frames- Pacific First Financial Corp. said 0 [ARG0 shareholders] [rel approved] [ARG1 its acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd. of Toronto for $ 27 *U* a share , or $ 212 million *U*] .
- Northeast said 0 it would refile its request and still hopes for an expedited review by the FERC so that it could complete the purchase by next summer if its bid is [ARG1 the one] [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by the bankruptcy court] .
- The White House said 0 [ARG0 President Bush] has [rel approved] [ARG1 duty-free treatment for imports of certain types of watches that *T*-35 are n't produced *-1 in `` significant quantities '' in the U.S. , the Virgin Islands and other U.S. possessions] .
- [ARG1 The branch of the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs] was [rel approved] *-1 [ARGM-TMP last spring] and opened in July .
- [ARGM-LOC In Thailand] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARG0 the government 's Board of Investment] [rel approved] [ARG1 $ 705.6 million *U* of Japanese investment *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] , 10 times the U.S. investment figure for the year .
- But speculators , *-1 anticipating that [ARG0 Connecticut] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel approve] [ARG1 a law permitting such interstate banking] [ARGM-TMP soon] , immediately bid up shares of Connecticut banks on the news .
- Mr. Yamamoto insisted that [ARG0 headquarters] had [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel approved] [ARG1 the bids] , and that he did n't know about most of the cases until Wednesday .
- [ARGM-TMP Later yesterday] , [ARG0 a Massachusetts senate committee] [rel approved] [ARG1 a bill 0 *T*-1 to allow national interstate banking by banks in the state * beginning in 1991] .
- None of the securities will be eligible for when-issued trading until [ARG0 Congress] [rel approves] [ARG1 an increase in the debt ceiling] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 clearing the way for a formal offering] , Mr. Basham said 0 *T*-2 .
- In reference to your Oct. 9 page-one article `` Barbara Bush Earns Even Higher Ratings Than the President , '' it *EXP*-1 is regrettable that you must continually define blacks by our negatives : `` Among liberals , 60 % have positive views of her , while [ARG0 50 %] [rel approve] of [ARG1-of the president 's job performance] .
- Among professionals , 76 % have a favorable opinion of her , compared to [ARG0 62 %] who *T*-248 [rel approve] of [ARG1-of her husband 's performance] .
- The statistics imply that three-quarters of blacks approve of Mr. Bush 's job performance and [ARG0 85 % of blacks] [rel approve] of [ARG1-of Mrs. Bush] .
- The statistics imply that [ARG0 three-quarters of blacks] [rel approve] of [ARG1-of Mr. Bush 's job performance] and 85 % of blacks approve of Mrs. Bush .
- [ARG0 A House-Senate conference] [rel approved] [ARG1 major portions of a package for more than $ 500 million *U* in economic aid for Poland that *T*-1 relies heavily on $ 240 million *U* in credit and loan guarantees in fiscal 1990] [ARGM-PNC in hopes of * stimulating future trade and investment] .
- [ARGM-PNC For the Agency for International Development] , [ARG0 appropriators] [rel approved] [ARG1 $ 200 million *U* in secondary loan guarantees] [ARGM-LOC under an expanded trade credit insurance program] , and total loan guarantees for the Overseas Private Investment Corp. are increased *-3 by $ 40 million *U* over fiscal 1989 as part of the same Poland package .
- [ARG0 The conference] [rel approved] [ARG1 at least $ 55 million *U* in direct cash and development assistance] [ARGM-DIS as well] , and though no decision was made *-4 , both sides are committed to * adding more than $ 200 million *U* in economic support funds and environmental initiatives sought * by the Bush administration .
- And though the size of [ARG1 the loan guarantees] [rel approved] * [ARGM-TMP yesterday] is significant , recent experience with a similar program in Central America indicates that it could take several years before the new Polish government can fully use the aid effectively .
- The action on Poland came as [ARG0 the conference] [ARGM-MNR separately] [rel approved] [ARG1 $ 220 million *U* for international population planning activities , an 11 % increase over fiscal 1989] .
- The final vote came after [ARG0 the House] rejected Republican efforts * to weaken the bill and [rel approved] [ARG1 two amendments sought * by organized labor] .
- [ARGM-TMP On Tuesday] , [ARG0 the House] [rel approved] [ARG1 a labor-backed amendment that *T*-1 would require the Transportation Department to reject airline acquisitions if the person seeking * to purchase a carrier had run two or more airlines *ICH*-4 previously that *T*-2 have filed for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code] .
- While [ARG0 the Senate Commerce Committee] has [rel approved] [ARG1 legislation similar to the House bill on airline leveraged buy-outs] , the measure has n't yet come to the full floor .
- The bill , as [ARG1 it] was [rel approved] *-26 by [ARG0-by the House Public Works and Transportation Committee] , would give the Transportation Department up to 50 days 0 * to review any purchase of 15 % or more of the stock in an airline *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The House] [rel approved] [ARG1 an amendment offered * by Rep. Peter DeFazio -LRB- D. , Ore. -RRB- that *T*-1 would , in addition to the previous criteria , also require the department to block the acquisition of an airline if the added debt incurred * were likely *-2 to result in a reduction in the number of the carrier 's employees , or their wages or benefits] .
- Yet Section 605 of the appropriations bill for the executive office provides : `` No part of any appropriation for the current fiscal year contained * in this or any other Act shall be paid *-53 to any person for the filling of any position for which he or she has been nominated *-54 *T*-1 after [ARG0 the Senate] has voted *-2 [ARGM-NEG not] to [rel approve] [ARG1 the nomination of said person] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 GMAC] [rel approved] [ARG1 the Buick program] , he says 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-CAU because the American Express green card requires payment in full upon billing , and so does n't carry any finance rates] .
- [ARG0 The Big Board 's directors] meet today *-1 to [rel approve] [ARG1 some program-trading restrictions] , but a total ban is n't being considered *-77 , Big Board officials say 0 *T*-2 .
