frames- [ARG1 South Korea 's economic boom] , which *T*-12 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in 1986] , stopped this year because of prolonged labor disputes , trade conflicts and sluggish exports .
- Judge Curry ordered [ARG1 the refunds] *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP Feb. 1] and said that he would n't entertain any appeals or other attempts * to block his order by Commonwealth Edison .
- [ARG0 Italian chemical giant Montedison S.p.A.] [ARGM-MNR , through its Montedison Acquisition N.V. indirect unit ,] [rel began] [ARG1 its $ 37-a-share *U* tender offer for all the common shares outstanding of Erbamont N.V. , a maker of pharmaceuticals incorporated * in the Netherlands] .
- Kenneth Mayland , economist for Society Corp. , a Cleveland bank , said 0 [ARG1 demand for exports of factory goods] is [rel beginning] *-1 to taper off .
- [ARGM-LOC In Seoul] , [ARG0 officials] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 visiting about 26,000 cigarette stalls *-1 to remove illegal posters and signboards advertising imported cigarettes] .
- [ARG1 The attacks] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP when Democratic Rep. James Florio aired an ad featuring a drawing of Pinocchio and a photograph of Mr. Florio 's rival , Republican Rep. Jim Courter] .
- [ARG0 Countries in the region] [ARGM-DIS also] are [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-1 to consider a framework for closer economic and political ties] .
- Partly because of worries about potential abuse , however , he says 0 [ARG0 the state] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 keeping closer track of achievement-test preparation booklets] [ARGM-TMP next spring] .
- [ARG1 Pressures] [rel began] *-1 to build .
- [ARG1 The controversy] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in 1987] [ARGM-TMP when the National Institutes of Health , aware of the policy implications of its research , asked for an HHS review of its plan * to implant fetal tissue into the brain of a patient suffering from Parkinson 's disease *T*-1] .
- The two concerns said 0 they entered into [ARGM-MNR a definitive merger agreement] under which [ARG0 Ratners] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 a tender offer for all of Weisfield 's common shares for $ 57.50 *U* each] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The guild] [rel began] [ARG1 a strike against the TV and movie industry] [ARGM-TMP in March 1988] .
- [ARG0 Attorneys in the third stock-manipulation trial of GAF Corp.] [rel began] [ARG1 opening arguments] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-LOC in the Manhattan courtroom of U.S. District Judge Mary Johnson Lowe] .
- The department proposed * requiring stronger roofs for light trucks and minivans , [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] with [ARG2-with 1992 models] .
- In Detroit , a Chrysler Corp. official said 0 [ARG0 the company] currently has no rear-seat lap and shoulder belts in its light trucks , but plans *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 phasing them in by the end of the 1990 model year] .
- [ARG1 Ford] [rel began] *-1 installing the rear-seat belts in trucks with [ARG2-with its F-series Crew Cab pickups] [ARGM-TMP in the 1989 model year] .
- It also issued a final rule requiring auto makers to equip light trucks and minivans with lap-shoulder belts for rear seats [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP in the 1992 model year] .
- Mr. Martin has increased prices on some wines -LRB- like Grgich Hills Chardonnay , now $ 32 *U* -RRB- just *-1 to slow down movement , but [ARG0 he] is [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-2 to see some resistance to high-priced red Burgundies and Cabernets and Chardonnays in the $ 30 to $ 40 *U* range] .
- Integra-A Hotel & Restaurant Co. said 0 its planned rights offering 0 *T*-1 to raise about $ 9 million *U* was declared *-103 effective and [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 mailing materials to shareholders] [ARGM-TMP at the end of this week] .
- Copperweld Corp. , a specialty steelmaker , said 0 [ARG0 445 workers at a plant in Shelby , Ohio ,] [rel began] [ARG1 a strike] [ARGM-TMP after the United Steelworkers Local 3057 rejected a new contract on Tuesday] .
- They are better able *-1 to get to those segments in the wake of [ARG1 the deregulation] that *T*-200 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in the late 1970s] .
- Where a bank once offered a standard passbook savings account *T*-2 , [ARG0 it] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 offering money-market accounts , certificates of deposit and interest-bearing checking , and staggering rates based on the size of deposits] .
- [ARGM-DIS Then] , [ARGM-TMP at a signal] , [ARG0 the ringers] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 varying the order in which the bells sound *T*-2 without * altering the steady rhythm of the striking] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-LOC in each case] , he says 0 *T*-1 , [ARG1 a sharp drop in stock prices] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP within a year] .
- Second , it can be used *-1 * to unwind positions before [ARG1 U.S. trading] [rel begins] , but at prices pegged * to the previous session 's Big Board close .
- [ARG0 Mr. Hahn] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 selling non-core businesses , such as oil and gas and chemicals] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 he] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 building up the pulp and paper segment of the company while *-1 refocusing building products on home repair and remodeling , rather than materials for new-home construction] .
- The potential sales are nearly $ 9.3 million *U* , and [ARG0 House Majority Whip William Gray -LRB- D. , Pa . -RRB-] [rel began] [ARG1 the bidding] [ARGM-TMP this year] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 proposing language that the quota be allocated *-10 to English-speaking countries of the Caribbean , such as Jamaica and Barbados] .
- USX said 0 it has been cooperating with OSHA since [ARG0 the agency] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 investigating the Clairton and Fairless works] .
- *-64 Founded as the Examiner in 1903 by Mr. Hearst , the Herald was crippled *-64 by [ARG1 a bitter , decade-long strike] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in 1967] and cut circulation in half .
- But since [ARG1 the 1990 model year] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 1] , Buick sales have plunged 33 % .
- They have begun *-1 sending letters explaining [ARG1 the program] , which *T*-52 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 18] and will end Dec. 18 , to about five million card holders .
- [ARG0 They] have [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 sending letters explaining the program , which *T*-52 began Oct. 18 and will end Dec. 18 , to about five million card holders] .
- [ARG1 The court hearing] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in early October] [ARGM-ADV at the request of Anthony Hazell , district auditor for Hammersmith , who *T*-63 argued that local councils are n't vested with constitutional authority * to engage in such capital-markets activities] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the aftermath of the stock market 's gut-wrenching 190-point drop on Oct. 13] , [ARG0 Kidder , Peabody & Co. 's 1,400 stockbrokers across the country] [rel began] [ARG1 a telephone and letter-writing campaign aimed * at * quashing the country 's second-largest program trader] .
- [ARG0 Big Board stock specialists] , [ARGM-LOC in a bold palace revolt] , [rel began] [ARGM-TMP shortly after Oct. 13] [ARG1 *-1 to telephone the corporate executives of the companies whose stock *T*-2 is listed *-71 on the Big Board *-3 to have them pressure the exchange to ban program trading] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 the Big Board 's leadership] [ARGM-ADV -- over the specialists ' protests --] [ARGM-TMP two weeks ago] [rel began] *-1 trading a new stock `` basket '' product designed * to facilitate program trading .
- [ARGM-DIS For example] , [ARG1 stock-index futures] [rel began] trading in Chicago [ARGM-TMP in 1982] , and within two years they were the fastest-growing futures contract ever launched * .
- As a part of overall efforts * to reduce spending , Congress cut by $ 30 million *U* the Bush administration 's request for antitrust enforcement for [ARG1 fiscal 1990] , which *T*-81 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 1] .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Beginning] [ARGM-TMP in 1980] , courts in several states including California and New York decided *-2 to suspend the common-law rule that plaintiffs must prove that the defendants are the ones who *T*-1 are liable .
- Buying for the most part carried over from the previous session , and traders apparently ignored reports that a Chilean mine strike may have ended almost before [ARG1 it] [rel began] , an analyst said 0 *T*-1 .
- According to reports carried * by various news services , the Brazilian government told its sugar producers that they wo n't be allowed *-1 to export sugar during [ARG1 the current 1989-90 season] , which *T*-92 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP May 1] , and the 1990-91 season so that it can be used *-2 * to produce alcohol for automobile fuel .
- The Food and Drug Administration allowed [ARG0 the company] to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 marketing a new lens for use in cataract patients] .
- The location was disclosed *-4 as [ARG0 the U.S.] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 planning the issues 0 *T*-2 to be discussed *-5 at the Dec. 2-3 tete-a-tete] .
- [ARG1 `` Feeding Frenzy '' -LRB- Henry Holt , 326 pages , $ 19.95 *U* -RRB- , a highly detailed account of the Wedtech scandal ,] [rel begins] [ARGM-MNR on a reassuring note] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Starting with Congressman Mario Biaggi -LRB- now serving a jail sentence -RRB-] , [ARG0 the company] [rel began] [ARG1 a career of * bribing federal , state and local public officials and those close to public officials , right up to *RNR*-2 and including *RNR*-2 E. Robert Wallach , close friend and adviser to former Attorney General Ed Meese] .
- [ARG1 Waertsilae Marine 's bankruptcy proceedings] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Tuesday] [ARGM-LOC in a Helsinki court] .
- In a few weeks , many barges probably wo n't be able *-2 to operate fully loaded south of St. Louis because [ARG0 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] is [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-3 to reduce the flow of the Missouri River , which *T*-1 feeds into the Mississippi River] .
- Although U.S. corn stockpiles shrank by roughly half in the wake of the drought , the Agriculture Department projects that nearly one-fifth of the harvest will still be in storage before [ARG1 the 1990 corn harvest] [rel begins] .
- Some analysts are worried that reports of the grain industry 's problems might spark [ARG0 investors] to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 buying corn futures contracts -- *-2 only to see little appreciation] .
- [ARG0 The Soviet Union] [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel begins] [ARG1 *-1 buying U.S. crops earlier in the fall] .
- Gasoline futures continued [ARG1 a sell-off] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Monday] .
- In Chile , [ARG0 workers at two copper mines , Los Bronces and El Soldado , which *T*-1 belong to the Exxon-owned Minera Disputada ,] yesterday voted *-2 to [rel begin] [ARG1 a full strike] [ARGM-TMP tomorrow] , an analyst said 0 *T*-3 .
- Trinity said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 delivery] [ARGM-TMP in the first quarter of next year] .
- [ARG0 Both funds] are expected *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 operation] [ARGM-TMP around March 1] , [ARGM-ADV subject to Securities and Exchange Commission approval] .
- [ARG0 One hundred and ninety two former greats , near greats , hardly knowns and unknowns] [rel begin] [ARG1 a 72-game , three-month season] [ARGM-LOC in spring-training stadiums up and down Florida] .
- Now that the baseball season is officially over , you see 0 *T*-1 , it 's time 0 for [ARG1 a new season] to [rel begin] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS To wit] , [ARG1 my maiden voyage -LRB- and novitiates are referred to *-1 as virgins -RRB-] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP at dawn] [ARGM-LOC on a dew-sodden fairway] and ended at noon in a soggy field .
- The remainder expect [ARG1 a downturn] to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP sometime in]
- The judge , *-2 suspended *-3 from his bench pending [ARG1 his trial] , which *T*-158 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP this week] , vehemently denies all the allegations against him , *-2 calling them `` ludicrous '' and `` imaginative , political demagoguery . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Eventually] , Mr. Green testified 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 he] [rel began] [ARG1 *-3 ducking out of his office rather than face the judge when he visited *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 jewelry makers] are [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-1 to use many of the same marketing tricks honed * in the aggressive world of cosmetics] .
- They 're hiring models 0 *T*-1 to stroll the aisles *-2 sporting their jewels , and [ARG0 they] 're [ARGM-ADV even] [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-4 to borrow a perennial favorite of the beauty business -- * offering a gift when consumers make a purchase *T*-3] .
- U.S. District Judge Julian A. Cook Jr. announced the settlements as [ARG1 the jury trial] was *-1 to [rel begin] yesterday .
- [ARG1 Mrs. Marcos 's trial] is expected *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in March] .
- The company 's turnaround is far from complete ; [ARG1 many crucial tests] are [ARGM-ADV just] [rel beginning] .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite the pain of adjusting] , [ARG1 the cultural revolution] has [rel begun] *-1 to yield exciting cars .
- The restyled 300ZX costs as much as $ 33,000 *U* and is squared off against [ARG1 the Porche 944] , which *T*-248 [rel begins] [ARGM-MNR at $ 41,900 *U*] .
- [ARG0 Nissan] had 29 % of the Japanese car market in 1980 before *-1 [rel beginning] [ARG1 a depressing eight-year slide that *T*-251 continued through last year] .
- Civilized discourse and [ARGM-LOC an environment] where [ARG1 compromise] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel begin] *T*-1 are lost *-233 in a hostile posture abetted * by superficial media interviews .
