frames- Seats currently are quoted *-1 at $ 331,000 *U* , bid * , and [ARG3 $ 350,000 *U*] , [rel asked] * .
- Speculation had it that [ARG0 the company] was [rel asking] [ARG3 $ 100 million *U*] for [ARG1-for an operation said * to be losing about $ 20 million *U* a year] , but others said 0 Hearst might have virtually given the paper away .
- Seats currently are quoted *-39 at $ 400,000 *U* bid * , [ARG3 $ 425,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Seats are currently quoted *-1 at $ 151,000 *U* , bid * , and [ARG3 $ 162,000 *U*] , [rel asked] * .
- [ARGM-TMP At the time] [ARG0 merchants] were [rel asking] for [ARG1-for premiums of about five cents a pound] .
- Seats currently are quoted *-1 at $ 410,000 *U* bid * , [ARG3 $ 425,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Seats on the Amex currently are quoted *-1 at $ 151,000 *U* bid * and [ARG3 $ 200,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Owners of the building in New York say 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel asking] [ARG3 $ 50 *U* per square foot] for [ARG1-for rent] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to fill the space that Exxon is vacating *T*-1] .
- When Isabella -LRB- Ellen Lauren -RRB- confronts her brother Claudio -LRB- Matt Loney -RRB- in his cell , *-1 explaining [ARG3 the price] 0 [ARG2 she] has been [rel asked] * *T*-2 [ARG1 * to secure his freedom] *T*-3 ; when Isabella and the disguised Duke -LRB- Philip Kerr -RRB- conspire *-4 to trick Angelo *T*-5 ; and when Mariana -LRB- Annalee Jefferies -RRB- , a woman wronged * by Angelo , confronts him with his past misdeeds *T*-6 , the performers bring the dramatic high points to life with intense energy and intelligence .
- Seats currently are quoted *-1 at $ 361,000 *U* bid * , [ARG3 $ 395,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Seats are quoted *-1 at $ 430,000 *U* bid and [ARG3 $ 525,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Seats are currently quoted *-1 at $ 430,000 *U* bid * and [ARG3 $ 525,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Mr. Hall of the Colnaghi gallery says 0 $ 1.15 million *U* `` would have been [ARG3 an impossible price] 0 for [ARG0 anyone] to [rel ask] *T*-1 for [ARG1-for a Preti] [ARGM-TMP four years ago] . ''
- Seats currently are quoted *-1 at $ 353,500 *U* bid * , [ARG3 $ 405,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Associate member seats currently are quoted *-1 at $ 225,000 *U* bid * , [ARG3 $ 256,000 *U*] [rel asked] * .
- Also shown *-2 is *T*-1 the closing listed market price or a dealer-to-dealer [rel asked] [ARG3 price] of each fund 's shares , with the percentage of difference .