HIPS 2007

12th International Workshop on
High-Level Parallel Programming Models and
Supportive Environments

held in conjunction with IPDPS 2007

March 26th, 2007, Renaissance Long Beach Hotel, Long Beach, California USA

Workshop Program (with presentation slides)

(The chair's foreword with a summary of accepted papers)

Keynotes (10:30am-12:20pm)

Programming Distributed Memory Sytems Using OpenMP (slides, paper)    Rudolf Eigenmann, Purdue University

The OpenUH Compiler: A Community Resource (slides, abstract)      Barbara Mary Chapman, University of  Houston


The 12th HIPS workshop is a full-day meeting to be held at the IPDPS 2007 focusing on high-level programming of chip multi-processors (multi-core PCs), computing clusters, and massively-parallel machines. Like its predecessors, the workshop seeks cross-fertilizing research in areas of parallel applications, language design, compilers, run-time systems, and programming tools. It provides a timely and lightweight forum for scientists and engineers to present the latest ideas, findings, and tools in these rapidly changing fields. This year we especially encourage innovative approaches for programming the increasingly popular chip multi-processors and the fast growing large-scale parallel systems. The topics include but are not limited to

Schedule and Submission Procedure:

The HIPS workshop proceedings will be published electronically along with the IPDPS conference proceedings. Submitted manuscripts should be formatted according to IPDPS proceedingss guidelines: 10-point fonts, single-spaced, and two-column format. The page size is US letter (8.5x11 inch). The maximal length is 8 pages. Detailed formatting instructions can be found here . Latex users can download the style file and examples. All papers must be in English.

The workshop uses EDAS conference manager for submission and notification. An author needs to register with EDAS as a user, start the paper by inputting the title and the abstract in plain text, and then submit the full paper in pdf. Please click here to start the process and follow the instructions.


This event is supported by:

Previous HIPS Workshops: