frames- When the hacker moved *T*-1 , [ARG0 Mr. Stoll] moved too , *-2 calling up other systems managers *-3 to alert them but keeping his own system open *-3 to avoid *-4 [rel arousing] [ARG1 suspicion] .
- Mr. Meek said 0 [ARG1 his suspicions] were [rel aroused] *-1 by [ARG0-by several foreign investments by Lincoln , including $ 22 million *U* paid * to Credit Suisse of Switzerland , an $ 18 million *U* interest in Saudi European Bank in Paris , a $ 17.5 million *U* investment in a Bahamas trading company , and a recently discovered holding in a Panama-based company , Southbrook Holdings] .
- One consequence of the trend toward tabloid standards of taste will be fierce attacks from [ARG0 politicians] who *T*-182 will find sufficient evidence of abuse 0 *T*-1 to [rel arouse] [ARG1 an already cynical public] to control the press .
- `` My impression is that there is n't [ARG0 anything] which *T*-1 [rel arouses] [ARG1 our interest] [ARGM-TMP at first glance] , '' says *T*-2 an official from Japan 's Ministry of International Trade and Industry .
- Their only doubt concerned the possibility that Mr. Gorbachev might not survive [ARG1 the opposition] that [ARG0 his reforms] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel arouse] *T*-2 and that the whole process might be reversed *-1 .
- The vehemence of [ARG1 the emotions] [rel aroused] * by [ARG0-by the case] testifies to its symbolic importance in the war that Thurber accepted *T*-1 as an eternal part of the human condition .
- [ARG0 His trials] [rel aroused] [ARG1 public passions out of all proportion to the rather banal secrets 0 he allegedly had passed *T*-1 to Soviet intelligence] .
- Though *-1 obscure to most investors , [ARG0 the question of whether * to list options on more than one exchange] has [rel aroused] [ARG1 much interest] [ARGM-LOC in Congress] , [ARGM-PNC mainly because regional exchanges fear 0 the change could bankrupt them] .
- But Mr. Bush and his advisers miscalculated the politics of the abortion issue , *-2 failing *-3 to grasp [ARGM-MNR how dramatically] [ARG1 the abortion-rights movement] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel aroused] *-1 *T*-4 [ARGM-TMP following last summer 's Supreme Court decision * to restrict those rights in the Webster case] .
- `` [ARG0 The change taking place in the Soviet Union , Poland and Hungary] has [rel aroused] [ARG1 new hope *ICH*-2] [ARGM-LOC in both German states] that reforms will be undertaken *-1 in -LCB- East Germany -RCB- , and that relations between the two German states , too , will get better , '' said *T*-3 Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher .