

Texts: Carlson Reserves, on-line tutorials, used copies of Attaway Text...

Run matlab, play tutorial. Windows, editor, help, completion, etc. Running from your computer: see X11 Forwarding with SSH.

Matlab is horrifically interpreted, flexible, polymorphous, transgendered, default- and convention ridden, fickle. Total triumph of engineering opportunism over elegance and simplicity. HOWEVER, it usually does what you want, AND if anything seems complicated you're probably not going about it the cutest way.

>> help ones ONES Ones array. ONES(N) is an N-by-N matrix of ones. ONES(M,N) or ONES([M,N]) is an M-by-N matrix of ones. ONES(M,N,P,...) or ONES([M N P ...]) is an M-by-N-by-P-by-... array of ones. ONES(SIZE(A)) is same size as A, all ones. ONES with no arguments is the scalar 1. ONES(M,N,...,CLASSNAME) or ONES([M,N,...],CLASSNAME) is an M-by-N-by-... array of ones of class CLASSNAME. e.g. x = ones(2,3,'int8'); Note: The size inputs M, N, and P... should be nonnegative integers. Negative integers are treated as 0. See also eye, zeros: Reference page in Help browser: doc ones

There's more...

It gets worse. max exhibits several typical Matlab family traits...

 MAX    Largest component.
    For vectors, MAX(X) is the largest element in X. For matrices,
    MAX(X) is a row vector containing the maximum element from each
    column. For N-D arrays, MAX(X) operates along the first
    non-singleton dimension.
    [Y,I] = MAX(X) returns the indices of the maximum values in vector I.
    If the values along the first non-singleton dimension contain more
    than one maximal element, the index of the first one is returned.
    MAX(X,Y) returns an array the same size as X and Y with the
    largest elements taken from X or Y. Either one can be a scalar.
    [Y,I] = MAX(X,[],DIM) operates along the dimension DIM. 
    When X is complex, the maximum is computed using the magnitude
    MAX(ABS(X)). In the case of equal magnitude elements, then the phase
    angle MAX(ANGLE(X)) is used.
    NaN's are ignored when computing the maximum. When all elements in X
    are NaN's, then the first one is returned as the maximum.
    Example: If X = [2 8 4   then max(X,[],1) is [7 8 9],
                     7 3 9]
        max(X,[],2) is [8    and max(X,5) is [5 8 5
                        9],                   7 5 9].
    See also min, median, mean, sort.

    Overloaded methods:

    Reference page in Help browser
       doc max

Matlab Examples 1

function cbdemo(N) %lives in file cbdemo.m xrange = linspace(0,2*pi,N); % make vectors, % built-in consts yrange = linspace(0,25*pi,N); lf_sine = sin(xrange); % vectorized functions hf_sine = sin(yrange); figure % new graphic window: else create and reuse plot(lf_sine+ .2*hf_sine); % bare-bones graphics yrange = linspace(0,8*pi,N); mf_sine = sin(yrange); z= zeros(N); %typical default: (N,N) for x = 1:N % control statements for y = 1:N z(x,y) = lf_sine(x)+.2*mf_sine(y); end end figure % new graphic window surf(xrange,yrange,z); % bare-bones graphics end %function % run like: % >> cbdemo(100)


Matlab Example 2

disp('average of squares of integers from 1 to 5.'); total = 1^2+ 2^2+ 3^2+ 4^2+ 5^2; avesq = total/5 disp('add up integers from 1 to 50.'); disp(sum(1:50)); %default increment is 1 disp('vectorization: sum squares, 1 to 5.'); avesq2= sum([1:5].^2) / 5 % using more built-in power

CSC 160

Teleport to CSC160 .

Cuteness with : Operator and Array indexing

X = magic(4) X = 16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 4 14 15 1 X(:,2) = [] X = 16 3 13 5 10 8 9 6 12 4 15 1

Following makes you appreciate information hiding, methods, abstract data types, etc... X(2,2) ans = 10 % but X(2:2) ans = 5 WTF? As is possible in C, 2-D matrices are stored as 1-D array (columnwise) and may be addressed that way (as in C's pointer arithmetic). Matlab here is forced to use a single number (the range 2:2) as index. It gets worse of course, since the whole horror vectorizes. X(2:10) % 2:10 is a range of single indices, % so vector answer. ans = 5 9 4 3 20 6 15 13 8 X(2:2:10) %count by twos in range ans = 5 4 20 15 8

Other Surprises

if...elseif...end No then!

end terminates
for, while, switch, try, if, function,
also indicates last index of array (welcome to Matlab ;-} ).

Structuring functions:

Robot simulator

Surely this is an early effort. Pretty convoluted if-else's! Simulates robot in an array "grid world".

% Matlab Simulator for Meccano Robot
% Programmed by Olac El Terrible

worldsize = 360;
maxtime = 10000;
world = 250*ones(worldsize,worldsize);
obstacle_size = 40;
tot_obstacles = 7;
obstacle = 250*ones(obstacle_size,obstacle_size);
start = [21; 21];
goal = [worldsize;worldsize];
obstacles = [60,60; 140,140; 220,100;140,220;220,180;260,260;60,180];
for i=1:tot_obstacles
	start_row = obstacles(i,1);
	start_col = obstacles(i,2);
               start_col:start_col+obstacle_size-1) = obstacle;

ir_source = goal;
pos = start;
theta = 1;
power = 5;

for i=1:maxtime
	col = pos(2);
	[theta power]
	sx = 5*[cos(theta+1.57);sin(theta+1.57)];
	sy = 20*[cos(theta);sin(theta)];
	vertices = [pos+(sx+sy),pos+sx,pos-sx,pos+(-sx+sy)];
	mpl = round((vertices(:,1)+vertices(:,2))*.5);
	mpr = round((vertices(:,3)+vertices(:,4))*.5);
	rv = round(vertices);
	bump_fl = world(rv(1,1),rv(2,1));
	bump_fr = world(rv(1,4),rv(2,4));
	bump_back = world(rv(1,2),rv(2,2))+world(rv(1,3),rv(2,3));
	bump_l = world(mpl(1),mpl(2));
	bump_r = world(mpr(1),mpr(2));
%	image(world);
	line_to_beacon = ir_source - pos;
	front_beacon_angle = atan2(line_to_beacon(2),line_to_beacon(1))-theta;
	front_beacon = max(255*cos(front_beacon_angle),0);
	left_beacon = max(255*cos(front_beacon_angle-1.5708),0)	;
	right_beacon = max(255*cos(front_beacon_angle+1.5708),0);
	back_beacon = max(255*cos(front_beacon_angle-pi),0);
	beacons = [front_beacon,left_beacon,right_beacon,back_beacon];
	photo_front = world(round(row+cos(theta)*35),
	photo_left = world(round(row+cos(theta-.2)*35),
	photo_right = world(round(row+cos(theta+.2)*35),
	[photo_front photo_left photo_right]
	if bump_fl
		power = -5;
		theta = theta -.7;
	elseif bump_fr
		power = -5;
		theta = theta +.7;
	elseif bump_l	
		theta = theta - .3;
	elseif bump_r
		theta = theta + .3;
	elseif bump_back
		power = 5;
  	 if photo_left 
	  if photo_front 	
	    theta = theta + .6;
	    theta = theta + .3;
	  if photo_right
	    if photo_front 	
	     theta = theta - .6;
	     theta = theta - .3;

	pos = pos + power*[cos(theta);sin(theta)];	

Homework To Hand In!

Please look over the content and tutorial materials for the three possible Matlab projects (Ray Tracing, Ballistics, Pivoting Research), and bring to class a piece of paper with your likely favorite written down.
