Archiving data structures README: this file FEV.h FEVtypes.h: define particular struct types for silly-simple graphical representation: faces, edges, vertices. a face is in a circ. list of faces, each of which has a circ. list of edges, each of which has two vertices, each of which has a matrix. FEV.c: a ton of hastily-written maybe-useful utilities for creating, printing, reading... FEV structs. Lots of annoying debugging output: should have " if (DEBUG)" in front of all printfs. tetra.c: produces a pointer to a legal tetrahedron linked (non-printable) data structure. struct_to_file.c: INCOMPLETE does the work to create printable structs from a VEF struct and in a recursive, depth-first way to visit the structs, convert them, and print the resulting p-structs out. Argument is a "head pointer" into the data structure. struct_to_file_format: CB's format for an archived (printed) data structure. In place of pointers, ints implicitly refer to associated arrays of pointers to (non-printable) structs to be constructed and linked by pointers. file_to_struct.c: INCOMPLETE a two-pass algorithm to recreate a linked data structure from an archived printable one: returns the original "head pointer". matrix code: all we need (creation and printing) is in the ../matrix directory. struct_file_format: format for disk file with printed out struct information, either for test input or generated by writing out a the printable form of an initially linked structure. E.g. the next two files are in this format. very simple nonsense FEV structure file for debugging. the file I get by running file_to_struct on psfile_in.dat and running struct_to_file on the result (a get_put_get) scenario, complentary to the put-get_put scenario of the assignment). put_get_put.c: creates, archives, reconstructs, rearchives a tetrahedron. Maketest: produces the executable for demonstrations like the above. mini_example/: was meant to help, but may just be waste of your time. Feel free to ignore.