- The tax increase , which *T*-1 will be considered *-238 at [ARG1 a special session] of the state legislature that *T*-275 [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP tomorrow] , would cover only part of the estimated $ 4 billion to $ 6 billion *U* in total damage caused * by the Oct. 17 quake .
- The group 's Mark Cahoon says 0 [ARG1 its efforts] [rel begun] * [ARGM-TMP in 1989] have led to the introduction of bills *ICH*-3 *PPA*-1 in Massachusetts , Minnesota and Colorado 0 *T*-2 to establish evenhanded procedures affecting all kinds of taxpayers .
- Mr. Spielvogel added pointedly : `` [ARG1 The pressure on commissions] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel begin] with [ARG2-with Al Achenbaum] . ''
- [ARG0 Cotton Inc. , the fiber company that *T*-295 represents cotton growers ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 a new ad campaign , developed * by Ogilvy & Mather ,] [ARGM-TMP Thanksgiving Day] .
- The Chinese problem is much greater -- it 's how * to industrialize *T*-1 [ARG1 *] to [rel begin] [ARGM-ADV with] . ''
- They pay interest only for 115 months , with [ARG1 principal payments] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP thereafter] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel began] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 closing 120 of the combined companies ' 260 offices in two months , * eliminating about 31 % of the company 's 2,500-person adminstrative staff , including more than 100 sales positions] .
- Paramount said 0 the sale `` completes [ARG1 the strategic restructuring] '' 0 [ARG0 it] [rel began] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1983] , and would enable it to focus on its entertainment and publishing businesses .
- [ARG0 The Senate Banking Committee] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 hearings *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP next week] on their proposal * to expand existing federal housing programs .
- [ARG1 Corporate leaders , frustrated * by double-digit increases in health-care costs ,] are [rel beginning] *-1 to sound like liberal Democrats .
- `` [ARG1 Wage increases and overall compensation increases] are [rel beginning] *-1 to curl upward a little bit , '' said *T*-2 Audrey Freedman , a labor economist at the Conference Board , a business research organization .
- But even before [ARG1 it] [rel begins] , the campaign is drawing fire from anti-smoking advocates , who *T*-59 criticize Philip Morris 's attempt * to bolster its beleaguered image by * wrapping itself in the document that *T*-60 is a cornerstone of American democracy .
- The sole exceptions are [ARG1 an estimated 30 flights of six hours or more] [rel beginning] or ending [ARGM-LOC in Hawaii and Alaska] .
- And [ARGM-ADV while customers such as steel service centers are continuing *-1 to reduce inventories through the fourth quarter] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-TMP eventually] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 stocking up again] , he notes 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Steelmakers] announced a round of base-price increases last year , but [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 offering sizable discounts over the summer] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel begins] [ARG1 his seven-year term] [ARGM-TMP Nov. 9] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 succeeding Kenan Evren] .
- [ARG1 The stock] [rel began] * trading this summer at $ 14 *U* apiece .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG1 U.S. trading] [rel began] *T*-1 , Treasury bonds received an additional boost from news that sales of new single-family homes fell 14 % in September .
- The foundation vote is effective for the affected government entities with [ARG1 fiscal years] that *T*-159 [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP * starting next Jan. 1] and makes the financial results of the hospitals , colleges and schools easier * to compare with for-profit businesses .
- In a civil suit commenced in state Supreme Court in New York , the agency alleged that the consumer-electronics and appliance discount-retailing chain engaged in deceptive advertising by *-2 claiming *-1 to have `` lowered every price on every item '' as part of [ARG1 an advertising campaign] that *T*-165 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP June 1] .
- `` I think 0 we could very well have [ARG1 -LCB- an economic -RCB- slowdown] , [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP very soon if not already] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- `` We 're finally getting -- and it 's been very painful -- some understanding of what [ARG1 the company 's long-term horizon] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel begin] *-1 to look like *T*-2 , '' Mr. Eidsmo says *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-TMP About a month ago] , [ARG0 Michelin Tire Corp. , Greenville , S.C. ,] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 selling mountain-bike tires , for years a Specialized stronghold] .
- *-2 Founded *-1 by bike enthusiasts rather than businessmen , [ARG0 Specialized] spotted the appeal of fat-tired bikes that *T*-188 go almost anywhere and [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 mass-producing them] [ARGM-TMP in 1981] .
- British Satellite faces competition from Sky Television , [ARG1 a satellite-TV venture] [rel begun] * [ARGM-TMP last February] and owned * by Rupert Murdoch 's News Corp .
- Sanwa Shutter Corp. said 0 [ARG0 its affiliated company in Malaysia , established * this April ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 manufacturing steel doors Wednesday] .
- Officials also disclosed 0 it *EXP*-1 's possible that NEC may reduce domestic production of one-megabit chips to five million a month from six million , [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP January] , because of deteriorating market prices .
- [ARG1 The tender offer for Gen-Probe 's shares] is expected *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP next Monday] , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-MNR Suddenly] [ARG1 the woman] [rel begins] swaying and then writhing .
- `` The philosophy is * to make the patient and the family very responsible for a portion of their own care , '' says *T*-1 Anthony J. Grieco , medical director of cooperative care at [ARGM-LOC New York University Medical Center] , where [ARG1 the concept] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP 10 years ago] *T*-2 .
- The overcapacity problem has intensified in recent years , with [ARG0 foreign auto makers] [rel beginning] [ARG1 car and truck production] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] .
- Revco 's chairman and chief executive officer , Boake A. Sells , said 0 both the company and the bondholders have put forth reorganization plans , but little progress has been made *-1 since [ARG1 negotiations] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP this summer] .
- The reluctance *ICH*-1 of traders * to buy contracts indicates that [ARG0 they] have [rel begun] [ARG1 *-2 focusing on demand rather than supply] .
- But as [ARG1 Highland Valley and Cananea] [rel begin] *-2 operating , they are expected *-1 to resume their roles as Japan 's suppliers .
- [ARGM-ADV According to one person familiar with the airline] , [ARG0 the buy-out group -- led * by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf --] has [rel begun] [ARG1 *-2 billing UAL for fees and expenses 0 it owes *T*-1 to investment bankers , law firms and banks] .
- `` -LCB- [ARG1 Wall Street] -RCB- is [rel beginning] *-1 to realize -- as Shakespeare said -- 0 the trouble is not in our stars , but in ourselves . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 they] took the art to Acapulco and [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to trade some of it for cocaine] .
- Ford said 0 [ARG1 the new offer] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP Saturday] and run indefinitely .
- `` All this may not be obvious to the public , which *T*-1 is concerned about advances in treatment , but I am convinced 0 [ARG1 this basic research] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] *-2 showing results there soon . ''
- [ARG0 Dr. Vogelstein and a doctoral student , Eric Fearon ,] [rel began] [ARG1 months of tedious and often frustrating probing of the chromosomes] [ARGM-ADV *-1 searching for signs of genetic damage] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 uncovering a confusing variety of genetic deletions , some existing only in benign polyps , others in malignant cells and many in both polyps and malignant cells] .
- Some former strike-force personnel say 0 [ARG1 the units] have [ARGM-TMP already] [rel begun] *-1 to break up .
- [ARGM-ADV Although settlement talks had been dropped *-1] , [ARG0 attorneys for the two sides] [ARGM-ADV apparently] [rel began] [ARG1 *-5 talking again yesterday] [ARGM-ADV in an attempt * to settle the matter before Thursday , when a judge is expected *-3 to rule on Warner 's request for an injunction that *T*-2 would block the two producers from *-6 taking over the management of Columbia *T*-4] .
- Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. filed an application *ICH*-1 with Canadian regulators * to build a 4.4 billion Canadian dollar -LRB- US$ 3.74 billion *U* -RRB- pipeline * to transport natural gas from Canada 's Arctic to U.S. markets [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-ADV in]
- The Fed said 0 [ARG0 the Comptroller of the Currency] is expected *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 a Community Reinvestment Act examination of First Union 's Florida and North Carolina banking units] [ARGM-TMP in the next two weeks] .
- Such a change meant 0 the reorganization plan 0 the creditors had agreed on *T*-1 was no longer valid , and [ARG0 the two sides] had *-2 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-3 negotiating] [ARGM-ADV again] .
- MiniScribe said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 full volume production of the drives] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S. and Singapore] [ARGM-TMP in the first quarter next year] .
- The settlement stemmed from a lawsuit 0 the dealers filed *T*-1 in [ARGM-TMP 1982] when [ARG0 the Times] [rel began] [ARG1 its own competing direct delivery service] *T*-2 .
- At the same time , a recent poll shows that Mrs. Thatcher has hit the lowest popularity rating of any British leader since [ARG1 polling] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP 50 years ago] .
- [ARG1 The dollar] [rel began] yesterday [ARGM-MNR on a firm note] [ARGM-LOC in Tokyo] , [ARGM-ADV * closing higher in late trade] .
- One source familiar with the airline said , however , that Mr. Corr was n't informed *-1 in advance [ARGM-TMP during the summer] when [ARG0 Mr. Lorenzo] [rel began] [ARG1 discussions with potential buyers] *T*-2 .
- The summer crop is harvested *-1 , [ARG1 winter sowing] has yet *-2 to [rel begin] .
- [ARGM-TMP Ever since the link to cholesterol was disclosed *-1] , [ARG0 Americans] have [rel begun] [ARG1 *-2 scarfing up psyllium in their breakfast cereals] .
- [ARGM-TMP Late last week] , [ARG0 representatives of Dow Jones and Telerate] [rel began] [ARG1 negotiations about the terms of the offer] , but those talks did n't result in any changes in the offer .
- Although [ARG1 bulk-chemical prices] have [rel begun] *-2 falling [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] , they are generally stable in Europe , Mr. Bergsma said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 *-1] To [rel begin] with , we should note that in contrast to the U.S. deficit , Britain has been running largish budget surpluses .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1979] , [ARG1 his career as an industrialist] [rel began] with [ARG2-with the acquisition of the Swiss metals works Selve , based * in Thun] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP after restructuring under new management] , [ARG1 the profits] [rel began] rolling in .
- In the second step of [ARG1 a reorganization] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] , Boeing Co. said 0 it will create a Defense and Space Group 0 *T*-2 to consolidate several divisions .
- `` I was feeling like I was too high [ARG1 *-2] to [rel begin] with , '' he said *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 We pulled that forecast] , '' [ARG0 he] [rel begins] [ARGM-MNR matter-of-factly] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC in a meeting with Piper , Jaffray & Hopwood Inc. officials in Minneapolis , the first stop] .
- [ARG0 Gabelli Group] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 raising its Milton Roy stake in July] , and holds 14.6 % , according to a recent SEC filing .
- [ARGM-ADV With inflation surging] , [ARG1 the pound] [rel began] *-1 falling against the mark .
- *-1 Saying 0 this is a first for a Western company , West Germany 's largest mail-order group said 0 [ARG0 the newly established Moscow-based Intermoda company] is scheduled *-2 to [rel begin] [ARG1 operations] [ARGM-TMP in February 1990] .
- CMS Energy Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 paying a 10-cent-a-share quarterly dividend , the company 's first since 1984] .
- Only McCaw 's proposal requires [ARG0 the company] to [rel begin] [ARG1 an auction process] [ARGM-TMP in June 1994] [ARGM-PNC for remaining shares] [ARGM-MNR at third-party prices] .
- But Kenneth Leon , a telecommunications analyst with Bear , Stearns & Co. , finds the BellSouth proposal still flawed *-4 because [ARG0 the company] does n't have *-1 to wait five years *-2 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-3 buying more LIN shares] .
- Peter DaPuzzo , head of retail equity trading at Shearson Lehman Hutton , acknowledges that he was n't troubled *-1 by program trading [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 it] [rel began] [ARGM-LOC in the pre-crash bull market] *T*-2 because it added liquidity and people were pleased *-3 to see stock prices rising .
- It is partly for this reason that [ARG1 the exchange] [ARGM-TMP last week] [rel began] *-3 trading in its own stock `` basket '' product that *T*-2 allows big investors to buy or sell all 500 stocks in the Standard & Poor 's index in a single trade .
- Mrs. Thatcher has *-2 to come to terms with European economic integration , [rel beginning] with [ARG2-with the European Monetary System , which Britain is committed *-1 to *-4 joining *T*-3 fully someday] .
- [ARGM-MOD Will] [ARG0 Ogonyok] [rel begin] [ARG1 a series of reports analyzing the failures of perestroika] ?
