frames- Dan E. Nelms , Valley Federal 's president and chief executive officer , said 0 the one-time charge substantially eliminates [ARG1 future losses] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the unit] .
- Those included [ARG1 costs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the potential Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association acquisition , which *T*-2 was terminated *-1 on Sept. 27 , 1989] .
- Interleukin-3 may help in * treating [ARG1 blood cell deficiencies] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with cancer treatment , bone marrow transplants and other blood-cell disorders] , Genetics Institute said 0 *T*-1 .
- BMP products may be useful in fracture healing and in * treating [ARG1 bone loss] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with periodontal disease and certain cancers] , the company said 0 *T*-1 .
- The holding company said 0 [ARG1 it] has been `` [ARGM-MNR unfairly] [rel associated] '' *-1 with [ARG2-with other banks in New England that *T*-62 have had major loan losses in recent quarters] .
- Gov. George Deukmejian and key legislators agreed *-1 to back a temporary one-quarter-cent increase in the state sales tax *-2 to raise $ 800 million *U* for [ARG1 repairs and relief] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with last month 's earthquake] .
- Plant operators are heartened *-1 by Mr. Ruffo 's pledge * to cut [ARG1 corruption] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the ruling party officials] .
- Senior members of the House Budget Committee are reduced *-1 in frustration to * raising doomed parliamentary obstacles to individual bills , yet admit that much of the disorder now stems from [ARG1 the fiscal legerdemain] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with their own summit agreement with the White House this past spring] .
- Chugai agreed then *-1 to fund [ARG1 certain] [rel associated] research and development costs .
- Rally 's also said 0 it formed a committee of [ARG1 three directors] , who *T*-1 are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel associated] with [ARG2-with either the Patterson or Sugarman groups] , 0 *T*-2 to analyze the situation .
- Insurance companies are rushing *-1 to sell before the end of the year , when [ARG1 some] of their tax benefits [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with municipal bonds] will be phased out *-2 *T*-3 .
- Results for that quarter included [ARG1 a $ 30 million *U* , or 40 cents a share , write-down] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the consolidation of a facility] .
- The switch to London underscores the fact that despite [ARG1 the economic restructuring] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with European Community efforts * to develop a single market by 1992] , European stock trading remains a highly fragmented and very localized activity .
- The charge represents a write-down of [ARG1 the goodwill] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with Poughkeepsie 's investment in the banks 0 it is trying *-1 to sell *T*-2 and its North Carolina branches as well] .
- However , the company 's petroleum services segment , while profitable , was hurt *-1 by [ARG1 high financing costs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the company 's buy-out of a 50 % stake in Eastman Christensen Co. from Texas Eastern Corp. last June] .
- Mr. Schwarz also said 0 [ARG1 costs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with U.S. Trust 's planned move to midtown Manhattan from Wall Street] will continue *-1 to be a drag on earnings through 1990 .
- Profit at the unit fell to $ 110.6 million *U* , or 37 cents a share , from $ 142.4 million *U* , or 45 cents a share , largely because of [ARG1 a $ 24 million *U* one-time charge] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with Hughes 's previously announced plan * to reduce employment by at least 6,000 people by year end] .
- But the sponsors have an explanation : `` Through [ARG1 the character] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with a snail] , '' they say *T*-1 , `` important values such as harmony with nature and aspirations for the future are sought *-2 . ''
- [ARG1 Foreclosures and other signs of financial distress] , *-1 [ARGM-TMP most often] [rel associated] *-2 with [ARG2-with the real estate market in the Southwest] , are surfacing in the suburban office market of the once thriving Northeast .
- The thrift said 0 earnings also were nicked *-1 in the quarter by a $ 4 million *U* provision for [ARG1 losses] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with its previously reported plan * to liquidate a real-estate franchise network] .
- Separately , Warner reported a net loss of $ 106 million *U* , or 56 cents a share , including merger expenses of $ 100 million *U* and $ 120 million *U* in [ARG1 charges] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with stock-appreciation-based compensation plans] .
- The programming division saw a decline in operating cash flow because the year-ago quarter included a $ 12 million *U* dividend from Turner Broadcasting System and because the quarter includes [ARG1 expenses] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the Nov. 15 launch of HBO 's Comedy Channel] .
- `` Hacksaw '' and `` Bonecrusher '' are the sort of [ARG1 nicknames] [ARGM-MNR normally] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with linebackers and heavyweight contenders] .
- Goodson , which *T*-2 is based *-1 here , will use part of the proceeds *-3 to pay down [ARG1 debt] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with its purchase of the Morristown Daily Record for $ 155 million *U* in 1987] .
- `` The winners , '' he predicts *T*-3 , `` will be brands from [ARG1 car makers] that *T*-2 have [ARGM-ADV traditionally] been [rel associated] *-1 with [ARG2-with quality and value] . ''
- Since such loans are often refinanced through the sale of high-risk , high-yield junk bonds , the recent woes of the junk-bond market have renewed concerns among regulators about [ARG1 the risks] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with Wall Street firms issuing bridge loans] .
- However , it said 0 examiners found a variety of insider dealings at the thrift , including `` extraordinary loan commissions '' paid * to [ARG1 a firm] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with Vision Banc officials] , and loans diverted * through borrowers back to the thrift officials .
- I do n't see anybody who *T*-1 's sophisticated getting [ARG1 his name] [rel associated] with [ARG2-with this mess] until the moving parts stop *-2 moving . ''
- The petrochemical maker said 0 the biggest reason 0 earnings declined *T*-1 was a loss of production time and [ARG1 the increased costs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with a temporary maintenance closing and expansion of an olefins plant] .
