Assignment 1, DSC 530, 2019 Due Mon Sept 16/19 Mapping phrase structure to dependency structure ```````````````````````````````````````````````` Phrase structure and dependency structure are nearly interchangeable -- NLP researchers tend to prefer the former for compositional semantics, the latter for thematic-role semantics. In this assignment we'll see how well we can do in mapping phrase structure to dependency structure. You can use the programming language of your choice. We'll make use of Stanford's excellent online parser at, which simultaneously produces POS tags, phrase structure parses (also called constituency parses), and dependency parses. Have a look right away, and try it on a few examples! This site will let you exercise your intuitions, and try out your code on miscellaneous examples. Impress me with the variety of examples you can get right, or just about right :-) Instead of just dreaming up examples, you might check out more specifically for simple sentences. For concreteness consider "The boy is looking eagerly for his beloved Juliet." Using the online parser, we have Parse (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN boy)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG looking) (ADVP (RB eagerly)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (JJ beloved) (NN Juliet))))) (. .))) Universal dependencies det(boy-2, The-1) nsubj(looking-4, boy-2) aux(looking-4, is-3) root(ROOT-0, looking-4) advmod(looking-4, eagerly-5) case(Juliet-9, for-6) nmod:poss(Juliet-9, his-7) amod(Juliet-9, beloved-8) nmod(looking-4, Juliet-9) You should 1. Write a program named 'index-words' that attaches numeric word-order indices (suffixes) to the words. Do this based on the phrase structure tree (PST), not the input. For example, the PST above should become (ROOT (S (NP (DT The-1) (NN boy-2)) (VP (VBZ is-3) (VP (VBG looking-4) (ADVP (RB eagerly-5)) (PP (IN for-6) (NP (PRP$ his-7) (JJ beloved-8) (NN Juliet-9))))) (. .))) This is a bit tricky -- we want a recursive descent that returns a modified version of the original list structure. Before you continue reading, give the problem some independent thought; this will help you understand my suggestions (or maybe you'll find a better approach). One way is to define a helper function 'ind-words' that takes two arguments, say i and expr1, where i is the highest number that has so far been assigned to a word in the tree, and expr1 is the expression to be modified (by adding indices to words occurring in it). The function should return a pair of values, say j and expr2, where j is the highest index that has been assigned in the course of processing expr1, and expr2 is the modification of expr1 with words now indexed. (You will also need a helper function for combining a word w with an index i, yielding w-i, the indexed word.) Then 'index-words' applied to expr1 can be defined essentially as the second (non-index) part of the output of 'ind-words', applied to index 0 and expr1. The recursive operation of 'ind-words' might distinguish 4 cases for arguments i, expr1: - expr1 is of form atom (just an atomic symbol); then the result is the pair (i expr1); (exactly how you represent pairs will depend on the programming language you're using) - expr1 is a pair (atom1 atom2) (e.g., like (DT The)); then the result is the pair ([i+1] (atom1 atom2-[i+1])); - expr1 is of form (atom expr2 ...); then 'ind-words' should be applied recursively to arguments i, (expr2 ...), with result, say, (j (expr2' ...)); then the result is (j (atom expr2' ...)); - expr1 is of form (list1 {list2} ...); then 'ind-words' should be applied recursively to arguments i, list1, with result, say, (j list1'); and then 'ind-words' should be applied to arguments j, ({list2} ...) (if any), with result, say, (k ({list2'} ...)); the combined result (k (list1' {list2'} ...)) should be returned. Maybe you'll come up with a better, more transparent method? 2. Next, we need a program that marks phrasal atoms (like S, NP, VP ...) with their "head words". In dependency theory, these are the "main content word" of a phrase. For instance: head-word{(NP (DT The-1) (NN boy-2))} = boy-2; head-word{(NP (PRP$ his-7) (JJ beloved-8) (NN Juliet-9))} = Juliet-9; head-word{(PP (IN for-6) (NP (PRP$ his-7) (JJ beloved-8) (NN Juliet-9))))} = (still) Juliet-9; head-word{(VP (VBG looking-4) (ADVP (RB eagerly-5)) (PP (IN for-6)...))} = looking-4; head-word{(VP (VBZ is-3) (VP (VBG looking-4) (ADVP (RB eagerly-5))...))} = (still) looking-4; and head-word{(S ...)