] .
- `` [ARG0 Bargain hunters] [rel believe] [ARG1 that silver offers the best value amongst precious metals] , '' says *T*-1 Frederick R. Demler , analyst at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc .
- [ARG1 Long-term support for the December contract] was [rel believed] *-1 to be at $ 1.25 *U* a pound .
- And [ARG0 Mr. Smalling] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they 're worth all that much now] .
- [ARGM-DIS For instance] , [ARG0 some analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 bond returns and volatility have moved permanently closer to those of the stock market] .
- Like all Americans seeking chronic prosperity , I do find it *EXP*-2 necessary * to plunge certain funds into conservative monetary tools , if only *-3 to assuage [ARG0 my father-in-law] , who *T*-1 [rel believes] in [ARG1-in such things] .
- But membership in the International Association of Financial Planners -LRB- IAFP -RRB- , the industry 's biggest trade group , is still nearly triple what it was *T*-2 in 1980 , and it *EXP*-3 's [rel believed] [ARG1 that the ranks of planners who *T*-1 do n't belong to any group have soared as well] .
- [ARG0 The Tax Court] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the Rubins , who *T*-1 earned $ 65,619 *U* in their regular jobs , treated the sideline as a real business and derived `` merely incidental elements of recreation and other personal pleasure and benefits '' from it] .
- Such schemes , says 0 *T*-1 Tony Adamski , chief of the financial-crimes unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington , D.C. , appeal to [ARG0 investors '] `` desire * to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 this is really true and that they are part of a chosen group being given * this opportunity] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Blodgett , the boiler-room veteran ,] [rel believes] [ARG1 that for many investors , the get-rich-quick scams carry a longed-for element of excitement] .
- Do [ARG0 they] [ARGM-ADV really] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the number is just for verification and is simply a formality on the road to * being a grand-prize winner] ?
- [ARG0 Mr. Rosen] , [ARGM-DIS though] , [rel believes] [ARG1 0 imports have reinvigorated the industry in which he has worked for most of his 57 years *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although Olivetti 's profits tumbled 40 % in the first half of this year] , [ARG0 she] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 Olivetti 's restructuring last fall and its introduction of new products will begin *-1 to bear fruit with an earnings rebound next year , especially if it can fulfill its promise * to deliver the new machines by December] .
- Mr. Schulman said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the roll-out of DEC 's new mainframe will `` occur somewhat more leisurely '' than many of his investment colleagues expect 0 *?*] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the suit is without merit] .
- There are no plans * to initiate a common stock dividend , Mr. Johnson said 0 *T*-3 , *-2 explaining that [ARG0 the board] continues *-4 to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 shareholders are best served *-1 by * reinvesting excess cash] .
- An American Express Co. survey of its travel agents revealed that [ARG0 only 34 %] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 their clients will pick a trip this winter based on the availability of winter sports] , [ARGM-ADV as * opposed to 69 % who *T*-3 think that warm-weather sports will be the deciding factor] .
- Dictates of good sense to the contrary not withstanding , the general inclination was [ARG0 *] to [rel believe] [ARG1 that the disturbance would be brief and that ball would be played *-1] .
- James B. Lee , head of syndications and private placements at Chemical Banking Corp. , said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 banks can still make a credible offer of one-stop shopping for takeover finance] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 some observers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Paramount Chairman Martin Davis wanted *-2 to avoid the possible taint of * being perceived *-1 as a corporate raider in his controversial bid for Time] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the task facing Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is so difficult that it resembles `` * juggling a double-bladed ax and a buzz saw] . ''
- For [ARG0 those investors] who *T*-3 [rel believe] -- or fear -- [ARG1 that 1990 will be a recession year] , many economists and money managers agree on steps that *T*-4 can be taken *-1 * to lower the risks in a portfolio .
- I think 0 [ARG0 some people] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they 're helping *-1 fund a massive TV and print campaign] , but we could n't find that the charity does anything except write these letters , '' he says *T*-2 .
- Company officials said later that [ARG0 British Airways] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 its involvement in the UAL buy-out ended last Friday when the buy-out group , which *T*-1 also includes UAL 's management and pilot union , failed *-3 to obtain financing for the $ 6.79 billion *U* transaction *T*-2] .