- The Chicago Mercantile Exchange , a major futures marketplace , yesterday announced the addition of another layer of trading halts designed * to slow program traders during a rapidly falling stock market , and [ARG0 the Big Board] is expected today *-70 to [rel approve] [ARG1 some additional restrictions on program trading] .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To offset the reduction] , [ARG0 Congress] [rel approved] [ARG1 a $ 20,000 *U* fee that investors and companies will have *-3 to pay *T*-2 each time 0 they make required filings to antitrust regulators about mergers , acquisitions and certain other transactions *T*-4] .
- Under [ARG1 measures] [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by both houses of Congress] , the administration 's request for $ 47 million *U* for the Antitrust Division would be cut *-84 $ 15 million *U* .
- The Underwood family said that [ARG0 holders of more than a majority of the stock of the company] have [rel approved] [ARG1 the transaction] [ARGM-MNR by written consent] .
- [ARG1 The drug] was [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the Food and Drug Administration] and marketed *-1 by some 300 pharmaceutical companies , often under generic labels .
- [ARG1 The plan] was filed *-1 jointly with unsecured creditors in federal bankruptcy court in New York and [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the court] .
- [ARG0 House-Senate conferees] [rel approved] [ARG1 major portions of a package for more than $ 500 million *U* in economic aid for Poland] .
- [ARG1 An airline buy-out bill] was [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the House] .
- [ARGM-DIS Of course] , [ARG0 regulators] [ARGM-MOD would] have *-1 to [rel approve] [ARG1 Columbia 's reorganization] .
- [ARGM-PNC For its employees to sign up for the options] , [ARG0 a college] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel approve] [ARG1 the plan] .
- As a result of [ARG1 the transaction] , which *T*-118 is expected *-1 to be [rel approved] *-83 [ARGM-LOC at a shareholders meeting] [ARGM-TMP Nov. 24] , Giovanni Agnelli & Co. will control 79.18 % of IFI 's ordinary shares .
- The charge resulted from [ARG1 a settlement] [rel approved] * [ARGM-TMP yesterday] by [ARG0-by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities] .
- FIRST AMERICAN FINANCIAL Corp. declared a special dividend of one share of Class B common stock for each share of Class A common stock , payable to holders of record on Nov. 10 if [ARG0 the Securities and Exchange Commission] [rel approves] [ARG1 this] as [ARG2-as the effective date of the registration statement] .
- [ARG0 Shareholders of the Santa Ana , Calif. , title-insurance company] [rel approved] [ARG1 the creation of this second class of stock , which *T*-2 will be traded *-142 on the national over-the-counter market and which the company said 0 *T*-1 would be used *-143 for acquisitions and other general corporate purposes] .
- At the end of this period , the poison pill would be eliminated *-174 automatically , unless [ARG1 a new poison pill] were [rel approved] *-175 by [ARG0-by the then-current shareholders , who *T*-189 would have an opportunity * to evaluate the corporation 's strategy and management team at that time] .
- However , these discount purchase rights may generally be redeemed *-170 at a nominal cost by the corporation 's directors if [ARG0 they] [rel approve] of [ARG1-of a bidder] .
- [ARG1 The amendment , offered * by Rep. Douglas Bosco -LRB- D. , Calif. -RRB- ,] was [rel approved] *-1 [ARG2 283-132] [ARGM-TMP during debate on a bill designed * to strengthen the Transportation Department 's authority in * dealing with leveraged buy-outs of airlines] .
- BNL also said that [ARG0 its board] had [rel approved] `` [ARGM-TMP after an in-depth discussion] , '' [ARG1 a letter to the Bank of Italy outlining measures 0 the state-owned bank has taken *T*-2 or plans *-3 to take *T*-2 *-3 to improve controls on its foreign branches] .
- Aside from as much as $ 3.45 billion *U* in [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel approved] [ARG1 federal] aid , the state is expected *-1 to draw from a gubernatorial emergency fund that *T*-276 currently stands at an estimated $ 700 million *U* .
- [ARG1 The machines , which *T*-1 at $ 12,500 *U* are inexpensive by medical standards ,] have [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel approved] *-2 [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] for [ARG2-for marketing as brain stimulators] but are sold for * stimulating nerves in the hand , legs and other non-brain areas .
- The only permanent losers will be the 200,000 or so workers 0 everyone agrees 0 *T*-2 will be priced *-1 out of a job at [ARG1 the $ 4.25 *U* rate] 0 [ARG0 Congress] is likely * to [rel approve] *T*-3 today .
- [ARG0 The Soviet legislature] [rel approved] [ARG1 a 1990 budget *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] that *T*-2 halves its huge deficit with cuts in defense spending and capital outlays while *-3 striving *-4 to improve supplies to frustrated consumers .
- The vote [ARG0 *] to [rel approve] was
- An advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration recommended that [ARG0 the agency] [rel approve] [ARG1 Eminase , the company 's heart drug] .
- [ARG0 The House] [rel approved] [ARG1 a permanent smoking ban on nearly all domestic airline routes] as [ARG2-as part of a $ 27.1 billion *U* transportation bill that *T*-122 must still overcome budget obstacles in Congress] .
- People familiar with the exchange said 0 [ARG1 another idea] likely * to be [rel approved] *-1 is * expanding the monthly reports on program trading *-2 to cover specific days or even hours of heavy program trading and who *T*-137 was doing it .
- Fujitsu itself , which *T*-163 said 0 [ARG1 the bid] had [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by its headquarters] , was clearly embarrassed .
- By [ARGM-TMP 1988] , when [ARG1 only 10 genetic probe-based tests of diagnostic infectious diseases of humans] had been [rel approved] *-2 for [ARG2-for marketing] by [ARG0-by the Food and Drug Administration] *T*-3 , eight of them had been developed and sold *-4 by Gen-Probe .
- The appeals involved [ARG1 DES] , which *T*-2 was [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the Food and Drug Administration] for [ARG2-for use from the 1940s until 1971 * to prevent miscarriages during pregnancy] .