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV if the Fed eases too soon] , Mr. Greenspan fears 0 *T*-1 , [ARG1 prices] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel begin] *-2 to accelerate again next year .
- His hand on the monetary tiller seems one reason why [ARG0 the economy next month] seems highly likely *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 an unprecedented eighth year of peacetime growth without a recession] *T*-2 .
- Three new issues begin *-2 trading on the New York Stock Exchange today , and [ARG1 one] [rel began] *-1 trading on the Nasdaq\/National Market System [ARGM-TMP last week] .
- [ARG1 Three new issues] [rel begin] *-2 trading on the New York Stock Exchange [ARGM-TMP today] , and one began *-1 trading on the Nasdaq\/National Market System last week .
- [ARGM-LOC On the Big Board] , [ARG1 Crawford & Co. , Atlanta , -LRB- CFD -RRB-] [rel begins] *-1 trading [ARGM-TMP today] .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-3 trading *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP today] [ARGM-LOC on the Big Board] are *T*-2 El Paso Refinery Limited Partnership , El Paso , Texas , -LRB- ELP -RRB- and Franklin Multi-Income Trust , San Mateo , Calif. , -LRB- FMI -RRB- .
- [ARGM-LOC On the Nasdaq over-the-counter system] , [ARG1 Allied Capital Corp. , Washington , D.C. , -LRB- ALII -RRB-] [rel began] *-1 trading [ARGM-TMP last Thursday] .
- [ARGM-ADV More provocatively] , [ARG0 some conservative legal theorists] have [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 arguing that Mr. Bush does n't need *-2 to wait for a law giving him the veto because the power already is implicit in the Constitution] .
- Kellogg is so anxious *-1 to turn around Corn Flakes sales that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP soon] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-3 selling boxes for as little as 99 cents] , trade sources say 0 *T*-2 .
- But [ARG0 the Memphis , Tenn. , facility] was n't *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 turning out product] [ARGM-TMP until 1993] , so the decision may reveal a more pessimistic long-term outlook as well .
- [ARG1 The other two main pillars of Banco Exterior 's traditional business -- wholesale banking and foreign currency trading --] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel began] *-1 to crumble under the weight of heavy competition and changing client needs .
- [ARG1 The trial] [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP today] [ARGM-LOC in federal court] [ARGM-LOC in Philadelphia] .
- [ARG0 Auto makers] , who *T*-1 [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 deferring some equipment purchases] [ARGM-TMP last spring] , can be expected *-3 to remain cautious about spending if their sales do n't pick up , machine tool builders say 0 *T*-4 .
- Now that is about *-1 to change , as [ARG0 Texas Instruments] [rel begins] [ARG1 *-2 marketing two 14-pound laptop PCs with 20 megabyte and 40 megabyte hard drives] .
- Kerr-McGee said 0 [ARG0 it] has purchased 3,350 acres from the federal government in Clark County and plans *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 construction] [ARGM-TMP early next year] .
- [ARG0 The new facility] is expected *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 operations] [ARGM-TMP in early 1991] .
- Leaseway said 0 [ARG0 it] has [rel begun] [ARG1 discussions with certain institutional debt holders 0 * to review the proposed private placement transaction , which *T*-1 would exchange the debt for new subordinated debt instruments and equity securities *T*-2] .
- DPC Acquisition added that [ARG0 it] has [ARGM-NEG not] [rel begun] [ARG1 discussions with financing sources] , and said 0 it expected *-1 to repay the amounts borrowed * through proceeds of the liquidation .
- `` [ARG0 Our members] are eager *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 trading this contract] , so we expect no difficulty in * attracting locals to the natural gas pit , '' he said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel began] [ARG1 a pilot program 0 *T*-1 to test an electronic trading system called * ATS\/2 , the automated trading system created * by the International Commodities Clearing House] .
- [ARG1 Installation of the TV system , which *T*-1 includes *-2 providing free 19-inch TV sets in classrooms ,] [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP in January] .
- [ARG0 The safety board] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 four days of hearings on the accident] [ARGM-TMP tomorrow] [ARGM-LOC in Sioux City] .
- In the meantime , the landowners continue receiving [ARG1 generous subsidies] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP during New Deal days] .
- [ARGM-TMP On Wednesday] , [ARG0 Mobil] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 offering separation packages and voluntary retirement] [ARGM-LOC in its U.S. production operation] .
- [ARG1 The dollar] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Friday] [ARGM-MNR on a firm note] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 gaining against all major currencies in Tokyo dealings and early European trading despite reports that the Bank of Japan was seen *-1 unloading dollars around 142.70 yen] .
- The exchange had forecast that [ARG1 the contract] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel begin] *-1 trading [ARGM-TMP by December] .
- The offering , Series 1989-89 , backed * by Fannie Mae 9 % securities , brings Fannie Mae 's 1989 Remic issuance to $ 33.2 billion *U* and its total Remic volume to $ 45.3 billion *U* since [ARG1 the program] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in April 1987] .
- [ARG0 They] pile out of their truck and [ARGM-MNR furiously] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 twisting together steel pipes linking a giant storage tank to the Sharpshooter , a freshly drilled oil well two miles deep] .
- Although `` it *EXP*-1 's still difficult * to raise money for a pure wildcat program , '' says 0 *T*-2 William Thomas , a Texas Commerce Bank official in Houston , `` institutions are starting *-3 to see 0 there are cycles to these things , and [ARG1 this one] is [rel beginning] *-4 to turn . ''
- [ARG0 S.A. Brewing Holdings Ltd.] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 laying the groundwork 0 *T*-2 to launch a rival offer for Bond Corp . Holdings Ltd. 's Australian brewing operations] .
- I hope that [ARG0 you] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 talking about the plan 's permanent and , in my view , most beneficial feature -- indexation] .
- [ARG1 The new bacteria recipients of the genes] [rel began] *-1 producing pertussis toxin which , because of the mutant virulence gene , *T*-2 was no longer toxic .
- In 1796 , Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded Bankhaus M.A. Rothschild & Sons and later sent [ARG0 his four sons] to London , Paris , Vienna and Naples *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 the bank 's expansion] [ARGM-TMP during the early 19th century] .
- Louis Margolis , managing director in charge of equity options and futures at Salomon Inc. , says that [ARG1 * trading baskets of stocks] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in the 1970s , a decade before the advent of futures] .
- [ARG1 The Big Board] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [rel began] *-1 trading in its own basket trading vehicle representing the S&P 500 stocks .
- An EC spokesman said 0 the two companies will be notified *-1 so [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel begin] [ARG1 negotiations with Brussels on how * to modify the pact *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 Environmental concerns] are [rel beginning] *-1 to have as much influence in oil-industry spending plans as the price of crude does *?* .
- [ARGM-TMP Ten years ago] , [ARG0 the newspaper El Espectador , of which my brother Guillermo was editor *T*-1] , [rel began] [ARG1 warning of the rise of the drug mafias and of their leaders ' aspirations * to control Colombian politics , especially the Congress] .
- [ARGM-TMP As Ms. Johnson stands outside the Hammack house after *-2 winding up her chores there] , [ARG1 the house] [rel begins] *-1 to creak and sway .
- In addition , GM 's Truck & Bus Group said 0 slow sales are forcing it to close its Detroit assembly plant [ARG1 the week] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP Monday] .
- [ARG1 Red ink] [ARGM-TMP already] has [rel begun] *-1 to flow in the wake of the U.S.-U.K. market breaks of Oct. 13 and Oct. 16 .
- The mergers and acquisitions market has been a saving grace for the industry , but [ARG1 uncertainties] are [rel beginning] *-1 to mount even there .
- [ARG1 The pound] [ARGM-TMP immediately] [rel began] *-2 to take a buffetting [ARGM-TMP after the resignations were announced *-1] .
- [ARG1 The Qintex group 's problems] [rel began] [ARGM-ADV in earnest] [ARGM-TMP in March , when Mr. Skase agreed *-1 to buy MGM\/UA Communications Co *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-TMP In late September] , [ARG0 IBM] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 shipping a plug-in card that *T*-1 converts its PS\/2 model 70-A21 from a 80386 machine to an 80486 machine] .
- [ARGM-TMP On Friday] , [ARG0 Intel] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 notifying customers about the bugs which *T*-1 cause the chip * to give wrong answers for some mathematical calculations] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Mahfouz] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 writing] [ARGM-TMP when there was no novelistic tradition in Arabic *T*-2] , and he modeled his work on Western classics .
- No payments would be made *-1 this year , but [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP in fiscal 1991] , the bill commits the government to annual payments of as much as $ 500 million *U* until the total liability of $ 1.25 billion *U* is met *-2 .
- The maker of water-treatment chemicals and equipment said 0 it will select the plant site early next year , and [ARG1 production] is expected *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in 1991] .
- [ARG0 French President Francois Mitterrand , European Community Commission President Jacques Delors , Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez and others] have [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 linking the rapid changes in the East to the need * to speed up changes in the West] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 British analysts] are [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-1 to link the issues] .
- [ARG0 The House and Senate] are *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP soon] [ARG1 *-2 hashing out an agreement for sanctions legislation] .
- [ARG1 The patients] [rel began] *-1 receiving EPO injections about a month before their scheduled surgery .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-TMP then] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 donating blood twice a week , *-2 receiving an EPO injection each time] .
- Mr. Panet-Raymond said 0 he does n't think 0 Messrs. Drabinsky and Gottlieb are `` anywhere close '' to * arranging financing and that investors will need a solid offer before [ARG1 the stock] [rel begins] *-1 to rise again .
- Mr. Ireland said 0 11 DC10-30 aircraft that PWA also said 0 it plans *-2 to sell *T*-1 , [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP in 1992] , have a current half-life value of about $ 34 million *U* each , or a total $ 374 million *U* , * raising aggregate potential proceeds from the aircraft sale to about $ 1.02 billion *U* .
- The amount covers taxes , interest and penalties owed * from [ARGM-TMP 1966] , when [ARG0 the state] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 collecting corporate taxes] *T*-1 , to 1985 .
- Still , Southland said that its franchisees have been targeting their merchandise to their customers for years , and that [ARG0 the company] has [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 to follow suit] .
- No schedule for formal talks was set *-1 , but [ARG1 meetings] are expected *-2 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP soon] .
- Delmed said yesterday that [ARG0 Fresenius USA] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 distributing the product] and that the company is investigating other possible distribution channels .
- [ARGM-ADV While Westinghouse has n't had a nuclear power plant order from a U.S. utility in about a decade] , [ARG1 excess capacity] is [rel beginning] *-1 to shrink .
- [ARGM-TMP On Sept. 14] , [ARG0 Harvard] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 circulating a conflict-of-interest policy statement that , in effect , *T*-1 would follow the NIH guidelines faithfully] .
- [ARG0 Renaissance , a Cincinnati-based money manager ,] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 buying stocks again this week with half of the $ 1.8 billion *U* that it oversees *T*-1 for clients] , according to people familiar with the firm 's revised strategy .
- Renaissance declined *-1 to confirm the move , but [ARG1 its stock purchases] were thought *-2 to have [rel begun] [ARGM-TMP Tuesday] , *-2 timed *-4 to coincide with the maturity this week of Treasury bills owned * by the firm .
- [ARG1 Construction] is set *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in early 1991] .
- [ARG1 TV ads plugging the company 's new V-6 Sonata and its souped-up Excel subcompact] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] appearing Monday .
- [ARGM-TMP On Sept. 13] , [ARG0 Japan] [rel began] [ARG1 a policy of * screening boat people] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 accepting only those deemed * to be political refugees] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 neurologists] were [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-1 to report these observations as well] .
- Even before [ARG1 the huge new projects] [rel began] , the Strip 's recent expansion squeezed smaller competitors .
- [ARGM-TMP After the HUD and S&L stories broke] , [ARG0 some Congressmen] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to worry that their influence peddling at executive-branch and independent agencies might some day get them in trouble] .
- [ARGM-TMP Next week] , [ARG0 the country 's top designers and manufacturers] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 showing fashions for spring 1990 , the second most important selling season of the year] .
- And [ARGM-TMP as the applause dies down in showrooms along Seventh Avenue and Broadway] , [ARG0 stylishly clad Campeau buyers] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 writing orders] .
- The Atlanta-based airline , the third largest in the U.S. , attributed the increase to higher passenger traffic , new international routes and reduced service by rival Eastern Airlines , which *T*-1 is in bankruptcy proceedings in the wake of [ARG1 a strike] that *T*-2 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP last spring] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although Eastern is back to about 80 % of its pre-strike schedule now] , [ARG1 the Texas Air Corp. subsidiary] was [ARGM-ADV only] [rel beginning] *-1 to get back on its feet during the quarter .
- [ARG1 Thomson Corp. 's Globe & Mail newspaper] [ARGM-TMP in November] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] *-1 transmitting an experimental edition to selected subscribers ' facsimile machines .
- The underlying stopgap bill is the second required * by Congress this fall and , since [ARG1 the current fiscal year] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 1] , only the Energy and Interior departments are operating on permanent appropriations enacted * into law .
- [ARG1 The baskets on the Big Board and CBOE -- which *T*-1 involve the actual S&P stocks , unlike the stock-index contracts currently traded on the Chicago futures markets , and index options on the CBOE --] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] trading [ARGM-TMP as critics step up their attacks on program trading and its contributions to the stock market 's wild price swings] .
- [ARG0 The Big Board] this morning plans *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 trading its Exchange Stock Portfolio `` basket '' product , the first program-trading vehicle carrying the exchange 's seal of approval] .
- U.S. District Judge Robert P. Patterson Jr. ordered [ARG0 the FBI] *-1 to [ARGM-TMP immediately] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 processing Herman Benjamin Ferguson 's request for documents stemming from the agency 's investigation of him during the 1960s] .
- The FBI had said 0 [ARG0 it] would not be able *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 processing the request] until June
- The company said 0 80 % of its auction business is usually conducted *-1 in the second and fourth quarters , with [ARG1 the current quarter] having [rel begun] `` [ARGM-MNR extremely well] .
- The current decline in failures continues [ARG1 a trend] [rel begun] * [ARGM-TMP in late 1987] , D&B said 0 *T*-1 .
- A spokeswoman said 0 [ARG1 the apparel market] troughed in the first half of 1988 , [ARGM-DIS then] [rel began] *-1 showing improvement [ARGM-TMP in the second half of last year] .
- -LRB- After 1992 , the winter and summer Olympics will be held *-1 two years apart , with [ARG1 the revised schedule] [rel beginning] with [ARG2-with the winter games in 1994 and the summer games in 1996] . -RRB-
- [ARGM-TMP Next month] , [ARG1 talks *ICH*-1] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] on two coveted CBS contracts , for the pro and college basketball finals .
- [ARG0 Dick Pound , a committee member ,] [rel began] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 disclosing that ABC and NBC had refused *-2 to even bid] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 A Yale law school graduate] , [ARG0 he] [rel began] [ARG1 his career] [ARGM-LOC in corporate law] and then put in years at Metromedia Inc. and the William Morris talent agency .
- Analysts were disappointed that Digital 's new line apparently wo n't contribute much to earnings before [ARG1 the next fiscal year] , which *T*-1 [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP in July] .
- Some lawyers say 0 [ARG1 the slump] , [ARGM-ADV while *-2 more obvious in recent weeks] , [rel began] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] .
- But we 're still at the [rel beginning] [ARG1 stages] of some of these changes . ''
- U.S. Memories said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 visits during the next several weeks to sites in Austin , Texas ; Colorado Springs , Colo. ; Middletown , N.Y. ; and Phoenix , Ariz] .
- [ARG0 It] expects *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 construction] [ARGM-TMP by year end] and start shipping four-megabit dynamic random-access memory chips by mid-1991 .
- The answer is so murky that [ARG1 it] is [rel beginning] *-1 to get this popular president in trouble with each of the increasingly vocal , increasingly powerful sides of the abortion issue .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP when the high court ruled in the Webster case in July *T*-1] , [ARG0 the president] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 to lower the volume] .
- [ARGM-ADV In fact] , [ARG1 it] 's [ARGM-EXT barely] [rel begun] [ARGM-PNC for Mr. Corry , who *T*-1 faces tough decisions before he has had a chance * to get settled into his new job] .
- Tom Trettien , a vice president with Banque Paribas in New York , sees a break in the dollar 's long-term upward trend , [ARG1 a trend] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in January 1988] .
- The mismatch exposed the company to a high degree of interest-rate risk , and when rates moved unfavorably *T*-1 -- [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP late last year] and continuing into this year -- `` it cost them , '' Mr. Kriz said 0 *T*-2 .
- Orders for military goods usually catapult in September , government officials say 0 *T*-1 , as the Pentagon scrambles *-2 to spend its money before [ARG1 the new fiscal year] [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 1] .
- That 's the word expected * to be on the lips of the more than 3,000 developers , pension-fund advisers and real estate financiers slated * to attend [ARG1 a four-day conference] , [rel beginning] [ARGM-LOC here] [ARGM-TMP today] , sponsored * by the Urban Land Institute .
- U.S. companies account for less than 8 % of the 1,000 or more Soviet joint ventures that *T*-2 have been announced *-1 since [ARG0 the Soviets] [rel began] [ARG1 encouraging such undertakings in 1987] .
- [ARGM-TMP Until that happens] , [ARG1 glasnost] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel begin] *-1 to deserve the kind of credibility 0 Mr. Shevardnadze was bidding for *T*-2 with his confessions on Monday .
- [ARG1 Anatol Pawlowski 's leg] [rel begins] *-1 jiggling beneath his desk .
- In the final trading , the House was insistent on * setting aside $ 500 million *U* * to carry out [ARG1 base closings] ordered * *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in fiscal 1990] .
- [ARGM-TMP Just when Ms. Gruberova sat down away from her guests *-1 to cough in private *T*-2] , [ARG1 her salon] [rel began] *-3 sliding around the stage ; her country hideaway also has a very active set of drapes .
- [ARG1 That conference] , which *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , was expected *-2 to cover such matters as police training and extradition agreements , Spanish officials said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-LOC in Paris] , [ARG0 Mahmoud Vaezi , Iran 's vice minister of foreign affairs ,] [rel began] [ARG1 a five-day visit 0 * to discuss such matters as compensation to French enterprises for contracts broken * by the Khomeini regime *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Dun & Bradstreet 's stock price] [rel began] [ARG1 its recent spiral downward] [ARGM-TMP last Wednesday , when the company reported third-quarter results *T*-1] .
- It was not until the early 1970s that [ARG0 Cambridge Prof. Harry Whittington and two sharp graduate students] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 to publish a reinterpretation of the Burgess Shale] .
- [ARGM-ADV Separately] , [ARG0 two men injured * in last week 's earthquake-triggered freeway collapse in Oakland] [rel began] [ARG1 a legal battle against the state over whether officials adequately heeded warnings about the structure 's safety] .
- [ARG1 Interest rates] [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel began] *-1 declining [ARGM-TMP last spring] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 moving steadily upward for more than a year] .
- [ARG1 Production] is slated *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in April] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under federal law] , [ARGM-ADV if the court grants a preliminary injunction] , [ARG0 the FTC] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel begin] [ARG1 administrative proceedings 0 * to determine the legality of the proposed stock purchase *T*-1] [ARGM-TMP within 20 days] .
- PepsiCo Inc. will give away 4,000 sets of `` Game Boy , '' Nintendo 's new hand-held video game in [ARG1 a two-month promotion] scheduled * to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP Nov. 1] .
- Auto production for the first half of [ARG1 the fiscal year] , which *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in August] , totaled 6,379,884 units , the association said 0 *T*-2 .
- COCOA : Futures at first continued [ARG1 the rally] [rel begun] * [ARGM-TMP on Monday] , but then faltered and closed lower .
- [ARGM-PNC For many] , [ARG1 it] [rel began] *-1 to look like a replay of Oct. 13 .
- But as [ARG1 the fright] [rel began] *-1 to spread through the S&P pit , the big brokerage firms came in and bought futures aggressively .
- Then they completed the other side of the trade by *-2 buying futures , which *T*-1 abruptly halted the stock market 's decline as [ARG0 traders] [rel began] [ARG1 *-3 to buy stocks] .
- [ARGM-TMP Almost simultaneously] , [ARG0 PaineWebber] [rel began] [ARG1 a very visible buy program for dozens of stocks] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the early 1970s] , [ARGM-TMP when the `` world food crisis '' was a major worry *T*-1] , [ARG0 Phillips Petroleum Co.] , like several other big companies , [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 developing `` single-cell protein , '' edible protein made * by microbes feeding on non-edible materials] .
- [ARG0 Striking workers] , who *T*-1 [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 striking five diamond mines on Oct. 13] , had returned to work last week when the union and De Beers arranged *-3 to reopen negotiations *T*-4 .
- Conasupo Director Ignacio Ovalle Fernandez said 0 the agency will sell 589 midsized supermarkets and several food-production plants and warehouses [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP early next year] .
- [ARGM-TMP On May 19] , [ARG0 the FDA] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 detaining Chinese mushrooms in 68-ounce cans] [ARGM-TMP after more than 100 people in Mississippi , New York and Pennsylvania became ill from *-2 eating tainted mushrooms] .
- [ARG1 A recall of the mushrooms blamed * for the food poisoning] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in early March] .
- [ARG0 The New York Times Co. 's Magazine Group] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 offering advertisers extensive merchandising services built * around * buying ad pages in its Golf Digest magazine] .
- Manville said 0 it expects [ARG1 the plant] to [rel begin] *-1 operating at the end of 1991 .
- If the ships are n't delivered *-2 , however , it will likely have an effect on the company 's earnings as soon as [ARG1 the 1990 fiscal year] , which *T*-1 [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP Dec. 1] .
- The designer 's attorney , Molly Bartholow , said that Ms. Garratt was forced *-1 to start bankruptcy-law proceedings because [ARG0 Jerell] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 withholding her royalty payments last month] .
- Some analysts say 0 [ARG0 investors] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 paying more attention to earnings] , [ARGM-PNC partly in response to the latest round of disappointments] .
- In its bankruptcy-law petition , filed * in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan , Eagle said 0 [ARG1 its problems] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in 1987 and early 1988 when its then-senior lender , Bankers Trust Co. , reduced its credit line] .
- But I had expected more , which *T*-1 is one reason 0 [ARG0 I] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 looking at evidence suggesting defects in the official output estimates] .
- [ARG1 Many of the 31,329 investors who *T*-1 remain] are [rel beginning] *-2 to question one of the exchange 's most basic tenets , the concept of unlimited personal liability .
- [ARGM-MNR Like many young recruits in Japanese securities firms] , [ARG0 he] [rel began] [ARG1 his career] [ARG2 *-1 peddling stock to individual investors] .
- [ARG1 The effort * to create the nation 's largest employee-owned company] [rel began] *-1 unraveling [ARGM-TMP Oct. 13] [ARGM-TMP when the labor-management group was unable *-3 to obtain financing for its $ 300-a-share , $ 6.79 billion *U* offer *T*-2] .
- The offering , Series 107 , is backed *-1 by Freddie Mac 15-year , 9 % securities , and brings Freddie Mac 's 1989 Remic issuance to $ 32.8 billion *U* and its total volume to $ 46.8 billion *U* since [ARG1 the program] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in February 1988] .
- The three offerings together bring Fannie Mae 's 1989 Remic issuance to $ 32.4 billion *U* and its total Remic volume to $ 44.5 billion *U* since [ARG1 the program] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in April 1987] .
- [ARGM-ADV According to Salomon Brothers ' `` stub '' stock index of 20 companies whose debt *T*-1 is giant compared with shareholder equity] , [ARG0 investors] are [ARGM-TMP already] [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-2 to retreat from shares of debt-laden companies] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP in recent years] , [ARG0 Mr. Ingersoll] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 focusing more on *-2 expanding his own newspaper empire in partnership with investment banking firm Warburg , Pincus & Co] .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG0 notoriously independent-minded Navigation Mixte Chairman Marc Fournier] rejected Paribas 's offer and [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 buying Paribas shares in retaliation] *T*-1 , Mr. Francois-Poncet said 0 *T*-3 , he felt obliged *-4 to bid for control .
- A company official said 0 [ARG1 the explosions] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP when a seal blew out *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 One devoted fan] who *T*-1 fell under Baker 's spell in 1963 and [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 collecting Baker memorabilia] was Bryan Hammond .
- [ARG0 Emerson and Bosch] , [ARGM-MNR through their joint acquisition arm , Maple Acquisition ,] have [rel begun] [ARG1 a cash tender offer for all of Vermont 's common shares outstanding] .
- [ARG1 GAF , Part III] is scheduled *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP today] .
- [ARG1 Interstate banking] is scheduled *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-LOC in California] [ARGM-TMP in 1991] , and larger California banks , such as Wells Fargo & Co. , have been paying fat premiums *-2 to buy smaller banks *-3 to control markets before any out-of-state banks enter the fray .
