frames- [ARG0 These funds] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel account] for [ARG1-for several billions of dollars in assets] .
- In its construction spending report , the Commerce Department said 0 [ARG0 residential construction] , which *T*-50 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for nearly half of all construction spending] , was off 0.9 % *ICH*-3 in September to an annual rate of $ 191.9 billion *U* .
- [ARG0 The three Japanese companies] build the body sections of the 767 , *-1 [rel accounting] for [ARG1-for a combined 15 % of the aircraft] .
- Sen. John Danforth -LRB- R. , Mo . -RRB- praised the department 's actions , *-1 noting that [ARG0 rollover crashes] [rel account] for [ARG1-for almost half of all light-truck deaths] .
- Safety advocates , including some members of Congress , have been urging the department for years *-2 to extend car-safety requirements to [ARG0 light trucks and vans] , which [ARGM-TMP now] *T*-157 [rel account] for [ARG1-for almost one-third of all vehicle sales in the U.S.] .
- At one point , [ARG0 Hammersmith] is reported *-1 to have [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for as much as 10 % of the sterling market] in [ARG2-in interest-rate swap dealings] .
- N.V . DSM said 0 net income in the third quarter jumped 63 % as [ARG0 the company] had substantially lower extraordinary charges * to [rel account] for [ARG1-for a restructuring program] .
- Statistics from [ARG0 12 countries] which *T*-75 [ARGM-MNR normally] [rel account] for [ARG1-for 94 % of non-communist Europe 's passenger car sales] showed 0 new car registrations totaled 911,606 in September , down 21 % from August and down 4.2 % for the year to date .
- Bank of Italy has also ordered [ARG0 BNL] *-1 to shore up its capital base * to [rel account] for [ARG1-for potential foreign loan losses] , and the Rome bank has outlined a 3 trillion lire capital-raising operation .
- Although [ARG0 investigations] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel account] for [ARG1-for only about 5 % of Pinkerton 's total revenue] , that side of the business has traditionally been the more `` glamorous '' of the two and it carries historical and sentimental value .
- Mr. Hahn said 0 [ARG0 Georgia-Pacific] has [rel accounted] [ARGM-LOC in its strategy] for [ARG1-for a `` significant downturn '' in the pulp and paper industry , an event that he said 0 *T*-1 would temporarily dilute earnings] .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite the big increases in health-care costs] , [ARG0 wages] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel account] for [ARG1-for a far greater share of overall labor costs] .
- [ARG0 Trek Bicycle Corp.] , which *T*-195 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for one-quarter of the $ 400 million *U* in annual sales at its Milwaukee-based parent , Intrepid Corp. ,] entered the mountain-bike business in 1983 .
- [ARGM-TMP Today] , [ARG0 so-called mountain bikes] [rel account] for [ARG1-for two-thirds of the $ 2 billion *U* spent * annually on all bicycles in the U.S.] .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Accessories , largely for mountain-bike users ,] [rel account] for [ARG1-for much of the rest of sales] . -RRB-
- [ARG0 Commissions] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [rel account] for [ARG1-for a smaller share of investment-house business] [ARGM-ADV as takeover advisory fees have soared] .
- Judith Elkin , lawyer for the creditors , said 0 the creditors group is challenging certain [rel accounting] [ARG1 entries] on the parent company 's books and estimates that the receivable owed the steel company * could be as much as $ 40 million *U* .
- [ARGM-LOC In Japan] , [ARG0 those functions] [rel account] for [ARG1-for only about a third of the software market] .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Roussel] reportedly has [ARG1-for every pill] marked *-1 and [rel accounted] for *-1 [ARGM-PNC * to make sure 0 none slips into the black market] . -RRB-
- [ARG0 Profit-taking] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for much of the slide in OTC stock prices] , according to David Mills , senior vice president of Boston Company Advisers .