- In that decision , the high court said 0 a company must prove that [ARG0 the government] [rel approved] [ARG1 precise specifications for the contract] , that those specifications were met *-1 and that the government was warned *-2 of any dangers in use of the equipment .
- Cetus Corp. said 0 [ARG0 the government of Spain] [rel approved] [ARG1 the marketing of its Proleukin interleukin-2 drug 0 *T*-1 to treat kidney cancer] .
- [ARG0 Four other countries in Europe] have [rel approved] [ARG1 Proleukin] [ARGM-TMP in recent months] .
- G.D. Searle & Co. said 0 [ARG0 the Food and Drug Administration] [rel approved] [ARG1 the sale of Kerlone , a hypertension drug developed * by a joint venture between Searle and a French concern] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Connecticut] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG1 most state judges] are appointed *-1 by the governor and [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the state legislature] .
- Mr. Thornburgh will be free *-1 to disband the strike forces after [ARG0 Congress] [rel approves] [ARG1 a $ 479 million *U* appropriation for federal law-enforcement and drug-interdiction agencies] , according to David Runkel , a Justice Department spokesman .
- [ARG0 Lawmakers in Hungary] [rel approved] [ARG1 legislation granting amnesty to many people convicted * of crimes punishable by less than three years in prison] .
- [ARG0 The French Economics Ministry] [rel approved] [ARG1 a planned asset swap between the defense and electronics group Thomson-CSF S.A. and the bank group Credit Lyonnais] .
- The Fujitsu spokeswoman said 0 [ARG0 headquarter officials] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel approve] [ARG1 the bid] [ARGM-TMP in advance] and will take measures so this kind of thing does n't happen in the future .
- If [ARG0 the FDA] [rel approves] [ARG1 the new uses of psyllium] , other companies are expected *-1 to rush to market with psyllium products .
- Under [ARG1 a program] [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by the company] [ARGM-TMP in 1987] that *T*-1 did n't specify a share amount , Nashua had purchased 481,000 shares through Sept. 29 .
- Merieux previously said 0 it would ensure 0 its bid remained open pending a final decision by [ARG0 Canadian regulators] on whether * to [rel approve] [ARG1 the takeover] .
- The Canadian government previously said 0 [ARG1 Merieux 's bid] did n't offer enough `` net benefit '' to Canada *-2 to be [rel approved] *-1 , and gave Merieux an until mid-November *-3 to submit additional information .
- Merieux officials said last week that they are `` highly confident '' 0 [ARG1 the offer] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel approved] *-1 [ARGM-TMP once it submits details of its proposed investments to federal regulators] .
- Centerior Energy Corp. said 0 [ARG0 the Ohio Water Development Authority] [rel approved] [ARG1 terms for two series of tax-exempt bonds 0 *T*-1 to finance a water-pollution control and solid-waste disposal facilities] .
- `` There is [ARGM-MNR absolutely no way] 0 [ARG0 our board or membership] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel approved] [ARG1 the portrayal of the Hells Angels in this movie] *T*-2 , '' said *T*-1 George Christie , president of the club 's Ventura chapter .
- Because the ANC remains banned *-3 , both [ARG0 the government] , which *T*-1 [rel approved] [ARG1 the rally] , and the organizers , who *T*-2 orchestrated it , denied 0 it was an ANC rally .
- [ARG0 Shareholders] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel approve] [ARG1 the merger] [ARGM-LOC at general meetings of the two companies in late November] .
- Starpointe Savings Bank rose 3 to 20 after [ARG0 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.] [rel approved] [ARG1 Dime Savings Bank of New York 's $ 21-a-share *U* acquisition of Starpointe] .
- They base their argument on a clause buried * in Article I , Section 7 , of the Constitution that *T*-1 states : `` [ARG1 Every order , resolution , or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary *T*-2 -LRB- except on a question of adjournment -RRB-] shall be presented *-3 to the President of the United States ; and [ARGM-TMP before the same shall take effect] , [ARGM-MOD shall] be [rel approved] *-3 by [ARG0-by him] or ... disapproved *-3 by him ... . ''
- `` [ARG1 Every order , resolution , or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary *T*-1 -LRB- except on a question of adjournment -RRB-] shall be presented *-2 to the President of the United States ; and [ARGM-TMP before the same shall take effect] , [ARGM-MOD shall] be [rel approved] *-2 by [ARG0-by him] , or *-2 being disapproved *-3 by him , shall be repassed *-2 by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives , according to the rules and limitations prescribed * in the case of a bill . ''
- [ARG1 The merger] [ARGM-MOD must] be [ARGM-MNR formally] [rel approved] *-2 by [ARG0-by the partners of both firms] but is expected *-2 to be completed *-1 by year end .
- Then , by voice vote , the Senate voted [ARG1 a pork-barrel bill] , [rel approved] * [ARGM-TMP Thursday] by [ARG0-by the House] , for domestic military construction .
- [ARG0 Nelson Holdings International Ltd. shareholders] [rel approved] [ARG1 a 1-for-10 consolidation of the company 's common stock] [ARGM-LOC at a special meeting] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 shareholders] [rel approved] [ARG1 the adoption of a rights plan and a super-majority voting approval requirement] .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel approved] [ARG1 the relocation of the company 's registered office to Toronto from Vancouver and a name change to NHI Nelson Holdings International Ltd] .
- The companies said 0 [ARG1 the accord] was [ARGM-MNR unanimously] [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by a special committee of Erbamont directors unaffiliated with Montedison] .
- On Friday , the Merc 's board announced that [ARG0 it] had [rel approved] [ARG1 Sabine Pipe Line Co. 's Henry Hub in Erath , La. ,] as [ARG2-as the delivery site for its long-awaited natural gas futures contract] .
- It also said that it would start *-1 trading the contract as soon as [ARG0 the CFTC] [rel approved] [ARG1 it] .