- Since gold tends *-1 to soar when inflation is high , that finding suggests that [ARG0 people] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 inflation remains under control] .
- The two-thirds who *T*-2 have n't tried *-5 to make their portfolios more recession-resistant were split *-1 about evenly between [ARG0 investors] who `` *T*-3 do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] in [ARG1-in *-6 trying *-7 to predict the markets] '' -LRB- about 31 % -RRB- and investors who *T*-4 `` do n't expect a recession '' -LRB- about 15 % -RRB- or are `` unsure if and when a recession might come *T*-8 '' -LRB- about 22 % -RRB- .
- [ARG0 Some analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 China soon will begin *-1 relaxing economic controls , particularly by *-2 loosening credit] .
- Gasoline margins may rebound this quarter , some industry officials say 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-DIS but] [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 chemical margins could worsen] .
- [ARG1 Troubled chains] could see their sales drop as much as 8 % , [ARG0 he] [rel believes] 0 *T*-1 , as managers distracted * by fears about the future allow their stores to get sloppy .
- `` Traditionally , consumers were concerned *-1 about *-1 ordering after the first of December because [ARG0 they] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they would get it by Christmas] , '' says *T*-3 Adam Strum , chairman of the Wine Enthusiast Inc. , which *T*-2 sells wine cellars and accessories through the mail .
- A poll conducted * in July by a Gallup affiliate showed that [ARG0 64 % of Costa Ricans] [rel believe] [ARG1 that if their country is militarily attacked *-1 by either Nicaragua or Panama , the U.S. will come to its defense] .
- Jamie Kellner , president of Fox Broadcasting , said , `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the partnership of Fox , its affiliates and advertisers is succeeding and will continue *-1 to grow] . ''
- The Cypress reinforcement project itself was part of an annual effort * to shore up [ARG1 structures] [rel believed] * vulnerable to earthquakes .
- [ARGM-DIS Indeed] , [ARG1 at least four other West German banks] are [rel believed] *-1 to be making inquiries .
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 those defenses might well apply to the Bay Bridge collapse] .
- J. Michael Cook , chairman of Deloitte , Haskins & Sells International , said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 the legal action by the British firm `` to be without merit] . ''
- Despite the inflation news , several Fed officials still fear 0 consumer-price pressures will intensify because they insist 0 the economy is stronger than [ARG0 *] [ARGM-MNR generally] [rel believed] .
- 1 -RRB- Voters can `` buy '' one of two brands *ICH*-1 when they select their political agents *T*-4 -- [ARG0 a Republican brand] that *T*-2 [rel believes] in [ARG1-in the minimalist state] and in the virtues of private markets over the vices of public action , and a Democratic brand that *T*-3 believes in big government and in public intervention * to remedy the excesses attendant to the pursuit of private interest .
- 1 -RRB- Voters can `` buy '' one of two brands *ICH*-1 when they select their political agents *T*-4 -- [ARG0 a Republican brand] that *T*-2 [rel believes] in the minimalist state and in [ARG1-in the virtues of private markets over the vices of public action] , and a Democratic brand that *T*-3 believes in big government and in public intervention * to remedy the excesses attendant to the pursuit of private interest .
- 1 -RRB- Voters can `` buy '' one of two brands *ICH*-1 when they select their political agents *T*-4 -- a Republican brand that *T*-2 believes in the minimalist state and in the virtues of private markets over the vices of public action , and [ARG0 a Democratic brand] that *T*-3 [rel believes] in [ARG1-in big government] and in public intervention * to remedy the excesses attendant to the pursuit of private interest .
- 1 -RRB- Voters can `` buy '' one of two brands *ICH*-1 when they select their political agents *T*-4 -- a Republican brand that *T*-2 believes in the minimalist state and in the virtues of private markets over the vices of public action , and [ARG0 a Democratic brand] that *T*-3 [rel believes] in big government and in [ARG1-in public intervention * to remedy the excesses attendant to the pursuit of private interest] .
- [ARG0 The world] might want *-1 to [rel believe] [ARG1 that the Khmer Rouge ca n't still be such bad guys] , just as in the late 1970s it was reluctant *-2 to credit the reports of genocide then taking place .
