frames- The Toronto-based real estate concern said 0 each bond warrant entitles the holder to buy C$ 1,000 *U* principal amount of debentures at par plus [rel accrued] [ARG1 interest] to the date of purchase .
- The El Paso , Texas , maker of Western boots and leather accessories said 0 [ARG0 the preferred stock] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel accrue] [ARG1 dividends] [ARGM-MNR at a 12 % rate] , but would n't be paid *-1 for the first two years .
- Termination means that the agency 's insurance assumes the liabilities and pays the pension benefits already owed * under the plans , but [ARG0 workers] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel accrue] [ARG1 new benefits] .
- [rel Accrued] [ARG1 interest] on the refund was about $ 18 million *U* as of Oct. 25 .
- Geoffrey Kalmus , counsel to the official creditors committee , said that under the United Illuminating plan , unsecured creditors would be paid *-1 in full credits and [ARG1 interest] of about $ 855 million *U* , [rel accrued] * [ARGM-TMP before PS of New Hampshire 's Jan. 1988 filing for bankruptcy court protection] .
- Mr. Kalmus said that [ARGM-TMP by next July] [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel accrued] [ARG1 unpaid interest equal to $ 350 million *U*] .
- Other plans generally would n't pay [ARG1 unsecured creditors ' interest] [rel accrued] * [ARGM-TMP since the filing] .
- Reimbursement claims must be filed *-1 with the IRS district or service-center director within a year after [ARG1 the expense] [rel accrues] .
- Secured creditors would recover both principal and interest , while unsecured creditors would receive [ARG1 only principal and interest] [rel accrued] * [ARGM-TMP before PS of New Hampshire filed for Bankruptcy Code protection in January]
- CONTROL DATA Corp. said 0 it is offering *-3 to purchase the $ 154.2 million *U* amount of its 12 3\/4 % senior notes due June 15 , 1991 *ICH*-2 , at par , plus [rel accrued] *ICH*-1 [ARG1 interest] to the Dec. 8 purchase date .
- Because the CD had an effective yield of 13.4 % when it was issued *-1 in 1984 *T*-4 , and interest rates in general had declined sharply since then , part of the price 0 Dr. Blumenfeld paid *T*-3 was a premium -- an additional amount on top of the CD 's base value plus [rel accrued] [ARG1 interest] that *T*-2 represented the CD 's increased market value .
- -LRB- Federal deposit insurance would pay [ARG1 principal and interest] [rel accrued] * [ARGM-TMP to the date of liquidation] , to a maximum of $ 100,000 *U* . -RRB-
- Because of the tax consequences of zero-coupon investments -- income tax is payable in the year 0 [ARG1 interest] is [rel accrued] *-1 *T*-2 , although interest is n't actually paid *-3 until maturity -- zero-coupon CDs are usually sold for tax-advantaged accounts *-4 to finance things like retirement and children 's education .
- [ARG0 The note] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel accrue] [ARG1 interest *ICH*-1] [ARGM-MNR at the rate of 13.5 % a year] , which *T*-2 would be payable to the fund after five years , according to Stephen E. Roulac , a real estate consultant working for the fund .
- For each $ 1,000 *U* of notes , the maker of specialty metals , industrial fasteners and consumer products will pay $ 1,026.46 *U* plus $ 8.68 *U* of [ARG1 interest] [rel accrued] * [ARGM-TMP from Dec. 1] .
- `` The Odeon made a written offer *ICH*-1 to Marcia Levine on July 10 * to return to work as the maitre 'd , at the same pay , same hours and with [ARG1 back pay] [rel accrued] * , '' he said *T*-2 .
- The bank 's medium-term and long-term loans to less-developed countries total $ 293 million *U* , of which [ARG0 $ 146 million *U* *T*-1] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel accruing] [ARG1 interest] , the bank said 0 *T*-2 .
- Currently , even though the issuer does n't pay tax , the debt holder is taxed *-1 on the [rel accrued] [ARG1 interest] .
- Such high-yield debt is similar to a zero-coupon bond in that it is sold *-1 at a discount to face value , with [ARG1 interest] [rel accruing] instead of being paid *-3 to the holder .
- Under current rules , that [rel accrued] [ARG1 interest] is deductible by the company issuing the debt .
- Morgan received $ 2 million *U* of interest payments on its medium and long-term Brazilian loans ; had [ARG0 they] been [rel accruing] [ARG1 interest] , net interest income would have been $ 35 million *U* higher in the quarter , Morgan said 0 *T*-1 .