frames- Perhaps none of the unconstitutional conditions contained * in the appropriations bills for fiscal 1990 better *ICH*-1 illustrates Congress 's attempt * to usurp executive power than Section 609 of the executive-office bill : `` [ARG0 None of the funds made * available pursuant to the provisions of this Act] shall be used *-2 * to implement , [rel administer] , or enforce [ARG1 any regulation which *T*-3 has been disapproved *-58 pursuant to a resolution of disapproval duly adopted * in accordance with the applicable law of the United States] . ''
- Worse , it *EXP*-4 remained to [ARG0 a well-meaning but naive president of the United States] * to [rel administer] [ARG1 the final infamy] upon [ARG2-upon those who *T*-272 fought and died in Vietnam] .
- Long-debated proposals * to simplify the more than 150 civil penalties and make [ARG1 them] fairer and easier 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel administer] *T*-1 are in the House tax bill .
- Meanwhile , another hospital 's proposal for a new-generation lithotripter is pending before [ARG0 the board] that *T*-1 [rel administers] [ARG1 the certificate-of-need law] .
- The Thurmond bill would establish a [ARGM-MNR federally] [rel administered] [ARG1 death] sentence for 23 crimes , most of which *T*-1 were formerly punishable by death under federal statutes that the Supreme Court invalidated *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 RU-486] is being [rel administered] *-487 [ARGM-LOC in France] [ARGM-ADV only] [ARGM-LOC under strict supervision] [ARGM-MNR in the presence of a doctor] .
- Thus , a woman who *T*-487 used RU-486 *-3 to have an abortion would have *-1 to make three trips to the clinic past those picket lines ; an initial visit for medical screening -LRB- anemics and those with previous pregnancy problems are eliminated *-4 -RRB- and * to take the pill , a second trip 48 hours later for [ARG1 the prostaglandin] , [rel administered] * [ARGM-MNR either via injection or vaginal suppository] , and a third trip a week later * to make sure 0 she has completely aborted .
- The idea would be [ARG0 *] to [rel administer] to [ARG2-to patients] [ARG1 the growth-controlling proteins made * by healthy versions of the damaged genes] .
- [ARGM-LOC There] , [ARGM-LOC amid oil paintings and marble tables] , [ARG1 massages] are [rel administered] *-1 [ARGM-TMP every Wednesday] .
- [ARGM-ADV As with other plastic in Britain 's high-interest-rate environment] , [ARG1 the Labor card] , [rel administered] * by [ARG0-by Co-operative Bank] , carries a stiff -LRB- in this case , 29.8 % -RRB- annual rate on the unpaid balance .