CSC 173: What? Where? When? How?


Our "Workshop Leader"(s) conduct(s) an (optional) "workshop"-style discussion and problem-solving meeting, time and place TBD.


Find assignment descriptions on the 173 Home Page at CS under the course "Projects and Exercises" link, divided into modules. Each module has a "Written" link and a "Programming" link. The two types of assignment run in parallel, as shown on the "Schedule" link from the CS 173 main page.

Written assignments are hardcopy, submitted on implicit dates, as indicated on the Projects and Exercises page.

Programming assignments have explicit due dates given on Blackboard and are submitted through Blackboard. From BB: Control Panel -> Content Areas (Course Materials) -> Assignments Folder.


Originally 173 had no primary or expected specific readings -- the idea was for you to go out and find your own. Over the years we've found some reliable readings (see syllabus). Feel free to adapt the spirit of this section, though.
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Last Change: 8/22/14