frames- While [ARG0 *-1] [rel acknowledging] [ARG1 0 one month 's figures do n't prove a trend] , Mr. Bretz said , `` It does lead you to suspect 0 imports are going down , or at least not increasing that much . ''
- In his talks , the former president urged [ARG0 China 's leaders] *-1 to [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 that their nation is part of the world community] and welcome the infusion of outside contacts and ideas .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 some problems] .
- [ARG1 Germany 's trade surplus is largely with other European countries rather than with the U.S.] , [ARG0 Mr. Mulford] [rel acknowledged] 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-LOC In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission] , [ARG0 the majority holder of Manville] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that the cash portion of its initial funding of $ 765 million *U* will be depleted *-194 next year , and that alternative sources of funds will be necessary * to meet its obligations] .
- [ARG0 Republicans] [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 that few people would be executed *-1 under the Thurmond bill] , but they contend 0 that is n't the point .
- [ARG0 One U.S. trader] , however , dismissed sterling doomsayers while *-1 [rel acknowledging] [ARG1 0 there is little immediate upside potential for the U.K. unit] .
- [ARG0 The Health Insurance Association of America , an insurers ' trade group ,] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that stiff competition *ICH*-1 among its members * to insure businesses likely * to be good risks during the first year of coverage has aggravated the problem in the small-business market] .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , [ARG0 Westinghouse] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that demand from independent producers could evaporate if prices for fuel such as natural gas or oil rise sharply or if utilities , which *T*-2 have been pressured by regulators *-1 to keep down rates , are suddenly freed *-3 to add significant generating capacity] .
- [ARG1 Control Data 's semiconductor business , VTC Inc. , continues *-1 to lose money] , [ARG0 the executives] [rel acknowledged] 0 *T*-2 , but they said 0 they consider some of the technology vital to national defense and so are reluctant *-3 to dispose of it .
- `` [ARG1 We 're taking on more debt than we would have liked *-2 to *?*] , '' [rel acknowledged] *T*-1 [ARG0 Michael Plouf , LIN 's vice president and treasurer] .
- [ARG0 Peter DaPuzzo , head of retail equity trading at Shearson Lehman Hutton ,] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that he was n't troubled *-1 by program trading when it began in the pre-crash bull market *T*-2 because it added liquidity and people were pleased *-3 to see stock prices rising] .
- `` [ARG1 We 've got a lot 0 * to do *T*-2] , '' [ARG0 he] [rel acknowledged] *T*-1 .
- Mr. Ortega 's threat * to breach the cease-fire comes as [ARG0 U.S. officials] were [rel acknowledging] [ARG1 that the Contras have at times violated it themselves] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Baker 's assistant for inter-American affairs , Bernard Aronson ,] [ARGM-ADV while *-1 maintaining that the Sandinistas had also broken the cease-fire] , [rel acknowledged] : `` [ARG1 It *EXP*-2 's never very clear who *T*-3 starts what] . ''
- [ARG1 That will involve a substantial increase in overseas manufacturing capacity] , [ARG0 he] [rel acknowledged] 0 *T*-1 , but did n't provide specific details .
- [ARG1 But the ice-core samples are n't definitive proof that the so-called greenhouse effect will lead to further substantial global heating] , [ARG0 Mr. Thompson] [rel acknowledged] 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP Last April] , [ARG0 the new defense secretary , Richard Cheney ,] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that , `` given an ideal world , we 'd have a nice , neat , orderly process] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that spreads `` were too wide and volumes too light '' in the extreme conditions on Manic Monday] .
- [ARG0 A Frankfurt exchange official] , *-1 [rel acknowledging] [ARG1 the brokers ' anxieties] , says 0 the market still feels 0 it `` functioned OK during this crash . ''
- [ARG0 A spokesman for Hertz Corp.] [rel acknowledges] , [ARG1 `` The waiver is n't a source of protection for consumers , but a source of revenue] . ''
- While [ARG0 they] [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 0 the president will attend several meals and a working session also attended * by Mr. Ortega] , they insist that Mr. Bush wo n't be extending the Nicaraguan leader any special courtesies .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mrs. Park] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that even if the policies work *-1 to slow or stop speculation , apartment prices are unlikely *-2 to go down] .