- [ARGM-MNR By an 84-6 margin] , [ARG0 the Senate] [rel approved] [ARG1 the bulk of the spending] [ARGM-TMP Friday] , but the bill was then sent back to the House * to resolve the question of how * to address budget limits on credit allocations for the Federal Housing Administration *T*-1 .
- For example , a House-Senate conference ostensibly increased the National Aeronautics and Space Administration budget for construction of facilities to nearly $ 592 million *U* , or more than $ 200 million *U* above [ARG1 what] [ARG0 either chamber] had [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel approved] *T*-1 .
- Moscom Corp. said 0 [ARG0 its board] [rel approved] [ARG1 the repurchase of as many as 300,000 common shares] [ARGM-TMP when market conditions are suitable *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 The charter] was [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the EC Commission] [ARGM-TMP on Sept. 21] .
- [ARG0 Starpointe holders] , who *T*-1 [rel approved] [ARG1 the plan] [ARGM-TMP last April] , will receive $ 21 *U* in cash a share , or a total $ 63 million *U* .
- So how did [ARG0 a good senator like this] end up *-2 [rel approving] [ARG1 a policy that *T*-1 required the U.S. to warn Mr. Noriega of any coup plot against him] ?
- *-1 Writing in the Harvard International Review , he says that [ARG0 his committee] [rel approves] [ARG1 covert operations] [ARGM-TMP only when there 's a `` consensus *T*-2] . ''
- Ground zero of the HUD scandal is the Secretary 's `` discretionary fund , '' a honey pot used * * to fund [ARG1 projects] that *T*-1 were [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel approved] [ARGM-MNR through normal HUD channels] .
- HUD has no paper work whatsoever on 30 of the projects , [ARG1 none of the others] has been [rel approved] *-1 and not a single congressional hearing *ICH*-3 has been held *-2 on any of them .
- [ARG1 The move] was [rel approved] *-1 [ARGM-LOC at a special shareholders ' meeting] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] .
- The $ 17.2 billion *U* total for the bill does n't include an estimated $ 1.2 billion *U* in [ARG1 supplemental anti-drug funds] [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by the House-Senate conference] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , and the rush of money is already provoking jealousy among states competing for assistance .
- The 249-166 roll call came as [ARG0 the chamber] [rel approved] [ARG1 a compromise bill allocating $ 17.2 billion *U* to the departments of State , Justice , and Commerce in fiscal 1990 and imposing increased fees on business interests making filings with the government] .
- ALAMCO Inc. said 0 [ARG0 its board] has [rel approved] [ARG1 a 1-for-10 reverse stock split] .
- The Clarksburg , W.Va. , producer of gas and oil , said 0 it wants [ARG0 shareholders] to [rel approve] [ARG1 the split] [ARGM-CAU because it would `` enhance the marketability '' and trading of the stock] .
- If [ARG1 *] [rel approved] *-1 [ARGM-LOC at a shareholder meeting in December] , the number of shares outstanding would decrease to five million from 50 million , and par value would rise to 10 cents from a penny .
- [ARG1 The transaction] has been [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by Kyle 's board] , but requires the approval of the company 's shareholders .
- Every Bill which *T*-2 shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate , shall , before it becomes a Law , be presented *-1 to the President of the United States ; If [ARG0 he] [rel approve] he shall sign it , but if not he shall return it , with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated *T*-4 , who *T*-3 shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal , and proceed *-5 to reconsider it .
- If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree *-3 to pass the Bill , it shall be sent *-1 , together with the Objections , to the other House , by which it shall likewise be reconsidered *-2 *T*-4 , and if [ARG1 *-5] [rel approved] *-6 by [ARG0-by two thirds of that House] , it shall become a Law ... .
- [ARG1 Every Order , Resolution , or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary *T*-5 -LRB- except on a question of Adjournment -RRB-] shall be presented *-1 to the President of the United States ; and [ARGM-TMP before the Same shall take Effect] , [ARGM-MOD shall] be [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by him] , or *-1 being disapproved *-2 by him , shall be repassed *-1 by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives , according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed * in the Case of a Bill .
- In that way , the pilots may be able *-2 to force [ARG0 the board] to [rel approve] [ARG1 a recapitalization that *T*-1 gives employees a majority stake] , or to consider the labor-management group 's latest proposal .
- [ARGM-MNR Separately] , [ARG0 the House] [ARGM-TMP last night] [rel approved] [ARG1 a nearly $ 67 billion *U* compromise spending bill providing the first construction funds for the administration 's ambitious space station in fiscal 1990 and incorporating far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market] .
- [ARGM-MNR By a lopsided 97-1 margin] , [ARG0 the Senate] [rel approved] [ARG1 the measure] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 attaching further provisions sought * by the influential California delegation] and , despite reservations , the House adopted the bill on a 303-107 roll call .
- [ARG0 The SEC] [ARGM-TMP at the same time] [rel approved] [ARG1 a similar but smaller basket product on the Chicago Board Options Exchange , where the minimum will be $ 1.7 million *U* *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] [rel approved] was *T*-1 [ARG1 a plan * to trade stock portfolios by computer after regular hours on the Midwest Stock Exchange] .
- [ARG0 Comprehensive Care shareholders] have [rel approved] [ARG1 acquisition of the developer and operator of Care-Unit chemical dependency and psychiatric programs for about $ 58 million *U* in cash , notes and stock of First Hospital , Norfolk , Va] .
- American Medical said 0 [ARG0 its directors] have [rel approved] [ARG1 what *T*-1 is , in effect , a draft of a solvency opinion on the acquisition , submitted * by the Los Angeles-based investment banking and evaluation consulting firm of Houlian Lokey Howard & Zukin Inc] .
- [ARG1 A final opinion] [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel approved] *-1 [ARGM-TMP prior to the acceptance of tendered shares for payment under the offer , which *T*-2 was due *-3 to expire at 12:01 a.m. EDT today] .
