frames- Last March , after [ARG0 *-1] [rel attending] [ARG1 a teaching seminar] [ARGM-LOC in Washington] , Mrs. Yeargin says 0 she returned to Greenville two days before annual testing *-2 feeling that she had n't prepared her low-ability geography students adequately .
- [ARG0 Fifteen of the 26 subcommittee members *ICH*-2] [rel attended] [ARG1 the hearing] , most notably Rep. John Dingell -LRB- D. , Mich. -RRB- , the full House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman , who *T*-216 has been willing *-1 to let Mr. Markey carry the legislation in recent months .
- With membership of the Church of England steadily dwindling , strong-willed vicars are pressing [ARG0 equally strong-willed and often non-religious ringers] to [rel attend] [ARG1 services] .
- Two years ago , the Rev. Jeremy Hummerstone , vicar of Great Torrington , Devon , got so fed up with [ARG0 ringers] who *T*-228 did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel attend] [ARG1 service] 0 he sacked the entire band ; the ringers promptly set up a picket line in protest .
- While [ARG0 many problems] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel attend] [ARG1 a restructuring of Columbia] , investors say 0 Mr. Spiegel is mulling such a plan 0 * to mitigate Columbia 's junk problems *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 I] [rel attended] [ARG1 several of these] [ARGM-MNR in the dual role as a presenter of research findings as well as an investigator of my hosts] .
- The topic never comes up in ozonedepletion `` establishment '' meetings , of which [ARG0 I] have [rel attended] [ARG1 many *T*-1] .
- Slightly more , like Leslie Sherren , [ARG0 a law librarian] in San Francisco who *T*-1 [rel attends] [ARG1 dance aerobics] [ARGM-TMP five times a week] , exercise *-2 to relieve stress .
- [ARG0 I] [rel attend] , and so does *T*-1 a television crew from New York City .
- [ARG0 About 70,000 people] [rel attended] [ARG1 the anti-government rally , at which leaders of the banned African National Congress refused *-2 to renounce violence 0 * to end apartheid *T*-3 *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 More than 1,000 Muscovites] [rel attended] [ARG1 the service] .
- Nor did it ease restrictions on exports to Poland and Hungary , according to [ARG0 U.S. officials] who *T*-1 [rel attended] [ARG1 the talks] .
- [ARG0 Thousands of East Germans] [rel attended] [ARG1 public rallies organized * by the Communist leadership] and demanded free speech , controls on the security forces and an end to official privileges .
- The threat came during [ARG1 a two-day celebration] in Costa Rica 0 *T*-1 to highlight Central America 's progress toward democracy in the region , [rel attended] * by [ARG0-by President Bush , Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and 14 other Western Hemisphere leaders] .
- Mr. Kume made the earnings projection for fiscal 1990 , ending next March 31 , in an interview with [ARG0 U.S. automotive writers] [rel attending] [ARG1 the Tokyo Motor Show] .
- Democrats argue that Costa Rica deserves more assistance for the same reason that [ARG0 Mr. Bush] is [rel attending] [ARG1 the celebration] [ARGM-TMP this weekend] : * to reward the country for its stability in a region wracked * with turmoil and for its efforts * to promote peace in Nicaragua .
- While they acknowledge 0 the president will attend [ARG1 several meals and a working session] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel attended] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Ortega] , they insist that Mr. Bush wo n't be extending the Nicaraguan leader any special courtesies .
- While they acknowledge 0 [ARG0 the president] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel attend] [ARG1 several meals and a working session also attended * by Mr. Ortega] , they insist that Mr. Bush wo n't be extending the Nicaraguan leader any special courtesies .
- `` It means that Sikes is serious about the deregulation of long distance , '' said *T*-2 Jack Grubman , [ARG0 a telecommunications analyst at PaineWebber Inc.] , who *T*-1 [rel attended] [ARG1 the FCC meeting] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although he says 0 he was n't keen on *-2 going] , [ARGM-TMP last year] [ARG0 he] [rel attended] [ARG1 a New York gala where his daughter made her debut *T*-1] .
- The Canadian application is expected *-3 to be announced *-1 in San Jose , Costa Rica , by [ARG0 Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney] , who *T*-2 is [rel attending] [ARG1 a centenary celebration of Costa Rican democracy] .
- Dr. Morgan is [ARG0 a highly educated white professional] who *T*-1 [rel attended] [ARG1 some of the `` best '' schools] .
- According to [ARG0 some] who *T*-1 [rel attended] , the senators argued that the president should give the Democratic leaders in Congress a victory of their own *-2 to compensate them for * allowing the president to win on the controversial capital-gains issue .
