frames- Mr. Stronach will direct an effort * to reduce overhead and curb capital spending `` until [ARG1 a more satisfactory level of profit] is [rel achieved] and maintained *-1 , '' Magna said 0 *T*-2 .
- He also said that after the charges , and *-1 `` assuming no dramatic fluctuation in interest rates , [ARG0 the company] expects *-1 to [rel achieve] [ARG1 near-record earnings] [ARGM-TMP in 1990] . ''
- `` [ARG0 We] 're coming closer to * [rel achieving] [ARG1 the stated objective of * slowing the economy to a point where hopefully some downward trend in prices will occur *T*-1] , '' said Mr. Guffey .
- The thrift said that `` after these charges and * assuming no dramatic fluctuation in interest rates , [ARG0 the association] expects *-1 to [rel achieve] [ARG1 near record earnings] [ARGM-TMP in 1990] . ''
- Mr. M'Bow was an extreme case , but [ARG0 even his replacement , the more personally genial Spanish biochemist Federico Mayor ,] has had little success at *-1 [rel achieving] [ARG1 reforms] .
- [ARGM-ADV On a commercial scale] , [ARG1 the sterilization of the pollen-producing male part] has [ARGM-ADV only] been [rel achieved] *-15 [ARGM-LOC in corn and sorghum feed grains] .
- `` Because of distance , it *EXP*-2 takes a while for them to appreciate [ARG1 the economic stability] 0 [ARG0 we] 've [rel achieved] *T*-1 , '' says *T*-3 one economic policymaker .
- So many people *ICH*-2 fudge on answers about exercise , 0 the president 's council now uses specific criteria *-4 to determine what *T*-1 is considered *-3 vigorous : [ARG0 It] must produce contractions of large muscle groups , [ARGM-MOD must] [rel achieve] [ARG1 60 % of maximum aerobic capacity] and must be done three or more times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes .
- Futures prices rose slightly in a market filled * with rumors that [ARG1 a new international coffee agreement] [ARGM-MOD might] [ARGM-TMP still] be [rel achieved] *-1 .
- The minister was also quoted as *-2 saying that [ARG1 a new pact] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel achieved] *-1 [ARGM-TMP during the first half of next year] , according to the analyst .
- An increasing number of references by the Soviet press to opposition groups now active in the U.S.S.R. , particularly the Democratic Union , allege that they show `` terroristic tendencies '' and claim that [ARG0 they] would be prepared *-1 to kill in order *-2 to [rel achieve] [ARG1 their aims] .
- But is he so clever that [ARG0 he] has [rel achieved] [ARG1 the political equivalent of * making water run uphill] ?
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-TMP already] has [rel achieved] [ARG1 vertical integration] [ARGM-ADV on a limited scale] : Quebecor can put a weekly newspaper on almost any Quebec doorstep without *-1 using outside help , from * chopping down the tree to * making the newsprint to * flinging it up onto the porch .
- The updated forecast , published * Aug. 25 , compares with an earlier forecast of 6 % published * March 1 and [ARG1 a 7.4 % rate] [rel achieved] * in
- Still , [ARG0 Akzo] has n't yet found a way 0 * to [rel achieve] [ARG1 another goal : a large presence in the U.S. market for prescription drugs] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV Unlike the U.S.] , [ARG0 Britain] [ARGM-TMP never] [rel achieved] [ARG1 even a momentary reduction in real wages] .
- [ARG1 The successes] [rel achieved] * [ARGM-LOC at Federal Express , Union Carbide and Grumman] suggest that * managing speed may be an underutilized source of competitive advantage .
- [ARG0 He] [rel achieved] [ARG1 this] [ARGM-MNR in part with an uncanny talent for *-1 getting his foot peacefully in the door of established European companies] .
- Mr. Perlman , who *T*-1 is also acting chief financial officer and the odds-on favorite 0 *T*-2 to become the next chief executive , said 0 [ARG0 the company] is [rel achieving] `` [ARG1 modest positive cash flow from operations] , and we expect that to continue into 1990 . ''
- Loan covenants require that [ARG0 the company] [rel achieve] [ARG1 specified levels of operating earnings] and meet a rolling four-quarter profitability test .
- The company 's strategy for * keeping its computer products business profitable -- [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel achieved] [ARG1 profitability] [ARGM-TMP after several quarters of losses] -- calls for a narrow focus and a lid on expenses .
- Until recently , Kellogg had been telling its sales force and Wall Street that by 1992 [ARG0 it] intended *-1 to [rel achieve] [ARG1 a 50 % share of market , measured * in dollar volume] .
