frames- After [ARG0 *-1] [rel adjusting] for [ARG4-for inflation] , the Commerce Department said 0 construction spending did n't change in September .
- Here are *T*-1 the Commerce Department 's figures for construction spending in billions of dollars at [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 annual] rates .
- Here are *T*-1 [ARG1 the Commerce Department 's latest figures] for manufacturers in billions of dollars , [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] .
- [ARG1 The figures in both reports] were adjusted *-1 * to remove the effects of usual seasonal patterns , but were [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel adjusted] for [ARG4-for inflation] .
- [ARG1 The figures in both reports] were [rel adjusted] *-1 [ARGM-PNC * to remove the effects of usual seasonal patterns] , but were n't adjusted for inflation .
- He factors that into the market yield *-1 to get an [rel adjusted] [ARG1 yield] of about 3.6 % .
- One indicator 0 investors might want *-2 to watch *T*-1 is the monthly tally from Standard & Poor 's of the number of [ARG0 public companies] [rel adjusting] [ARG1 their dividends] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARG0 he] [rel adjusts] .
- [ARG0 Banks] that *T*-84 [rel adjusted] [ARG1 payouts on CDs] [ARGM-TMP in the most recent week] made only fractional moves , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 All the figures] are [rel adjusted] *-1 [ARGM-PNC * to remove usual seasonal patterns] .
- The Wilmington , Mass. , garment service company also boosted its quarterly dividend 20 % to [ARG1 three cents a share] [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for the split] .
- Separately , UniFirst reported that net income rose 21 % to $ 3 million *U* , or [ARG1 29 cents a share] [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for the split] , for the fourth quarter ended * Aug. 26 .
- A year earlier UniFirst earned $ 2.4 million *U* , or [ARG1 24 cents a share] [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for the split] .
- Moreover , [ARG0 production runs] would be longer , * cutting inefficiencies from * [rel adjusting] [ARG1 machinery] [ARGM-TMP between production cycles] .
- [ARGM-ADV Unlike most economic indicators] , [ARG1 none of these figures] are [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for seasonal variations] .
- A spokesman for LTV Steel , which *T*-102 is a unit of Dallas-based LTV Corp. , noted that [ARG1 steel prices] , [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for inflation] , increased only 1.7 % between 1981 and the fourth quarter of 1988 , while the prices of other industrial commodities increased nearly five times as much .
- a - Monthly construction contract values are reported *-1 on an annualized , [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 basis] .
- The [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 Dodge] Index reached 175 in September , its highest level this year , from 162 in August .
- c - [ARG1 Yields] , [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for constant maturity] .
- [ARGM-MNR Seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 figures] for August were n't available because of a recent strike that *T*-1 has disrupted the ministry 's data collection .
- [ARG1 All the figures] are [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for seasonal variations] .
- The figures are at [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 annual] rates in trillions of dollars .
- Polly Peck , a fast-growing British conglomerate , will pay 15.6 billion yen -LRB- $ 110 million *U* -RRB- for 39 million new shares of Sansui , [ARG1 a well-known maker] of high-fidelity audio equipment that *T*-1 failed *-2 to [rel adjust] to [ARG4-to changing market conditions] .
- While domestic orders climbed an [rel adjusted] [ARG1 8] % and a nominal 11 % in September , foreign orders declined 4 % after inflation and 1 % on a nominal basis .
- Istat said 0 [ARG1 the statistics] are provisional and are [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] *-1 .
- France 's unemployment rate was steady at a [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 9.5] % in September , the Social Affairs Ministry said 0 *T*-1 .
- In September , the number of jobless rose 0.1 % from the previous month to 2.5 million on a [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 basis] .
- South Africa 's current account surplus swelled to a [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 annual] rate of between five billion and six billion rand -LRB- $ 1.9 billion and $ 2.28 billion *U* -RRB- in the third quarter , Reserve Bank Governor Chris Stals said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV In general] , [ARG1 markets] function well and [rel adjust] [ARGM-MNR smoothly] to [ARG3-to changing economic and financial circumstances] .
- It turns out that Columbia had this huge loss in large part because the new congressionally mandated rules forced [ARG0 it] to [rel adjust] [ARG1 the book value of its soon-to-be-sold junk bonds] to [ARG2-to the lower of either their cost or market value] .
- [ARGM-ADV Except for the loss from the hurricane] , [ARG1 all the figures] were [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for seasonal factors and inflation] .
- [ARG0 These `` active suspension systems ''] electronically sense road conditions and [rel adjust] [ARG1 a car 's ride] .