- The walls of the church are covered *-1 with [ARG1 leaflets , news clippings , and handwritten notes] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the country 's political opposition] .
- Most traders and analysts attributed the decline to [ARG1 technical factors] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the contract 's going off the board] .
- Fill-Or-Kill Order : The fill-or-kill order is one of [ARG1 several] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the timing of trades] .
- `` There is [ARG1 risk] that *T*-1 is [ARGM-NEG not] [rel associated] *-2 with [ARG2-with market moves] , and the beta does n't tell you the magnitude of that . ''
- In particular , beta does n't measure the company - and [ARG1 industry-specific risk] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with an individual stock] .
- Early intervention into these types of problems can apparently save businesses [ARG1 long-term expense] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with hospitalization , which *T*-1 sometimes results when these problems go untreated for too long *T*-2] .
- But although 56 % of the respondents in the study indicated that mental-health problems were fairly pervasive in the workplace , there is still [ARG1 a social stigma] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with people seeking help] .
- The results include $ 106 million *U* of [ARG1 tax benefits] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with previous years ' Third World loan activity] , compared with $ 15 million *U* a year earlier .
- Meanwhile , the company 's service center segment , which *T*-1 saw operating profit drop to $ 11.5 million *U* from $ 30.7 million *U* a year ago , experienced much of the same demand and cost problems , as well as [ARG1 start-up costs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with a coil processing facility in Chicago and an upgraded computer information system] .
- During an economic slump , local tax revenues often go down , * raising [ARG1 the risks] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with at least some municipals] .
- On Oct. 29 , 1929 -- [ARG1 a date] 0 [ARG0 historians] stubbornly insist on *-2 [rel associating] *T*-1 with [ARG2-with the dreaded C-word] -- the DJ industrials fell 12.8 % .
- [ARGM-ADV With MGM\/UA 's `` Rainman] , '' [ARGM-DIS for instance] , Messrs. Guber and Peters had virtually nothing 0 * to do *T*-2 with day-to-day production , but their names still appear in big letters on the credits , and [ARG1 they] are [ARGM-ADV inevitably] [rel associated] *-1 with [ARG2-with its success] .
- [ARG1 Most of the higher costs] were [rel associated] *-1 with [ARG2-with acquisitions and growth in nonregulated business units] , it added 0 *T*-2 .
- Results for the quarter included $ 19.2 million *U* in pretax gains from property transactions , including the sale of one Embassy Suites hotel , and $ 3.5 million *U* of [ARG1 nonrecurring costs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with the acquisition of the Holiday Inn business by Bass] .
- `` I think 0 it *EXP*-3 's to [ARG1 Fox] 's advantage * to be [rel associated] *-1 with [ARG2-with the Paramount-MCA venture] , '' said *T*-4 Michael Conway , station manager of WTXF , the TVX station that *T*-2 is a Fox affiliate .
- General Motors Corp. , a Deloitte audit client , for example , has agreed *-2 to keep its annual $ 18 million *U* world-wide audit and [rel associated] [ARG1 tax] work with the merged Deloitte-Touche firm , 0 *T*-3 to be known *-1 as Deloitte & Touche in the U.S. .
- Second , it explains why voters hold Congress in disdain but generally love their own congressional representatives *T*-2 : Any individual legislator 's constituents appreciate the specific benefits that the legislator wins *T*-1 for them but not [ARG1 the overall cost] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with every other legislator doing likewise for his own constituency] .
- [ARG0 We] 're no longer afraid of *-2 [rel associating] with [ARG2-with private or foreign capital] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Another federal agency] [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-ADV normally] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with disaster relief] -- the Internal Revenue Service -- moved quickly as well .
- The financial equivalent of the sand used * by those Armenian contractors is junk bonds and [ARG1 the leveraged buy-outs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with them] .
- Corresponding to the fall in profit rates was *T*-1 -- in the early 1980s -- the drop in the number arrived at * if you divide the market value of firms by the replacement costs of their assets , [ARG1 the famous Q ratio] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with Prof. James Tobin] .
- [ARG2-with Left-stream economists] 0 [ARG0 I] [rel associate] with *T*-1 -- fellows in the Union of Radical Political Economists , most particularly Robert Pollin of the economics faculty at the University of California at Riverside -- were not hypnotized *-2 in the manner of their pliant colleagues .
- People often stay with a particular brand because [ARG1 they] want *-3 to be [rel associated] *-1 with [ARG2-with the image 0 its advertising conveys *T*-2] , whether that 's macho Marlboro cigarettes or Cher 's Uninhibited perfume .
- He said 0 certain volunteers developed [ARG1 kinds of antibodies] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with early AIDS] .
- Still , most retailing observers expect that all the proposed retailing LBOs will depend partly on the sale of junk bonds , a market already in tumult , in part because of [ARG1 concerns] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with bonds issued * by the Federated and Allied units of Campeau] .
- The service-center business was hurt *-3 by reduced margins and [ARG1 start-up costs] [rel associated] with [ARG2-with its Joseph T. Ryerson & Son unit] .
- In August , Intel warned that third-quarter earnings might be `` flat to down '' from the previous period 's because of slowing sales growth of its 80386 microprocessor , [ARG1 start-up costs] [rel associated] * with [ARG2-with a line of computers] and costs of * preparing for mass shipments of the company 's new 80486 chip in the current quarter .