} = (still) looking-4. By marking the phrasal atoms with their head words we mean, e.g., replacing (NP (DT The-1) (NN boy-2)) in the above example with ((NP boy-2) (DT The-1) (NN boy-2)); similarly, replacing PP in (PP (IN for-6) ...) with (PP Juliet-9), etc. The ROOT category is assumed not to have a head constituent, even though it has only one constituent, the S-constituent; so it gets marked as its own head word, ROOT-0. So the result should be (ROOT-0 ((S looking-4) ((NP boy-2) (DT The-1) (NN boy-2)) ((VP looking-4) (VBZ is-3) ((VP looking-4) (VBG looking-4) ((ADVP eagerly-5) (RB eagerly-5)) ((PP Juliet-9) (IN for-6) ((NP Juliet-9) (PRP$ his-7) (JJ beloved-8) (NN Juliet-9))))) (. .))) Note that the head-marking can "travel up" multiple levels. Basically, to find the head word to be added to a phrase category symbol XP, we - locate the *head phrase* subsumed by that phrase symbol XP; and - add the *head word* of that *head phrase* to XP. For example, the head phrase of a PP is considered (in dependency theory, not in phrase structure theory) to be the NP it subsumes; (i.e., the NP is considered the main *content phrase* of the PP, while the preposition is considered a "case marker" for the NP). So, to find the head word to be added to the PP, we look for the head word of its NP head phrase, which here is Juliet-9. So you can see how this leads to recursion: the head word added to each XP is "borrowed" from the head word of the head phrase it subsumes. Of course a constituent like (VBZ is-3) needs no change -- the phrase category symbol, VBZ (a lexical category, i.e. POS) is already paired with its head word (its only constituent). With these hints, & the outline of an approach to the rather similar task #1, I hope you'll be able to write this program. If people have trouble, I'll supply more hints. You'll need to be able to identify what the head phrase is in any given constituent. For instance, in a VP the head is always a lexical constituent of type VP or VB (i.e., VB, VBZ, VBD, VBN, VBG, (any others?)). So this should be done by a 'head-of' function; e.g. 'head-of' applied to (VP (VBZ is-3) (VP (VBG looking-4) ...)) is (VP (VBG looking-4) ...); and 'head-of' applied to (VP (VBG looking-4) ...) is (VBG looking-4) (Again, the former differs from phrase structure theory!) Note that you can learn about head relations by scrutinizing the Stanford parser outputs for examples of your choice. 3. Assuming you've managed tasks #1 and #2, you can begin to see how to derive the dependency relations. For example, consider ((VP looking-4) (VBG looking-4) ((ADVP eagerly-5) (RB eagerly-5)) ((PP Juliet-9) (IN for-6) ((NP Juliet-9) (PRP$ his-7) (JJ beloved-8) (NN Juliet-9)))) We look at the main category VP (with its head-marking, looking-4) in combination with each of its subsumed NON-HEAD phrases; i.e., we consider the ADVP phrase, and then the PP phrase. For each such pairing, we set up a dependency link and push it onto a shared list, Let's say the list is called 'links'. So, we set up a dependency based on the pairing (VP looking-4), ((ADVP eagerly-5) ...); for this we posit a link advmod(looking-4, eagerly-5); and push it onto links; next we look at the pairing (VP looking-4), ((PP Juliet-9) ...); for this we posit a link nmod(looking-4, Juliet-9) and push it onto links. Note that we don't pair (VP looking-4) with its head (VBG looking-4)! The links *to* looking-4 will be found at a higher structural level, i.e., a level where some XP has a NON-HEAD constituent marked with head word looking-4. Since we regard ROOT as such an XP, for convenience, this means at the top level we pair ROOT, (S looking-4) and correspondingly we put a link root(ROOT-0, looking-4) onto 'links'. In this way, traversing the head-word-marked tree recursively, we create the shared 'links' list containing all the dependencies. However, the method as described doesn't create the links in the desired order (as generated by the Stanford parser), namely in the order where the successive right elements of the dependency relations are word 1, word 2, word 3, etc. So there is a final step: 4. Sort the dependencies so that the word suffixes in the right-hand arguments appear in the order -1, -2, -3, etc. A sort function should be available in your programming language. IMPORTANT: A. Possibly, you'll be allowed a group project in future -- this one will be done individually (no looking at each other's code or algorithm outlines). B. You can send me your code as a zip file (linux compatible); maybe I'll get adventuresome and let you (or ask you) to submit on blackboard; if so, I'll let you know before the deadline (Sept 16). C. Good code always includes good documentation; that'll be 35-40% of your mark. Your main directory (and any subdirectory) should have a README file explaining briefly what the functions/programs in it do. The functions themselves should have comments indicating what their inputs and outputs are expected to look like (ideally, with examples for nontrivial programs) D. I probably won't be running your programs, except perhaps for spot- checks. I expect to be enlightened from sufficiently many examples of inputs and outputs (that you should provide) about how well your programs work, and how wide a range of strcutural phenomena they cover. Your only inputs should be phrase structure parses generated by the Stanford parser, and the Stanford dependency output should be shown alongside yours, if different. E. Describe the approach you took to various tasks, what problems you ran into, AND WHAT CONCLUSIONS YOU DRAW ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHRASE STRUCTURE AND DEPENDENCY STRUCTURE. F. Start work right away -- this is not a trivial assignment (but hopefully one that provides technical insights and training). Finally, I make mistakes, and sometimes fail to see potential difficulties in problems I formulate (alas). Any that you discover in the above, please let me know promptly! I hope this works out well for all of you, -LS