- FileNet said 0 [ARG0 it] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the state has a valid basis of default] and is reviewing its legal rights under the contract , but said 0 it ca n't predict the outcome of the dispute .
- [ARG0 Analyst James Weil of the Soundview Financial Group] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 Dell 's response has been *-1 to place increased emphasis on product quality , `` in an effort * to rise above some of that price pressure] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the partners] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the market for the systems was developing as rapidly as they had hoped 0 *?*] .
- [ARG0 The Orange Workers -- who *T*-1 take their name from William of Orange of the Netherlands , a hero of the Dutch-descended Afrikaners --] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the solution to South Africa 's racial problems is n't the abolition of apartheid , it 's the perfection of apartheid -- complete and total separation of the races] .
- [ARG0 The son] [rel believes] [ARG1 that when the Afrikaners finally realize 0 there is no * turning back the integration of South African society and politics *T*-1 , Morgenzon will boom] .
- It *EXP*-1 's hard [ARG0 *] to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 this really is happening] .
- `` [ARG0 I] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 in the airline business you can be totally laissez-faire] [ARGM-CAU because of the high degree of public interest '' at stake] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 UAL management was badly advised *-1 on the funding of its original transaction] .
- [ARG1 Roughly one-third of its stock] is [rel believed] *-2 held *-3 by takeover stock traders , who *T*-1 could vote *-4 to oust the board if they become impatient .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 proponents] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they may be able *-1 to shake enough votes *ICH*-2 loose * to override the veto if they are successful in *-3 portraying the legislation as a matter of parents ' rights] .
- [ARG1 The new B.A.T will be a smaller tobacco and financial-services hybrid whose price-earnings ratio *T*-1 may more closely *ICH*-3 reflect the lower-growth tobacco business than the higher-multiple financial-services business] , [ARG0 these holders] [rel believe] 0 *T*-2 .
- The appeals court also said , 0 `` We think 0 [ARG0 an ordinary businessman reading this policy] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel believed] [ARG1 himself] covered for the demands and potential damage claims '' stemming from any cleanup .
- [ARG1 Even the carefully calibrated machinery in its giant Fremont plant , to the north of the Valley ,] was [rel believed] *-1 to be undamaged .
- `` These systems are more rugged than [ARG0 many people] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel believe] [ARG1 *?*] , '' said *T*-2 Thomas Kurlak , who *T*-1 tracks the computer industry for Merrill Lynch Research .
- [ARGM-ADV No doubt] [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the place can be salvaged *-1] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 there 's opportunity for a smart gasoline marketer to create a strong brand image and more consumer loyalty] .
- [ARG1 What loyalty 0 there is *T*-3 to gas brands] , [ARG0 he] [rel believes] 0 *T*-2 , is a matter of * stopping at the most conveniently located service stations .
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 baby boomers will continue *-1 to be selective in their brand loyalties] .
- The BBDO Worldwide ad agency studied `` brand parity '' and found that [ARG0 consumers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 all brands are about the same in a number of categories , particularly credit cards , paper towels , dry soups and snack chips] .
- [ARG0 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. , the largest home and auto insurer in California ,] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the losses from the earthquake could be somewhat less than the $ 475 million *U* in damages 0 it expects *-1 to pay *T*-2 out for claims resulting from Hurricane Hugo] .
- Richard M. Greenwood , Valley National 's executive vice president , said then that [ARG0 the company] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the write-downs were `` adequate ''] and did n't plan *-1 to increase its reserves again .
- Mr. Mason says 0 he 's convinced 0 the public still wants *-2 to invest in common stocks , even though [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the deck is stacked *-1 against them] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 that every drug that *T*-1 's marketed *-3 to a consumer should have a consumer label] , '' said *T*-2 Douglas Teich of the Public Citizen Health Research Group , a Ralph Nader affiliate .
- Pinnacle West slashed its quarterly dividend to 40 cents per share from 70 cents in December , *-1 saying at the time that [ARG0 it] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the new , lower dividend was `` sustainable] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Today] , [ARG0 Mr. Lang] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 his magazines will offer what many women 's magazines do n't *?* *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Bronner] seems *-1 to [rel believe] [ARG1 that the hearings could have gone either way] .