- [ARG1 Under the circumstances , it *EXP*-1 wo n't be easy for GM to exceed its record 1988 fourth-quarter net of $ 1.4 billion *U*] , [ARG0 the spokesman] [rel acknowledged] 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-TMP Yesterday] , [ARG0 Sen. Packwood] [rel acknowledged] , `` [ARG1 We do n't have the votes for cloture today] . ''
- It 's also the prime showcase for a country [ARG1 whose world dominance in the industry] *T*-1 is [ARGM-ADV increasingly] [rel acknowledged] *-3 , and therein lies *T*-2 the draw .
- [ARG0 White House officials] [rel acknowledged] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARG1 that Democrats still are reluctant *-1 to publicly express support for the Packwood-Roth capital gains proposal because they are loath *-2 to buck Sen. Mitchell] .
- [ARG0 Kemper officials] declined *-2 to identify the firms but [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 a long-simmering dispute with four securities firms] and said 0 the list of brokers 0 it wo n't do business with *T*-3 may be lengthened *-1 in the months ahead .
- [ARG0 IBM , which *T*-1 said 0 Motorola is paying just a nominal fee * to cover the 21-month agreement ,] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 0 some companies had turned down its invitation * to join in] .
- [ARGM-DIS Thus] , [ARG0 even investors who *T*-1 are pushing for the board to do a recapitalization that *T*-2 would pay shareholders a special dividend and possibly grant employees an ownership stake] [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 that the unions are key] .
- And by *-1 adding equity , [ARG0 DLJ] would seem *-1 to be [rel acknowledging] [ARG1 that credit risk was a concern] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 only one difference with Mr. Reagan -- that the amendment ought *-1 to have exceptions for rape and incest as well as * to save a woman 's life] .
- `` [ARG1 I know 0 it 's not over] , '' [ARG0 a sober-faced Mr. Corry] [rel acknowledged] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP while *-2 greeting steel suppliers in New York on Oct. 12 and inviting them to a buffet of salmon and sushi in honor of Kobe Steel Ltd. , USX 's partner in a steel mill in Lorain , Ohio] .
- [ARG1 While Shearson does n't do computer-guided program trading for its own account , the firm does execute orders for clients involved * in the buying and selling of shares tied * to movements in certain stock indexes] , [ARG0 Mr. DaPuzzo] [rel acknowledged] 0 *T*-1 .
- The Soviets should be willing *-2 to set in motion a process that *T*-3 would allow [ARG0 them] to [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 that Sverdlovsk violated the 1972 agreement] or , alternatively , that *T*-1 would give U.S. specialists reasonable confidence that this was a wholly civilian accident .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 the researchers themselves] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 0 they still must do much more work before they can say whether the treatment would actually cure humans] .
- [ARG0 Election analysts] [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 that a `` Red-Green '' coalition of Social Democrats and Greens could edge out Chancellor Kohl 's coalition in the December 1990 national election if support for the Republicans continues *-1 to spread] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mr. Zoeller] [ARGM-ADV also] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that consultants can be very effective] .
- [ARG0 Supporters] [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 that the process aims *-1 to manipulate] , but they insist that the best trial lawyers have always employed similar tactics .
- [ARG0 *-2] [ARGM-ADV Apparently] [rel acknowledging] [ARG1 weaker U.S. sales systemwide] , McDonald 's vowed `` *-2 to use our size and muscle *-3 to do all that *T*-1 is necessary * to build the brand . ''
- In an interview , Mr. Joseph says 0 [ARG0 his dinner discussion with the Prudential executives] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 problems for junk] .
- [ARG0 Federal Express officials] [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 mistakes in their drive overseas] but say 0 it will pay off eventually .
- [ARG0 Mr. Eddington] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that the carrier will have *-1 to evolve and adapt to local changes] , but he feels that the Sino-British agreement is firm ground 0 * to build on *T*-2 for the foreseeable future .
