frames- At least not [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 you] are [rel ascending] *T*-1 . -RRB-
- [ARGM-TMP Only when] [ARG0 one] is [rel ascending] -- or in our case descending a tad trop rapidement -- *T*-1 does one feel , well , airborne in a picnic basket .
- If , for example , in the midst of a great social occasion -LRB- such as an international conference on * revising the Versailles Treaty in 1923 -RRB- , one 's 72-yearold father , himself a great butler once , should happen *-1 to die of a stroke , one must continue *-2 to serve the port : `` Please * do n't think [ARG0 me] unduly improper in *-4 [ARGM-NEG not] [rel ascending] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to see my father in his deceased condition just at this moment] .