- The final B-2 agreement is certain *-1 to require detailed testing and verification of the bomber 's capabilities , but congressional aides said 0 the accord wo n't include a House-passed provision that *T*-3 would have withheld production funds until [ARG0 Congress] [rel approves] [ARG1 a cheaper , scaled-down version of the $ 70 billion *U* fleet of 132 B-2s envisioned * by the Pentagon] .
- Details of the restructuring wo n't be made *-1 final until [ARG0 regulators] [rel approve] [ARG1 the regulations mandated * by the new federal act] , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Federal health officials] are expected *-1 [ARGM-TMP today] to [rel approve] [ARG1 a program granting long-deferred access to the drug AZT for children with acquired immune deficiency syndrome] .
- Traditionally , [ARG0 the medical establishment] has waited two years *-1 to [rel approve] [ARG1 adult treatments] for [ARG2-for pediatric uses] , because of a combination of conservative safety standards and red tape .
- Adults with AIDS have had access to AZT since [ARG0 FDA] [rel approved] [ARG1 the drug 's usage for adults] [ARGM-TMP in March 1987] .
- The exchange argues that [ARG1 the product] , which [ARG0 the SEC] [ARGM-TMP temporarily] [rel approved] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , will help *-2 ease rather than worsen any volatility in the stock market .
- [ARG0 The FDA] is expected *-1 to [rel approve] [ARGM-TMP today] [ARG1 a program granting access free of charge to the drug AZT for children with AIDS] .
- The action came after [ARG0 the Senate] [rel approved] [ARG1 the House-passed measure] .
- No federal court has ruled that the Voting Rights Act protects a white minority , but [ARGM-TMP in June] [ARG0 the Justice Department] [rel approved] [ARG1 a districting plan for Birmingham that *T*-1 carves out three white-majority districts and six black-majority districts] .
- [ARG0 The House] [rel approved] [ARG1 a short-term spending bill 0 *T*-1 to keep the government operating through Nov. 15 and provide $ 2.85 billion *U* in emergency funds * to assist in the recovery from Hurricane Hugo and the California earthquake] .
- [ARG1 The underlying bill] [rel approved] * [ARGM-TMP yesterday] is required *-2 * to keep the government operating past midnight tonight , and this urgency has contributed to the speed -- and , critics say 0 *?* , mistakes -- that *T*-1 have accompanied the package of disaster assistance .
- Yesterday 's floor action came as [ARG0 a House-Senate conference] [rel approved] [ARG1 a nearly $ 8.5 billion *U* fiscal 1990 military construction bill , representing a 5 % reduction from last year and making severe cuts from Pentagon requests for installations abroad] .
- The state had sought as much as $ 4.1 billion *U* in relief , but [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARG0 the House] [rel approved] [ARG1 a more general scaled-back measure calling for $ 2.85 billion *U* in aid , the bulk of which *T*-1 would go to California , with an unspecified amount going to regions affected * by Hurricane Hugo] .
- [ARG0 The company 's board] [rel approved] [ARG1 the repurchase of up to 45 million common shares , or about 26 % of its shares outstanding , through the end of 1992] .
- [ARG0 The House] , [ARGM-DIS meanwhile] , [rel approved] [ARG1 $ 2.85 billion *U* 0 *T*-1 to aid in the recovery from the temblor and from Hurricane Hugo] [ARGM-ADV as state legislators moved toward a temporary sales-tax increase] .
- The Arab League pledged an accord for a complete Syrian troop pullout from Lebanon , where about 70,000 people marched to the headquarters of Christian leader Aoun *-1 to support his rejection of [ARG1 a peace plan] [rel approved] * [ARGM-TMP Sunday] by [ARG0-by Lebanon 's legislature] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Norfolk Southern 's board] [rel approved] [ARG1 a buy-back of up to 45 million shares , valued * at over $ 1.7 billion *U*] .
- Yesterday , Mr. Blum , 41 , said 0 he was n't aware of plans *ICH*-1 at Ladenburg * to name a co-chairman 0 *T*-2 to succeed Mr. Koenig and said 0 [ARG0 the board] would need *-3 to [rel approve] [ARG1 any appointments or title changes] .
- AZT is [ARG1 the world 's only prescription medicine] [rel approved] * for [ARG2-for * treating the disease] .
- [ARGM-LOC At Chemfix Technology Inc.] , [ARG1 each supervisor 's recommendation] [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the next boss up the line] , and then sanctioned *-1 by a salary review committee .
- [ARG1 The much-revised restructuring , which *T*-3 was first announced *-2 in October 1988 ,] [ARGM-MOD must] [ARGM-ADV again] be [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by shareholders and state casino regulators in Nevada and New Jersey] .
- Southwood J. Morcott , Dana 's president , said 0 [ARG0 the company 's] decision * to [rel approve] [ARG1 its normal fourth-quarter dividend] indicated its underlying strength .
- If [ARG1 *-1] [rel approved] *-2 , the sale is expected *-1 to close by year 's end , with the spinoff occurring by the end of 1992 .
- [ARG1 Use of dispersants] was [rel approved] *-1 [ARGM-TMP when a test on the third day showed some positive results *T*-2] , officials said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 The House Appropriations Committee] [rel approved] [ARG1 an estimated $ 2.85 billion *U* in emergency funding 0 *-1 to assist California 's recovery from last week 's earthquake and to extend further aid to East Coast victims of Hurricane Hugo] .
- [ARG1 The plan] , [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by lawmakers] and rejected * Sunday by Aoun , includes political changes aimed * at * ending the 14-year-old civil war .
- [ARG0 The House Appropriations Committee] [rel approved] [ARG1 a $ 2.85 billion *U* aid package for the quake region , less than the $ 3.8 billion *U* sought * by California officials] .
- Gemina , which *T*-1 owns 13.26 % of Nuovo Banco , abstained in [ARG1 the final vote] on Credit Agricole , which *T*-2 was [ARGM-DIS nonetheless] [rel approved] *-3 by [ARG0-by a majority of shareholders] .