- A Christie 's spokeswoman said that while the auction house sometimes waives its seller 's commission *-1 to attract art works -- it still gets a commission from the buyer -- Christie 's wo n't offer financial guarantees because `` [ARG0 Christie 's] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 its primary role is as an auction house , and therefore as an agent -LCB- for buyer and seller -RCB- , not as a bank] .
- Researchers say 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 FK-506 is 100 times more effective than the traditional anti-rejection drug , cyclosporine , made * by Swiss pharmaceutical giant Sandoz Ltd] .
- [ARG0 Analysts in London] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 investors , despite their stampede * to dump takeover stocks , should hold on tight to their Jaguar shares] , this newspaper 's Heard * on the Street column said 0 *T*-1 yesterday .
- [ARG0 It] endorsed the White House strategy , *-1 [rel believing] [ARG1 it to be the surest way to victory] .
- Is n't it *EXP*-2 reasonable * to assume that the asset 0 you own *T*-1 would be worth more if the government suddenly announced that if you sold it , you would be able *-3 to keep 30 % more of its gain than [ARG0 you] [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 *?*] ?
- [ARG0 The Beebes] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel believe] [ARG1 that a prime culprit for their injuries was fumes from an adhesive used * in the carpeting] .
- Lawyers close to the case said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the ruling was unprecedented] .
- Anthony J. Iaciofano , a lawyer for Burlington , said 0 [ARG0 the company] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the Beebes ' symptoms were not related to the carpeting] .
- Nor do we see any reason 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel believe] [ARG1 that a metropolitan Washington that *T*-1 has gotten fat and rich and lazy in the shadow of the federal colossus will change much on its own initiative] *T*-2 .
- *-1 Noting the recent Food and Drug Administration approval of Interferon 's genital warts treatment , National Patent said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 Interferon 's stock is undervalued] .
- Like most analysts , Mr. Dennis was hesitant *-1 to read too much into one month 's numbers ; but he said , `` It indicates perhaps that the balance in the U.S. economy is not as good as [ARG0 we] 've been led *-2 to [rel believe] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Noriega] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 he has n't any alternative but * to continue clutching to power] .
- But Dr. Fraumeni , one of the authors of the report , said `` [ARG1 the declining rates 0 we 're seeing *T*-3 for younger people] [ARG0 we] [rel believe] *T*-1 may * be a harbinger of declining mortality in the future . ''
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the volatile conditions created * by program trading has `` thoroughly confused '' investors about where the market is headed *-1 *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 any physician who *T*-1 truly cares about cancer patients , both today and tomorrow , should offer the hope of something better than that] .
- Some of those debtholders have filed a suit , * saying 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 they were buying government-insured certificates of deposit] .
- He said that [ARG0 other participants in the conference] `` do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the rights of Americans should be guaranteed *-1 to citizens who *T*-2 are homosexual] , '' but that `` I mean *-3 to persuade you to the opposite view . ''
- `` If [ARG0 you] [rel believe] [ARG1 that a good performance next year is contingent on an acceleration of revenue] , there is n't a lot here 0 * to base optimism on *T*-1 . ''
- [ARG0 Investors] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they can can rely on such derivative securities *-3 to get in *RNR*-1 and out of *RNR*-1 the stock market without *-4 actually selling any stocks] ; that is , a way of * staying liquid even when they own stocks *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 I] [ARGM-DIS just] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the innovations in the financial market are causing any of this volatility] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 They] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 microeconomics , which *T*-1 addresses the problems of markets , investment climate and management practices , is the key to developing-country growth , not the IMF 's Keynesian focus on trade deficits , quarterly targets and government debt] .
- Because [ARG0 commercial banks and the developing-country governments] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they will get a piece of any capital increase] , a scaled-down IMF mission would leave both feeling shortchanged .
- [ARG0 Analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the car makers also will create joint ventures 0 * to develop new executive models *T*-1 , * doubling Jaguar 's yearly output of 50,000 cars] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 Jaguar 's share price could zoom to between # 8 and # 10 *U* -LRB- $ 12.60 to $ 15.80 *U* -RRB-] .
- She would n't say what the premium is *T*-1 , but [ARG1 it] 's [rel believed] *-2 to be about 40 % above regular daytime rates .
