frames- [ARG0 CBS] pursues top sports `` *-3 to [rel belie] [ARG1 the fact that they are n't supporting affiliates , viewers and advertisers] , '' charges 0 *T*-4 Thomas H. Wyman , who *T*-2 was ousted *-1 as chairman of CBS Inc. after Laurence A. Tisch bought a 24.9 % stake in the company and took over three years ago .
- The 35-member Sinfonia played adroitly with [ARG0 a big , lush sound] that *T*-1 [rel belied] [ARG1 its size] .
- Mr. Jones , [ARG0 whose twangy voice and folksy ways] *T*-2 [rel belie] [ARG1 an intense businessman who *T*-3 works 16-hour days] , is resigned *-1 to the hefty salaries 0 he pays his players *T*-4 these days .