- Nuovo Banco 's second largest shareholder , the Fiat S.p.A.-controlled investment concern , Gemina S.p.A. , fought *-1 to have [ARG1 Generali 's offer] [rel approved] .
- [ARG0 Non-executive directors] of Qintex Australia , who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD must] [rel approve] [ARG1 payments to the senior executives] , balked at the amount .
- Two of the directors resigned , Mr. Skase said 0 *T*-2 , so [ARG1 the payments] have [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP yet] been [rel approved] *-1 .
- If [ARG1 the request] is [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by both the House and Senate] , Mr. Cheney would need only permission from the White House Office of Management and Budget *-2 to move the money , according to Senate budget analysts .
- [ARGM-LOC At an inconclusive Geneva meeting] [ARGM-TMP late last month] , [ARG0 OPEC 's oil ministers] [ARGM-MNR halfheartedly] [rel approved] [ARG1 another increase of one million barrels a day in their production ceiling] .
- As a result , the effort *ICH*-1 by some oil ministers * to get [ARG0 OPEC] to [rel approve] [ARG1 a new permanent production-sharing agreement] [ARGM-TMP next month] is taking on increasing urgency .
- However , state initiatives restrict the ability *ICH*-1 of the legislature * to raise such taxes unless [ARG0 the voters] [rel approve] [ARGM-LOC in a statewide referendum] .
- [ARG0 His successor] [rel approved] [ARG1 the $ 1 *U* price] [ARGM-ADV in the process of *-1 clearing the backed-up papers on his desk] .
- [ARG0 The board] had also been expected *-1 to [rel approve] [ARG1 a SKr1.5 billion international offering of new Trelleborg shares] .
- [ARG0 LEBANESE LAWMAKERS] [rel APPROVED] [ARG1 a peace plan] but Aoun rejected it .
- [ARG0 The federal Office of Thrift Supervision] [rel approved] [ARG1 the conversion] [ARGM-TMP last Friday] , HomeFed said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Its board] [rel approved] [ARG1 the repurchase of as many as three million common shares , or about 17 % of its shares outstanding] .
- Buying interest also resurfaced in the technology sector , including International Business Machines , [ARG0 whose board] *T*-1 [rel approved] [ARG1 a $ 1 billion *U* increase in its stock buy-back program] .
- The 51-48 roll call fell * well short of [ARG0 the two-thirds majority] needed * * to [rel approve] [ARG1 changes to the Constitution] .
- [ARG0 Directors of state-owned Banca Nazionale del Lavoro] [rel approved] [ARG1 a two-step capital-boosting transaction and a change in the bank 's rules that *T*-1 will help it operate more like a private-sector institution] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-LOC under the bank 's proposed statutes] , [ARG0 an assembly of shareholders] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel approve] [ARG1 board members] .
- Minpeco said 0 it would n't pursue such litigation if [ARG1 its settlement plan in the W. Herbert Hunt case] is [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by Judge Abramson , who *T*-2 will consider the proposal at a hearing next week] .
- Although [ARG1 the proposal] [ARGM-MOD must] be [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by federal Judge Harold C. Abramson] , W. Herbert Hunt has agreed to the Peruvian mineral concern 's proposal .
- [ARG0 Malaysia 's High Court] is expected *-1 to [rel approve] [ARG1 the plan] .
- *-1 Speaking to reporters this week after [ARG0 Bank Bumiputra 's shareholders] [rel approved] [ARG1 a rescue plan] , Tan Sri Basir said 0 heavy lending to the property sector rocked the bank when property prices in Malaysia plummeted in 1984-85 *T*-2 .
- Once [ARG1 the plan] is [rel approved] *-1 , Tan Sri Basir said 0 *T*-3 , most of Bank Bumiputra 's nonperforming loans will have been fully provided for *-2 and the bank will be on track 0 * to report a pretax profit of between M$ 160 million and M$ 170 million *U* for the fiscal year ending March 31 *T*-4 .
- Tan Sri Basir said 0 [ARG1 the capital restructuring plan] has been [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by Malaysia 's Capital Issues Committee and central bank] .
- [ARGM-TMP While the Warren County congressman pursued an anti-government , anti-tax agenda in Washington] , [ARG0 Gov. Kean] was [rel approving] [ARG1 increased income and sales taxes] [ARGM-LOC at home] and overseeing a near doubling in the size of New Jersey 's budget in his eight years in office .
- One of the major selling points used * by Los Angeles financier Alfred Checchi in * getting [ARG1 the takeover] [rel approved] was that the deal did n't include any junk bonds .
- The original transaction fell through on the same day 0 [ARG0 British Air shareholders] [rel approved] [ARG1 the plan] [ARGM-LOC at a special meeting] [ARGM-TMP after the British succeeded in *-2 arranging the financing for its equity contribution] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP Meanwhile] , [ARG0 the U.S. House of Representatives] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [rel approved] [ARG1 an $ 837.5 million *U* aid package for Poland and Hungary that *T*-1 more than doubles the amount 0 President Bush had requested *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 The legislation] , [rel approved] * [ARGM-MNR 345-47] and sent * to the Senate , establishes two enterprise funds , 0 *T*-1 to be governed *-48 by independent nonprofit boards , which *T*-49 will make loans and investments in new business ventures in Hungary and Poland .
- The state is protected *-1 [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 plans and designs for public structures] were [rel approved] *-2 [ARGM-TMP ahead of time] *T*-3 or when structures met previously approved standards *T*-4 , says 0 *T*-5 Mr. Covert .
- The state is protected *-1 when plans and designs for public structures were approved *-2 ahead of time *T*-3 or when structures met [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel approved] [ARG1 standards] *T*-4 , says 0 *T*-5 Mr. Covert .
- [ARG0 A House-Senate conference] [rel approved] [ARG1 a nearly $ 17 billion *U* State , Justice and Commerce Department bill that *T*-1 makes federal reparations for Japanese-Americans held * in World War II internment camps a legal entitlement after next Oct. 1] .