- In his statement , Mr. Wolf said , `` [ARG0 We] continue *-1 to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 our approach is sound , and that it is far better for all employees than the alternative of * having an outsider own the company with employees paying for it just the same] . ''
- Thus , you do the public a great disservice when Mr. Greve suggests , even facetiously , that the Clean Water Act prohibits the preparation of a scotch and water *T*-1 ; [ARG0 your tippling readers] may be led *-2 to [rel believe] [ARG1 that nothing but chance or oversight protects them , as they cower in the night with their scotch and waters , from the hairyknuckled knock of the Sierra Club at their doors] .
- [ARG0 People] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 we were in tune with the marketplace , and in many ways we were n't *?*] . ''
- [ARG0 Bankers] [rel believed] in [ARG1-in the greater-fool theory that *T*-1 says 0 somebody else is always willing *-2 to pay more] .
- '' [ARG0 None] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the proposed management LBOs will be easy * to complete *?*] , [ARGM-LOC especially at B. Altman & Co. , which *T*-1 is under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection] .
- [ARG1 Those days are over now] , [ARG0 he] [rel believes] 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP At the time] , its shares were selling above their initial offering price of $ 19 *U* , and [ARG0 bankers] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Staples would sell new stock without a hitch] .
- `` We call this land of ours Great Britain , and there may be [ARG0 those] who *T*-1 [rel believe] [ARG1 this a somewhat immodest practice] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 that the perception that legislation in this area may be hastily approved *-1 contributed to the collapse of the UAL transaction , and the resulting disruption in the financial markets experienced * this past Friday] , '' Mr. Trump wrote members of Congress *T*-2 .
- However , other knowledgeable observers said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Mr. Crandall and the AMR board might well decide *-1 to tough it out without * taking any extra steps] .
- Some analysts said 0 they believed 0 Mr. Trump , whose towering ego *T*-2 had been viewed *-1 by some as a reason [ARG0 *] to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 he would n't back out] , might come back with a lower bid .
- Some analysts said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 Mr. Trump , whose towering ego *T*-2 had been viewed *-1 by some as a reason * to believe 0 he would n't back out , might come back with a lower bid] .
- [ARG0 I] choose *-1 to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 it 's the latter] , although it probably springs from the fact that just about everyone out here , including the A 's and Giants , is originally from somewhere else .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] in [ARG1-in the law of averages] , '' declared *T*-1 San Francisco batting coach Dusty Baker after game two .
- In a letter filed * with the Securities and Exchange Commission , the group , which *T*-1 holds about 4.5 million Telerate shares , or about 4.7 % of the shares outstanding , said `` ... [ARGM-TMP at present] [ARG0 none of us] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 an offer for less than $ 25 *U* per share would be fair] and some believe that $ 25 *U* is too low . ''
- In a letter filed * with the Securities and Exchange Commission , the group , which *T*-1 holds about 4.5 million Telerate shares , or about 4.7 % of the shares outstanding , said `` ... [ARGM-TMP at present] none of us believes 0 an offer for less than $ 25 *U* per share would be fair and [ARG0 some] [rel believe] [ARG1 that $ 25 *U* is too low] . ''
- U.S. Banknote said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the sale , if *-2 completed *-1 , apparently would satisfy antitrust issues raised * by the U.S. Justice Department about U.S. Banknote 's offer * to buy International Banknote] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 some industry observers] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the resurgence of black and white is only a fad] .
- Moody 's Investors Service Inc. said 0 it reduced its rating on $ 281 million *U* of senior and subordinated debt of this thrift holding company , to C from Ca , *-1 saying 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 bondholders will recover only `` negligible principal] . ''
- Moody 's also said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the proposed sale of 63 CenTrust branches to Great Western Bank could , if * completed *-1 , endanger the thrift 's funding and market position] .
- A company spokesman said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 the confusion was caused *-1 when James Batten , Knight-Ridder 's chairman and chief executive , told New York analysts two weeks ago that Knight-Ridder 's earnings per share for the first nine months of 1989 would `` be behind a little bit '' from like period of *T*-2]
- However , Maxus said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the reserves in the field are about 10 million barrels of oil] .
- *-2 Reached *-1 in Honolulu , Mr. Shidler said that [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the various Hooker malls can become profitable with new management] .
