frames- Trading is expected *-1 to remain subdued as [ARG1 the market] [rel awaits] [ARG2 tomorrow 's release of the jobs data] [ARGM-MNR with the hope that it will point toward a decline in interest rates] .
- [ARG1 I] [rel await] [ARG2 his sequel : the economic and social resiliency of the San Francisco Bay area and the outstanding work of the local governments and the private charitable organizations there as metaphors for the supremacy of whatever failed system Mr. Cockburn now believes in *T*-1] .
- British government bonds were little changed as [ARG1 investors] [rel awaited] [ARG2 an address on economic policy by John Major , the new Chancellor of the Exchequer] .
- Ralph Costanza , head of the OTC trading department at Smith Barney , Harris Upham , said 0 [ARG1 many market players] are [rel awaiting] [ARG2 some resolution of the current debate over program trading] .
- I remembered how hard it *EXP*-5 was *T*-4 for an outsider to become accepted *-3 by long-established , stake-holding residents , and [ARG1 what pitfalls] *T*-1 [rel awaited] [ARG2 an original thinker] [ARGM-LOC in societies that *T*-2 were long accustomed to unchanging , `` safe '' ways of thought and action] .
- Yet a bill tailored * to the interests of a single individual passed Congress with almost unimaginable speed , before the judicial process had run its course , and , indeed , while [ARG1 the Morgan case] was [rel awaiting] [ARG2 a ruling by the appellate court] .
- [ARG1 Investors] [ARGM-TMP now] are [rel awaiting] [ARG2 today 's release of the preliminary estimate of third-quarter gross national product] .
- [ARG1 They] [ARGM-MNR gleefully] [rel await] [ARG2 the `` dream season '' in 1990] .
- [ARGM-DIS Thus] , [ARG1 optimistic entrepreneurs] [rel await] [ARG2 a promised land of less red tape -- just as soon as Uncle Sam gets around to *-1 arranging it] .
- [ARG1 About 1,100 Chinese] were [rel awaiting] [ARG2 repatriation] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] .
- Harken , which *T*-1 made its offer in August , said 0 [ARG1 it] [ARGM-TMP still] is [rel awaiting] [ARG2 a response to its offer from Tesoro 's board] .
- The dollar weakened in indecisive trading as [ARG1 foreign-exchange dealers] [rel awaited] [ARG2 fresh economic news that they hope 0 *T*-1 will jolt the U.S. unit out of its narrow ranges] .
- [ARG1 Coniston , a New York investment partnership ,] [rel awaits] [ARG2 a vote by TW 's shareholders , scheduled * for Friday , on Coniston 's $ 34-a-share , or $ 1.66 billion *U* , offer for TW] .
- Some stock pickers already are targeting [ARGM-LOC the OTC market] , where , they say 0 *T*-2 , [rel await] *T*-1 [ARG1 plenty of small - and medium-sized growth stocks] .
- [ARG1 The ambitious Warsaw project] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel awaits] [ARG2 approval by city officials] .
- [ARG1 They] are [rel awaiting] [ARG2 an arbitration proceeding] .
- [ARG1 The tentative agreement between the IRS and Nelson Bunker Hunt] is [rel awaiting] [ARG2 U.S. Justice Department approval] .
- British government bonds ended little changed as [ARG1 investors] [rel awaited] [ARG2 an economic policy address last night by Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson] .
- Still , it was in Argentine editions that his countrymen first read his story of Pascal Duarte , a field worker who *T*-1 stabbed his mother to death and has no regrets as [ARG1 he] [rel awaits] [ARG2 his end] [ARGM-LOC in a prison cell] *T*-4 : `` Fate directs some men down the flower-bordered path , and others down the road bordered * with thistles and prickly pears .
- And the Pentagon said 0 [ARG1 dozens of additional crews and transport aircraft] were on alert `` *-1 [rel awaiting] [ARG2 orders * to move emergency supplies] . ''
- [ARG1 New Jersey Bell] [rel awaits] [ARG2 state clearance] .
- In the first half , Lotus struggled *-1 to keep market share with costly promotions while [ARG1 customers] [rel awaited] [ARG2 the launch of 1-2-3 Release 3 , the upgraded spreadsheet software] .
- Charles Daggs , chairman and chief executive officer of Sutro & Co. , said 0 traders came to work at 5 a.m. PDT -- many on foot because of uncertain road and traffic conditions -- but learned that [ARG1 they] would have *-2 to [rel await] [ARG2 a required inspection by the city] in order *-2 to turn the power back on at the company 's two main facilities there .
- [ARG1 Japanese and European steelmakers , which *T*-1 have led the recent technology developments ,] are [ARGM-MNR anxiously] [rel awaiting] [ARG2 the lifting of trade restraints in 1992] .
- [ARG1 More than 400 traders] jammed the S&P 500 futures pit *-1 to [rel await] [ARG2 the opening bell] .
- The Greek courts have decided in favor of extradition in the Rashid case , but [ARG1 the matter] [rel awaits] [ARG2 final approval from Greece 's next justice minister] .