- This is like * asking foxes *-2 to feel remorse about chickens , and [ARGM-DIS naturally] [ARG1 rescissions] are [ARGM-TMP almost never] [rel approved] *-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1987] , President Reagan sent 73 rescissions back to the Hill , but [ARG1 only 3 % of the spending total] was [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by Congress] .
- [ARG0 The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.] [rel approved] [ARG1 the assumption of Century 's deposits and fully secured liabilities by a newly chartered subsidiary of Valley Capital Corp. , Las Vegas] .
- B.A.T Industries surged in afternoon dealings after [ARG0 its shareholders] [rel approved] [ARG1 a plan * to dispose of its U.S. and U.K. retailing operations] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to fend off Hoylake Investment 's # 13.4 billion *U* -LRB- $ 21.33 billion *U* -RRB- hostile bid] .
- [ARG0 The House] [rel approved] [ARG1 an $ 837 million *U* aid package for Poland and Hungary , nearly double what Bush had requested *T*-1] .
- While the proposal won a slight majority , the 51-48 vote was well short of [ARG0 the two-thirds] needed * * to [rel approve] [ARG1 changes in the Constitution] .
- Earlier this month the company said 0 [ARG0 its board] [rel approved] [ARG1 a proposed management-led leveraged buy-out at $ 25.50 *U* a share , or $ 750 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 A Canadian government agency] [ARGM-MNR conditionally] [rel approved] [ARG1 proposed exports to the U.S. of natural gas from big , untapped fields in the Mackenzie River delta area of the western Canadian Arctic] .
- Separately , the casino operator said 0 [ARG0 its board] [rel approved] [ARG1 a plan * to buy-back as many as three million common shares from time to time , either in the open market or through private transactions] .
- [ARG0 The House Public Works and Transportation Committee] [rel approved] [ARG1 a bill that *T*-1 would give the Transportation Department power * to block airline leveraged buy-outs] , [ARGM-ADV despite a clear veto threat from the Bush administration] .
- [ARG0 The Senate Commerce Committee] [ARGM-TMP already] has [rel approved] [ARG1 similar legislation] .
- During the quarter , Pfizer received federal approval of Procardia XL , [ARG1 a calcium channel blocker] [rel approved] * [ARGM-PNC for both angina and hypertension] , and Monorail Piccolino , used * * to open obstructed coronary arteries .
- Under [ARG1 the original buy-out] [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by the UAL board] [ARGM-TMP Sept. 14] , UAL 's pilots planned *-1 to put up $ 200 million *U* in cash and make $ 200 million *U* in annual cost concessions for a 75 % stake .
- The Freind legislation -- [ARG0 the state 's House Judiciary Committee] [rel approved] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-LOC in Harrisburg] [ARGM-TMP this week] and the full Pennsylvania House is expected *-1 to take up the bill next Tuesday -- includes a provision 0 *T*-2 to ban abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy , except * to avert the death of the mother .
- In [ARGM-LOC Michigan] , where [ARG0 the state Senate] is expected *-2 to [rel approve] [ARG1 parental-consent legislation] [ARGM-TMP by the end of next week] *T*-1 , Gov. Blanchard is the principal obstacle for anti-abortionists .
- [ARG1 Seventeen articles of impeachment against the Florida judge , one of the few blacks on the U.S. bench ,] were [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by the House] [ARGM-TMP in August 1988] .
- [ARGM-TMP On Tuesday] [ARG0 it] [rel approved] [ARG1 Senator Bob Dole 's proposed commemorative resolution designating April 24 , 1990 , as the `` National Day of Remembrance of the 75th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 , '' suffered * at the hands of the warring Ottoman Empire] .
- International Business Machines Corp. said 0 [ARG0 its board] [rel approved] [ARG1 the purchase of $ 1 billion *U* of its common shares] , [ARGM-ADV a move that *T*-1 should help *-2 support its battered stock] .
- He gave 10-to-1 odds that [ARG1 a capital-gains tax cut of some sort] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel approved] *-2 [ARGM-TMP this year] , [ARGM-ADV though it probably wo n't be included *-3 in the pending deficit-reduction bill] .
- Nor is it a Hungary , where [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARG0 the parliament] [rel approved] [ARG1 constitutional changes meant * to help *-1 turn the Communist nation into a multiparty democracy] *T*-2 .
- Great American Bank said 0 [ARG0 its board] [rel approved] [ARG1 the formation of a holding company enabling the savings bank to pursue nontraditional banking activities under a new federal law] .
- [ARGM-LOC At a nationally televised legislative session] [ARGM-TMP in Budapest] , [ARG0 the Parliament] [ARGM-MNR overwhelmingly] [rel approved] [ARG1 changes formally ending one-party domination in the country , regulating free elections by next summer and establishing the office of state president 0 *T*-1 to replace a 21-member council] .
- [ARG1 The drug , which *T*-2 is still in the experimental phase ,] has [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel approved] *-1 [ARGM-TMP yet] by [ARG0-by the Food and Drug Admistration] , and its long-term effects are unknown .
- T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. said 0 directors recommended 0 [ARG0 stockholders] [rel approve] [ARG1 a 2-for-1 stock split and an increase in authorized shares to 25 million from 10 million] .
- Blinder International Enterprises Inc. , the parent of beleaguered penny-stockbroker Blinder , Robinson & Co. , said 0 [ARG0 its shareholders] [rel approved] [ARG1 a previously announced name change to Intercontinental Enterprises Inc] .
- * Get the problem behind you and * do n't look back , '' said *T*-1 [ARG0 James J. McDermott , analyst at Keefe , Bruyette & Woods] , in * [rel approving] of [ARG1-of the move] .
- [ARG0 A House-Senate conference] [rel approved] [ARG1 an estimated $ 67 billion *U* fiscal 1990 spending bill that *T*-1 provides a 28 % increase for space research and development and incorporates far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market] .