- `` We believe 0 [ARG0 our suggested plan] is more likely *-2 to improve the availability of quality legal service to the poor than is the proposed mandatory pro bono plan *?* and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel achieve] [ARG1 that objective] [ARGM-MNR without the divisiveness , distraction , administrative burdens and possible failure that we fear 0 *T*-3 would accompany an attempt * to impose a mandatory plan] , '' said *T*-4 Justin L. Vigdor of Rochester , who *T*-1 headed the bar 's pro bono study committee .
- It would be run *-1 by the joint chiefs under simple directions : * Produce the best possible force for each budget scenario and provide the Secretary of Defense with a comprehensive net assessment of how [ARG0 that force] could be used *-2 *-4 to [rel achieve] [ARG1 U.S. goals] *T*-3 .
- `` [ARG1 A similar result] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-TMP sometimes] be [rel achieved] , *-1 [ARGM-MNR at less cost] , [ARGM-MNR by * changing managements] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- `` Our divestiture program is on schedule , and we remain confident that [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel achieve] [ARG1 our stated goal of over $ 1 billion *U* in net proceeds] , '' said *T*-1 Nolan D. Archibald , Black & Decker 's president and chief executive officer , in a statement .
- The U.S. administration said 0 its plan would allow considerable flexibility in * determining [ARGM-ADV how and when] [ARG1 the free-trade goals] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel achieved] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Mr. Marous said 0 [ARG0 the business] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel achieve] [ARG1 higher sales *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP this year] [ARGM-ADV than the company 's target goal of 8.5 %] .
- And [ARGM-MNR by *-1 substituting yet another landscape architect , Nicholas Quennell ,] he insists 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel achieve] [ARG1 that and other accommodations to gardening reality] [ARGM-TMP while *-2 still preserving the `` artistic vision '' of a `` truly great artist] . ''
- The pilots ' insistence on majority ownership also may make [ARG1 the idea of a recapitalization] difficult 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel achieve] *T*-1 .
- `` We like *-2 to follow up and make sure 0 [ARG0 operators] are [rel achieving] [ARG1 our standards of company service] , '' says *T*-3 Ms. Dale , who *T*-1 supervises 350 operators .
- But it would allow considerable flexibility in * determining [ARGM-TMP how and when] [ARG1 these goals] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel achieved] *-1 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV Although Section 2 of the act expressly disclaims * requiring that minorities win a proportional share of elective offices] , [ARG0 few municipal and state government plans] [rel achieve] [ARG1 preclearance by the Justice Department] or survive the scrutiny of the lower federal courts [ARGM-ADV unless they carve out as many solidly minority districts as possible] .
- The surprising discovery of the evening at Fisher was [ARG1 the high standard] [rel achieved] * by [ARG0-by some of his now-obscure colleagues , notably Raimondo Boucheron] .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite health-care cost controls and programs 0 *T*-2 to hold down inventory] , [ARG0 the professional division , which *T*-1 makes products including sutures and surgical stapling equipment ,] `` [rel achieved] [ARG1 solid growth] , '' Johnson & Johnson said 0 *T*-3 .
- Mr. Steinkuehler said at a convention in West Berlin that [ARG0 the union] has *-1 to prepare for `` a big fight '' * to [rel achieve] [ARG1 its main goal of a 35-hour workweek , down from current 37-hour workweek] .
- He predicted 0 the debt will be reduced *-1 by another A$ 3.8 billion *U* this fiscal year ending June 30 , 1990 , but did n't explain [ARGM-MNR how] [ARG1 this] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel achieved] *-2 *T*-3 .
- The trial of Raful Edmond III in Washington serves *-1 to highlight our efforts in this area and [ARG1 the results] [rel achieved] * [ARGM-MNR through our excellent working relationship with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Metropolitan Police Department -LRB- MPD -RRB-] .
- Edward O'Brien , president of the Securities Industry Association , said that the securities-industry trade group opposes the bill as it is written *-1 but that it is `` hopeful 0 [ARG0 a compromise] can be reached *-2 * to [rel achieve] [ARG1 the SEC 's goals] . ''
- First Interstate said 0 [ARG0 its operations outside of Arizona] `` [rel achieved] [ARG1 results] [ARGM-MNR as * expected] [ARGM-TMP for the quarter] , '' but did n't specify the results .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Compaq] had [rel achieved] [ARG1 that level of sales] [ARGM-MNR faster than any previous manufacturing start-up] .
- [ARG0 The brand] [ARGM-TMP early on] [rel achieved] [ARG1 an upscale appeal -- a trait that some analysts believe 0 *T*-1 is partly responsible for its staid performance] .
