Computer Science 248/448

Statistical Speech and Language Processing

Fall 2022

Instructor: Dan Gildea (Office hours: Tu/Th 2:00-3:00pm, Wegmans 3019)
TA: Pinxin Liu (Andy) pliu23 @ (Office hours: M/W 2:00-3:00pm, Wegmans 2215)
Time: Tu/Th 11:05am-12:20pm, 101 Hylan


Recommended resources:


Onwe will coverwhich means that after class you will understandif before class you have read
9/1 Perceptron for Tagging NLP = ML + DP Collins 2002
9/6 Penn Treebank right node raising
9/8 CRFs f - E[f] McCallum 2001
9/13 Hidden Markov Models viterbi, forward JM App A
9/15 Pytorch tensors tutorial
9/20 Neural CRFs convexity Peng 2008
9/22 Context Free Grammars highest prob string, infinite trees JM 13
9/27 latent CRF
9/29 EM for HMM JM App A
10/4 Context Free Grammars viterbi, inside-outside
10/6 Context Free Grammars viterbi, inside-outside
10/13 Parsing minimum risk decoding, max-margin Finkel 08
10/18 Parsing crf parsing, neural parsing Durrett 2015
10/20 Weighted Deduction swiss german Goodman 1999
10/25 Review
10/27 Midterm
11/1 Midterm Solutions
11/3 Search dijkstra, knuth, a*
11/8 Semantics lambda calculus JM 20, Zettlemoyer 2005, Liang 2011
11/15 Search Dijsktra, Knuth
11/17 A* parsing, beam search linear-time earley Nederhof 2003
11/22 Transformers attention Vaswani 2017
11/29 Machine Translation BPE, BLEU Papineni 2002, Sennrich 2016
12/1 Neural Machine Translation REINFORCE Ranzato 2016
12/6 Encoder Pretraining bert and bart Bert
12/8 Grammar induction Compound PCFGs Kim, Dyer, and Rush 2019
12/13 Review
Final exam: Tu 12/20 7:15-10:15pm in 101 Hylan.


  • Homeworks: 40%
  • Midterm: 25%
  • Final: 35%
  • No late homework
  • Programming assignments must be in python, and must run on class account

gildea @ cs rochester edu
November 17, 2022