frames- [ARG1 His duties as chief executive] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel assumed] *-121 by [ARG0-by Chairman Jay B. Langner] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Assuming] [ARG1 that post] [ARGM-TMP at the age of 35] , he managed by consensus , as * is the rule in universities , says 0 *T*-3 Warren H. Strother , a university official who *T*-2 is researching a book on Mr. Hahn .
- Ray Shaw , chairman of American City , said 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel assume] [ARG1 Mr. Russell 's responsibilities] [ARGM-ADV if a successor is n't found *-1 this month] .
- [ARG0 Primerica] , [ARGM-DIS as * expected] , [ARGM-DIS also] acquired certain assets of the agency and [rel assumed] [ARG1 certain of its liabilities] .
- The senior of [ARG0 the three executives] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 Mr. Reupke 's duties] is Nigel Judah , 58 , finance director and a Reuters board director .
- [ARG0 Sony] is paying $ 27 *U* a share , or $ 3.55 billion *U* , cash and is [rel assuming] [ARG1 $ 1.4 billion *U* of long-term debt] .
- [ARG0 James R. Lees , 51 , vice president of Newport 's European operations ,] was named *-121 executive vice president and chief operating officer of European operations , *-121 [rel assuming] [ARG1 some former duties of Mr. Weekes] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Assume] [ARG1 a neighborhood demonstration 0 *T*-1 to protest speeding on a certain road or a careless accident involving a police car] .
- -- Chemical named [ARG0 James Kennedy , a trader in swaps contracts for the bank ,] to [rel assume] [ARG1 Mr. Edelson 's duties] and to be trading manager for derivative products , including swaps and interest-rate options .
- [ARG0 Cilcorp] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel assume] [ARG1 $ 22 million *U* of Hunter 's existing debt] .
- Termination means that [ARG0 the agency 's insurance] [rel assumes] [ARG1 the liabilities] and pays the pension benefits already owed * under the plans , but workers do n't accrue new benefits .
- [ARG0 Jaguar] [rel assumed] [ARG1 its recently customary place on the OTC most active list] [ARGM-TMP as its American depository receipts gained 1\/4 to 11 7\/8 on volume of 1.2 million shares and Daimler-Benz joined the list of companies interested in the British car maker] .
- [ARG0 Charles D . Way , president of this restaurant operator ,] [rel assumed] [ARG1 the additional post of chief executive officer] .
- [ARG0 Charles R. Simpson Jr. , 46 , president and chief operating officer] , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 the chief executive 's post] .
- James Gatward , TVS 's chief executive , said in a statement that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD will] `` [rel assume] [ARG1 overall responsibility '' for MTM 's operations] [ARGM-TMP until a successor is named *-1] .
- [ARG0 WPP] , which *T*-1 [rel assumes] [ARG1 financial control of its businesses] [ARGM-MNR in a hands-on way] , instituted a new financial system and plans *-2 to sublet some floors in Ogilvy 's new headquarters building to outsiders .
- [ARG0 Peter Georgescu , president of Y&R 's ad operations ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 Mr. Klein 's day-to-day role] .
- `` Mr. Semel said absolutely nothing 0 *T*-2 to indicate 0 Warner would have any objection to [ARG0 our] [rel assuming] [ARG1 management positions] [ARGM-LOC at Columbia] , '' Mr. Guber says *T*-1 .
- Mr. Carpenter says that when [ARG0 he] [rel assumes] [ARG1 full control] *T*-1 , Kidder will finally tap the resources of GE .
- [ARG0 The Fed] has [rel assumed] [ARG1 a similar responsibility in the market for government securities] .
- [ARG0 The issue] has [rel assumed] [ARG1 some of the character of past civil-rights debates] and reopens old regional divisions in the Democratic majority .
- [ARG0 Legal controversies in America] have a way of * [rel assuming] [ARG1 a symbolic significance far exceeding what *T*-2 is involved *-1 in the particular case] .
- [ARG0 IMA] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 $ 1.4 billion *U* in debt] .
- Adolph Coors Co. said 0 [ARG0 William K. Coors , chairman ,] [rel assumed] [ARG1 the additional responsibilities of president] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 succeeding Jeffrey H. Coors] .