- At least , that 's a theme emerging among many money managers who *T*-1 are anxious both *-3 to preserve [ARG1 the handsome stock-market gains] 0 [ARG0 they] have [ARGM-TMP already] [rel achieved] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP this year] and to catch the next wave of above-average performers .
- New experiments at some of the big national laboratories are still unable *-1 to find hints of nuclear fusion reactions , * leaving only the finding of tritium in a Texas experiment to support [ARG0 University of Utah chemists '] claim of * [rel achieving] [ARG1 hydrogen fusion] [ARGM-MNR at room temperatures] .
- Mr. Mark attributed the improvement to [ARG1 cost savings] [rel achieved] * [ARGM-MNR by * consolidating manufacturing operations , blending together two sales organizations and more carefully focusing the company 's promotional activities] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Chan] [rel achieved] [ARG1 a breakthrough] [ARGM-TMP in 1987] -- and became a minor celebrity again -- when his story was published *-1 in a weekly newspaper *T*-2 .
- Investors and professionals alike would compete on the level playing field 0 Congress sought *T*-1 and called *T*-1 [ARG1 a `` national market system ''] -LRB- [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-TMP yet] [rel achieved] * -RRB- almost 15 years ago when it passed the Securities Reform Act of 1975 .
- A soft landing is n't [ARG1 something] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel achieved] *-1 [ARGM-TMP once and for all] , Mr. Confair adds 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-ADV If I survived] , [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel achieved] [ARG1 every journalist 's highest wish] .
- And even those who *T*-1 say 0 some selective selling may be in order stress that [ARG0 individuals] need *-2 to be in the stock market * to [rel achieve] [ARG1 their long-term investment objectives] and to help *-4 balance their other assets .
- It adds that births were `` extremely unlikely '' after the fourth cycle and concludes 0 [ARG0 couples] who *T*-2 do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel achieve] [ARG1 a pregnancy] [ARGM-TMP after four to six procedures] should be advised *-1 that success is unlikely .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 what the Senate Judiciary Committee has done *T*-1 in *-2 supporting the strongly worded Armenian resolution] [rel achieves] [ARG1 no useful end] ; it merely produces more controversy and embittered memories .
- There can be no quibbling that the Armenians endured terrible suffering , but one has *-2 to wonder [ARG1 what possible good] [ARG0 such a resolution] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel achieve] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Neither man] [rel achieved] [ARG1 perfection] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel achieved] [ARG1 a good media play] , and enabled Sen. Specter and others to vote against Mr. Bork out of `` conscience . ''
- Mevacor , Merck 's new cholesterol-lowering drug , had higher sales than [ARG0 any other prescription medicine] has [ARGM-TMP ever] [rel achieved] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] [ARGM-TMP in the year following introduction] , the company said 0 *T*-1 .
- He said 0 the improvement was a result of [ARG1 cost savings] [rel achieved] * [ARGM-MNR by * consolidating manufacturing operations , blending two sales organizations and focusing more carefully the company 's promotional activities] .
- [ARG0 Gold , which *T*-1 has n't risen or fallen significantly in quite some time ,] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [rel achieved] [ARG1 what *T*-2 may be a new level of impassiveness] : The most actively traded futures contracts closed unchanged despite nervous fluctuations in both the dollar and the stock market .
- Indeed , U.S. officials have indicated to the press that the continuation of aid depends on [ARG1 what success] [ARG0 the weakened resistance] [rel achieves] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP by the end of this year] .
- [ARG0 *] To [rel achieve] [ARG1 maximum liquidity] and minimize price volatility , either all markets should be open to trading or none .
- `` For all intents and purposes , [ARG1 an agreement] appears *-2 to have been [rel achieved] *-3 , '' he said *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Strong earnings growth] helped *-1 [rel achieve] [ARG1 that price] [ARGM-TMP far ahead of schedule] , [ARGM-TMP in August 1988] .
- [ARG0 The company] expects *-1 to [rel achieve] [ARG1 the 20 % increase in full-year earnings per share] , [ARGM-ADV as it projected in the spring] , the spokesman said 0 *T*-2 .
- `` Although I am encouraged *-1 by the Senate action , '' said *T*-3 Chairman Dan Rostenkowski -LRB- D. , Ill . -RRB- of the House Ways and Means Committee , `` it *EXP*-4 is uncertain whether [ARG1 a clean bill] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel achieved] *-2 [ARGM-LOC in the upcoming conference with the Senate] . ''
- [ARG1 It] is what [ARG0 federal support] should try hardest *-2 to [rel achieve] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 China 's year-long austerity program] has [rel achieved] [ARG1 some successes in * harnessing runaway economic growth and stabilizing prices] but has failed *-1 to eliminate serious defects in state planning and an alarming drain on state budgets .