IPPPLAYER(1) User Commands IPPPLAYER(1) NAME ippplayer - Internet Poker Protocol player client SYNOPSIS ippplayer [-server HOST:PORT] [-size large|small] [-mode default|random|agressive|smart] NAME [BUYIN] DESCRIPTION This program launches an automated Internet Poker Protocol (IPP) player. The player connects to the IPP server, identi- fies itself as NAME, and then plays in the game. Various modes (styles) of play can be selected using the -mode option. OPTIONS -server HOST:PORT Specifies the TCP port on which to contact the server. The default is localhost:9898. -size large|small Specifies the size of the graphical display, if one is enabled. The large display is more readable, but several small displays will fit on a single workstation screen. -mode MODE Specifies the style of play for the player. The default mode will stay in the game, the random mode will select uniformly from legal options each time it needs to play, the aggresive mode will open or raise whenever possible. The smart option is not yet implemented. SEE ALSO ippd(1), ipphuman(1). AUTHOR George Ferguson (ferguson@cs.rochester.edu). U of Rochester Last change: 9 Oct 1998 1