- [ARG1 Construction of the 265,000-square-foot facility] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP next year] , [ARGM-ADV with production expected *-1 to start in late 1991] .
- Most recently , she has become the publisher of Movieline , [ARG0 a four-year-old Los Angeles magazine] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARG1 national distribution] [ARGM-TMP last month] , with [ARG2-with an initial press run of 100,000 copies] .
- Americans now can choose among 572 different models of cars , vans and trucks , up from just 408 [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 the decade] [rel began] *T*-1 , according to Automotive News , a trade publication .
- September program trading amounted to 13.8 % of average daily New York Stock Exchange volume of 151.8 million shares , the largest percentage since [ARG1 the exchange] [rel began] *-1 making such figures public [ARGM-TMP in July 1988] .
- He notes that industry executives have until now worried that they would face a severe shortage of programs once [ARG0 consumers] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 replacing their TV sets with HDTVs] .
- But the press kept it alive ; [ARGM-MNR as with the Recruit scandal] , [ARG1 lists *ICH*-3] [rel began] * circulating *-2 with names of people who *T*-1 had received money .
- `` I threw such a fit , '' says *T*-2 [ARG0 Mr. McDuffie] , who *T*-1 had [rel begun] [ARG1 violin studies] [ARGM-TMP at the age of six] .
- Analysts expect Federal 's earnings to improve again in its fiscal third quarter ending [ARGM-TMP Feb. 28] , when [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 benefiting from Tiger 's extra flights , back-up planes and landing rights] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Delivery] is *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in early 1991] .
- Texaco Inc. has purchased an oil-producing company in Texas for $ 476.5 million *U* , its first major acquisition since [ARG1 its legal brawl with Pennzoil Co.] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP more than four years ago] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 Mr. Lesko 's staff] is [rel beginning] *-1 to wonder whether there is n't some larger phenomenon foiling the contest .
- [ARG0 Seita and Matra] currently are negotiating with city officials for the right * to [rel begin] [ARG1 service] .
- The preamble says that [ARG1 human life] [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP at conception] and that unborn children have rights protected * by the Constitution .
- Last year , a federal appeals court in St. Louis said 0 the preamble was unconstitutional , *-1 citing an earlier Supreme Court ruling that states ca n't justify stricter abortion curbs by * changing the definition of [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 life] [rel begins] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The State Department] , [ARGM-ADV to its credit] , has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel begun] [ARG1 *-2 distancing itself from Mr. Barre] , [ARGM-ADV * evinced * by its decision * to publish the Gersony report -LRB- which the press has ignored *T*-1 -RRB-] .
- [ARG1 Payment] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] `` [ARGM-TMP as soon as Oct. 25] , '' the company said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 OPEC 's ability * to produce more petroleum than it can sell] is [rel beginning] *-1 to cast a shadow over world oil markets .
- [ARG0 Three companies] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 trading over the counter] .
- Dow , of Midland , Mich. , said 0 [ARG0 its unit] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP by Thursday] [ARG1 a tender offer of $ 12.25 *U* a share for all PSE common shares outstanding] .
- Barney Hallingby , managing director of research at Hambrecht & Quist , also believes 0 [ARG1 earnings growth] is [rel beginning] *-1 to play a greater part in investors ' buying decisions .
- [ARG1 The company 's shares] [rel began] *-1 trading at 12 1\/2 , up from its initial offering price of 12 , and closed at 13 .
- Moreover , Mr. Shattuck and others said 0 [ARG1 residential real estate , which *T*-1 had remained fairly strong through most of the downturn ,] is [rel beginning] *-2 to comprise more and more of the foreclosures .
- Since its unsuccessful bid for BankAmerica Corp. in 1986 , the bank has undertaken a major restructuring in an effort * to cut costs and boost performance , but many industry officials believe 0 it may be ripe for a takeover bid , especially with [ARG1 interstate banking] set *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-LOC in California] [ARGM-TMP in 1991] .
- Some equity funds did better than others in [ARG1 the week] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP on Friday the 13th] .
- In addition to expected losses tied * to the labor strike , the coal group has spent almost $ 20 million *U* since [ARG1 the strike] [rel began] for security , the company said 0 *T*-1 .
- For [ARG0 Republicans] who *T*-1 [rel began] [ARG1 this campaign] [ARGM-MNR with such high hopes] , all of this is deeply frustrating .
- [ARG1 It] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in 1973 , when he was being considered *-1 for deputy mayor , and a routine check unearthed the extraordinary fact that he had n't paid his income tax for the previous four years *T*-2] .
- Now some investment analysts insist that the economic climate has turned cold and gloomy , and they are urging clients *-1 to buy bonds before [ARG1 the rally] [rel begins] .
- [ARGM-TMP When] the size of the Refcorp offering was announced *-1 last week and [ARG1 when-issued trading activity] [rel began] *T*-2 , the bailout bonds were yielding about 1\/20 percentage point more than the Treasury 's benchmark 30-year bond .
- [ARG1 The imposition of austerity measures , starting last October ,] [ARGM-TMP already] had [rel begun] *-1 to pinch when the massacre in Tiananmen Square on June 4 and subsequent events tugged the belt far tighter *T*-2 .
- Growth stocks may underperform cyclical stocks next year if [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] [rel begins] [ARG1 *-1 to let interest rates drift sufficiently lower *-2 to boost the economy] .
- Stoneridge Resources Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 an offering of rights equivalent to 2.6 million common shares and valued at $ 22,750,000 *U*] .
- Foreign exchange dealers said that [ARG1 the currency market] has [rel begun] *-2 to distance itself from the volatile stock exchange , which *T*-1 has preoccupied the market since Oct. 13 , when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 190 points *T*-3 .
- An official at Consolidated Freightways Inc. , a Menlo Park , Calif. , less-than-truckload carrier , said 0 [ARG1 rate discounting in that industry] has [rel begun] *-1 to `` stabilize . ''
- In other active shares , Trusthouse Forte shed 10 to 294 on volume of 6.4 million shares after a Barclays De Zoete Wedd downgrading , while Hillsdown Holdings , a food products concern , was boosted *-1 2 to 271 after it disclosed 0 [ARG0 it] would seek shareholder approval 0 * to [rel begin] [ARG1 share repurchases] *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG1 That] 's [rel beginning] *-1 to change .
- Mr. Sculley also indicated that [ARG1 sagging margins , which *T*-1 dogged the company through most of 1989 ,] [rel began] *-2 to turn up in the fourth quarter as chip prices eased .
- The Asset Privatization Trust , the agency chiefly responsible for * selling government-held properties , has recorded sales of more than $ 500 million *U* since [ARG1 it] [rel began] *-1 functioning [ARGM-TMP in December 1986] .
- [ARG1 October 's troubles] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP when the trust failed *-1 to sell a state-owned commercial bank , Associated Bank , for the minimum price of 671 million pesos -LRB- $ 31 million *U* -RRB- *T*-2] .
- It is Texaco 's first major acquisition since [ARG1 the legal battle with Pennzoil] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP over four years ago] .
- [ARGM-TMP When an electric current is applied *-1 to the palladium and platinum electrodes *T*-2] , [ARG1 the heavy water] did [rel begin] *-3 to break up , or dissociate .
- [ARGM-TMP On the fourth `` run '' with the borrowed rod] , [ARG1 the experiment] [rel began] *-1 producing excess heat .
- It would go along *-2 doing nothing but *-3 dissociating the heavy water and then [ARGM-TMP at totally unpredictable times] , [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel begin] *-1 producing excess heat for as long as 10 or 11 hours before * quieting down .
- [ARG0 Japanese and U.S. photographic firms] are [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-2 to produce electronic cameras and X-rays that *T*-1 do n't require silver] , dealers say 0 *T*-3 .
- Oil-related properties suffered a huge decline until I divested myself of all such stocks in 1985 , at which point [ARG0 the industry] , [ARGM-ADV while *-1 not lighting up any Christmas trees] , [rel began] [ARG1 a slow recovery] *T*-2 .
- *-1 Concerned for her state of mind , I dropped them -- and [ARG0 the market] [ARGM-TMP instantly] [rel began] [ARG1 its steady climb back to health] .
- *-1 Using a recent average private-school cost of about $ 12,500 *U* a year , T. Rowe Price 's planner prescribes $ 450 *U* monthly if [ARG1 the plan] [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP when the child is six *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 The independent-contractor project] , which *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] , involves about 350 IRS agents .
- [ARG0 Even the courts] are [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-1 to recognize the link between jobs and stress-related disorders in compensation cases] , [ARGM-ADV according to a survey by the National Council on Compensation Insurance] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP six years ago] [ARG0 he] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 importing from the Far East] .
- [ARG0 Golden Feldman Furs Inc.] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 retailing aggressively] [ARGM-TMP eight years ago] , and now retail sales account for about 20 % of gross income .
- The industry enjoyed [ARG1 six prosperous years] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP in 1980] , but since 1986 sales have languished at their $ 1.8 billion *U* peak .
- [ARG0 GTE officials] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 posting warning notices about the potential threat to exposure *ICH*-2] [ARGM-TMP Wednesday morning] [ARGM-LOC at various places at the company] , said 0 *T*-3 GTE spokesman Thomas Mattausch .
- [ARG0 The company] has [rel begun] [ARG1 *-3 offering shots of gamma globulin , which *T*-1 will diminish the flu-like symptoms of hepatitis A , in anyone who *T*-2 has contracted the disease] , Mr. Mattausch said 0 *T*-4 .
- An Olivetti spokesman said 0 [ARG1 the company 's factories] are [ARGM-TMP already] [rel beginning] *-1 to produce the machine , and that it should be available in Europe by December .
- Although Olivetti 's profits tumbled 40 % in the first half of this year , she believes 0 [ARG1 Olivetti 's restructuring last fall and its introduction of new products] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] *-1 to bear fruit with an earnings rebound [ARGM-TMP next year] , [ARGM-ADV especially if it can fulfill its promise * to deliver the new machines by December] .
- [ARG0 He] rejoined his family in January 1984 and [rel began] [ARG1 the long struggle for justice] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 pressing everyone from Hanoi municipal officials to National Assembly deputies for restoration of his rights] .
- According to Ned Davis , president of Ned Davis Research Inc. in Nokomis , Fla. , the average drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average was about 21 % , and [ARG1 the decrease] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP an average of six months before a recession officially started] .
- [ARGM-TMP About six months before a recession ends] , [ARG1 stocks] [ARGM-ADV typically] [rel begin] *-1 to rise again , [ARGM-ADV as investors anticipate a recovery] .
- [ARG0 British Airways] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 to have second thoughts about the transaction] [ARGM-TMP after the Transportation Department forced Northwest 's Airlines ' new owners to restructure the equity contribution of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines in that carrier] .
- Pilot union Chairman Frederick C. Dubinsky said 0 [ARG0 advisers to UAL management and the union] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 meeting in New York today] and will work through the weekend *-1 to devise a new proposal 0 * to present *T*-2 to UAL 's board `` at the earliest time possible . ''
- [ARG1 The process] [ARGM-ADV typically] [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP when an institution , such as Citibank or Sears , Roebuck & Co. , takes a pool of credit-card or other receivables and sells them to a specially created trust *T*-1] .
- `` There 's no pressure on OTC stocks at this point , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Mullins , who *T*-1 said 0 [ARG0 some buyers] are [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-3 to shop among smaller OTC issues] .
- The offering was for about 2.8 million shares of the data storage equipment maker ; more than 2.2 million shares changed hands after [ARG1 trading] [rel began] .
- Players ran out on the field way below , and [ARG1 the stands] [rel began] *-1 to reverberate .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 we] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to file out] , [ARGM-PNC *-1 to wait safely on terra firma for the opening pitch] .
- [ARG1 China 's slide toward recession] is [rel beginning] *-1 to look like a free fall .
- Some analysts believe 0 [ARG0 China] [ARGM-TMP soon] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 relaxing economic controls , particularly by *-2 loosening credit] .
- The cycle has been repeated *-1 several times since [ARG0 China] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 reforming its planned economy] [ARGM-TMP in 1979] .
- [ARG1 The 1986 tax overhaul , the biggest achievement of President Reagan 's second term ,] is [rel beginning] *-1 to fall apart , and interest groups are lining up for tax goodies all over Capitol Hill .
- As [ARG1 the book] [rel begins] , a newly wed Marlowe roars into the desert resort of Poodle -LRB- a.k.a . Palm -RRB- Springs at the wheel of a Cadillac Fleetwood .
