frames- [ARG1 The fact that New England proposed lower rate increases -- 4.8 % *U* over seven years against around 5.5 % boosts proposed * by the other two outside bidders -- complicated negotiations with state officials] , [ARG0 Mr. Ross] [rel asserted] 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel asserted] [ARG1 that exact questions were n't replicated *-1] .
- [ARG0 Koito] has refused *-1 to grant Mr. Pickens seats on its board , *-1 [rel asserting] [ARG1 0 he is a greenmailer trying * to pressure Koito 's other shareholders into * buying him out at a profit] .
- [ARGM-ADV If a veto is unworkable because it would leave part of the executive branch unfunded] , [ARG0 the president] could sign the appropriations bills into law and [rel assert] [ARG1 a power of excision] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 declaring the rider restricting his Article II powers to be unconstitutional and severable] .
- There is no downside if [ARG0 the president] [rel asserts] [ARG1 a right of excision over unconstitutional conditions in the fiscal 1990 appropriations bills] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel asserts] [ARG1 that government has done an even worse job of * controlling its health bill than business *?*] .
- Last year , the Supreme Court defined when [ARG0 companies , such as military contractors ,] may defend themselves against lawsuits for deaths or injuries by *-2 [rel asserting] [ARG1 that they were simply following specifications of a federal government contract] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-LOC In a statement] , [ARG0 Chairman Frank Shrontz] [rel asserted] [ARG1 that the company `` faces significant challenges and risks , '' on both its commercial and government contracts] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Bush] is reserving the right *ICH*-3 in `` rare '' instances * to keep Congress in the dark , *-2 [rel asserting] [ARG1 a constitutional prerogative 0 the committee does n't recognize *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel asserts] [ARG1 that some directors , who *T*-1 have joined forces with company founder James Patterson , have ties to Wendy 's , a competing hamburger chain] .
- [ARG0 Democrats] [rel asserted] [ARG1 that the proposal , which *T*-1 also would create a new type of individual retirement account , was fraught with budget gimmickry that *T*-2 would lose billions of dollars in the long run] .
- As Judge Kozinski put it : `` * To invoke the right * to deliberately distort what someone else has said *T*-1 is [ARG0 *] to [rel assert] [ARG1 the right * to lie in print] ... .
- Verbatim quotation , the judge believed 0 *T*-3 , was justified *-1 in order * to prove [ARG1 points] 0 [ARG0 the author] had [rel asserted] *T*-4 about [ARG3-about Mr. Hubbard] -- mendacity , bigotry , paranoia and other unlovely traits that *T*-2 could not be persuasively demonstrated without use of Mr. Hubbard 's own words .
- But some analysts , particularly conservative legal scholars , have urged [ARG0 Mr. Bush] *-1 not to wait for explicit authorization but * [ARGM-ADV simply] to [rel assert] [ARG1 that the Constitution already implicitly gives him the power * to exercise a line-item veto] .
- The men can defeat [ARG1 immunities] that [ARG0 states] [ARGM-TMP often] [rel assert] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC in court] by *-2 showing that officials knew *RNR*-3 or should have known *RNR*-3 that design of the structure was defective and that they failed *-4 to make reasonable changes .
- *-1 Dubbed the `` Dire Emergency Supplemental 0 *T*-2 to Meet the Needs of Natural Disasters of National Significance , '' [ARG0 the measure] is vintage Whitten in * [rel asserting] [ARG1 federal responsibility] and in * disdaining budget impediments .
- [ARGM-CAU Because they also detected tritium and indications of nuclear radiation] , [ARG0 they] [rel asserted] [ARG1 that the `` excess '' heat energy must be coming from energy released * by the nuclear fusion of deuterium atoms inside the palladium rod] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 he] [rel asserted] [ARG1 that the department had n't mastered the technology needed * * to retrofit the entire Cypress structure] .
- [ARG0 Marlin Fitzwater , White House press secretary ,] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel asserted] [ARG1 that Mr. Agnos had failed *-1 to return telephone calls from John Sununu , White House chief of staff] .
- [ARG0 Bikers -- many of them ardent environmentalists --] proclaim their sport an efficient , safe , fitness-promoting way 0 * to get back to nature *T*-1 , while * [rel asserting] [ARG1 a right *ICH*-2 , as taxpayers , * to pedal on public lands] .
- [ARG0 John J. Phelan Jr. , chairman of the Big Board ,] [rel asserts] [ARG1 that `` 1988 and 1989 have been two of the least volatile years in the last 30 or 40 years] . ''
- [ARG0 Olivetti] has denied that it violated Cocom rules , *-2 [rel asserting] [ARG1 that the reported shipments were properly licensed *-1 by the Italian authorities] .
- The medical-products company added that [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to `` [rel assert] [ARG1 its other defenses '' against Pharmacia 's lawsuit , including the claim that it has n't infringed on Pharmacia 's patent] .
- I disagree with the statement *ICH*-2 by Mr. Lantos that one should not draw an adverse inference against [ARG0 former HUD officials] who *T*-1 [rel assert] [ARG1 their Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination] [ARGM-LOC in congressional hearings] .
- Thus , when [ARG0 Mr. Pierce] [rel asserted] [ARG1 the Fifth] [ARGM-LOC in a noncriminal proceeding] , [ARGM-TMP particularly after *-2 presumably receiving extensive advice from legal counsel] *T*-3 , one must conclude that he held a good-faith , justifiable belief that his testimony could be used *-1 against him in a subsequent criminal prosecution .