Computer Science 246/446
Spring 2025
- No credit for late homework.
- Programming assignments must be in Python, and must run on your instructional account on
- Use numpy for matrix operations.
- Connect to instructional machines via ssh to write and to turn in your code.
- If you do not already have a CS instructional account, visit
- To turn in programming assignments, run the command /u/cs446/TURN_IN
- Homework 1, due Tues 1/28 in class
- Bishop 1.3
- Bishop 1.11
- Let (X ⫫ Y) denote that X and Y are independent, and let (X ⫫ Y|Z) denote that X and Y are independent conditioned on Z (Bishop p. 373).
Are the following properties true? Prove or disprove.
(X ⫫ W|Z,Y) ∧ (X ⫫ Y|Z) ⇒ (X ⫫ Y,W|Z)
(X ⫫ Y|Z) ∧ (X ⫫ Y|W) ⇒ (X ⫫ Y|Z,W)
- Homework 2, due Fri 1/31 5pm by turn-in script
Implement perceptron
for the adult income dataset using Python.
Data available in /u/cs446/data/adult.
Experiment with performance as a function of number of iterations.
See detailed interface instructions and put your code in this skeleton Python file. To run a simple test of basic functionality, download and run this smoke test file in the same directory as your Python file (uses Python 3).
- Homework 3, due Fri 2/14 5pm by turnin script
Implement backprop
for the adult income dataset. Download the files in this archive and extract them using
tar xzvf backprop_files.tar.gz . See detailed instructions.
- Homework 4, due Thu 2/20 in class
Bishop 4.8, 5.4, 5.7, 5.17
- Practice Problems: not collected
Bishop 6.2, 6.11, 7.2, 7.4
- Homework 5, due Tu 3/4 in class
Review problems handed out in class.
- Homework 6, due Fri 4/11 5pm, by turnin script
Implement EM fitting of a mixture of gaussians on the two-dimensional
data set points.dat. You should
try different numbers of mixtures, as well as tied vs. separate
covariance matrices for each gaussian. Use this skeleton file (different than the skeleton below).
Implement EM fitting of the aspect model on the
discrete data set pairs.dat.
You should try different numbers of mixtures. Use this skeleton file (different than the skeleton above).
Use the final 1/10 of the data for dev.
Plot likelihood on train and dev vs iteration
for different numbers of mixtures. Follow these detailed instructions. Use the contents of this archive to test your code prior to submitting.
- Homework 7, due Fri 4/18 5pm
Implement EM to train an HMM for whichever dataset
you used for assignment 7. Use the first 900 observations as a single training sequence, and the last 100 as a single development sequence.
The observation probs should be as in assignment 7:
either gaussian, or two discrete distributions conditionally
independent given the hidden state.
Does the HMM model the data better than the original
non-sequence model? What is the best number of states?
The Gaussian skeleton is here.
The aspect skeleton is here.
The smoke test files are in this archive.
- Practice Problems: not collected
Bishop 9.8, 9.9, 11.12, 11.13
- Homework 8, due in class 5/1
Review problems handed out in class.
gildea @ cs rochester edu
March 27, 2025