CSC 246/446, Spring 2010

Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

Daniel Stefankovic (CSB 620), office hours: Wed 5-6pm

Time: TR 11:05-12:20, Place: CSB 632



Recommended I:

Recommended II:


  1. (Probability theory) - due Jan. 28 - all exercises from handouts 1,2.
  2. (Statistics I) - due Feb. 11 - all exercises from handout 3.
  3. (Statistics II) - due Feb. 16 - all exercises from handout 4.
  4. (Statistics III + EM + SVM's) - due Mar. 2 - all exercises from handouts 5,6,7,8.
  5. (Graphical models + HMM's) - due Apr. 1 - all exercises from handouts 9,10.


  1. Project 1 - due Mar. 15 11:59pm (send me .pdf + code in email) + printed version of the report (no code) next class (Mar. 16)

Lecture plan (tentative)


Homework/Project Rules