Psyche's Dream, Josephine Wall (c.2000) |
Len Schubert, 3003 Wegmans Hall, email: "last name"at"cs."etc".
Class time and location: Tue. and Thu. 11:05-12:20 pm; online in January, potentially Gavett 301 later
Office hours: Tue. and Thu. 5:00-6:30 pm (via "email alert"), or by appointment
Grad TA (part-time):
Lane Lawley, email: "first initial""last name"@cs.etc.
Office hours: TBD Lane's course web page
Undergrad TA: Elana Elman,
email: "first initial""last name""2"@u.etc.
Office hours: TBD
Undergrad TA: Catherine Giugno,
email: "first initial""last name"@u.etc.
Office hours: TBD
Basic Gridworld Code, ACL Version
Basic Gridworld Code, SBCL Version
Multiple Agents Gridworld Code
Multiple Agents Gridworld Code, with Randomized Runs
The Gridworld infrastructure code is at these links.
R. Daneel 2, David Works