Office: 3005 Wegmans Hall
Office Hours: Tue 2:00-4:00 pm
About Me
I'm an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester and an affiliated faculty member of the Goergen Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (GIDS-AI) . My research originates in computer vision and tackles interdisciplinary topics, including video understanding, audio-visual learning, vision and language, and methods for trustworthy AI. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2016.
CV: pdf
Bio: txt
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Prospective Students:
Thank you for your interest in my research! I am looking for highly motivated students to join my group. If you’d like to work with me, please apply to the URCS PhD program (no application fee) and mention my name in your personal statement.
Due to the high volume of inquiries, I may not be able to respond to emails, but I will carefully review all applications submitted through the official process.
02/2025 - 4 papers accepted by CVPR'25 .
12/2024 - Our DAVIS paper won ACCV 2024 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention .
12/2024 - 3 papers accepted by AAAI'25 and 1 paper accepted by 3DV'25 .
10/2024 - UR communications released an interview with me on video deepfakes .
09/2024 - I will give an invited talk in ECCV'24 AVGenL Workshop .
09/2024 - 2 papers accepted by ACCV'24 and 1 findings paper accepted by EMNLP'24 .
08/2024 - Team won a $2.9m NIH R01 grant on AI for public health and social media.
08/2024 - Received a $100k grant from Sony.
07/2024 - 2 ECCV'24 papers, 1 ACM MM'24 paper, and 1 SIGGRAPH Asia'24 paper accepted.
06/2024 - Received a $75k research gift from Cisco.
03/2024 - 1 findings paper accepted by NAACL'24 .
02/2024 - 2 papers accepted by CVPR'24 .
01/2024 - 1 paper accepted by ICLR'24 and 1 findings paper accepted by EACL'24 .
01/2024 - Received the Outstanding Speaker award at 1st Physical Retail AI Workshop in WACV'24.
12/2023 - Continuing updating a survey paper on video understanding with LLMs .
12/2023 - 2 papers accepted by ICASSP'24 .
11/2023 - 1 AI-for-Science paper published at npj computational materials , covered by UR News .
09/2023 - 1 paper accepted by NeurIPS'23 .
09/2023 - Received a $100k grant from Sony.
09/2023 - Team won a $2.9m NIH R01 grant on video description and QA for blind people.
08/2023 - To serve as an Area Chair for CVPR'24.
08/2023 - Received a $60k grant from the Center of Excellence in Data Science as PI.
07/2023 - 1 paper accepted by ICCV'23 , and 1 paper accepted by UIST'23 .
06/2023 - Graduated #4 Ph.D. Dr. Zhiheng Li , who joined Amazon AWS Bedrock as a research scientist.
05/2023 - Zhiheng Li to present in CVPR'23 Doctoral Consortium .
04/2023 - To serve as an Area Chair for ACM Multimedia'23.
02/2023 - 2 papers accepted by CVPR'23 .
12/2022 - To serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
10/2022 - Received a $60k grant from Sony.
09/2022 - Graduated #3 Ph.D. Dr. Jing Shi , who joined Adobe Research as a research scientist.
07/2022 - 1 paper accepted by ACM Multimedia'22 , and 1 paper accepted by ECCV'22 .
06/2022 - Graduated #2 Ph.D. Dr. Yapeng Tian , who joined UT Dallas as a t-t assistant professor.
05/2022 - Graduated #1 Ph.D. Dr. Lele Chen , who joined Oppo US Research as a staff research scientist.
05/2022 - Received a $574k DOE NNSA grant as Co-PI.
04/2022 - Yapeng Tian to present in CVPR'22 Doctoral Consortium .
04/2022 - Received a $375k NSF CDS&E grant as Co-PI.
02/2022 - 4 papers accepted by CVPR'22 .
01/2022 - Team won a $5.9m DARPA PTG award.
12/2021 - Received a $7k gift from Adobe.
11/2021 - Received a $70k gift from Corning.
11/2021 - Received a $20k seed grant from GIDS as Co-PI.
11/2021 - Received a $400k grant from Facebook (now Meta) as PI.
09/2021 - Received a $10k gift from Adobe.
09/2021 - Received a $60k grant from the Center of Excellence in Data Science as PI.
07/2021 - 5 papers accepted by ICCV'21 .
06/2021 - Received the James P. Wilmot Distinguished Professorship .
06/2021 - Received a $70k University Research Award as Co-PI.
06/2021 - Gave an invited talk at the Sight and Sound Workshop of CVPR'21.
06/2021 - Organized a tutorial on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding at CVPR'21.
04/2021 - Gave an invited talk at Facebook Reality Labs.
03/2021 - Received gifts from Adobe ($7k ), Corning ($30k ), and Oppo ($30k ).
02/2021 - 4 papers accepted by CVPR'21 .
01/2021 - Gave an invited talk at Aibee.
01/2021 - Organized a tutorial on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding at WACV'21 .
12/2020 - URCS ranked 8th nationally in Computer Vision in 2020 by CSrankings .
11/2020 - Received a $7.5k gift from Adobe.
10/2020 - Gave an invited talk at MIT.
07/2020 - 2 papers accepted by ECCV'20 .
06/2020 - 4 papers presented at the Sight and Sound Workshop in CVPR'20.
04/2020 - Lele Chen won UR's Barnard Fellowship.
02/2020 - 4 papers accepted by CVPR'20 .
01/2020 - Received a $199k NSF IIS grant as PI.
11/2019 - 1 paper accepted by AAAI'20 .
11/2019 - Won a Best Paper Award at the 17th ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI.
10/2019 - Received a $30k gift from Corning.
09/2019 - 1 paper accepted by IJCV .
09/2019 - Received a $40k grant from the Center of Excellence in Data Science as PI.
09/2019 - Received $28.5k gifts from Adobe.
09/2019 - Received a $75k grant from NIST.
07/2019 - 1 paper accepted by the Journal of Vision.
06/2019 - Work covered by IEEE Computer Society Tech News .
06/2019 - 3 papers presented at the Sight and Sound Workshop in CVPR'19.
05/2019 - 1 paper accepted by IJCAI'19 .
02/2019 - 2 papers accepted by CVPR'19 .
09/2018 - Received a $55k gift from Viscovery.
08/2018 - Received a $450k NSF IIS grant as PI.
07/2018 - Received a $489k NSF CDS&E grant as Co-PI.
07/2018 - 2 papers and 1 demo accepted by ECCV'18 .
03/2018 - Received a $60k gift from Tencent Rhino-Bird Award.
02/2018 - 1 paper accepted by CVPR'18 .
11/2017 - 1 paper accepted by AAAI'18 .
08/2017 - Received a $650k NSF BIGDATA grant as PI.
08/2017 - Received GPU donations from NVIDIA.
07/2017 - Won a Best Paper Award at Sound and Music Computing 2017!
07/2017 - Received a $50k AR/VR Pilot Award as Co-PI.
07/2017 - Received a $30k gift from Markable.
07/2017 - Organized a workshop Brave new ideas for motion representations in videos in CVPR'17
07/2017 - Gave an invited talk at the DAVIS Challenge in CVPR'17.
02/2017 - 1 paper accepted by CVPR'17 .
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