- The most striking example yesterday may have been in community development funds , where [ARG0 the two houses] had [ARGM-MNR separately] [rel approved] [ARG1 a total of 27 projects valued * at $ 20 million *U*] , and the conference added 15 more valued * at $ 8 million *U* * to ostensibly preserve `` balance '' between the House and Senate *T*-1 .
- Yesterday 's conference agreement is the second major bill 0 *T*-1 to emerge from negotiations this week , as [ARG0 appropriators] [rel approved] [ARG1 a fiscal 1990 transportation bill] [ARGM-TMP late Monday] that *T*-2 includes a sweeping ban on * smoking on most domestic airline flights .
- Instead of * focusing on the Contras , Mr. Bush has switched to * urging [ARG0 members of Congress] -- most recently in a White House meeting yesterday -- *-1 to [rel approve] [ARG1 financing for the election campaign of political opponents of Nicaragua 's Sandinista government] .
- It will be hard *ICH*-1 down the road * to persuade [ARG0 Congress] *-2 to [rel approve] [ARG1 money for SDI plans] if lawmakers fear 0 those plans could scuttle a completed treaty .
- [ARG1 The eucalyptus plantation and pulp mill , which *T*-2 would have covered about 175,000 acres in the Irian Jaya region ,] had been [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by Indonesia 's investment board] .
- The size and pace of disbursements will accelerate further under the Brady Plan , which *T*-1 promises larger and earlier disbursements to [rel approved] [ARG1 countries] .
- Mr. Bush has said 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MNR personally] [rel approves] of [ARG1-of abortions] [ARGM-LOC in the cases of rape , incest and danger to the life of the mother] .
- [ARG0 An international group] [rel approved] [ARG1 a formal ban on ivory trade] [ARGM-ADV despite objections from southern African governments , which *T*-1 threatened *-2 to find alternative channels for * selling elephant tusks] .
- Mr. Paul has a plan * to bring in $ 150 million *U* by * selling off 63 of CenTrust 's 71 branches , but [ARG1 it] has yet * to be [rel approved] *-1 by [ARG0-by regulators] .
- Hydro-Quebec said 0 [ARG0 Maine regulators '] refusal * to [rel approve] [ARG1 the contract] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] halted work on transmission lines and stopped negotiations for resale of electricity carried * through Maine to other utilities .
- Hydro-Quebec said 0 [ARG0 Maine regulators '] refusal * to [rel approve] [ARG1 the contract] means 0 Central Maine Power has lost its place in line .
- In some companies middle managers sneak massage therapists into the office , *-1 fearful that [ARG0 upper-level executives] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel approve] .
- `` I believe that the perception that [ARG1 legislation in this area] [ARGM-MOD may] be [ARGM-MNR hastily] [rel approved] *-1 contributed to the collapse of the UAL transaction , and the resulting disruption in the financial markets experienced * this past Friday , '' Mr. Trump wrote members of Congress *T*-2 .
- Union Chairman F.C . -LRB- Rick -RRB- Dubinsky faces the tough task of * explaining why banks refused *-2 to finance [ARG1 a buy-out] 0 [ARG0 the members] [rel approved] *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR overwhelmingly] [ARGM-TMP last week] *T*-3 .
- The House Aviation Subcommittee approved a bill that *T*-1 would give [ARG0 the transportation secretary] authority * to review and [rel approve] [ARG1 leveraged buy-outs of major U.S. airlines] .
- [ARG0 The House Aviation Subcommittee] [rel approved] [ARG1 a bill that *T*-1 would give the transportation secretary authority * to review and approve leveraged buy-outs of major U.S. airlines] .
- The collapsed plan * to acquire UAL Corp. , parent of United Airlines , spurred quick action on [ARG1 the legislation] , introduced * Wednesday and [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by the subcommittee] [ARGM-MNR on a voice vote] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] .
- Is this [ARGM-LOC a case] where [ARG0 private markets] are [rel approving] of [ARG1-of Washington 's bashing of Wall Street] *T*-1 ?
- [ARG0 A House-Senate conference] [rel approved] [ARG1 a permanent smoking ban on all domestic airline routes within the continental U.S. and on all flights of six hours or less to Alaska and Hawaii] .
- The sum is more than double [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the House] had [rel approved] *T*-2 for [ARG2-for the program] , but the list of qualified airports would be cut *-1 by 22 under new distance requirements and limits on the level of subsidy .
- CMS Energy Corp. , Jackson , Mich. , said 0 it has resumed the purchase of its common stock under [ARG1 a program] [rel approved] * by [ARG0-by its directors] [ARGM-TMP in 1987] .
- [ARG0 Poland 's legislature] [rel approved] [ARG1 limits on automatic wage increases] [ARGM-MNR without special provisions for food price rises] .
- [ARG0 House-Senate conferees] [rel approved] [ARG1 a permanent smoking ban on domestic airline routes within the continental U.S. and on flights of less than six hours to Alaska and Hawaii] .
- Mr. Paul said 0 [ARG0 the regulators] should instead move ahead with *-1 [rel approving] [ARG1 CenTrust 's request * to sell 63 of its 71 branches to Great Western Bank , a unit of Great Western Financial Corp. based * in Beverly Hills , Calif] .
- [ARG0 The Senate 's] decision * to [rel approve] [ARG1 a bare-bones deficit-reduction bill without a capital-gains tax cut] still leaves open the possibility of * enacting a gains tax reduction this year .
- Late Friday night , [ARG0 the Senate] voted 87-7 *-1 to [rel approve] [ARG1 an estimated $ 13.5 billion *U* measure that *T*-2 had been stripped *-8 of hundreds of provisions that *T*-9 would have widened , rather than narrowed , the federal budget deficit] .
- Not only did [ARG0 the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs] [rel approve] [ARG1 Radio Free Europe 's new location] , but the Ministry of Telecommunications did something even more amazing : `` They found us four phone lines in central Budapest , '' says *T*-2 Geza Szocs , a Radio Free Europe correspondent who *T*-1 helped *-3 organize the Budapest location .