- That 's the word expected * to be on the lips of [ARG0 the more than 3,000 developers , pension-fund advisers and real estate financiers] slated * to [rel attend] [ARG1 a four-day conference , beginning here today , sponsored * by the Urban Land Institute] .
- [ARG0 Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher] , who *T*-1 [rel attended] [ARG1 the ceremony] , called the undertaking a `` historic step '' in the evolution of U.S.-Soviet ties .
- `` If we 're not careful we could become known as a haven for war criminals , '' said *T*-1 Jeff Rooker , a member of Parliament and one of [ARG0 several British politicians] [rel attending] [ARG1 a London conference with government investigators from the U.S. , Canada and Australia] .
- `` Only two classes of minds *ICH*-2 would think of this -- very weak human players , and computers , '' said *T*-1 Edmar Mednis , the expert commentator for [ARG1 the match] , which *T*-4 was [rel attended] *-3 by [ARG0-by hundreds of chess fans] .
- Initial steps were taken *-1 at [ARG1 Poland 's first international environmental conference] , which [ARG0 I] [rel attended] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP last month] .
- [ARG1 The conference , held * in Lower Silesia ,] was co-sponsored *-1 by the Environment Ministry , the Rockefeller Brothers Fund , and the Polish Ecological Club , and was [rel attended] *-1 by [ARG0-by 50 Poles from government and industry , as well as Hungarians , Czechs , Russians , Japanese and Americans] .
- [ARG0 They] all [rel attended] [ARG1 a meeting in April 1987 questioning why a federal audit of Lincoln S&L had dragged on for two years *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-LOC On the way to that goal] , [ARG0 she] received her first U.S. paycheck for *-1 proofreading a book of Polish poetry , [rel attended] [ARG1 secretarial school] , then went *-1 to work for a fund-raising organization .
- Mr. Revson , the gossip columnist , says 0 there are [ARG0 people] who *T*-1 actually plan whose names they are going *-3 to drop *T*-2 before *-4 [rel attending] [ARG1 a party] .
- Unfortunately , his mother had tickets for a recital by Itzhak Perlman the same night , and she was adamant about [ARG0 his] [rel attending] .
- There is a scene at the end of the first week 's show where [ARG0 Mancuso] [rel attends] [ARG1 the unveiling of the memorial to his dead partner David] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The son of a Seagram 's executive who *T*-2 was stationed *-1 in many countries around the world , Mr. McDonough] was born in Tokyo and [rel attended] [ARG1 19 schools in places ranging from Hong Kong to Shaker Heights , Ohio] , [ARGM-TMP before *-3 entering Dartmouth College] .
- Rather than * trying *-2 to `` lecture us , '' says 0 *T*-3 [ARG0 one congressional aide] who *T*-1 [rel attended] [ARG1 the two-hour meeting] , Mr. Krenz `` wanted *-4 to listen . ''
- Issuing states generally limit the guarantees to in-state institutions , however , and buyers get refunds without much interest if [ARG0 the children] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel attend] [ARG1 the specified schools] .
- But that does n't mean 0 `` half of [ARG0 the students] [rel attending] [ARG1 Berkeley] '' will be admitted this way .
- The quake and baseball were n't related *-1 , unlike [ARG0 the massacre] of athletes that *T*-2 [rel attended] [ARG1 the 1972 Olympics] .
- 2 -RRB- [ARG0 Congressional representatives] have two basic responsibilities *ICH*-2 while *-1 voting in office -- * dealing with national issues -LRB- programmatic actions such as * casting roll call votes on legislation that *T*-3 imposes costs and\/or confers benefits on the population at large -RRB- and [rel attending] to [ARG1-to local issues -LRB- constituency service and pork barrel -RRB-] .
- Only three of [ARG0 the 25 corporate pension fund managers] [rel attending] [ARG1 a Lowry Consulting Group client conference] say 0 they plan *-1 to change the asset allocation mix in their portfolios because of the market drop .
- My statement , read verbatim from a printed text available to [ARG0 all reporters] [rel attending] [ARG1 the National Cancer Institute news conference] , was the following : `` New clinical trials are already in operation *-1 seeking * to improve these results .
- [ARG0 Thirty-five percent] [rel attend] [ARG1 religious services] [ARGM-TMP regularly] ; at the same time , 60 % feel that in life one sometimes has *-1 to compromise one 's principles .
- [ARG0 Some 500 investors representing investor clubs from around the U.S.] were [rel attending] [ARGM-TMP when the market started *-1 to slide Friday *T*-2] .
- `` It 's the most distracting thing in my life -- [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-DIS even] [rel attend] to [ARG1-to my business] . ''