- [ARG0 Mr. Andersson] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that the company 's mining division `` will be busy for a while *-1 digesting its recent expansion] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Garcia] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 the problem] and says 0 the Asset Trust will study why the bidding failed *T*-1 and what changes the agency may be able *-2 to offer *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-ADV According to East Germany 's ADN news agency] , [ARG0 Mr. Krenz] spoke to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev by telephone over the weekend and [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 0 East Germany could learn from Moscow 's glasnost policies] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Ciavarella] has rejected a few prospective tenants who *T*-1 provided `` incomplete '' financial information and [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that illegitimate operators `` are not easily detectable] .
- [ARG0 Executives at Olivetti , whose earnings *T*-1 have been steadily sliding over the past couple of years ,] have [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that in the past they have lagged at *-2 getting new technology to market] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Daly] [ARGM-LOC in his affidavit] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that Warner agreed *-1 to release the producers last year *-2 to take over MGM] but says 0 that situation was altogether different .
- [ARG0 Mr. Peters] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that] and says 0 it 's not unlike the situation 0 he and Mr. Guber are in *T*-1 with Warner .
- [ARG0 He] [rel acknowledged] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG1 that Washington 's `` drug-related murder rate is intolerably high] .
- FEMA still has special disaster centers *ICH*-2 open 0 *T*-1 to handle the aftermath of Hugo , and [ARG0 spokesman Russell Clanahan] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that `` we 're pretty thin] . ''
- `` We 've run out of places 0 * to build freeways *T*-1 in L.A. , and the only place 0 * to go *T*-3 is up , '' Mr. O'Connell said *T*-2 , although [ARG0 he] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 0 there are many obstacles , including cost] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Bush himself] [ARGM-ADV essentially] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that he and his aides were trying *-1 to head off criticism] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a statement that *T*-1 was as close *ICH*-2 as East Germany gets *?* to * practicing `` glasnost ''] , [ARG0 Otto Reinhold , an East German party theorist ,] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 the reunification dilemma] .
- [ARG0 Lynn Staley , the Globe 's assistant managing editor for design ,] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that the visages were `` on the low end of the likeness spectrum] . ''
- [ARG0 The administration] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 that it is n't pursuing Mr. Reagan 's original vision of an `` impenetrable shield '' protecting the whole U.S. , but rather a more modest version] .
- As he stands on a hill at the beginning of a six-day motor expedition from Oxfordshire to Cornwall , where a former housekeeper *ICH*-1 *ICH*-2 resides *T*-4 , perhaps the victim of an unhappy 20-year marriage , perhaps -LRB- he hopes with more fervor than [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP ever] [rel acknowledge] -RRB- not disinclined * to return to domestic service , Stevens surveys the view and thereby provides a self-portrait , a credo and the author 's metaphor for the aesthetic of the novel 0 we 're reading *T*-3 :
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 he] [rel acknowledges] [ARG1 0 they `` have the option of * taking a swat at me if they really want to *?*] . ''
- [ARGM-LOC In its nicely produced publication `` Where Will Our Children Live *T*-2 ? ''] [ARG0 the NAHB] does [rel acknowledge] [ARG1 that `` of course , the full measure of housing affordability can not be provided *-1 by the federal government] . ''
- The 19-member cabinet is led *-1 by [ARG0 Prime Minister Jan Syse] , who *T*-2 [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 a `` difficult situation ''] [ARGM-CAU since the coalition controls only 62 seats in Oslo 's 165-member legislature] .
- [ARG0 A State Department spokesman] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that the U.S. is discussing the allegations with the Italian government and Cocom] , but declined *-1 to confirm any details .
- [ARG0 Vitarine] won approval * to market a version of a blood pressure medicine but [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that it substituted a SmithKline Beecham PLC product as its own in tests] .
- [ARGM-DIS Nevertheless] , [ARG0 Fed officials] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 0 the stories were reasonably accurate portrayals of the central bank 's game plan] .
- [ARG0 Tsuruo Yamaguchi , secretary general of the Socialist Party ,] [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 that nine party lawmakers had received donations from the pachinko association totaling 8 million yen -LRB- about $ 55,000 *U* -RRB-] but said 0 the donations were legal and none of its members acted *-1 to favor the industry .
- [ARG0 The official China Daily] said 0 retail prices of non-staple foods have n't risen since last December but [rel acknowledged] [ARG1 0 that huge government subsidies were a main factor in * keeping prices down] .