- In Spain , anyway , the 73-year-old Mr. Cela enjoys some renown for the novels and travel books 0 he wrote *T*-1 during the parched Franco years , the everyday poverty and stagnant atmosphere of which [ARG0 he] described *T*-2 in brutally direct , vivid prose , *-3 [rel beginning] with [ARG2-with `` The Family of Pascal Duarte '' -LRB- 1942 -RRB-] .
- [ARG0 The state] [rel began] [ARG1 such work] [ARGM-TMP after a 1971 tremblor in Southern California , when numerous bridges collapsed *T*-1] .
- The offerings bring Freddie Mac 's 1989 Remic issuance to $ 32.6 billion *U* and its total volume to $ 46.5 billion *U* since [ARG1 the program] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in February 1988] .
- [ARG1 Call option] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP March 31 , 1992] , [ARGM-ADV if the price of the stock rises more than 50 % within 30 trading days] as well as a call option for tax reasons .
- Jeffrey L. Liddle , the two men 's attorney at Liddle , O'Connor , Finkelstein & Robinson , said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Kelly] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 working at Dean Witter in 1987] .
- But because of the uncertainty of the outcome of the suit , [ARG0 Mr. Conner 's team] has done little 0 * to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 gearing up *-3 to defend its title] *T*-1 .
- But spokesmen for both Mr. Isler and Mr. Conner say 0 the formation of the new syndicate has * to do with [ARG0 Mr. Isler 's] desire * to skipper his own team and [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 planning now] , rather than any falling out between the two sportsmen .
- The increasing likelihood that Cananea and Highland Valley will soon return to production may have cut some of that purchasing , but even if [ARG1 any of these mines] [rel begin] *-1 operating soon , their output wo n't be significant until at least the end of the year , analysts note 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The British firm] has [rel begun] [ARG1 court proceedings] [ARGM-LOC in London] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to prevent the use of the name `` Deloitte '' by Deloitte , Haskins & Sells and Touche Ross & Co. in England and the rest of the world] .
- `` That means 0 [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD can] accept orders '' and [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 getting back to normal] , says 0 *T*-1 Ms. Tharp .
- [ARG0 The Office of Management and Budget] has [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 looking into legislation 0 *T*-2 to provide more funds for earthquake repairs] .
- Transportation officials are expecting [ARG1 utter traffic pandemonium] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP Monday] and growing worse over the next several weeks .
- [ARG1 Even Mao Tse-tung 's China] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in 1949] with [ARG2-with a partnership between the communists and a number of smaller , non-communist parties] .
- `` [ARG1 The market] is [rel beginning] *-1 to disassociate itself from Wall Street , '' said *T*-2 one New York trader .
- [ARG1 Construction of the 34-floor building] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP next May] and should be completed *-1 in April 1992 .
- Coastal , a Houston oil and gas company , said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 operations] [ARGM-TMP in October 1990] .
- McCaw is seeking 50.3 % of the cellular and broadcasting concern ; the revised offer includes a feature requiring [ARG0 McCaw] to [rel begin] [ARG1 an auction process *ICH*-2] [ARGM-TMP in July 1994] that *T*-1 would buy out remaining holders at a per-share price roughly equivalent to what a third party might then have *-4 to pay *T*-3 for all of LIN .
- [ARG0 Hewlett-Packard Co.] [ARGM-DIS also] has [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 to gain share] [ARGM-LOC in the whole computer-integrated-manufacturing arena] .
- [ARGM-TMP In May 1987] , [ARG0 Ford] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 importing the Scorpio sedan *ICH*-3 from West Germany 0 * to sell *T*-2 next to a redesigned XR4Ti in showrooms] .
- [ARGM-TMP When I saw the pictures of 880 and the Bay Bridge *T*-1] , [ARG1 I] [rel began] *-2 to cry .
- I felt [ARG1 the temblor] [rel begin] and glanced at the table next to mine , smiled that guilty smile and we both mouthed the words , `` Earth-quake ! '' together .
- Another reason for the weakness , he said 0 *T*-2 , may be that mortgage rates have hit a plateau since [ARG1 they] [rel began] *-1 edging down after a peak in March .
- [ARG1 Work *ICH*-1] [rel began] on homes and apartments [ARGM-EXT at an annual rate of 1,263,000 units] [ARGM-TMP last month] , [ARGM-MNR down 5.2 % from August] , the department said 0 *T*-2 .
- The industry had shown signs of recovery this summer , after [ARG0 the central bank] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to relax its clamp on credit , *-2 allowing interest rates to drop a bit after *-3 pushing them up for a year] .
- [ARG0 *-2] [rel Beginning] [ARGM-MNR as a laborer in a refinery] , Mr. Guzman Cabrera put in more than 40 years at Pemex before *-2 being pushed *-1 into retirement by La Quina after a dispute two years ago .
- She urges [ARG0 client couples] *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 a `` detoxification '' period] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 purging social and other nonproductive activities and setting time apart for themselves] .
- The French state-controlled auto group and the Dutch truck maker plan *-1 to incorporate the new trucks into their product lines [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 they] [rel begin] [ARG1 production] [ARGM-TMP toward the middle of the 1990s] *T*-2 .
- Barry F. Willman , an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. , estimates 0 the 9000 could boost sales by more than $ 1 billion *U* in [ARG1 the fiscal year] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP in July] .
- Most analysts do n't expect the new mainframes to begin *-2 contributing significantly to revenue before [ARG1 the fiscal first quarter] , which *T*-1 [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP next July 1] .
- Most analysts do n't expect [ARG1 the new mainframes] to [rel begin] *-2 contributing significantly to revenue [ARGM-TMP before the fiscal first quarter , which *T*-1 begins next July 1] .
- `` I think 0 [ARG1 the problems in the junk-bond area] are [ARGM-ADV just] [rel beginning] , and this will be very unsettling for companies that *T*-1 have issued junk bonds .
- `` [ARG1 Things] are [rel beginning] *-1 to settle down .
- Beginning in December 1995 , [ARG0 Galileo] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 a two-year tour of the Jovian moons] .
- More likely , relief funds could be added *-1 to an omnibus spending bill that [ARG0 Congress] is *-2 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-4 considering *T*-3] [ARGM-TMP next week] .
- [ARGM-TMP By yesterday afternoon] , [ARG1 Air Force transport planes] [rel began] *-1 moving additional rescue and medical supplies , physicians , communications equipment and FEMA personnel to California .
- Keith Mulrooney , special assistant to Federal Highway Administrator Thomas Larson , also said that [ARGM-TMP after the 1971 San Fernando earthquake in Southern California] , [ARG0 the state] set tougher standards for bridges , and with [ARG2-with federal aid] , [rel began] [ARG1 a program 0 *T*-1 to retrofit highways and bridges for earthquake hazards] .
- [ARG2 ARTY FAX from David Hockney] [rel begins] [ARG1 a tongue-in-cheek exhibit] [ARGM-TMP today] [ARGM-LOC at New York 's Andre Emmerich Gallery] .
- Diamond-Star Motors Corp. , a joint venture of Chrysler Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 shipping Mitsubishi Eclipse cars to Japan] [ARGM-TMP next week] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 emulating other Japanese auto ventures shipping U.S.-built vehicles back to Japan] .
- At Quotron , the company 's National Call-In Center , which *T*-8 swung into action for the first time last month for Hurricane Hugo , assembled [ARG0 a tactical team *ICH*-4] at 5 a.m. yesterday 0 *T*-3 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 rerouting lines] and restore service to brokers and traders .
- [ARGM-ADV Although IBM last year produced its first strong results in four years and was expected *-1 to continue *-2 to roll this year] , [ARG0 it] [rel began] [ARG1 *-3 faltering] [ARGM-TMP as early as January] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the opening bell] , [ARG0 investors] [ARGM-MNR quickly] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 singling out shares of companies 0 *T*-2 expected *-3 to profit or suffer in some way from the California disaster , including insurers , construction-related companies , refiners and housing lenders] .
- Most insurers already have mobilized [ARG0 their `` catastrophe '' teams] *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 processing claims from their policyholders in northern California] .
- The two offerings bring Fannie Mae 's 1989 Remic issuance to $ 31 billion *U* and its total volume *ICH*-4 to $ 43.3 billion *U* since [ARG1 the program] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in April 1987] .
- The earthquake is likely *-1 to reduce GNP negligibly in the near term and then could raise it a bit as [ARG1 rebuilding] [rel begins] .
- Subsequently , however , the ill effects are likely *-2 to be offset *-1 , at least in economic terms , as [ARG1 construction activity] [rel begins] .
- [ARG0 The East German media] [ARGM-TMP soon] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 presenting Mr. Gorbachev 's speeches only as sketchy summaries , and giving space to his opponents] .
- [ARGM-MNR Gingerly] , [ARG0 some economists] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to blame central planning] .
- [ARGM-TMP As the citizens of San Francisco and surrounding communities began *-1 assessing the damage from Tuesday 's devastating earthquake] , [ARG0 NBC News] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 assessing the damage from what some said 0 *T*-4 was a failure * to provide comprehensive coverage in the earthquake 's initial moments] .
- As [ARG0 the citizens of San Francisco and surrounding communities] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 assessing the damage from Tuesday 's devastating earthquake] , NBC News began *-2 assessing the damage from what some said 0 *T*-4 was a failure * to provide comprehensive coverage in the earthquake 's initial moments .
- Activity continued *-1 to slow from the hectic pace set * during the market 's plunge late Friday and its rebound Monday , as [ARG0 players] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 to set their sights on events coming later this week] .
- The average dropped 6.40 to 1247.87 and has now lost 21.7 % of its value since [ARG1 the losing streak] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 10] .
- Last Friday , he told the staff of Ms. that [ARG1 the magazine] [ARGM-TMP in January] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel begin] *-1 publishing without advertising .
- That was the question 0 structural engineers and California transportation officials were asking themselves *T*-2 yesterday as [ARG0 rescue workers] [rel began] [ARG1 the gruesome task of *-3 trying *-4 to extract as many as 250 victims from beneath the concrete slabs of the double-deck Nimitz Freeway in Oakland that *T*-1 caved in during Tuesday 's temblor] .
- [ARGM-ADV Ironically] , [ARG0 Caltrans] [ARGM-TMP this year] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 working on a second round of seismic reinforcements of freeways around the state] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 this time wrapping freeway columns in `` steel blankets '' *-2 to reinforce them] .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 Lionel] [rel began] [ARG1 a lawsuit *ICH*-1] [ARGM-LOC in federal District Court in New York] [ARGM-ADV seeking * to enjoin the offer] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 alleging , among other things , violations of federal securities law and fraudulent manipulation of the market for Lionel 's securities] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Trading on little specific information] , [ARG0 market players] [ARGM-TMP overnight] [ARGM-LOC in Tokyo] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 bidding up oil prices] .
- The analyst said 0 it will take about two to three months before [ARG1 the mine] [rel begins] *-1 to produce copper in significant quantities .
- [ARG0 Researchers] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 using the drug *ICH*-3] [ARGM-TMP in February] [ARGM-ADV on patients who *T*-1 had received kidney , liver , heart and pancreas transplants] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Encouraged *-1 by Mr. Wilder 's sly grins , embarrassed grimaces and sputtering rages] , [ARG1 the audience] gets the joke and [rel begins] *-2 to laugh [ARGM-TMP before the end of the first act] .
- [ARGM-ADV As Ruth] , [ARG0 Moira Harris , a large and beautiful woman who *T*-1 may be our next Colleen Dewhurst ,] [rel begins] [ARGM-TMP almost immediately] [ARG1 *-2 to overpower each of the men] .
- His board members alone have pledged $ 800,000 *U* and [ARG0 he] is [ARGM-ADV just] [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-1 to massage local foundations and corporations] .
- Then , if the stocks fell sharply , [ARG0 he] planned *-3 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-4 buying them aggressively] , on the theory that the companies that *T*-1 insure against property damage and accidents will have *-5 to raise rates eventually *-6 to compensate for the claims 0 they will pay *T*-2 to earthquake victims and victims of last month 's Hurricane Hugo .
- [ARG1 Scientists] are [ARGM-ADV only] [rel beginning] *-2 to understand what *T*-1 causes sick-building syndrome and much of that research was unavailable when the Beebes filed the case *T*-3 , she said 0 *T*-4 .
- The issue brings Fannie Mae 's 1989 Remic issuance to $ 30.2 billion *U* and its total volume *ICH*-3 to $ 42.3 billion *U* since [ARG1 the program] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in April 1987] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Sawyer] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 running the company on an interim basis in late September] .
