frames- From January to October , the nation 's [rel accumulated] [ARG1 exports] increased 4 % from the same period last year to $ 50.45 billion *U* .
- [ARG0 Pennzoil] is rumored *-1 to be [rel accumulating] [ARG1 a stake in Chevron] [ARGM-PNC in order *-2 to push for a revamping of the company] ; investor Carl Icahn has recently increased his stake in USX , which separately *T*-115 reported earnings that *T*-116 were in line with expectations .
- Mr. Uhr said that [ARG0 Mr. Petrie or his company] have been [rel accumulating] [ARG1 Deb Shops stock] [ARGM-TMP for several years] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 each time issuing a similar regulatory statement] .
- The stock 's advance reflected ongoing speculation that [ARG0 Pennzoil] is [rel accumulating] [ARG1 a stake in the company] , according to Dow Jones Professional Investor Report .
- Mr. Dorfman provides confirming evidence of this phenomenon when he reports that [ARG0 your staff of dart throwers] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel accumulated] [ARG1 only $ 112,383 *U*] [ARGM-MNR by * randomly selecting four new stocks 0 *T*-2 to be held *-1 in a portfolio each month] *T*-3 .
- Mr. Dorfman states that [ARG0 an investor who *T*-1 invested $ 100,000 *U* a year ago in the first four stocks selected * by your pros and then sold those one month later , *-2 purchasing the four new pro picks , and repeated this process for the year] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel accumulated] [ARG1 $ 166,537 *U* , excluding account dividends , taxes and commissions] .
- [ARGM-DIS In contrast] , [ARG0 an investor holding the Dow Jones portfolio over the year] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel accumulated] [ARG1 only $ 127,446 *U*] .
- Mr. Oriani said 0 the heat bursts were too large and too long 0 *-3 to be explained *-1 by the sudden release of [ARG1 energy] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD might] have [ARGM-MNR slowly] [rel accumulated] [ARGM-TMP during the experiments ' quiescent times] , as some scientists have suggested .
- It suggests that [ARG0 households] [rel accumulate] [ARG1 wealth] [ARGM-MNR across a broad spectrum of assets] .
- Holders can either convert each share into 421 shares of the company 's common stock , or surrender their shares at the per-share price of $ 1,000 *U* , plus [rel accumulated] [ARG1 dividends] of $ 6.71 *U* a share .
- [ARG1 Contrasts] [ARGM-MNR predictably] [rel accumulate] : First the music is loud , then it becomes soft , then -LRB- you realize -RRB- it becomes louder again .
- MLX , which also *T*-4 makes aircraft and heavy-duty truck parts , said 0 [ARG1 the debt] was [rel accumulated] *-1 [ARGM-TMP during its acquisition of nine businesses that *T*-3 make up the group , the biggest portion of which was related *-2 to the 1986 purchase of a Hillman Co. unit] .
- It *EXP*-4 was previously thought *-2 0 ASKO held [ARG1 a 13.6 % stake] that *T*-3 was [rel accumulated] *-1 [ARGM-TMP since July] .