frames- [ARGM-TMP Before the bill left committee] , [ARG0 Sen. Edward Kennedy -LRB- D. , Mass . -RRB-] [rel attached] [ARG1 an amendment that *T*-1 would allow a defendant to escape from a death sentence in jurisdictions shown * to have meted out executions in a racist manner] .
- By a lopsided 97-1 margin , [ARG0 the Senate] approved the measure after *-1 [rel attaching] [ARG1 further provisions sought * by the influential California delegation] and , despite reservations , the House adopted the bill on a 303-107 roll call .
- The odd mix of departments in the bill makes it one of the more eclectic of the annual appropriations measures , and [ARG1 the assorted provisions] [rel attached] * by [ARG0-by lawmakers] run from $ 1.5 million *U* for a fish farm in Arkansas to a music festival in Moscow under the United States Information Agency .
- [ARG0 Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ernest Hollings -LRB- D. , S.C. -RRB- , who *T*-1 also chairs the Senate appropriations subcommittee for the department ,] [rel attached] [ARG1 $ 10 million *U* for an advanced technology initiative , including work on high-definition television] .
- An estimated $ 321 million *U* is provided *-2 *-3 to maintain the program , but [ARG0 Mr. Rudman] also succeeded in *-4 [rel attaching] [ARG1 language seeking * to curb the authority of the current board until new members are confirmed *-1] .