- Typically , developers option property , and then once they get the administrative approvals , they buy it , '' said *T*-1 Mr. Karatz , *-2 adding that [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 the joint venture is the first of its kind] .
- With superconcentrates , however , it *EXP*-1 is n't always easy * to persuade consumers that less is more ; [ARG0 many people] tend *-2 to dump too much detergent into the washing machine , *-2 [rel believing] [ARG1 that it *EXP*-3 takes a cup of powder * to really clean the laundry] .
- [ARG0 Some] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 P&G 's interest in a superconcentrated detergent goes beyond the concern for the Japanese] .
- At one of her news conferences , Mrs. Hills said , 0 `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 we can do much better than 20 %] . ''
- Information International said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel believes] [ARG1 that the complaints , *-1 filed * in federal court in Georgia , are without merit] .
- Refiners say 0 margins picked up in September , and [ARG0 many industry officials] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 gasoline profits will rebound this quarter , though still not to the level of 1988 's fourth quarter] .
- Separately , several Saatchi agency clients said 0 [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the company 's management shakeup will have little affect on them] .
- [ARGM-TMP Until recently] , [ARG0 industry analysts] [rel believed] [ARG1 0 decreases in retail ad spending had bottomed out and would in fact increase in this year 's third and fourth quarters] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 GM has plans * to keep *-1 building A-body cars into the mid-1990s] .
- [ARG0 Some analysts , such as Murray Grossner of Toronto-based Richardson Greenshields Inc. ,] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the government ruling leaves the door open for other bidders , such as Switzerland 's Ciba-Geigy and Chiron Corp. of Emeryville , Calif] .
- [ARG1 Earnings for most of the nation 's major pharmaceutical makers] are [rel believed] *-1 to have moved ahead briskly in the third quarter , as companies with newer , big-selling prescription drugs fared especially well .
- [ARGM-ADV While some in the U.S. contend that advertising is the bane of television] , [ARGM-LOC here] [ARG0 many] [rel believe] [ARG1 that its absence is *-1 to blame *-2 for the European TV industry 's sluggish development] .
- But , he added 0 *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Republicans and Democrats will work together *-2 to get capital-gains reform this year] . ''
- Mr. King of Robinson-Humphrey and others were quick *-1 to add that [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 the problem stemmed more from traders ' inability * to handle the volume of calls , rather than a deliberate attempt * to avoid *-2 making trades] .
- '' [ARG0 Mr. Perkins] [rel believes] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG1 that the market could be stabilized *-1 if California investor Marvin Davis steps back in to the United bidding with an offer of $ 275 *U* a share] .
- Others undoubtedly will follow , but [ARG0 most analysts] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 Compaq has at least a six-month lead on the competition] .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 they could siphon perhaps two to three billion dollars from IBM '' over the next few years] , said 0 *T*-1 George Weiss , an analyst at the Gartner group .
- But [ARG0 they] [rel believe] [ARG1 themselves to be serving] , and they begin *-1 to respect themselves -LRB- and others -RRB- , to take control of their lives , to think of the future .
- [ARG1 Labor 's Visa card] is [rel believed] *-1 to be the first linked * to a British political party .
- I do n't believe 0 that 's the case , but [ARG0 I] [rel believe] [ARG1 that people are running *-1 scared] .
- [ARG0 I] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 0 that 's the case] , but I believe that people are running *-1 scared .
- But the airlines are scarcely a clear case , * given anti-takeover mischief by [ARG0 Secretary of Transportation Skinner] , who *T*-2 professes *-4 to [rel believe] [ARG1 0 safety will be compromised *-1 if KLM and British Airways own interests in companies that *T*-3 fly airplanes] .
- [ARG1 The affiliation] is [rel believed] *-1 to be the first such cross-border arrangement among major law firms .
- The talking chip is n't cheap -- the per-ad cost to Texas Instruments is about $ 4 *U* , and that 's without * adding in Business Week 's charge -- but [ARG0 Texas Instruments] [rel believes] [ARG1 0 it is a first] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel believe] [ARG1 that any potential buyer for Hilton would be affected *-1 by one day 's trading] , '' Mr. Lebo said *T*-2 .