Syntax of the input language *

* 254 students can use the simplifications given at the end.

<program> --> <data decls> <func list>
<func list> --> empty | <func> <func list>
<func> --> <func decl> semicolon | <func decl> left_brace <data decls> <statements> right_brace
<func decl> --> <type name> ID left_parenthesis <parameter list> right_parenthesis
<type name> --> int | void | binary | decimal
<parameter list> --> empty | void | <non-empty list>
<non-empty list> --> <type name> ID | <non-empty list> comma <type name> ID
<data decls> --> empty | <type name> <id list> semicolon <data decls>
<id list> --> <id> | <id list> comma <id>
<id> --> ID | ID left_bracket <expression> right_bracket

<block statements> --> left_brace <statements> right_brace
<statements> --> empty | <statement> <statements>
<statement> --> <assignment> | <func call> | <if statement> | <while statement> | <return statement> | <break statement> | <continue statement> | read left_parenthesis  ID right_parenthesis semicolon | write left_parenthesis <expression> right_parenthesis semicolon | print left_parenthesis  STRING right_parenthesis semicolon
<assignment> --> <id> equal_sign <expression> semicolon
<func call> --> ID left_parenthesis <expr list> right_parenthesis semicolon
<expr list> --> empty | <non-empty expr list>
<non-empty expr list> --> <expression> | <non-empty expr list> comma <expression>

<if statement> --> if left_parenthesis <condition expression> right_parenthesis <block statements>
<condition expression> -->  <condition> | <condition> <condition op> <condition>
<condition op> --> double_end_sign | double_or_sign
<condition> --> <expression> <comparison op> <expression>
<comparison op> --> == | != | > | >= | < | <=

<while statement> --> while left_parenthesis <condition expression> right_parenthesis <block statements>
<return statement> --> return <expression> semicolon | return semicolon
<break statement> ---> break semicolon
<continue statement> ---> continue semicolon

<expression> --> <term> | <expression> <addop> <term>
<addop> --> plus_sign | minus_sign
<term> --> <factor> | <term> <mulop> <factor>
<mulop> --> star_sign | forward_slash
<factor> --> ID | ID left_bracket <expression> right_bracket | ID left_parenthesis <expr list> right_parenthesis | NUMBER | minus_sign NUMBER | left_parenthesis <expression> right_parenthesis

254 students: Can assume that <condition expression> is always in the simpler format of  ((ID | Number) <comparison op> (ID | Number)).  Do not need to implement array decls in <id> and array references in <expression>.

Last modified 2:41pm September 27, 2001