- [ARG0 Towering overcapacity] in the synthetic fiber business , which *T*-1 [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for half of the Dutch chemical company 's sales] , led to huge losses and left Akzo 's survival in doubt .
- [ARG0 The fibers business , whose products *T*-1 go into textiles , carpeting and myriad industrial uses ,] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for only 20 % of Akzo 's sales] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last month] , [ARG0 program trading] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for a record 13.8 % of average daily Big Board volume] .
- The focus of the outcry has been [ARG0 stock-index arbitrage] , which *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for about half the program trading that *T*-2 goes on] .
- Import values are calculated *-1 on a cost , insurance and freight -LRB- c.i.f . -RRB- basis , while [ARG1-for exports] are [rel accounted] for *-2 [ARGM-MNR on a free-on-board -LRB- f.o.b . -RRB- basis] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last year] , [ARG0 Dentsu 's foreign business] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for less than 10 % of total billings] , but the company is aiming at 20 % in the near future .
- [ARG0 Sales of information-processing products and electric parts] increased a strong 22 % to 236.23 billion yen from 194.24 billion yen and [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 46 % of total sales] .
- A spokesman for Gulf Canada , which *T*-2 is controlled *-1 by Toronto 's Reichmann family , said 0 [ARG0 the properties] [rel account] for [ARG1-for about 6 % of the company 's assets] and produce about 5,000 barrels of oil and 35 million cubic feet of gas a day .
- [ARGM-TMP In the period just ended] , [ARG0 computers] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 44 % of total sales] , NEC said 0 *T*-1 , and electrical devices made up 23 % .
- Gary Palmero of Oppenheimer & Co. expects a 30 % decline in earnings between now and 1991 for [ARG0 `` commodity-oriented '' paper companies] , which *T*-1 [rel account] for [ARG1-for the majority of the industry] .
- During the next decade , Mr. Kume said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 Nissan] plans *-2 to boost overseas vehicle production sufficiently * to [rel account] for [ARG1-for a majority of sales outside Japan] .
- The Pentagon argues that the negative wedge is the net effect of $ 22 billion *U* in the as-yet unidentified procurement reductions that it intends *-4 to find *T*-3 in future years and $ 23 billion *U* in [ARG0 an `` above guidance '' management reserve] that *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for undefined programs that *T*-2 will materialize in the future] .
- [ARG0 General paper product sales] , including newsprints and other papers , [rel accounting] for [ARG1-for the bulk of sales] , rose to 157.78 billion yen from 143.88 billion yen .
- For one thing , the size of the affected market is enormous -- [ARG0 the European stock markets] [rel account] for [ARG1-for some 22.5 % of global stock market capitalization] , [ARGM-MNR with an estimated value of $ 2.175 trillion *U*] , according to Morgan Stanley Capital International .
- SKF said 0 demand for the group 's main product , rolling bearings , remained favorable in [ARG0 Europe] , which *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for slightly more than two-thirds of group sales] .
- [ARG0 Mutual funds] are the among the largest holders of junk , *-1 [rel accounting] for [ARG1-for more than a quarter of the entire high-yield , high-risk market] .
- Michael Swavely , president of Compaq 's North America division , attributed the company 's third-quarter performance to continued increases in [ARG0 international sales] , which *T*-1 [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 43 % of the company 's sales , a 74 % increase from a year earlier] .
- [ARG0 What] *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for the difference] ?
- [ARG0 One of those new computers , called * Sparcstation 1 ,] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for nearly half of the 28,000 systems 0 Sun shipped *T*-1 in the quarter] , he said 0 *T*-2 .
- Yesterday , the spokeswoman said 0 [ARG0 sales of Delmed products through the exclusive arrangement with National Medical] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 87 % of Delmed 's 1988 sales of $ 21.1 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 Index arbitrage] [ARGM-TMP recently] has [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for about half of all program trading on the New York Stock Exchange] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last month] , [ARG0 program trading] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 20.9 million shares a day , or a record 13.8 % of the Big Board 's average daily volume] .
- [ARG0 The non-food operations] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for about 27 % of Provigo 's 7.38 billion Canadian dollars -LRB- US$ 6.3 billion *U* -RRB- in sales] [ARGM-TMP in the latest fiscal year] .
- At a news conference , Mr. Nadeau said 0 the sale of [ARG0 the three non-food businesses] , which *T*-2 [rel account] for [ARG1-for nearly half the company 's C$ 900 million *U* in assets] , should be completed *-1 in a `` matter of months . ''
- Beneath the tepid news-release jargon lies *T*-1 a powerful threat from [ARG0 the brewing giant] , which *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP last year] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for about 41 % of all U.S. beer sales] and *T*-2 is expected *-3 to see that grow to 42.5 % in the current year .
- Stockbrokers who *T*-1 cater to individual investors said 0 the Big Board 's new product confirms 0 the exchange does n't want *-2 to curtail [ARG0 program trading] , which *T*-3 [ARGM-TMP last month] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for a record 13.8 % of the exchange 's average daily volume] .
- [ARG0 The unit , which *T*-1 is the holding company for Esselte 's non-Swedish units ,] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 58 % of sales and 71 % of operating profit] [ARGM-TMP last year] .
- Although [ARG0 imports] [rel account] for [ARG1-for less than 1 % of beer sales in Japan] , Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which *T*-1 has been gaining share with its popular dry beer , plans *-2 to fend off Japanese competitors by *-3 pouring $ 1.06 billion *U* into facilities 0 * to brew 50 % more beer *T*-4 .
- Secondly , critics have charged AZT 's maker Burroughs Wellcome Co. with corporate inertia because [ARG0 children] [rel account] for [ARG1-for just 1 % of the patient population and hence a small part of the large and lucrative market] .
- Peter Coors runs the Coors Brewing Co. unit , [ARG0 the nation 's fourth-largest brewery] that *T*-1 [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for $ 1.24 billion *U* of Adolph Coors 's $ 1.52 billion *U* in 1988 sales] .
- [ARG0 Net product sales] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for $ 76 million *U*] , [ARGM-ADV up from $ 57.5 million *U* a year earlier] .
- Instead , a spokesman blames the dismal third-quarter showing on `` an environment that *T*-3 is being distorted *-1 by a very harsh climate for sales of [ARG0 durable goods] , '' which *T*-2 [rel account] for [ARG1-for roughly two-thirds of Sears 's annual merchandise volume] .
- This makes enormous sense in Japan , where [ARG0 direct tax] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for more than 70 % of revenues] and the capture rate of direct tax is so unfair .
- [ARG0 U.S. companies] [rel account] for [ARG1-for less than 8 % of the 1,000 or more Soviet joint ventures that *T*-2 have been announced *-1 since the Soviets began encouraging such undertakings in 1987] .
- [ARG0 Midsized cars] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for the greatest growth in units] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 rising 62,872 units to 134,550 units , or 88 %] .
- A Dow Jones spokesman said 0 there were [ARG0 no corporate developments] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel account] for [ARG1-for the activity] .
- [ARG0 Hurricane Hugo] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for about $ 36 million *U* in pretax third-quarter losses , net of reinsurance recoveries] .
- Polyurethane foam is [ARG0 a highly efficient insulator] , which *T*-2 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for why the walls of refrigerators and freezers can be thinner now than they were *?* back in the days when they were insulated *-1 with glass fiber *T*-3 *T*-4] .
- For the third quarter , operating profit from Carbide 's chemicals and plastics business fell to $ 238 million *U* from $ 352 million *U* a year ago , before [ARG0 *] [rel accounting] for [ARG1-for taxes and interest expense] .
- Time Warner Inc. reported a third-quarter net loss of $ 176 million *U* , or $ 2.88 *U* cents a share , reflecting acquisition costs for a 59.3 % stake in Warner Communications Inc. and the purchase method of [ARG0 *] [rel accounting] for [ARG1-for the transaction] .