- The producer of paper used * in magazines and by commercial printers said 0 [ARG1 spending on the expansion] is planned *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in the first quarter of 1990] .
- House leaders had hoped *-2 to follow the Senate 's lead by *-3 getting an agreement from House committee chairmen under which they would drop items that *T*-1 would n't reduce the fiscal 1990 budget deficit from the House-passed bill before [ARG1 the negotiations with the Senate] [rel began] *T*-4 .
- Now those items will be discussed *-1 in [ARG1 a House-Senate conference] , which *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP as soon as today] , with the expectation that they could either be resolved *-3 there or placed *-3 into other legislation .
- [ARG1 The machine] [rel began] shipping [ARGM-TMP at the end of last year] .
- In the six months since [ARG1 the current fiscal year] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP April 1] , the surplus totaled # 500 million *U* , compared with a surplus of # 3.6 billion *U* in the year-earlier period .
- As [ARG1 the hearings] [rel begin] , the self-important Sen. Bowman -LRB- Jerome Kilty -RRB- announces : `` * Let me emphaticize one thing at the outset : We are not looking for hides 0 * to skin *T*-1 nor goats 0 * to scape *T*-2 . ''
- The defense electronics maker said 0 [ARG1 delivery] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in October 1991] and run through mid-1995 .
- `` If your prospect is feeling risk the whole time and you 're not feeling as if you 're backed *-3 up by a stable company , you 've lost it before [ARG0 you] 've [rel begun] , '' says *T*-2 Mary Ann Cluggish , a Wellesley , Mass. , sales trainer and consultant who *T*-1 works with high technology companies .
- [ARG1 Lung-cancer mortality rates for people under 45 years of age] have [rel begun] *-1 to decline , federal researchers report 0 *T*-2 .
- Although lung-cancer mortality rates are increasing for the nation as a whole , the report projects that [ARG1 death rates] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] *-1 to decline in the 1990s for men and after the year 2000 for women .
- A report in this week 's issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute also projects that [ARG1 overall U.S. mortality rates from lung cancer , the leading cause of cancer death] , [ARGM-MOD should] [rel begin] *-1 to drop [ARGM-TMP in several years] [ARGM-ADV if cigarette smoking continues *-2 to abate] .
- After *-2 gaining strength during a brief run-up [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 trading] [rel began] *T*-1 , the Nasdaq Composite Index weakened under selling pressure .
- [ARG0 The Nasdaq 100 Index] [rel began] [ARG1 the day] [ARGM-MNR at 449.89] , lost 2 % at one point , and was up 0.4 % at another .
- [ARGM-TMP Shortly thereafter] , [ARG1 hysterical articles] [rel began] *-1 to appear [ARGM-ADV * predicting that advanced industrial societies would produce a blackened , uninhabitable planet possibly by the turn of the century] .
- Oil and auto companies supported a move *ICH*-1 on Capitol Hill last week * to gut Mr. Bush 's plans * to require [ARG0 auto makers] to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 selling alternative-fueled cars] [ARGM-TMP by 1995] .
- [ARGM-TMP * Starting next month] , [ARG0 Eastern] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 flying 775 flights daily instead of the previously announced 700] , they said 0 *T*-1 .
- Eastern sought bankruptcy-law protection a few days after [ARG1 a crippling strike] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP March 4] .
- [ARG0 Even the U.S. Forest Service , whose lenient `` multiple-use '' philosophy *T*-2 permits motorized vehicles on thousands of miles of its trails across the U.S. ,] has [rel begun] [ARG1 *-4 to close some lands *ICH*-1 to the bikes , including major portions of the popular Pacific Crest Trail , which *T*-3 stretches from California to Canada] .
- CNBC will produce six , one-hour programs , [ARG1 *] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP in April 1990] .
- After a landslide win in 1984 in polls held * after the assassination of his mother , Indira Gandhi , Mr. Gandhi saw [ARG0 his popularity] [rel begin] [ARG1 a roller coaster ride] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-TMP after weeks of delay] , [ARG1 the appropriations process] is [rel beginning] *-1 to take some final shape .
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] , [ARG0 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 using its national TV show * to seek help , such as equipment , for business owners] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Allen] [rel began] [ARG1 it] with [ARG2-with a warning to his hosts , a California church group that *T*-1 opposes rights for homosexuals] .
- [rel Beginning] [ARGM-TMP in the early 19th century] , with [ARG2-with U.S. v. Hudson and Goodwin] , the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that a judicial power * to declare conduct * to be against the public interest and hence criminal , while *-1 well established in British law , would usurp legislative authority under the doctrine of separation of powers .
- [ARGM-ADV In practice] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG1 the line between interpretation and redefinition of the criminal law] [ARGM-TMP long ago] [rel began] *-1 to blur .
- [ARG0 Shearson Lehman Hutton] [rel began] [ARG1 its coverage of the company] with [ARG2-with favorable ratings] .
- But there still may be prolonged debate and political maneuvering that *T*-1 holds up the $ 156.7 billion *U* funding bill for [ARG1 the fiscal year] that *T*-2 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 1] .
- [ARG0 Eastern Airlines ' creditors] have [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 exploring alternative approaches to a Chapter 11 reorganization] [ARGM-CAU because they are unhappy with the carrier 's latest proposal] .
- [ARG0 Other long-distance carriers] have [ARGM-DIS also] [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 marketing enhanced 900 service] , and special consultants are springing up *-2 to exploit the new tool .
- [ARGM-DIS Meanwhile] , [ARG0 NBC Sports] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel began] [ARG1 `` Scores Plus , '' a year-round , 24-hour 900 line providing a complex array of scores , analysis and fan news] .
- Federal researchers said 0 [ARG1 lung-cancer mortality rates for people under 45 years of age] have [rel begun] *-1 to decline , particularly for white males .
- The National Cancer Institute also projected that [ARG1 overall U.S. mortality rates from lung cancer] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel begin] *-1 to drop in several years if cigarette smoking continues *-2 to abate .
- [ARG1 Yesterday 's selling] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP after a Japanese news agency reported that Japanese banks , which *T*-1 balked at the first bid , were ready *-2 to reject a revised version at around $ 250 *U* a share , or $ 5.65 billion *U*] .
- The chords modulate , but there is little filigree even though [ARG1 his fingers] [rel begin] *-1 to wander over more of the keys .
- [ARG0 `` Mad Rush ''] [rel began] [ARG1 its life] [ARGM-MNR as the accompaniment to the Dalai Lama 's first public address in the U.S.] , [ARGM-TMP when Mr. Glass played it on the organ at New York 's Cathedral of St. John the Divine *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To combat that problem] , [ARG0 National Geographic] , [ARGM-ADV like other magazines] , [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 offering regional editions allowing advertisers to appear in only a portion of its magazines] -- for example , ads can run only in the magazines sent * to subscribers in the largest 25 markets .
- It now offers 30 regional editions , [ARG1 it] [ARGM-TMP very recently] [rel began] *-1 running ads adjacent to articles , and it has been beefing up its sales force .
- Under the rules , traders decide before [ARG1 a session] [rel begins] whether they will trade for their own account or for customers .
- In [ARG1 an international buying spree] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP barely two years ago] , Mr. Paul amassed a collection of about 30 pre-18th-century works , including the Preti , at a total cost of $ 28 million *U* .
- [ARG1 The strike at five De Beers mines] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP last Thursday] , [ARGM-MNR with 9,500 out of a total 10,000 NUM members employed * on De Beers mines participating] , [ARGM-ADV according to the union] , [ARGM-ADV while De Beers said 0 there were 7,800 participants] .
- [ARG0 SsangYong] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 making variations of the Jeep-like `` Korando '' vehicle] .
- By then [ARG0 it] also hopes *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 producing a passenger car based * on the Volvo 240 and selling for about $ 20,000 *U*] .
- And [ARG0 some investors at Fidelity and elsewhere] [ARGM-DIS even] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 buying stock funds during the day] .
- `` [ARG0 We] were [ARGM-TMP just] [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-1 to look at the increase in IPOs] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 seeing the light at the end of the tunnel] , '' says *T*-2 Frank Kline Jr. , partner in Lambda Funds , a Beverly Hills , Calif. , venture capital concern .
- [ARGM-TMP When Nucor Corp. begins *-1 shipping steel from the world 's first thin-slab plant this month *T*-2] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-3 testing the competitive mettle of its giant competitors] .
- When [ARG0 Nucor Corp.] [rel begins] [ARG1 *-1 shipping steel from the world 's first thin-slab plant this month *T*-2] , it will begin *-3 testing the competitive mettle of its giant competitors .
- [ARGM-DIS For example] , [ARGM-TMP when Detroit began *-2 talking about plastic-bodied cars *T*-3] , [ARG0 the American Iron and Steel Institute] [rel began] [ARG1 a major lobbying effort] [ARGM-PNC *-4 to show auto makers how they could use steel more efficiently by * simply redesigning how a car door is assembled *-1 *T*-5 *T*-6] .
- For example , when [ARG0 Detroit] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 talking about plastic-bodied cars *T*-3] , the American Iron and Steel Institute began a major lobbying effort *-4 to show auto makers how they could use steel more efficiently by * simply redesigning how a car door is assembled *-1 *T*-5 *T*-6 .
- `` It would now be physically impossible [ARG0 *] to [rel begin] [ARG1 deliveries] [ARGM-TMP in 1992] , '' a Hydro-Quebec official said *T*-1 .
- `` We wo n't sign [ARG1 any new contracts -LCB- with deliveries -RCB-] [rel beginning] [ARGM-TMP earlier than 2000] , '' the Hydro-Quebec official said *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV With a jazz-piano tape playing softly in the background] , [ARG1 the soothing hands of Sabina Vidunas] [rel begin] *-1 to work on Ms. Foster 's neck and shoulders .
- [ARGM-TMP Three minutes into the massage] , [ARG1 the man] curled up , [rel began] *-1 shaking and turned red .
- `` [ARG1 Warehouse productivity] is [ARGM-ADV really] [rel beginning] *-1 to take off . ''
- [ARGM-TMP In the aftermath of the 1987 debacle] , [ARG0 the brokerage firm] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 taping commercials in-house] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 ultimately getting its timing down fast enough * to tape a commercial after the market closed and rush it on the air that night] .
- [ARGM-TMP After the third week on strike] , [ARG1 union members] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] *-1 receiving $ 100 *U* a week from the fund .
- [ARG0 Some big institutions , including banks ,] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 picking up lower-priced shares] [ARGM-TMP late yesterday] , but most investors wanted *-3 to see what *T*-1 would happen in New York before *-4 acting .
- McCaw 's revised tender offer would require [ARG0 McCaw] to [rel begin] [ARG1 an auction process *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP in July 1994] that *T*-2 would buy out remaining holders at a per-share price roughly equivalent to what a third party might then have *-4 to pay *T*-3 for all of LIN .
- BSN Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] [ARG1 an offer *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP tomorrow] * to exchange up to one million of its common shares and all of its $ 16.6 million *U* in 7 3\/4 % convertible debentures due 2001 for a package of new debt and common stock warrants .
- [ARGM-TMP After the game] -LRB- `` Bluefield lost , 9-8 , *-2 stranding three runners in ... the ninth , '' he noted *T*-1 -RRB- , [ARG1 trouble] [rel began] .
- [ARG0 Many employers] have [ARGM-TMP already] [rel begun] [ARG1 *-1 moving to southern countries such as Spain and Italy , where wages are low and unions are weaker *T*-2] ; demand for trained labor and managers will rise there , FMC says 0 *T*-3 .
- According to diplomatic sources in Brussels , most EC leaders agree that [ARG1 talks] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP in the second half of 1990] , and will make a declaration on that during a summit meeting in Strasbourg , France , on Dec. 8 and 9 .
- [ARG1 The ceremonies] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Friday afternoon] [ARGM-TMP when word *ICH*-2 spread that the UAL buy-out was collapsing *T*-1] .
- Shares also closed sharply lower across Europe , particularly in Frankfurt , although London and a few other markets recovered some ground after [ARG1 stocks] [rel began] *-1 to rebound in New York .
- As a practical matter , flights from the West Coast to Hawaii would be covered *-1 as they are under the time limit , but the language would exempt [ARG1 longer routes] [rel beginning] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARGM-LOC in Chicago or on the East Coast] .
- [ARGM-ADV In particular] , they said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 firms such as First Boston Corp. and Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 making a market in junk issues early in the session when prices hit severely depressed levels *T*-3] .
