frames- [ARG0 It *EXP*-2] never ceases *-1 to [rel amaze] [ARG1 me] how the business world continues *-3 to trivialize the world 's environmental problems -LRB- `` Is Science , or Private Gain , Driving Ozone Policy ? '' by George Melloan , Business World , Oct. 24 -RRB- .
- [ARGM-MNR As a Channel Islander] , [ARG1 I] was [rel amazed] [ARG0 *-1 to see my birthplace listed as one of `` 86 countries with an income tax] . ''
- Then [ARG0 the Gutfreunds] determined *-1 to put up a 22-foot Christmas tree , weighing a quarter of a ton , *-2 to [rel amaze] [ARG1 their holiday guests] .