- They do n't like [ARG1 the risks] 0 [ARG0 they] are forced *-2 to [rel assume] *T*-1 when prices swing so drastically *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the new Northeast Utilities plan] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] pay $ 1.65 billion *U* in cash to creditors and [rel assume] [ARG1 $ 100 million *U* in pollution control bonds] .
- [ARG0 *-3] [rel Assuming] [ARG1 full operation of the Seabrook nuclear power plant , which *T*-1 is completed *-2 but is n't yet operating ,] equity holders would receive up to $ 500 million *U* in cash , preferred stock and new 10-year Seabrook bonds .
- [ARG0 Carlos A. Salvagni , vice president , pharmaceutical manufacturing ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 responsibility for manufacturing in Kalamazoo , Mich. , effective Nov. 1] .
- Reebok added that [ARG0 Mr. Fireman] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 the title of president] .
- [ARG0 Francis D. John , 35-year-old president ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 the additional job of chief executive officer] .
- And if [ARG0 Congress] is going *-1 to [rel assume] [ARG1 authority to micromanage foreign policy] , it 's going *-2 to have *-3 to take some of the responsibility too .
- Westamerica said 0 [ARG1 Mr. Decker 's posts] were [rel assumed] *-1 by [ARG0-by David Payne , Westamerica 's chairman , who *T*-2 at 34 years of age becomes one of the youngest chief executives of a sizable bank in the country] .
- The Miami-based environmental engineering concern said 0 [ARG0 GSX Chemical] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 about $ 1.6 million *U* in debt related * to those divisions] .
- `` If you want the presidency of the company , this is n't the firm 0 * to work for *T*-4 , '' says *T*-3 [ARG0 James Mogan , 45 ,] who *T*-2 was named *-1 senior vice president of sales , *-1 [rel assuming] [ARG1 some of the responsibilities of Mr. Lesk] .
- That debt is part of the $ 2.1 billion *U* of [ARG1 Holiday debt] that Bass PLC of Britain said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] retire or [rel assume] *T*-1 when it agreed *-2 to buy the Holiday Inn business in August *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 The newly chartered bank] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 about $ 125.7 million *U* in 10,300 deposit accounts] and pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $ 2.9 million *U* .
- It also will buy about $ 91.7 million *U* of assets , and the FDIC will advance $ 31.8 million *U* to the [rel assuming] [ARG0 bank] .
- Morgan Grenfell said 0 [ARG0 Michael Dobson , currently group deputy chief executive ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 the chief executive position] .
- [ARG1 A National Guard job] [rel assumed] * by [ARG0-by Capt. Noriega] [ARGM-TMP in 1964] -- as chief of the transit police in David City , capital of the Chiriqui Province -- was tailor-made for an aspiring super-spy .
- [ARG0 Robert H. Carlson , previous president and chief executive of Universal-Rundle ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 the title of chairman of the unit , a vitreous-china maker] .
- Banc One said 0 `` it *EXP*-1 is contemplated *-2 '' that [ARG0 John B. McCoy , chairman and chief executive officer ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel assume] [ARG1 the additional position of president] [ARGM-TMP upon Mr. McKinney 's retirement] .
- [ARGM-TMP Since the crash] , [ARG0 many futures traders] have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel assumed] [ARG1 large positions] [ARGM-CAU for fear that the S&P 500 market , with much of its customer order flow missing , would dry up if prices turned against them] .
- If [ARG1 the role] 0 [ARG0 these four dissenters] are [rel assuming] *T*-1 is a familiar one in modern Supreme Court history , it also differs in an important way from recent history , court watchers say 0 *T*-2 .
- But are [ARG0 these four players , three of them in their 80s ,] ready *-1 to [rel assume] [ARG1 a different role] [ARGM-TMP after 88 years , collectively , of service on the high court] ?
- [ARG0 Meridian] will pay a premium of $ 30.5 million *U* *-1 to [rel assume] [ARG1 $ 2 billion *U* in deposits] .
- Royal Trustco will pay [ARG0 the RTC] $ 25 million *U* *-1 to [rel assume] [ARG1 $ 989 million *U* in deposits] .
- [ARG0 It] is prepared * to [rel assume] [ARG1 the same role 0 it played *T*-2 in October 1987 , * providing money to the markets if * necessary * to keep the financial system afloat] .