- `` We anticipate that steel market conditions will exhibit a further moderate decline in the fourth quarter as the automotive sector remains weak and [ARG0 customers] continue *-1 to [rel adjust] [ARG1 inventories] , '' said *T*-2 Bethlehem Chairman Walter F. Williams .
- Thrift officials said 0 [ARG1 the $ 300 million *U* reserve] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel adjusted] *-1 [ARGM-TMP quarterly] and will reflect the rate of dispositions and market conditions .
- Previously , [ARG0 Columbia] did n't have *-1 to [rel adjust] [ARG1 the book value of its junk-bond holdings] [ARGM-PNC * to reflect declines in market prices] , because it held the bonds as long-term investments .
- TW notes , as many junk issuers do , that `` [ARG1 *] [rel adjusted] *-1 [ARGM-PNC * to eliminate non-cash charges] '' TW would have run a cash surplus -- in this case , of $ 56 million *U* over six months .
- While [ARG1 all the numbers in the durable goods report] were [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for seasonal fluctuations] , a Commerce Department analyst said that the adjustment probably did n't factor out all of the wide-ranging surge in defense orders .
- In fiscal 1989 , P&G earned [ARG1 $ 3.56 *U* a share] , [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for the stock split] .
- [ARG1 Per-share figures] have been [rel adjusted] *-2 for [ARG4-for a 2-for-1 stock split effective Oct. 20] .
- [ARG1 The year-ago per-share earnings] are [rel adjusted] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to reflect a 2-for-1 stock split last May] .
- But yesterday , the heavy trading action eventually consumed not only Messrs. Jacobson and Bates but [ARG0 four other Jacobson partners] , all doing their specialist-firm job of * tugging buyers and sellers together and [rel adjusting] [ARG1 prices] [ARGM-PNC * to accommodate the market] .
- The Federal Reserve said 0 [ARG0 its studies] in recent years , which *T*-1 [rel adjust] for [ARG4-for income differences and other variables] , showed that blacks received fewer home mortgages *ICH*-2 from banks and thrifts than whites .
- France 's industrial production index for July and August rose 1 % from June and was up 4.6 % from a year ago , according to [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 data] from the National Statistics Institute .
- The second source of error in growth statistics is the use of inappropriate deflators [ARG0 0] *T*-1 to [rel adjust] for [ARG4-for price changes] .
- In 1985 , [ARG1 a new price index] for computers [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for changes in performance characteristics] was introduced *-1 , and that resulted in a significantly larger increase in real outlays for durable goods than the earlier estimates had showed *?* .
- The consensus view on real GNP , [ARG1 the total value] of the U.S. output of goods and services [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for inflation] , calls for a 2.3 % gain on an annual basis , slowing somewhat from the second quarter 's 2.5 % , but still fairly strong .
- c - [ARG1 Yields] , [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for constant maturity] .
- [ARG0 Zacks Investment Research] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel adjust] [ARG1 one analyst 's estimate for a stock split , which therefore *T*-1 was artificially high] .
- `` [ARG1 The market] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel adjust] to [ARG3-to good news or bad news] , but uncertainty drives people wild , '' said *T*-2 Bernard B. Beal , chief executive of M.R. Beal & Co. , a securities firm that *T*-1 specializes in the municipal market .
- Mr. Briscoe , who *T*-1 also forecasts a # 1.3 billion *U* current account gap , warns that even if the trade figures are bullish for sterling , the currency wo n't advance much because [ARG0 investors] will want *-2 to see further evidence of the turnaround before *-3 [rel adjusting] [ARG1 positions] .
- The consensus view on real GNP , [ARG1 the total value] of the nation 's output of goods and services [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for inflation] , calls for a 2.3 % gain , down from the second quarter 's 2.5 % , according to MMS International , a unit of McGraw-Hill Inc. , New York .
- [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel adjust] [ARG1 the amount of insurance 0 I want *T*-1] [ARGM-MNR against the amount going into investment] ; I can pay more or less than the so-called target premium in a given year ; and I can even skip payments if my cash reserves are enough * to cover the insurance portion of the policy .
- Initial claims for regular state unemployment benefits rose to a [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 396,000] during the week ended Oct. 7 from 334,000 the previous week , the Labor Department said 0 *T*-1 .
- The number of people receiving regular state benefits in the week ended Sept. 30 decreased to a [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 2,202,000] , or 2.2 % of those covered * by unemployment insurance , from 2,205,000 the previous week , when the insured unemployment rate also was 2.2 % *T*-1 .
- Separately , the Labor Department reported that average weekly earnings rose 0.3 % in September , after [ARG0 *] [rel adjusting] for [ARG4-for inflation] , following a 0.7 % decline in August .