- [ARG0 Shrinking profit margins in chemical and refining and marketing sectors] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for most of the decline] , said *T*-1 Chairman C.J. Silas in a statement .
- Enviropact said 0 [ARG0 the two divisions] [rel account] for [ARG1-for about $ 8 million *U* of the company 's $ 20 million *U* in annual revenue] .
- Belo said 0 [ARG0 it] increased its effective tax rate to 52 % from 47 % *-1 to [rel account] for [ARG1-for potential liabilities related * to an Internal Revenue Service investigation of its tax returns] [ARGM-TMP for the years 1984 through 1988] .
- Archive attributed the gains to strong demand for its products , continued growth of the reseller market and [ARG0 the acquisition] of Maynard Electronics in February , which *T*-1 [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for about 14 % of the company 's revenue] .
- Time Warner reported a $ 176 million *U* loss for the third quarter , * reflecting the cost of the recent merger and a method of [ARG0 *] [rel accounting] for [ARG1-for the deal] .
- A sudden , forced cutback by [ARG0 consumers] , who *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP normally] [rel account] for [ARG1-for about two-thirds of economic activity] , would damp the economy at a time when plant-and-equipment spending is slowing and deficit-racked governments ca n't readily take up the slack *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Asian traffic] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for 65 % of Cathay 's business] , is expected *-2 to continue as the carrier 's mainstay .
- [ARG0 These new products] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel account] for [ARG1-for as much as 35 % of the company 's business in 1990] , Mr. Conner estimated 0 *T*-1 .
- The new technologies are intended *-2 to retire [ARG0 the cathode-ray tube] , which *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for most of the bulk of the conventional TV set] .
- Meanwhile , [ARG0 the photographic industry] , which *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for 44 % of silver consumption] , continues *-2 to look for substitutes .
- [ARG0 Small businesses in general] [rel account] for [ARG1-for almost 40 % of unreported personal income] , the IRS has said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 This category] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for about 19 % of admits and 22 % of registrants] .
- He says 0 [ARG0 it] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for 25 % of total sales] .
- Golden Feldman Furs Inc. began *-1 retailing aggressively eight years ago , and [ARGM-TMP now] [ARG0 retail sales] [rel account] for [ARG1-for about 20 % of gross income] .
- DEC said 0 [ARG0 its overseas business] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP now] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for more than half of sales] , improved in the quarter .
- [ARG0 Japanese banks] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 50 % of the NWA bank debt] , according to a report by Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner .
- And the in-and-outer might miss [ARG0 the sudden spurts] that *T*-1 [rel account] for [ARG1-for much of the stock market 's gains] [ARGM-TMP over time] .
- [ARG0 What] *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for the results of recent decades] ?
- Robert White , manager of corporate trading at First Interstate of California , called the market `` psychologically pro-mark , '' *-2 noting that the U.S. remains a `` veritable grab bag '' for Japanese investors [ARG0 which] *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for the unabated demand for U.S. dollars] .
- The softness of the core constrains the plastic models to [ARG0 No. 1 , No. 2 or No. 3-type pencils] , which *T*-1 [rel account] for [ARG1-for the bulk of the market] .
- [ARG0 One of Lockheed 's most lucrative sectors] -- [rel accounting] for [ARG1-for more than half the aerospace company 's $ 10.59 billion *U* in sales] [ARGM-TMP in 1988] -- the missiles and space group is the prime Pentagon contractor on the Trident II ballistic missile .
- Finally , IBM had *-2 to delay the introduction of [ARG0 some high-end disk drives] , which *T*-1 [rel account] for [ARG1-for 10 % of its $ 60 billion *U* of annual revenue] .
