frames- [ARGM-TMP In October , the busiest month of the year so far ,] [ARG1 daily volume] [rel averaged] [ARG2 roughly 145 million shares] .
- Most balloonists seldom go higher than 2,000 feet and [ARG1 most] [rel average] [ARG2 a leisurely 5-10 miles an hour] .
- [ARG1 Milk sold * to the nation 's dairy plants and dealers] [rel averaged] [ARG2 $ 14.50 *U* for each hundred pounds] , [ARGM-MNR up 50 cents from September and up $ 1.50 *U* from October 1988] , the department said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Egg prices] [rel averaged] [ARG2 64.2 cents a dozen] , [ARGM-ADV down 0.2 cent from September] .
- Soybeans averaged $ 5.28 *U* a bushel , down 42 cents from September ; [ARG1 corn] [rel averaged] [ARG2 $ 2.20 *U*] , [ARGM-ADV down seven cents] , and sorghum grain averaged $ 3.61 *U* for each hundred pounds , down 19 cents , according to the department .
- [ARG1 Soybeans] [rel averaged] [ARG2 $ 5.28 *U* a bushel] , [ARGM-ADV down 42 cents from September] ; corn averaged $ 2.20 *U* , down seven cents , and sorghum grain averaged $ 3.61 *U* for each hundred pounds , down 19 cents , according to the department .
- Soybeans averaged $ 5.28 *U* a bushel , down 42 cents from September ; corn averaged $ 2.20 *U* , down seven cents , and [ARG1 sorghum grain] [rel averaged] $ [ARG2 3.61] *U* for [ARG3-for each hundred pounds] , down 19 cents , according to the department .
- The results surpassed [ARG1 analysts ' forecasts] , which *T*-90 [rel averaged] [ARG2 around # 200 million *U*] , and Marks & Spencer responded in trading on London 's Stock Exchange with an eight pence rise to 188 pence .
- While [ARG1 American PC sales] have [rel averaged] [ARG2 roughly 25 % annual growth] [ARGM-TMP since 1984] and West European sales a whopping 40 % , Japanese sales were flat for most of that time .
- The consensus of this group , which he dubs *T*-1 `` realists , '' is that the local economy will grow through the 1990s at [ARG1 annual rates] [rel averaging] [ARG2 between 3 % and 5 % *U*] .
- [ARGM-TMP During the past 10 years] , [ARG1 Hong Kong 's economic growth] has [rel averaged] [ARG2 8.3 %] [ARGM-TMP annually] .
- The Manhattan U.S. attorney 's office stressed [ARG1 criminal cases] from 1980 to 1987 , *-1 [rel averaging] [ARG2 43] for [ARG3-for every 100,000 adults] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the New Jersey U.S. attorney] [rel averaged] [ARG2 16] .
- On the civil side , the Manhattan prosecutor filed an average of only 11 cases for every 100,000 adults during the same period ; [ARG0 the San Francisco U.S. attorney] [rel averaged] [ARG2 79] .
- [ARG1 Prices] have [rel averaged] [ARG2 more than $ 2 *U* a barrel higher than that] -- [ARGM-ADV not a windfall , but at least a pleasant bonus for them] .
- [ARGM-ADV For all six million workers under major collective bargaining agreements] , [ARGM-ADV regardless of when they were signed * *T*-1] , [ARG1 wage increases in the first nine months of 1989] [rel averaged] [ARG2 2.5 %] -- including cost-of-living adjustments .
- Settlements reached * in the first nine months of 1989 called for [ARG1 wage increases] [rel averaging] [ARG2 3.7 % in the first contract year and 3.1 % annually over the life of the contracts] , the department said 0 *T*-1 .
- The Bank of England , on the other hand , had [ARG1 gold reserves] that *T*-2 [rel averaged] [ARG2 about 30 % of its outstanding currency] , and Bank of England notes were accepted *-1 throughout the world .
- That is in part because of the effect of [ARG0 *] having *-2 to [rel average] [ARG1 the number of shares outstanding] , she said 0 *T*-1 .
- Neither technique is perfect , but both are better than the current system , which *T*-1 misstates the costs of new credit programs by [ARG1 amounts] that *T*-2 vary substantially and [rel average] [ARG2 about $ 20 billion *U*] [ARGM-TMP annually] , according to the Congressional Budget Office .
- [ARG1 Yields on five-year CDs at major banks] were [rel averaging] [ARG2 about 7.45 %] , and 10-year Treasury notes were paying less than 8 % .
- [ARGM-TMP For October] [ARGM-TMP so far] , [ARG1 daily volume] is [rel averaging] [ARG2 150.3 million] , [ARGM-ADV * putting it on track 0 *T*-1 to be the year 's busiest month] .
- [ARG1 Spending by Japanese households] [rel averaged] [ARG2 290,782 yen -LRB- $ 2,052.10 *U* -RRB-] [ARGM-TMP in August] .
- That 's up from about 687 a month in 1985 , and it 's accelerating : [ARGM-TMP So far this month] , [ARG1 foreclosures] are [rel averaging] [ARG2 about 85 a day] .
- The New York study 's companies averaged 27 employees ; [ARG1 their annual crime losses] [rel averaged] [ARG2 about $ 15,000 *U*] , [ARGM-ADV with an additional $ 8,385 *U* annual cost in security -- enough money * to hire at least one more worker] .
- [ARG1 The New York study 's companies] [rel averaged] [ARG2 27 employees] ; their annual crime losses averaged about $ 15,000 *U* , with an additional $ 8,385 *U* annual cost in security -- enough money * to hire at least one more worker .
- Management Horizons forecasts a 1.4 % profit decline for non-auto retailers this year , after [ARG1 annual drops] that *T*-1 [rel averaged] [ARG2 4.5 %] [ARGM-TMP in 1988 and 1987] .
- [ARGM-TMP In August] , [ARGM-DIS by contrast] , [ARG1 program trading] [rel averaged] [ARG2 10.3 % of daily Big Board turnover] .
- [ARG1 Payments *ICH*-3] [rel averaged] [ARG2 nearly $ 200,000 *U* a year] from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and the CIA .
- It 's what 1 -RRB- *T*-3 explains why we are like , well , ourselves rather than Bo Jackson *T*-4 ; 2 -RRB- *T*-3 cautions that it *EXP*-1 's possible * to drown in [ARG1 a lake] that *T*-2 [rel averages] [ARG2 two feet deep] ; and 3 -RRB- *T*-3 predicts that 10,000 monkeys placed * before 10,000 pianos would produce 1,118 publishable rock 'n' roll tunes .
- [ARG1 Stock funds] have [rel averaged] [ARG2 a staggering gain of 25 %] [ARGM-TMP through September] , according to Lipper Analytical Services Inc .
- [ARG1 Prices] -- *-1 [rel averaging] [ARG2 roughly $ 2 *U* a barrel higher] [ARGM-TMP in the third quarter] than a year earlier -- have stayed well above most companies ' expectations .
- [ARGM-TMP In the third quarter] , [ARG1 they] [rel averaged] [ARG2 about 5 % less than they were *?* in 1988] .
- [ARG1 Canadian crude production] [rel averaged] [ARG2 about 1.69 million barrels a day *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP during 1989 's first half] , about 1 % below the 1988 level .
- Besides , rowdy behavior seems unlikely at [ARGM-LOC the Grand Kempinski] , where [ARG1 rooms] [rel average] [ARG2 $ 200 *U* a night] *T*-1 and the cheap mixed drinks go for $ 3.50 *U* a pop *T*-1 .