frames- [ARG0 Fujitsu Ltd. 's top executive] took the unusual step of * [ARGM-MNR publicly] [rel apologizing] for [ARG1-for his company 's making bids of just one yen for several local government projects] , while computer rival NEC Corp. made a written apology for * indulging in the same practice .
- `` [ARG0 We] would like *-2 to [rel apologize] for [ARG1-for *-3 having caused huge trouble] , '' Fujitsu President Takuma Yamamoto , read *T*-1 from a prepared statement as he stood before a packed news conference at his company 's downtown headquarters .
- [ARGM-MNR As a last recourse] , [ARGM-TMP when all else has failed *T*-3 and you are pinned *-1 *T*-3] , [ARG0 *] [rel apologize] for [ARG1-for *-6 having disappointed those who *T*-2 trusted you] but deny *-6 having actually done anything wrong .
- [ARG0 The company] [ARGM-TMP later] [rel apologized] and agreed *-1 to make $ 8 million *U* in contributions to charities chosen * by him .
- [ARG0 He] [rel apologizes] for [ARG1-for *-1 sounding pushy] .