- BellSouth Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John L. Clendenin said 0 [ARG0 three factors] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for the drop in third-quarter earnings] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel accounted] for [ARGM-for a hefty 16 % of New York Stock Exchange volume Monday] , [ARGM-TMP the fourth busiest session ever] .
- [ARGM-LOC At discount brokerage Charles Schwab & Co.] , [ARG0 such `` cash-equivalent '' investments] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for a record $ 8 billion *U* of the firm 's $ 25 billion *U* of client 's assets] .
- [ARG0 The $ 125-billion-a-year *U* Bay area economy] represents one-fourth of the economy of the nation 's most populous state and [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for 2 % to 3 % of the nation 's total output of goods and services] , according to the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy in Palo Alto .
- [ARGM-LOC In high-tech] , [ARG0 the Bay area] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for 15 % to 20 % of the U.S. computer-related industry] .
- [ARG0 Hoses and plastics together] [rel account] for [ARG1-for about 42 % of Trinova 's total annual sales] .
- [ARG0 International sales] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 47 % of total company sales for the nine months] , [ARGM-ADV compared with 50 % a year earlier] .
- [ARG0 It] is probably continuing and [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-ADV well] [rel account] for [ARG1-for most of *RNR*-1 , or all of *RNR*-1 , present-day global warming] .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for 5 % , at best , of the station 's total revenues] . ''
- Representatives of the [rel accounting] [ARG0 firm] of Ernst & Young and the securities firm of Goldman , Sachs & Co. , hired * by creditors * to consult on Eastern 's financial plans , told the committee in a private meeting yesterday that Eastern 's latest plan * to emerge from bankruptcy-law protection is far riskier than an earlier one which *T*-1 won the creditors ' approval .
- [ARGM-LOC In California , a bellwether market ,] [ARG0 they] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for more than 80 % of all bike sales] .
- [ARG0 Institutions] -- who *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP now] [rel account] for [ARG1-for most trading] -- count on * being able * to buy and sell big blocks of stock at an eye-blink .
- Linear Technology , Milpitas , Calif. , called the settlement `` positive , '' since [ARG0 products covered * by the disputed patents] [rel account] for [ARG1-for about 20 % of its annual sales] .
- [ARG0 Ford 's share purchases] [ARGM-ADV undoubtedly] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for much of Monday 's heavy trading] .
- [ARGM-ADV Including the accesory eye care products] , [ARG0 contacts] [rel account] for [ARG1-for $ 2 billion *U* in annual retail sales] .
- [ARG0 An acquisition] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for half the sales rise] , TRW said 0 *T*-1 .
- The main reason was a delay in shipment of new high-end disk drives , [ARG0 a business] that *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for some 10 % of IBM 's $ 60 billion *U* of annual revenue] .
- [ARG0 Right-hander Dave Stewart] held the Giants to five hits *-1 to [rel account] for [ARG1-for the zero on the other side of the Saturday ledger] .
- [ARGM-LOC At Kodak , which *T*-1 largely ignored the market for years ,] [ARG0 black-and-white film sales] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel account] for [ARG1-for nearly 15 % of the company 's $ 3 billion *U* in film and paper sales annually , up from 10 % three years ago] .
- But [ARGM-TMP for the fiscal year ended July 31 , 1988 , the most recent period for which results were broken out *T*-1 ,] [ARG0 the Perkin-Elmer unit] [rel accounted] for [ARG1-for more than half the $ 145 million *U* in sales recorded * by the company 's government systems sector] .
- [ARG0 The plant] [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for 20 % to 25 % *U* of Quantum 's polyethylene production and 50 % of its ethylene production] .
- There has been [ARG0 little news] 0 *T*-1 to [rel account] for [ARG1-for such buoyancy in the oil markets] .
- Should sales continue *-2 to be strong through [ARG0 the Christmas season] , which *T*-1 [rel accounts] for [ARG1-for about 60 % of U.S. retail toy sales] , Mr. Kwan said 0 the Ninja Turtles could make 1989 a record sales year for Playmates .