- Many U.S. trading operations , wanting * to keep a watchful eye on Japanese trading as an indication of [ARGM-LOC where] [ARG1 U.S. trading] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel begin] *T*-2 , were fully staffed *-1 during the Tokyo trading session .
- But [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 stocks] [rel began] *-2 to climb instead *T*-1 , prices of Treasury bonds declined .
- [ARGM-TMP This fall] , [ARG0 Gitano] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 manufacturing moderately priced clothes aimed * at department stores under the Gloria Vanderbilt trademark , which Gitano recently acquired *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 The Rochester , N.Y. , photographic giant] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 marketing T-Max 3200 , one of the fastest and most sensitive monochrome films] .
- *-2 A leading authority on the business cycle , Mr. Moore also is a member of the Business Cycle Dating Group , the panel of private economists that *T*-1 decides for the government [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 expansions and recessions] [rel begin] and end *T*-3 .
- Highland Valley is [ARG0 a large Canadian producer and principal supplier to Japan] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 seeking copper elsewhere as its inventories shrank] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARGM-TMP after *-1 absorbing the potential effect of the hurricane] , [ARG1 prices] [rel began] *-1 to slip late Friday , Mr. Simon said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 A broad rally] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP when several major processors began *-2 buying futures contracts , apparently *-3 to take advantage of the price dip *T*-1] .
- A broad rally began [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 several major processors] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 buying futures contracts , apparently *-3 to take advantage of the price dip] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Foreign stock markets , which *T*-1 kicked off Black Monday with a huge selling spree ,] [rel began] [ARG1 the day] [ARGM-MNR off by relatively modest amounts] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-DIS then] , [ARGM-MNR as quickly as the Dow had fallen] , [ARG1 it] [rel began] *-1 to turn around .
- [ARG0 NP Acquisition Co. , a National Pizza unit ,] plans *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 a tender offer for Skipper 's] [ARGM-TMP on Friday] , conditioned on at least two-thirds of Skipper 's shares being tendered * .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] , [ARG1 Skipper 's results] [rel began] *-1 to turn around , * permitting a higher offer , National Pizza said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP as panic spread] , [ARG0 speculators] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to sell blue-chip stocks such as Philip Morris and International Business Machines *-2 to offset their losses] .
- [ARGM-DIS Meanwhile] , [ARGM-TMP during the the S&P trading halt] , [ARG1 S&P futures sell orders] [rel began] *-2 piling up , [ARGM-ADV while stocks in New York kept *-1 falling sharply] .
- But the build-up of S&P futures sell orders weighed on the market , and [ARG1 the link with stocks] [rel began] *-1 to fray again .
- During this time , small investors began *-1 ringing their brokers , *-1 wondering whether [ARG1 another crash] had [rel begun] .
- [ARGM-TMP During this time] , [ARG0 small investors] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 ringing their brokers] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 wondering whether another crash had begun] .
- [ARG1 The finger-pointing] has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel begun] .
- [ARG1 Stock fund redemptions] [ARGM-TMP during the 1987 debacle] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel begin] *-1 to snowball [ARGM-TMP until after the market opened on Black Monday] .
- `` We want *-3 to make sure 0 they know what they want *T*-2 before they come back , '' said *T*-4 Doug Hammond , the federal mediator who *T*-1 has been in contact with both sides since [ARG1 the strike] [rel began] .
- Now , [ARG1 those routes] are n't expected *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP until Jan] .
- *-1 Calculating that excess polyethylene would soon be sloshing around the world , [ARG0 other buyers] then bet that prices had peaked and so [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to draw down inventories rather than order new product] .
- [ARG0 Procter & Gamble Co.] plans *-2 to [rel begin] [ARG1 *-3 testing next month a superconcentrated detergent that *T*-1 will require only a few spoonfuls per washload] .
- [ARGM-TMP Beginning in mid-1987] , [ARG1 prices] [rel began] *-1 accelerating [ARGM-TMP as a growing U.S. economy and the weak dollar spurred demand] .
- [ARG0 Olivetti] [ARGM-ADV reportedly] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 shipping these tools] [ARGM-TMP in 1984] .
- Orange Juice Traders will be watching *-2 to see how long and how far [ARG1 the price decline] that *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Friday] will go *T*-3 .
- [ARG1 Brazilian juice] , [ARGM-TMP after a delay caused * by drought at the start of its crop season] , is [rel beginning] *-1 to arrive in the U.S. in large quantities .
- A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney 's office said 0 [ARG1 extradition proceedings] are `` [ARGM-ADV just] [rel beginning] '' [ARGM-PNC for the other two defendants in the case , Eric Anthony Abrahams , former Jamaican tourism minister , and Jamaican businessman Arnold Foote Jr] .
- GM officials want *-1 to get their strategy 0 * to reduce capacity and the work force *T*-2 in place before [ARG1 those talks] [rel begin] .
- The New York Stock Exchange said 0 [ARG1 two securities] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] *-1 trading [ARGM-TMP this week] .
- [ARG1 Precision Castparts Corp. , Portland , Ore. ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel begin] *-1 trading with the symbol PCP .
- [ARG1 Columbia Laboratories Inc. , Miami ,] [rel began] *-1 trading with the symbol COB .
- [ARGM-DIS Thus] , [ARG0 Europe] has [rel begun] [ARG1 the recent crusade 0 *T*-1 to produce more worthy shows of its own , programs with broader appeal] .
- Just last week , Greece authorized two commercial channels for the first time ; [ARG0 Spain] [ARGM-TMP earlier] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 to allow commercial television alongside its state channels] .
- Under terms of its proposed two-step expansion , which *T*-1 would have required regulatory approval , Interprovincial intended *-2 to add 200,000 barrels a day of additional capacity to its system , [rel beginning] with [ARG2-with a modest expansion by 1991] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] is [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-2 to see some shipping-rate improvements *ICH*-3 in both the intergrated-steel and steel-service-center segments , which *T*-1 should result in improved results for the fourth quarter] .
- [ARG0 The company] is [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-2 to ship a new software program that *T*-3 's being heralded *-1 as a boon for owners of low-end printers sold * by Apple] .
- [ARG1 House-Senate negotiations] are likely *-1 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP at midweek] and last for a while .
- [ARGM-TMP Two years ago] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 faced *-1 with the possibility of heavy losses on the stocks in their inventories] , [ARG0 market makers themselves] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 dumping shares] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 exacerbating the slide in OTC stock prices] .
- Pension funds , insurers and other behemoths of the investing world said 0 [ARG1 they] [rel began] *-1 scooping up stocks during Friday 's market rout .
- [ARG0 Bolar , of Copiague , N.Y. ,] [ARGM-TMP earlier] [rel began] [ARG1 a voluntary recall of both its 100 milligram and 50 milligram versions of the drug] .
- Friday 's market tumble could spur action on * reconciling the House and Senate versions of the deficit-reduction measure , [ARG1 a process] that *T*-1 is n't expected *-2 to [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP until tomorrow at the soonest] .
- General Motors Corp. said 0 it had discussed the possibility of a joint venture with Jaguar before [ARG0 Ford] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 buying shares] .
- [ARGM-ADV If the investor does n't put up the extra cash 0 *T*-1 to satisfy the call] , [ARG0 the brokerage firm] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-2 liquidating the securities] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 CBS News] [ARGM-MOD will] extend its four-hour `` Nightwatch '' by 30 minutes and [rel begin] [ARGM-TMP at 1:30 a.m] .
- [ARG1 The dollar] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel began] *-2 to decline [ARGM-TMP Friday] [ARGM-CAU as the stock market 's plunge caused some investors to reassess their desire * to invest in the U.S.] .
- `` Trade is definitely going *-3 to be more politically sensitive over the next six or seven months as [ARG1 improvement] [rel begins] *-1 to slow , '' he said *T*-2 .
- The heavy use of incentives * to clear out 1989 models appears *-2 to have taken the steam , at least initially , out of [ARG1 1990 model sales] , which *T*-1 [rel began] [ARGM-MNR officially] [ARGM-TMP Oct. 1] .
- [ARG1 The debate over National Service] has [rel begun] [ARGM-ADV again] .
- * Let [ARG1 's] [rel begin] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 recognizing a main source of confusion] -- `` national service '' has no agreed meaning .
- But they believe themselves to be serving , and [ARG0 they] [rel begin] [ARG1 *-1 to respect themselves -LRB- and others -RRB- , to take control of their lives , to think of the future] .
- The action was expected *-1 to begin with the opening of the New Zealand foreign exchange markets at 5 p.m. EST -- when stocks there plunged *T*-2 -- and to continue as [ARG1 the trading day] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP later in the evening] [ARGM-LOC in Tokyo] and through early this morning in Europe .
- [ARG1 The action] was expected *-1 to [rel begin] with [ARG2-with the opening of the New Zealand foreign exchange markets at 5 p.m. EST -- when stocks there plunged *T*-2 --] and to continue as the trading day began later in the evening in Tokyo and through early this morning in Europe .
- Mr. Brady was at the White House [ARGM-TMP Friday afternoon] when [ARG1 the stock market 's decline] [rel began] *T*-1 .
- The crash of 1929 was followed *-1 by a substantial recovery before [ARG1 the great Depression and awful bear market of the 1930s] [rel began] .
- [ARG1 The process of post-crash reforms] [rel began] with [ARG2-with calls 0 *T*-1 to remake the markets] and wound up a year later with a series of rather technical adjustments .
- Today , U.S. Judge John E. Sprizzo is expected *-1 to rule on Sony 's renewed request for a pre-trial order blocking sale of the disputed products , on which [ARG1 deliveries] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP in July] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV With Justin] , [ARG0 he] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 selling toys and electronics made * mostly in Hong Kong , * beginning with Mickey Mouse radios] .
- -LRB- Justin claims 0 [ARG0 it] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 using the same colors on electronic goods for children] [ARGM-TMP long before Sony entered the children 's market] . -RRB-
- [ARG0 The Peugeot metalworkers] [rel began] [ARG1 *-2 filing out of the shop , which *T*-1 makes auto parts , at the plant in Mulhouse after * voting 589 to 193 *-3 to abandon the occupation] .
- `` What [ARG1 we] 've [rel begun] *-1 to see *T*-2 is the damage to businesses of * paying exorbitant compound interest .
- [ARG1 The `` flight to quality ''] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP late in the day] and followed a precipitous fall in the stock market .
- The consensus along the street seems *-2 to be that the plunge was triggered *-1 by the financing problems of the UAL takeover , and it 's certainly true 0 [ARG1 the rout] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP immediately after the UAL trading halt] .
- Mr. Bowder said 0 the bank 's experience with LDC debt has been `` painful '' and this latest move represents the final phase of [ARG1 a program] [rel begun] * [ARGM-TMP seven years ago] [ARGM-PNC * to reduce its exposure through provisioning , debt sales and debt swaps] .
- It was the latest in a series of setbacks for [ARGM-LOC the junk bond market] , where [ARG1 prices] [rel began] * weakening [ARGM-TMP last month] [ARGM-TMP after Campeau hit a cash crunch] *T*-1 .
- Potential bidders for companies `` were saying that [ARG1 things] were [rel beginning] *-2 to look expensive , '' says 0 *T*-1 Mr. Rattner of Lazard .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel began] [ARG1 *-1 increasing his cash position to 45 % of his portfolio] .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG1 Denver 's regional economy] [rel begins] *-1 to grow faster *T*-2 -- such a recovery could occur as early as next year -- business and consumer confidence will return , and the resulting explosion of real-estate activity will dwarf the general economic rebound .
- Trinity said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel begin] [ARG1 delivery of the rail cars] [ARGM-TMP in the first quarter of 1990] .
- [ARGM-ADV With the European Community set *-1 to remove its internal trade barriers in 1992] , [ARG0 several Hong Kong companies] are [rel beginning] [ARG1 *-2 to consider Spain , Portugal and Greece as possible manufacturing sites] .
- [ARG1 The Big Three 's drumbeat for deregulation] [rel began] *-1 intensifying [ARGM-TMP in the summer] [ARGM-TMP when the former Time Inc. went ahead with plans *-3 to acquire Warner *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 A trial on criminal allegations against the company and the same two former executives] [rel began] [ARGM-TMP Sept. 27] [ARGM-LOC in federal court for the District of Columbia] .
- If [ARG1 it] does [ARGM-NEG n't] yield on these matters , and [ARGM-TMP eventually] [rel begin] talking directly to the ANC , the expectations and promise raised * by yesterday 's releases will turn to disillusionment and unrest .