frames- And unlike Europe and [ARGM-LOC the U.S.] , where [ARG1 populations] are [rel aging] *T*-1 , the Pacific Basin countries have growing proportions of youths -- the heaviest consumers of Coca-Cola and other sodas .
- In addition , Revco 's 1,900 stores in 27 states represent a lot of real estate , he said 0 *T*-1 , and demographics are helping pharmacies : The nation 's [rel aging] [ARG1 population] will boost demand for prescription drugs .
- `` Oil of Olay brought with it the baggage of * being used *-1 basically by [ARG1 older women] who *T*-2 had [ARGM-TMP already] [rel aged] , '' says *T*-3 David Williams , a consultant with New England Consulting Group .
- In 1980 , the study says 0 *T*-1 , prosecutors surveyed * filed charges against 25 defendants for [ARG1 each 100,000 people] [rel aged] [ARG2 18 years and older] .
- The city is full of [rel aging] [ARG1 bridges , water mains and roadways] that *T*-1 are in need of billions of dollars worth of repair .
- It seems that every day a new movie *ICH*-1 opens featuring a child coping with a mother 's death , or adoption , or [rel aging] [ARG1 parents] , or pregnancy .
- Though CBS might move up to No. 2 in household ratings , most advertisers buy based on ratings for [ARG1 women] [rel aged] [ARG2 18 to 49] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] [ARG1 the best of them] [rel age] [ARGM-MNR as gracefully as Grannies , the industry 's gold standard for storability] .
- Perhaps most striking , 35 % of households headed * by [ARG1 people] [rel aged] [ARG2 18 to 44] have at least one foreign car .
- Nearly half the owners of the 28 National Football League teams are losing money , the result of flat attendance , [rel aging] [ARG1 stadiums] and -- more than anything -- skyrocketing salaries for star players like Mr. Aikman .
- The fuel-efficient Airbus planes will be used *-1 largely *-3 to replace Cathay 's [rel aging] [ARG1 fleet] of Lockheed Tristars for regional flights , while the Boeing aircraft will be used *-2 on long-haul routes to Europe and North America .
- But he said 0 the industry has `` a good decade ahead , '' particularly if [rel aging] [ARG1 baby] boomers fulfill the industry 's dreams by *-1 buying RVs .
- As the sponsor of the `` Older Americans Freedom to Work Act , '' which *T*-1 would repeal the Social Security earnings limit for [ARG1 people] [rel aged] * [ARG2 65 and older] , I applaud your strong endorsement 0 *T*-2 to repeal this Depression-era fossil .
- [ARG1 Beneficiaries] [rel aged] [ARG2 65 through 69] will be able *-1 to earn $ 9,360 *U* *ICH*-3 without *-2 losing any Social Security benefits in 1990 , up from $ 8,880 *U* this year .
- *T*-1 Little money has been returned *-2 0 * to upgrade Pemex 's [rel aging] [ARG1 facilities] *T*-3 .
- Costly infertility problems and procedures proliferate as [rel aging] [ARG1 baby] boomers and others decide *-1 to have children -- now .
- The death rate from lung cancer of [ARG1 white males] [rel aged] * [ARG2 35 to 44] in the mid-1970s was 13.4 per 100,000 , but the mortality rate of the same age group in the mid-1980s was 9.6 , a decline of 28.7 % .
- Earlier the company announced 0 it would sell its [rel aging] [ARG1 fleet] of Boeing Co. 707s because of increasing maintenance costs .
- Just a month ago , GM announced 0 it would make an [rel aging] [ARG1 assembly] plant [ARGM-LOC in Lakewood , Ga. ,] the eighth U.S. assembly facility 0 *T*-1 to close since 1987 .
- Spain 's most popular mini-series this year was `` Juncal , '' the story of an [rel aging] [ARG1 bullfighter] .
- A new Census Bureau study of the noninstitutionalized population shows that 64 % of [ARG1 people] [rel aged] [ARG2 65 to 74] *ICH*-1 were living with a spouse in 1988 , up from 59 % in 1970 .
- In 1988 , 10 % of [ARG1 those] [rel aged] [ARG2 65 to 74] *ICH*-1 lived with relatives other than spouses , down from 15 % in 1970 .
- But even among [ARG1 those] [rel aged] [ARG2 75] and older , the share living with a spouse rose slightly , to 40 % in 1988 from 38 % in 1970 .
- Only 17 % of [ARG1 those] [rel aged] [ARG2 75] and older lived with relatives other than spouses in 1988 , down from 26 % in 1970 .
- Deafening chants of `` ANC '' and `` Umkhonto we Sizwe '' shook the church as the seven [rel aging] [ARG1 men] vowed that the ANC would continue its fight against the government and the policies of racial segregation on all fronts , including the armed struggle .