CSC 173: What? Where? When? How?
Our "Workshop Leader"(s) conduct(s) an (optional) "workshop"-style discussion and
problem-solving meeting, time and place TBD.
Find assignment descriptions on the 173 Home Page at CS
under the course "Projects and Exercises" link, divided into
Each module has a "Written" link and a "Programming" link.
The two types of assignment run in parallel, as shown on the
"Schedule" link from the CS 173 main page.
Written assignments are hardcopy,
submitted on implicit
dates, as indicated on the Projects and Exercises page.
Programming assignments have explicit due dates
given on Blackboard and are submitted
through Blackboard. From BB: Control Panel -> Content Areas
(Course Materials) -> Assignments Folder.
Originally 173 had no primary or expected specific readings -- the
idea was for you to go out and find your own. Over the years we've
found some reliable readings (see syllabus). Feel free to adapt the
spirit of this section, though.
- There are two suggested texts, both available on line, one on Prolog
programming and one on Scheme programming.
- The distributed textbook link (CS 173 Main-Page -> Resources (The
Distributed Textbook)) has lots of books and web pages, overheads and
class notes I found that
could be useful or sympatico: different people like different tutorial
- On the CS Home Page -> Schedule page,
I've tried to indicate
"main" readings for every week on the "Schedule" page,
but that's just my opinion, and
students in past years have come up with their own ideas, some of which I've
adapted. One of your goals for 173 is to get familiar with resources.
Also there is a "lecture notes"
column that may or may not have something useful, like maybe the
overheads for a particular lecture, notes, whatever. No guarantees.
- On Blackboard, Control Panel -> Content Areas (Reserves) shows
you both hardcopy books on reserve in Carlson (should have everything
mentioned in the 'distributed textbook' list) and the very important
electronic reserves (readable, downloadable, printable), which are
often my choice for 'main' readings.
- On Blackboard, Control Panel -> Content Areas (Course Materials)
has readings I considered important enough to produce myself or scan
for you. For lambda calculus, the 'main' readings are here, for
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