- [ARG1 All the numbers] are [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for seasonal fluctuations] .
- Here are *T*-1 the [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 changes] in the components of the Labor Department 's consumer price index for September .
- [ARGM-DIS Similarly] , [ARG0 the measure] [rel adjusts] [ARG1 the current funding formula] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to promise smaller states such as New Hampshire and Delaware a minimum allocation of $ 1.6 million *U* each in drug grants , or three times the current minimum] .
- [ARG1 It] was above 33 , *-2 [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for a subsequent split] , in 1987 , and has n't gotten much higher since . -RRB-
- [ARG1 All the numbers] were [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for normal seasonal variations in building activity] .
- -- * Confirming other government data showing that wages are n't keeping pace with inflation , earnings of year-round , full-time male workers fell 1.3 % in 1988 after [ARG0 *] [rel adjusting] for [ARG4-for higher prices] , the first such drop since 1982 .
- A report by the staff of the Joint Economic Committee of Congress released * yesterday concluded , `` It *EXP*-1 is misleading * to make this change without [ARG0 *-2] [rel adjusting] for [ARG4-for other changes] . ''
- Money-fund yields tend *-1 to lag interestrate trends as [ARG0 portfolio managers] [rel adjust] [ARG1 the maturities of their investments -- short-term Treasury securities , commercial paper and the like --] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to capture the highest yields] .
- Economists do n't expect any such changes in this year 's address , given [ARG0 Mr. Lawson 's] apparent reluctance * to [rel adjust] [ARG1 policy] currently .
- [ARG1 Per-share figures] have been [rel adjusted] *-2 for [ARG4-for a 4-for-1 stock split paid * earlier this month] .
- Georgia Gulf had [ARG1 24.9 million shares outstanding *ICH*-1] on average in the quarter , compared with 28.6 million in the third quarter of 1988 , [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for a stock split paid * in January 1989] .
- [ARG1 The numbers] were [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for usual seasonal fluctuations] .
- -LRB- In [ARG1 billions of U.S. dollars] , not [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] -RRB-
- [ARG1 The index] has a base of 100 set * in 1980 and is [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] *-1 .
- [ARG1 The figures] are [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] *-1 .
- The company said 0 it expects 0 [ARG1 consumers] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel adjust] to [ARG4-to higher-priced soft drinks] .
- A loss -- after insurance recoveries -- is deductible only to the extent that it exceeds $ 100 *U* and that the year 's total losses exceed 10 % of [rel adjusted] [ARG1 gross] income ; victims may pick the year when income is lower and deductions higher *T*-3 .
- [ARG1 c-Yields] , [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for constant maturity] .
- In addition , [ARG1 IBM 's growth in software in the third quarter] was just 8.8 % , well below historical levels even [ARGM-TMP when] * [rel adjusted] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to reflect last year 's payment from Fujitsu and the stronger dollar] *T*-2 .
- Quotron said 0 that snafu , which *T*-2 lasted nine minutes , resulted from a failure [ARG0 *] to [rel adjust] for [ARG4-for a 4-for-1 stock split at Philip Morris Cos] .
- `` [ARG0 We] have no plans *-2 to [rel adjust] [ARG1 our asset allocation in foreign equities] , '' said *T*-1 Masato Murakami , chief portfolio manager in the pension fund management department at Yasuda Trust & Banking Co .
- [ARG1 Kansas wheat farmers and Florida fruit growers] would have *-1 to [rel adjust] or give up the California market .
- Other components of the long leading indicator include a ratio of prices to unit labor costs in manufacturing industries , [ARG1 the M2 version] of the money supply , [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for inflation] , and the volume of new home-building permits .
- [ARGM-DIS Although] [ARG1 all the price data] were [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for normal seasonal fluctuations] , car prices rose beyond the customary autumn increase .
- [ARG1 The index , which *T*-1 registered 156.8 at the end of September ,] has a base of 100 set * in 1983 and is [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-TMP seasonally] [rel adjusted] *-2 .
- At that time , Chrysler said 0 [ARG1 base prices] , which *T*-2 are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel adjusted] *-1 for [ARG4-for equipment changes] , would rise between 4 % and 9 % *U* on most vehicle .
- Car sales fell to a [ARGM-MNR seasonally] [rel adjusted] [ARG1 annual] selling rate of 5.8 million vehicles , the lowest since October 1987 .
- According to the Gallup Poll , American adults contribute an average of two hours a week of service , while financial contributions to charity in the 1980s have risen [ARG1 30 %] -LRB- [rel adjusted] * for [ARG4-for inflation] -RRB- .