frames- The stocks of [rel banking] [ARG2 concerns] based * in Massachusetts were n't helped *-1 much by the announcement , traders said 0 *T*-2 , because many of those concerns have financial problems tied * to their real-estate loan portfolios , * making them unattractive takeover targets .
- So it goes in the competitive world of [ARG0 consumer] [rel banking] these days .
- No less significant than the Japanese banks ' attempt * to cut off funds *-2 to pressure a foreign government are *T*-1 the implications of a confrontation between Japan securities and [rel banking] [ARG2 industries] .
- Five officials of this investment [rel banking] [ARG0 firm] *ICH*-1 were elected *-69 directors : E. Garrett Bewkes III , a 38-year-old managing director in the mergers and acquisitions department ; Michael R. Dabney , 44 , a managing director who *T*-100 directs the principal activities group which *T*-101 provides funding for leveraged acquisitions ; Richard Harriton , 53 , a general partner who *T*-102 heads the correspondent clearing services ; Michael Minikes , 46 , a general partner who *T*-103 is treasurer ; and William J. Montgoris , 42 , a general partner who *T*-104 is also senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer .
- Moody 's said 0 its rating changes actions `` reflect CS First Boston 's aggressive [ARG0 merchant] [rel banking] risk as well as the risk profile of its current merchant banking exposures . ''
- Florida National , if *-1 acquired *-2 , would almost double First Union 's [rel banking] [ARG2 franchise] in Florida to $ 17 billion *U* in assets .
- The new representative office , with one manager and two assistants -- none a member of the Rothschild family -- will carry out no [rel banking] [ARG2 operations] of its own .
- Instead , it is *-1 to seek out corporate financing business and sell investment products on behalf of the family 's mainstay [rel banking] [ARG2 units] : N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd. in London , Rothschild & Cie. in Paris and Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich .
- Mr. Russo , 38 years old , previously was first vice president , public affairs and advertising , at the [rel banking] [ARG2 unit] .
- Mr. Bennett will continue as executive in charge of the North Carolina [rel banking] [ARG2 operation] .
- Earlier last week , Valley National Corp. , the state 's largest locally owned [rel banking] [ARG0 company] , reported a $ 72.2 million *U* loss and suspended its dividend .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Bank] [ARG1 it] ?
- Morgan Grenfell Group PLC said 0 John Craven , group chief executive officer , is taking over the chairmanship of the merchant [rel banking] [ARG2 group] from Sir Peter Carey , who *T*-1 is retiring .
- News of Mr. Eward 's retirement comes one day after Morgan said that Christopher Whittington resigned as chairman of Morgan 's [rel banking] [ARG2 subsidiary] *-1 to join a financial services firm .
- What do you say [ARG0 we all] close down the poker game , go home and [rel bank] [ARG1 the $ 16 billion *U*] ?
- A year ago , net at the New York investment [rel banking] [ARG0 firm] was $ 20.9 million *U* , or 50 cents a share , including a special pretax gain of $ 46.3 million *U* from the sale of the company 's interest in National Car Rental Systems Inc .
- The other [rel banking] [ARG0 companies] in the group are Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale , BankAmerica Corp. and Citicorp , he said 0 *T*-1 .